Chronicles of the Exalted Sun Child

Book 1-05.1: Crossroads

With a parfait in front of her, a steamy romance pocket book, and a chilled glass of lavan juice, Krystal settled down for a lovely afternoon at the Olde Sweet Shoppe. She was alone in the al fresco dining area this time; most of the other kids her age were probably at the training hall. 

She should have been there but a girl needed a break every now and then. She had spent the last couple of days running for her life every morning, followed by whatever tortures Yuri chose to put herself through and attempted to inflict on Krystal. 

Animus technique training in the afternoon was a pain and the actual sparring even more so unless she was observing only. While she knew that she needed to build up her foundations, her Facet wasn’t completely combat-oriented. 

So, she intended to play hooky today. The book, The Taming of a Goddess,  in her hand was from her mother’s secret stash, something Krystal had discovered a couple of years back. Taking a spoonful of the sweet confection, she leafed through the pages until she found where she had stopped the night before and engrossed herself in the tale of love, adventure, and excitement.

The cream in the parfait had melted down by the time Krystal took another bite, engrossed as she was with her book. She grunted in annoyance but when she looked up, the thought of having her food replaced fled her mind. 

Mikel was walking aimlessly across the road. She hadn’t seen him in a while as he hadn’t attended Muscleman’s classes since the first day.

“Mikel!” she yelled, but he didn’t seem to hear. Frowning, she packed up her things, left a silver penny and ran after her childhood friend. She would have jumped over the al fresco area’s fence in her rush but she had chosen to wear a dress today. By the time she got out, Mikel was out of sight. 

Krystal crossed her eyes, summoning a bit of the light that dwelt in her centre. It raced up her Anima and entered the pattern etched in her mind. Her green eyes glowed blue with her Animus as she swept her gaze to where she saw Mikel walking to. A transparent figure materialized in front of her, looking vaguely humanoid and loosely shaped like the boy. She watched the figure walk down the road and turn left at the end of the block. 

Releasing her hold on her power, the image faded away and she briskly walked to where she saw him turn. Around the bend, she saw him about fifty paces away.

She walked up behind him and grabbed his head. “How dare you ignore me,” she growled in a low voice.

“Ahh!” Mikel squealed, jumping away and clutching at his chest. He startled so easily it was incredibly pleasing to sneak up on him. 

“Krystal!” he growled, and it would have been vaguely threatening if his voice didn’t break in between syllables, going from a bass to a high-pitched squeak. His already flushed face reddened even further, seeing Krystal’s smirk.


The shorter boy took a couple of deep breaths before he looked at her. “Ignoring you how?”

“Oh, so you’re so busy walking that you didn’t even hear the love of your life calling you?”

“Wh--what?” Mikel sputtered. “Who’s the love of my life?” His eyes darted around. 

“Me, of course! Didn’t you say I was the love of your life and you wanted to marry me?” Krystal grinned.

“I was five!”

“Your feelings have changed?” Krystal squinted, pretending to shed a tear, “And you said you’d love me forever!”

“Er, ah, well.” Mikel tugged at the collar of his shirt, “I mean, I…”

“How many girls have you said that to, you lecher?”

“Urgh,” Mikel groaned, “Stop it, Krys. I’m not in the mood.”

“Tsk, fine.” Krystal winked. “So, what’s got your panties in a bunch?”

“Hmmph, what else?” Mikel started walking away but Krystal caught up and stayed at his side.


“Not just. Mom told me she would be leaving on a mission soon.”

“Oh, my dad too. And Yuri’s as well.”

Mikel nodded, “When Mom started haranguing dad about the mess in the house, I knew something was wrong. Mom’s the messiest one. She started packing supplies, changing her mind, and repacking. Their room looks like a sty.”

“Sounds bad.”

“Mom is only hyper like that when she’s nervous or excited.”

“That’s not all of it,” Krystal said evenly.


“So it is about your Heritage.”

“I didn’t want Cypher. I wanted Pike.”

“So you got your mom’s. What’s wrong with it? It’s a powerful Heritage.”

The two of them continued walking, following the main avenue that eventually led to the Foreign Quarter on the east side of Faron’s Crossing. 

“Where are we going?” Krystal complained.

“Anywhere. I’m just taking a stroll to clear my head.” 

“You can’t change your Heritage, you know,” Krystal said after they had walked down another block. “You have to accept it and just make the most of it.”

“I know. It doesn’t make things easier.”

“Well, look at Yuri. She didn’t get what she wanted either but do you see her moping around?”

“I know, alright!” Mikel shot back, aggrieved. “Comparing us isn’t helping.”

“There’s no comparing the two of you,” Krystal retorted with a smile. 

“Hah hah.”

Eventually, they found themselves on the bridge that spanned the river bisecting the town. The River Caradec ran northeast to southwest, with its headwaters somewhere in the Zarek Mountains, and it eventually wandered into the Tidelands. Most of the villages were to the east of Faron’s Crossing, some to the south. 

The City-State of Haveena was fifty leagues southeast of Faron’s Crossing, with the rest of the Free City-States south of that one. Haveenians were the most common foreigners in town, mostly merchants and traders, but sometimes performing troupes make their way out of the Free Cities and into the Empire. 

“You want to cross the river?” Krystal asked flatly.

“No, I guess not,” Mikel shook his head. 

While they stood in a daze, a light hauler trundled across the bridge, carrying dozens of boxes with squawking chickens inside. The driver, a middle-aged man waved cheerfully at them as he drove past. After a while, the two of them turned back, strolling at a somewhat leisurely pace. 

“The Cypher Heritage…what’s wrong with it for you?” Krystal ventured.

“I’m er…I don’t know how to say it.” Mikel hesitated.

“Just tell me.”

“Fine.” Mikel took a deep breath, “I’m afraid…of fire.”

Krystal froze midstep. Mikel continued for a couple of steps before he realized and turned around. Her face must have been a sight because Mikel snorted a laugh.

“You’re afraid of fire. Your mom’s Heritage is all about fire.” 



“I don’t know. I’ve had it all my life.”

They continued walking, eventually ending up back at The Olde Sweet Shoppe.

“Ancestors. What are you going to do now?”

“I don’t know.” Mikel sighed. “If I did, I would have already used my Facet to burn Heron’s eyebrows off.”

“You probably won’t be able to,” Krystal laughed. “What was your father’s Heritage again?” 

“Group Coordination.”

“Ah.” Krystal shrugged. “I guess the Ancestors thought you’re better off fighting our foes with fire.”

“Yeah.” Mikel entered into the Sweet Shoppe and ordered a lavan berry concoction. 

“We can work on this.” Krystal said determinedly, “You can get over your fears.”

Mikel nodded but his face pretty much said that he didn’t really believe her.

‘Well, I guess this is interesting, too,’ Krystal mused as she ordered another parfait. The two of them spent the rest of the afternoon lost in their thoughts. 


Yuriko towelled her hair dry after a long soak that afternoon. She’d come home from a rather satisfying training session with Armsmaster Byrne. 

She honestly enjoyed the sparring more than anything else since before this, it had been Kato and Marron who had trained with her back when Da taught them the basics. Being younger, she was often on the losing end. 

Not that she was able to completely beat down Heron, who sought every chance to challenge her anyway. Progress with inlaying her Facet was nonexistent so she focused on Animus techniques for now and she had quickly mastered Empowered Strike to the point that she could summon it within three or so seconds after the start of the spar. 

Anxiety wormed in her gut at the thought of her lack of success, but she pushed it back. Worrying about it wouldn’t help her at all, and it might push her into something precipitous. Worse, inlaying her Facet was a delicate process and haste would more often than not ruin the attempt. Taking deep calming breaths, she focused on today’s lesson and her gains.

The Armsmaster told her that she could attempt to inlay Empowered Strike’s pattern in her Anima if she wanted to, but she decided to seek her father’s opinion first. Inlaying that pattern would use up some of her Animus permanently but in exchange, she’d be able to use the technique faster and with less waste. She could eventually strengthen the pattern, too, so that Empowered Strike would be strong enough to be of use against more powerful Wyldlings. Inlaying a pattern was a permanent affair, so she was hesitant to do it without seeking Virgil’s counsel. 

