Class Teacher System

Chapter 49: Against heaven and earth (8)

Chapter 49: Against heaven and earth (8)

It’s my birthday! Yay~

On Thursday, Ren Zhu needed to take the 7 children in his class to Maple Leaf Lake for an outing. The main purpose was to let the children see what the maple leaves and lake looked like in autumn. Of course, after they sight-see, they would still need to write a paper on their outing to Maple Leaf Lake.

Initially, Ren Zhu was really looking forward to today, but 3 days ago after he received that text message on his cell phone, the anticipation he had for this outing changed into vigilance. If it weren’t because he couldn’t change the things he had already promised the children, Ren Zhu still had no method to tell this matter to Zhang Hai Tao’s parents. He really didn’t want to go ahead with this outing, but the fact remained that he had to go, and also needed to be wary that something might happen today.

“Is everyone ready? You need to carry your own things. You can’t give them to your caretaker uncles or aunts. Even if you will always have attendants or assistants following beside you in the future, you nevertheless must consider that there might be a day when you suddenly don’t have any money or an assistant by your side.” Ren Zhu himself was carrying a small travel bag for this outing. When he saw the caretakers and assistants carrying bags of all kinds of sizes, and then looked at the children who weren’t carrying anything, he decided that he couldn’t let them develop this kind of bad habit.

“Why? Wasn’t it always like this for the outings before? They are originally meant to help us carry things. If we don’t let them do that, then wouldn’t they be out of work?” Peng Fei Qi was the first to disagree. Because he ate alot and also didn’t exercise much, his build was fat and robust. His fierce attitude at this moment actually made people feel a little difficult. After he said this, his cousin Peng Fei Xian immediately expressed his support: “Yeah, yeah. As bosses, we shouldn’t be so cruel and not give our employees the opportunity to work. Teacher, you should just let them work.”

Their reason was practically saying that money was justice.

Unfortunately, these two boys encountered Ren Zhu. Regarding their words, Ren Zhu directly revealed an affectionate smile: “If you had carefully listened to what I just said and also used your brains to think, then you would know that the point of my words was not to prevent them from working, but rather to increase your own ability to take care of yourselves. No matter how rich you are, if one day you end up stranded on an uninhabited island, who out of the two of you can control anything on that island? You have both read Robinson Crusoe before. People like you two are all weaklings who can’t survive more than 5 days.”

Peng Fei Qi and Peng Fei Xian were not convinced. They still wanted to say ‘but I have money, I have my cell phone, and I also have my father!’, but when they saw Ren Zhu’s smile, they suddenly couldn’t say a single word. They instinctively felt that their teacher’s smile was extremely terrifying!

Ren Zhu continued to smile: “It can’t be that you want to say you still have money, a cell phone and your father right? Being stranded on an island means you have absolutely nothing, there’s only yourself. This you should be able to understand right?”

Peng Fei Qi, Peng Fei Xian: “……” Shock! Why does Teacher know what I was just thinking?!

The two bear children pursed their lips. In the end, they still pouted and mumbled as they put on their own backpacks. Although they couldn’t say it out loud, but in their hearts, they felt that the possibility of the scene their teacher envisioned simply couldn’t exist at all. How could they possibly be stranded on an island? Global tracking systems were now extremely advanced. The two of them both had location trackers in their shoes, schoolbags and wrist watches.

Ren Zhu glanced at these two children and chuckled. Little children who don’t know the immensity of heaven and earth were always so cute and naive.

The children were all terrified by their class teacher’s imposing might. They put on their backpacks with grievance and then sat on the bus to Maple Leaf Lake. On the bus, Ren Zhu wanted to walk to Zhang Hai Tao’s assistant butler’s side and tell him to pay more attention to Zhang Hai Tao’s safety. However, he changed directions in the middle of his step and walked straight to the last row of the bus. Sitting down, he pretended to close his eyes and relax.

His performance was very natural. The children were either playing on their phones or watching videos together. Ren Zhu didn’t need to organise any activities for them. Hence, no one asked him why he was sitting in the last row of the bus. They all thought that he might have just wanted to take a rest.

However, Ren Zhu himself knew that his heart was nearly jumping out of his throat. He slowly opened his eyes and met Zhang Hai Tao’s assistant butler’s gaze that had focused on him at some point. The butler nodded at him and also revealed a faint smile.

In his mind, Ren Zhu initiated: [Activate the ