Circle Warlock

Chapter 32 - Become the protagonist of this person, the first battle can be abandoned

Pen Fun Club, update the latest chapter of City Warlock as soon as possible!

Shen Yan finally took care of the **** leather jacket, and immediately felt relieved a lot. Even worse, it was a layer of protection.

If possible, he hopes to wear a full steel body armor, thank you!

Shen Yan ’s current physique is 14, and his physical strength is no longer lost to the elite warriors, but he is more capable of regeneration … 14 points of physique ca n’t talk about regeneration, that is, the average person has a fracture for 100 days, and he has a fracture for 90 days . Therefore, in a world where you can’t afford alchemy potions and no anti-inflammatory drugs, don’t get hurt without injury!

Injuries are not terrible, bacterial infections are terrible! Just relying on the physique to carry the wound inflammation, it is really five or five.

“Rookie ~” Oma, who appeared suddenly, startled him again.

“Nervated?” The lizard’s head smiled almost maliciously, “Don’t be nervous … because then you will be more nervous. The enemies behind are approaching, we plan to hit this direction first. In order to take care of you rookie, you will come later Let’s take the lead and let’s follow up. How about this idea? Are you sure? “

“Get out, get out! Of course I’m sure!” Shen Yan’s nervous mouth was scooped, and the dead duck’s mouth was hard.

Penny smiled with a grin covering her mouth. You guys, you just want to make big news! It’s a pity that I haven’t seen our little words in the ruins. Wait for a while to be beaten by my family’s small words, keep your glasses broken!

“I’m very optimistic about you ~” Lizard Head finally returned what Shen Yan said to him. It was really a good mood, and you have today.

“Youcandoit!” Shen Yan said to himself. He picked up a sharp steel arrow and put it on the bow string, then closed his eyes gently … He started to speak English nervously. This reminded Shen Yan that he was so nervous when he first discovered that the quarantine food was unqualified. He hesitated at the time, and he confirmed again and again that he couldn’t sleep, he wanted to call someone and hung up, but in the end … he still did it!

“They are coming, be careful, remember to start with you.” Ozmat disappeared from the side of the car.

Shen Yan opened his eyes.

Yes, he did it at that time! When he smashed the unqualified stamp on the declaration form, even the staff of the import and export company felt that he was crazy!

The horseshoe kicked and the Rangers were about to enter.

At this moment Shen Yan suddenly calmed down completely!

He lay flat and quietly pulled the pulley bow, and at this moment no one paid attention to the car hanging at the end, and the killer hidden in the car!


Baron Eggerbert, a 6th-level shield battle / 6th-level ranger, and the general of the 1st Ranger Brigade of the Third Army.

The First Ranger Brigade of the Third Army and Milton ’s Second-line Army Garbage Guerrilla Brigade are very different-both in terms of treatment and combat effectiveness. Although the Rangers are part of the Scouting Light Cavalry, the cost of each ranger is still reaching 5 of the Garbage Corps, as is the combat effectiveness. When the Rangers began to raid the horses, the Junk Army was left with only the escape!

At least you think so.

As a result, Eggerbert had full confidence in the mission that the minister had secretly confided to him, and the only worry was that he could not wipe out the garbage corps and the fugitives, making things less perfect.

He shook his head, thinking that Milton really did n’t know how to write dead words, but he dared to steal what the minister put in the country house … well, in fact, he did n’t know if the thing really belonged Minister, this is not important. Because he knows three other things: first, after finishing this, he will have the opportunity to be promoted to the new legion; second, he will get an extra knight collar; third, he will become a person trusted by the minister.

With these three reasons, who still cares about Milton’s life and death? A mercenary who can’t even be a knight.

“Is the ambush in front already in place?”

“Yes, sir, ten people are already in place.”

“Where is Milton Racing?”

“Adult, you know the carts of the four legions. All the other legions are exchanged for the rest. They go bad all the way. They have too many bad cars now. It seems that it will take some time to reach the ambush position.

“Well,” Baron Agbert groaned for a moment, he actually had no talent to lead troops, and the Rangers Brigade had been managing the deputy. But this time it was a private job. He only brought in some people who were close friends. Of course, he wouldn’t bring that obnoxious guy. But asking him to ask his subordinates two levels lower than him, he was unable to do such a thing because of the dignity of the nobility. Therefore, after thinking about it, he decided to take a look at it and say that it was safe.

“We leaned up and said they blocked the road, urging them to move forward. Striving to stretch their ranks longer and make them mess up! Staring at the big bald head!”

In fact, Baron Agbert just wanted to find Milton first, and he could really be relieved when he saw the big bald head. As far as he knew, that thing was still 100% on Milton, and Milton probably didn’t tell anyone. Suppressing all deserters and fugitives is just a preventive measure.