She rubbed her legs, marvelling at the lack of fatigue and muscle pain. Just this morning, Krystal had cried foul after Yuriko had dragged her along for a two-league sprint. Her legs should have felt like pudding afterwards but, thanks to the technique her Da had taught her, she was fine. 

It hurt while she used the technique which, according to her dad, was a subset of the Strengthen Physique technique set. It was safe to say that she had mastered its use also though she was still waiting for her father to teach her the next set. 

She threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top. It was the second week of the Season of Fire and it was humid enough that her sweat would have made her clothes cling to her skin if she wore anything heavier. 

Downstairs, Kato was setting the table while Rami helped Marron with dinner. Her eldest brother was home for a change, having applied for a leave from the militia. Her Da was going to leave the following day after all.

Marron glanced at her with a raised eyebrow, “Looks like you’re filling out, squirt.”

“So, any boys hanging out with you lately?” Kato asked casually.

“She’s surrounded by boys all afternoon,” Rami piped in.

“Sparring at the training hall, mostly,” Yuriko replied as she gathered up the utensils to place at the table. They were setting up the dining table in the dining room this time around.

“Hmph!” Marron snorted. “Well, make sure you beat them all up.”

“Why? We’re there to learn, not for beatings.” 

“Oh, well, tell me if there’s anyone being annoying.”

“Sure,” Yuriko answered absently.

A paper crane came out of Da’s den and flew out the window. A green-coloured one entered from a different window and made its way to the den. 

“Need help with that?” Yuriko asked Marron who was braising some meat and vegetables.

“I’m good.”

“I’ll go talk to Da, then.”

The door to Virgil’s den was ajar but she knocked on the door frame anyway.

“Come in.” Virgil looked up when she entered. “Oh, Yuri, how’s my little girl?”

“I’m fine,” Yuriko said curtly while Virgil chuckled. 

“I’m sure. Have a seat.”

He put aside the messenger crane when she settled down. “What’s on your mind?”

“Aside from the fact that you’re leaving tomorrow?” Yuriko sighed. “Where are you going?”

She didn’t expect him to answer since he hadn’t the last few times she asked but to her surprise, he answered, “The Tidelands.”

Yuriko clutched the armrest so hard that her knuckles paled. “But that’s…”

“I’ve been there before, Yuri, don’t worry. No one becomes a Knight without the ability to survive the Chaos.”

“Why? Da, that’s…why you?”

“Your father’s one of the people who stop the sky from falling, girl. It’s my duty.”

“Then why go?”

“A wave. Or a suspected one at least.”

“Oh.” Yuriko heaved a sigh of relief. Her Da had dealt with waves. He would destroy the source, as he had before. But why would they have to enter the Tidelands? They could just wait for the Wyldlings to arrive then destroy them.

“It may not be a wave?”

“That’s right. It may also be something else. Don’t worry, I’ll be with my team.”

“Please come back safe.” Yuriko could feel her dread returning. 

“Always, my dear. Here,” Virgil handed her a small cube, about an inch across, made of translucent jade. “Here’s the pattern for Recovery. This is the first in the set for Strengthen Physique. You can inlay this if you want.” 

Yuriko took the cube, running her fingers over the smooth, cool stone. “Do you think I should inlay Empowered Strike too?”

“It’s your choice, but I’d suggest waiting until you know the nature of your Facet before you inlay anything.” He handed her a small notebook as well. “This is for the next steps for Strengthen Physique.” He gazed into her eyes steadily, “This is the only thing I can do, for now.”

She felt her eyes water and she had to swallow before trying to speak. Why did it seem like he was saying goodbye forever?

“I will be back, little Yuri, but it doesn’t hurt to be ready. I might be delayed after all.” Virgil smiled, “We’re leaving ahead of schedule, I wanted to wait for the Dark Moon as that would have been optimal but don’t worry, we’ll be back on the Full Moon. Oh, and Armsmaster Byrne and Spellweaver Merill have your training plans.”

Yuriko nodded, the lump still in her throat. 

“Dinner!” Marron yelled.

Virgil smiled. “Well, let’s eat.”

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