Chronicles of an Interdimensional Drifter

Chapter 6: In the Real World



"Zhu Cuihua."

"Did you bring your ID card?"

"Yes, I did. Here you go."

"Alright, please introduce yourself."

"My name is Zhu Cuihua, I'm nineteen years old, and I'm from..."

In a small, minimalist conference room, a young man was leaning back in a leather office chair.

The man had delicate features, fair skin, and thick black hair neatly parted to reveal a smooth forehead. He wore a navy blue suit and a pair of vintage, literary gold-rimmed glasses perched on his nose. His dark eyes were intently focused on the resume in his hands.

Huh, what a well-dressed scoundrel.

This seemingly respectable fellow was Siegfried, who in reality worked as an HRBP (Human Resources Business Partner) at an electrical company. His main job was to interview front-line workers, such as assembly line workers and welders for various workshops. He was responsible for luring migrant workers from all over the country, introduced by labor agencies, into the factory for overtime work.

The girl named Zhu Cuihua in front of him was stumbling through her self-introduction while sneaking glances at Siegfried.

Admittedly, Siegfried's appearance was quite eye-catching in this setting.

"Why did you choose our company?"

"My family needs money, and my younger brother still needs to go to school. I want to find a stable job with insurance."

The girl answered while nervously fiddling with the pen in her hand.

It wasn't an unexpected answer. After all, there were only so many prosperous metropolises in this country, and the development in most areas still lagged behind.

Siegfried had seen dozens of young people like her in the past few days - with only a middle school education, leaving home at barely eighteen to seek work in big cities.

"Assembly line work is very demanding. You usually have to work from early morning to late evening. When there are a lot of orders, you might have to work overtime until eleven or twelve at night. Can you handle that?"

"That late?!"

The girl was startled, her expression clearly becoming hesitant. This was vastly different from the working hours the labor agency had told her.

Siegfried frowned helplessly.

These labor agencies often paint the factories as paradise on earth, describing the work as simple and the wages as high, in order to lure desperate migrant workers looking for jobs.

In reality, if one thought about it, why wouldn't local people work there if it was truly paradise?

Siegfried's job was to re-educate these poor, deceived souls.

"Although it might be tiring at first, you'll get used to it after a while."

"We offer meal allowances, housing allowances, transportation allowances, and the five social insurances and housing fund. You'd be hard-pressed to find another company around here with benefits like ours."

"Look, we have nearly a thousand front-line employees in our factory now, all working diligently without complaint. They're all migrant workers who came from other provinces to make a living, just like you. They don't have high educational qualifications either, but they've still managed to gain a foothold in this big city."

"Why? It's because of their hard work. Labor is the only source of material wealth, the only way to change one's living conditions."

"By sacrificing just a little bit of leisure time, you can earn eight to nine thousand or even over ten thousand yuan in salary. Isn't this the time for you to work hard, being so young?"

Siegfried smoothly fed the young girl a big promise, dazzling her to the point where she seemed ready to sign the labor contract on the spot.

Ever since acquiring the [Deceptive Speech] ability, Siegfried had been using it without reservation in his daily life. In just these few days, he had already tricked over fifty unfortunate souls onto the assembly line.

Siegfried had no doubt that if he used this ability to deceive girls, he could become an unprecedented master of seduction.

Of course, HR work wasn't just about this, but Siegfried was only a high school dropout who had never studied human resource management or administration. He could only do simple recruitment work in the company he had entered through connections.

After seeing off the repeatedly thankful Zhu Cuihua, there was still half an hour left before getting off work. Siegfried happily prepared to return to his workstation to slack off a bit before leaving.

[Mr. Wanderer, I'm glad to see you adapting so well to your ability.]

[Please try to master your ability as much as possible. Your equipment may be lost, your companions may betray you, but your mental power will always be your pillar.]

Shannon's ethereal voice resonated in his mind. Although this historian lady used respectful language in every sentence, there was still a sense of superiority in her tone.

Siegfried grimaced and said:

"Tsk~ I feel like your personality has changed since we signed the contract. What's the matter? Putting on airs now that you've got what you wanted?"

[That's just your imagination.]

"After all, if you're not a system, then what exactly are you? If my transmigration wasn't caused by you, then why am I caught up in all this?"

