Circumstances of a Fallen Lord

Chapter 109

Come to think of it, Count Doubless emerged as the new Southern region leader after the Anies duchy fell. If Count Doubless was on the demon worshiper’s side, then did the first prince, who was allegedly close to that man, have nothing to do with the heretics?

Luisen had a somewhat favorable impression of the first prince. He had rejected the man as a prince, but it was still impressive to see that, as a king, the man worked hard to rebuild his collapsed kingdom.

‘If he was related to the demon worshippers, he wouldn’t have expended such efforts to maintain the kingdom, right?’

Still, the young lord couldn’t let his guard down completely. After Morrison, Luisen realized he shouldn’t judge people based on his past memories. In addition, even if the first prince wasn’t directly related to the demon worshippers, it would be a problem if his henchman, Count Doubless, antagonized Luisen.

Luisen and Carlton had many conversations on their journey to the capital. And, among those conversations, they had talked about the first prince. They both agreed that he was a very politically-skilled person who also had a strong character.

In the end, they weren’t 100% sure of the prince’s inner thoughts. That was one of the reasons why Carlton had to directly meet with the prince in the royal palace.

“Hmph, well… Actually, my outlook is not all that hopeful. There are still mountains to climb. I was bragging just a bit. But, still, let me give you a gift. I’d like to give you something,” Luisen deliberately pretended to be sullen.

Carlton’s heart softened, “Then, at least give me a cloth pouch to carry all this. Doesn’t my Duke find my current appearance a bit comical too?”


The pockets of both his pants and top were bulging–near bursting; both a sword and dagger were hanging from his waist. A necklace adorned with large jewel eggs hung from his neck. The mercenary looked a bit like a petty thief who had accidentally stumbled upon and robbed a treasure trove.

“I guess I went too far,” Luisen didn’t hold back his laughter. When would he ever see Carlton look this ridiculous? However, immediately, Carlton’s eyes became grave.

“What is it?” Luisen asked, ‘Did I tease him too much?’

Before the young lord could ruminate far too much, Carlton spoke, “Can’t you hear the sound of hooves?”

“Hm?” Luisen had no idea. However, not wanting to disregard the mercenary’s words, he followed the other to the window. Thanks to the high floors of the mansion, they could see across the mansion grounds to some extent.

In the distance, near the entrance to the mansion, there was perhaps a flying flag. The cloth was pale blue with a lion emblem embroidered on top.

“Isn’t that the flag of the Royal Knights?”

“That’s right…”

The Royal Knights were a personal guard unit directly under the monarchy, obeying only the king’s orders. That unit was now converging on the Duke of Anies’s mansion without Luisen’s permission.

If this were an ordinary visit, they definitely would have waited at the entrance and waited for Luisen’s permission to visit the mansion. So, the two could guess that the situation was unusual just by looking at the unit’s actions.

“Shouldn’t we avoid them?” Carlton immediately embraced Luisen with enough strength that the young lord couldn’t help but wonder if the mercenary was about to grab him and run away.

Luisen thought for a moment before shaking his head, “We’ve come this far, and there’s nowhere else to run. Let’s find out what’s happening first.”

In addition, it wasn’t right to run away and abandon the staff at the capital mansion. Besides, the young lord calculated that the knights wouldn’t willfully harm himself: a duke and the Southern Great Lord.

“Still, we don’t know what will happen, so I shall prepare for a fight.” Carlton hurriedly threw off all the troublesome trinkets like necklaces or other accessories, and only held a sharp dagger in his hand. When Luisen saw the mercenary decide without a moment’s hesitation to fight the knights the first prince had probably sent, Luisen’s heart was moved.

Luisen pulled on the mercenary’s arm on impulse; he raised onto his tiptoes and laid his lips lightly across the other’s. Though the kiss was short, their eyes remained fixated on each other for a long time.

“Let’s hope that it’s nothing,” Luisen replied lightly. However, he knew that his wish was improbable.

The two hugged each other tightly–they moved almost simultaneously, and it was hard to tell who moved first. Then, they hurried to the mansion’s front yard.


By the time Luisen had descended to the first floor and exited, the Royal Knights had just arrived in front of the mansion. There were about a dozen knights in total, all fully armed.

They stood side by side, in a row, and surrounded the mansion’s front yard–a show of intimidation. Behind their line, Luisen could see his security guard, disarmed and detained.

‘Are they here to start a fight?’ Luisen had a very unpleasant feeling, but he remained silent. Suffocating tension filled the front yard.

The leader of the Royal Knights, Sir Boros, dismounted from his horse and greeted Luisen politely. “It’s been a long while, my Duke.”

Luisen had often seen Boros during his visits to the capital, and the two were also connected through their families. Although they were not particularly close, they were not complete strangers either.

“Not only is it atrocious enough that you have stepped into my house without permission, but you point swords at my people as well? What kind of behavior is this–is this some violent shakedown? Since when were the Royal Knights a band of uncivilized thugs who don’t know proper knightly manners nor the ways of the nobility?” Luisen firmly reproached Sir Boros and his knights.

Though the young lord was afraid to go out, bare and unarmed, in front of his armed opponents, he knew that if he showed any weakness here the people of his mansion would become even more frightened. So, he tried to pep himself up. Carlton, standing behind him with back straight and tall, was also reliable.

“Violent shakedown? You’re mistaken. We have just disarmed your people to prevent unnecessary clashes. We are here to protect you, by the king’s royal command.”

“Protection?” What kind of protection is this? They had disarmed his perfectly capable knights and surrounded his mansion. He was in disbelief, but Luisen raised his chin and pretended to be sympathetic.

“The prince was greatly concerned to hear the Duke had been threatened by ruffians on his journey to the capital. Fortunately, the Duke was safe, but the criminals have not been caught.”

The criminals may be after Luisen again, Boros continued. However, there was not enough manpower at the young lord’s mansion to protect Luisen. Therefore, the prince sent his royal guards to protect the Duke.

“There’s nothing to worry about from now on. We shall reside in the mansion and protect the duke at every moment,” Sir Boros said, adding that, from now on, access to the mansion would be restricted. And the people here must be checked by the knights if they are to go outside.

That pretext sounded plausible, but Luisen had tasted too much bitterness in the world to fully believe Boros’s words.

‘…He’s not talking about protection, but surveillance. They want to intimidate me with the knights and break my spirit with their constant presence.’

Luisen frowned. “I don’t need protection. Go back.”

“That would put us in a difficult situation.”

“As the person involved, don’t I have the right to refuse?”

“Yes. My Duke, you don’t.”

“……” Luisen didn’t really think they’d step down with just a few words. Judging by Sir Boros’s instant replies, it seemed the other side had come determined and prepared. In other words, Boros’s stubbornness belied the first prince’s strong will to overpower and subdue Luisen.

Luisen glanced at Carlton absentmindedly. He seemed taken aback by the unexpected turn of events. Carlton had predicted that Luisen would not be excluded outright–though the young lord would be made uncomfortable–as long as the first prince remained sane.

‘I didn’t know the first prince would rush out so instantly and openly hostile.’ Luisen thought. Naturally, the demon worshippers and Count Doubless came to mind. With his eyes, he asked Carlton, ‘What should we do?’

With the Royal Knights stationed at the mansion, they’ll have even less of a chance to add any useful information to their already lacking stock. Carlton, at least, needed to go to the castle and figure out what was happening outside.

Carlton responded with a gaze of his own, ‘Let’s go with our plan for now.’

‘Will it be alright?’

‘Since it doesn’t seem like they want to get rid of me, I should see what I can do.’

They were able to talk quickly–with their eyes–due to their long discussions previously.

“Then, I’ll go to his Highness, the prince, now.” Carlton said.

“Ah. Did you say your name is Carlton? Very well. The prince is looking for you–go on. If you give them my name, they’ll let you into the castle.” Sir Boros said.

It was clear the knight had no lost love for Carlton. Carlton neatly stepped back and said his farewells, “It has been an honor to serve you, my Duke.”

“You’ve had a hard time as well.”

It was a simple greeting that could be shared between two people who had only traveled together for a short while–nothing more. At the thought of being unable to see Carlton for the near future, Luisen wanted to drag the mercenary into a tight embrace and kiss him deeply, but the young lord held it in. Nothing good could come from that momentary lapse of judgement.

Without any hesitation, Carlton got up from his seat, almost as if he were relieved. In reality, he had been in agony the whole time, as if someone had grabbed him by the hair. But, he knew that this was for Luisen’s benefit, so the mercenary desperately tried to act calm.

Luisen couldn’t take his eyes off the mercenary’s back until it was time for him to return inside the mansion.


The Royal Knights took complete control of the mansion. They roamed around the mansion, creating an intimidating and eerie atmosphere for no good reason and pressuring the staff. The people of the mansion, who had already been anxious, grew even more frightened. As fear and anxiety grew, so too did their resentful gazes towards Luisen.

The Knights had also stuck closely to Luisen–an intense, close surveillance.

‘This reminds me a bit of the past.’

The looks of distrust and resentment, the close watch and confinement…

He was reminded of when Carlton had occupied the duchy.

‘Sir Boros won’t physically throw me around like Carlton did, so should I say things are better now?’ Luisen chuckled a bit futilely.

When he saw that, the deputy chancellor shouted, as if all repressed emotions were bursting out, “Can you even laugh right now?! What impertinence! You little lion cub who couldn’t dare rise to your throne. Are you really the Great Lord of the South–the ruler of the golden fields?!”

“Calm down–watch your language.” Luisen reminded him that this conversation was also being watched over by the knights.

The deputy chancellor lowered his voice and whispered, “My duke. You must never accept those men. They’ll interfere with everything we do.”

“I know that as well…but what can I do when they don’t accept my refusal.”



They had no power to fight and drive them away. It would be best to look for a different method than to squabble for no reason.

“I’m telling you this from the bottom of my heart. You and a few knights are the only retainers I have at this capital mansion. Two knights wouldn’t even pose a roadblock for a company of Royal Knights. In reality, you and I are the only ones who can solve this situation, but what am I to do if you become so agitated?” Luisen calmly soothed the deputy chancellor.

“First, you must settle the chaos within the mansion. I shall do something about the Knights,” Luisen continued.

When Luisen, the person that used to be the most flighty and easily agitated, remained calm, doubts began to permeate the deputy chancellor’s gaze. Just today, several times already, he had adopted an expression that belied his thoughts: ‘Are you really our household trash?’

TL: Luisen, you’ve got your work cut out for you at the capital T_T You’re starting from a difficult position.

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