After Baron Eggerbert issued the order, twenty or so cavalry soldiers embraced a fake caravan and drove towards the tail of Milton’s caravan. Baron Eggerbert is of course adorned behind the ranks, which is the basic accomplishment of a nobleman.

“Hey! Give way in front!” “Hurry up, you are too slow!” “The poor ghosts get away!” Before the two convoys were really close, the servants on this side were under the command and began to cry Abuse, words make people unable to hear.

Watching the tail of Milton’s team was washed up and down by the sudden caravan, a carriage was panicked and ran to the other side of the road. Even the frightened horse madly drilled into the woods, and the child in the car couldn’t pull at all-he immediately amused all the people in front of him, laughing one by one! Even Baron Agbert, who was at the end of the team, couldn’t help smiling. It was just the etiquette of the nobleman, and he was not allowed to laugh with the rude soldiers.

“What’s this? Bloody smell …” Agbert took out an incense handkerchief, covered it in his nose, and turned to look in the direction of the woods. Then there was a loud noise. “Is that kid hit by a crazy horse?”

It was a small accident, he waved his hand, begging not to be too tight. The cavalry knows that the chase is to disrupt the formation and let the other party collapse in the escape, instead of forcing the other party to go back and die.

However, at this moment, a scream came suddenly from the front!

A cold light flew from the forest, and suddenly the leading ranger’s neck suddenly showed half of the arrow tip! Baron Eggerbert was horrified. He subconsciously wanted to grab the shield hanging on the saddle, but in the corner of his eyes saw another cold light, flying towards him from the side woods!


Shen Yan swears that he is really ready!

At that moment he calmed down completely.

When the other party approached in a noisy manner, his bow was aimed at the corner of the road, steady. His lying carriage walked slowly-as long as the other party showed up, he could set the red dot in one second, and then sent the arrow to the guy’s neck accurately in the next second! Never mind who he is!

However, the plan did not change fast, he was ready. But he neglected that the battlefield was complicated and affected many conditions-for example, the horse he was pulling was not a warhorse.

When a large number of carriages and cavalry ran out of the corner together, his **** carriage was inexplicably shocked! The horse that had been sick and sick suddenly burst into the speed of a thousand horses, and ran away with his legs! And while running, he crashed the pulled carriage towards a big tree!

On the occasion of a great deal, Shen Yan could only quickly hide the bow in the pile of rags, and then pull the reins of the horse hard. As a result, the crazy horse reluctantly turned his head, took him across the road, broke bushes and branches all the way, and rushed into the woods opposite!

At that moment, Shen Yan really started to feel angry from his chest, and he became wicked! He is going to be mad by this **** horse! Because this is a battle, not a game of horse riding! Maybe he will be killed by this **** horse in the next moment!

So when the line of sight of both sides was cut off by the woods, Shen Yan grabbed a sharp arrow and pointed at the spine bend of the six-legged wildebe without hesitation! “Pouting”, the sharp arrow pierced the horse skin, and then cut off the spine of the crazy horse! Then the crazy horse lost its emptiness and bumped into the oncoming tree.

Shen Yan was rolled off the carriage.

Fortunately, the effect of the exercise some time ago is still there. He adjusted his posture in the air and fell into the grass unharmed. At this moment, Shen Yan had not forgotten his mission. At the moment when the landing stopped, he turned sideways and took the **** steel arrow on the bowstring. Then stretch out the pulley bow and aim the arrow straight at the person with the most gorgeous armor at the end of the team!

This distance is a bit far away, and has exceeded the distance he usually practiced.

But when he saw Catherine pulling the bow and arrow across the woods, he decided to shoot his mother! Yes, when Shen Yan’s carriage went out of control, everyone knew he couldn’t attack first, so Catherine took his place. Even everyone may not have expected much from Shen Yan from the beginning …

But what about that? What are you doing at this time?

Shen Yan’s bow opened steadily, without a trace of shaking. The trembling red dot stopped on Baron Eggerbert’s breastplate. His attendant saw the red dot from the side, but he hesitated and said nothing … because he was not sure what it was. If it is dirty, it means that he did not wipe the armor clean, and the consequences are unimaginable.

Shen Yan is waiting for Catherine to start. He has read a little psychology book-the moment when people’s attention is least concentrated is not the usual time, but the moment when the accident happened. Just as Catherine spread the bowstring, he also spread the bowstring dispenser, and the difference between the two arrows was only about 0.5 seconds.

Baron Eggerbert did not know that his attention was constantly being pulled by various things: the mad carriage, the **** smell, the waiter, the sudden screams, the act of taking the shield ——Although a series of “little accidents” raised his vigilance, his attention was scattered.

When he found the cold light that struck, the arrow was close at hand, he just had time to lay the shield across his chest!


PS: Lu Yuan, I remember a long time ago, I left the Bode ’s gate for the first time. At that time I was just a pink newcomer, and I met two cute puppies as soon as I went out …

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