[That's not something you need to know right now, nor is it important. You only need to understand that as a Wanderer, you must be under our historians' control.]

(Yeah, right! As if I'd believe that!)

Siegfried cursed inwardly, but maintained a poker face.

In fact, he didn't even know what Shannon looked like, only able to hear that ethereal, pleasant voice. He even suspected that even his inner thoughts might be monitored.

[However, there is one point I can reveal to you. Usually, Wanderers are chosen by historians and given the ability to wander through different worlds, but your ability doesn't come from any historian.]

Siegfried frowned upon hearing this and asked:

"What do you mean? Am I a wild Wanderer?"

The voice in his mind was silent for a moment before answering:

[Even among the talented Wanderers, you are the most special one.]


The historian lady was clearly concealing quite a few important matters, but Siegfried couldn't force her to reveal them. After all, Shannon was technically his superior.

Although he still had many questions, he could only temporarily suppress his curiosity and return to his workstation to prepare to leave.

"Ah Jing, there's a dinner gathering tonight. Why don't you come with me?"

At the workstation to Siegfried's right, a middle-aged man with a beaming smile and a beer belly was persistently harassing his neighbor.

She was a tall woman with fair skin, distinct facial features, and an especially well-shaped nose bridge. She exuded a cold and aloof aura.

The most eye-catching thing about this woman was not her long, beautiful legs wrapped in black stockings, with hints of pink skin showing through... No! It should be the cold and proud temperament that emanated from within her.

Her name was Yang Jing, a new employee who joined the HR department last month, and also Siegfried's neighbor.

Since she joined, there had been a noticeable increase in male employees dropping by the HR department for no apparent reason. Siegfried, being close to her, was often caught by these suitors for interrogation.

It was always the same tiresome questions: What's your relationship with her? Have you added her on WeChat? Can you introduce me to her?

Although Siegfried liked beautiful women, especially those with long legs, some inexplicable intuition told him not to get involved with that woman, or it would be troublesome.

So Siegfried didn't offer much help to these suitors, and most of them were frozen out by Yang Jing's cold and indifferent gaze, their love stories ending before they even began.

However, in a big forest, there are bound to be a few bad apples.

Like this man who was currently trying to chat her up. He was the deputy director of the sales department, often using the pretext of giving work guidance to get handsy with the company's female employees.

Half a month ago, he came to the HR department to deliver some work documents and had since become a regular visitor, claiming it was for work communication. The actual situation was as you can see. After all, how much work could there possibly be to discuss between the sales department and the HR department?

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang, but I have plans tonight."

Yang Jing's voice was as cold as her demeanor, her response as curt as always, without a single extra word.

But Mr. Zhang was clearly unwilling to give up easily this time. He leaned down, bringing his oily face close to Yang Jing.

"Don't say that. Although we're from different departments, we're all colleagues. My original secretary can't make it today, so just help me out this once. Besides, the big shots from the industry will be at this dinner. Getting to know them and expanding your network could be very beneficial for your future career."

As he spoke, his hand had already found its way to Yang Jing's shoulder.

The woman's beautiful face, usually devoid of expression, now showed a rare look of disgust. However, she didn't offer any further rejection.

The surrounding colleagues all lowered their heads. Similar incidents had happened before, and some of the women present had also suffered from his advances.

Every large company seemed to have a leader like this - someone without real ability who relied on flattery or family background to hold a high position in the company, poisoning every normal, ordinary employee.

And this Mr. Zhang satisfied both of these conditions.

He often used promotions and other incentives to lure or force female employees or interns into relationships with him. Ordinary employees didn't dare to provoke him and could only keep their heads down and avoid confrontation.


Seeing that Yang Jing hadn't refused again, Mr. Zhang's smile grew increasingly lecherous. The hand on her shoulder became more brazen, and his eyes shamelessly roamed up and down Yang Jing's long, shapely legs.

Yang Jing's face darkened, her knuckles turning white as she gripped her pen, clearly on the verge of exploding.

"Well, well, Mr. Zhang, you're really dedicated to your work, aren't you?"

But dealing with such people isn't difficult; you just need to find another person with an equally strong background.


(Siegfried (Earth-like appearance))

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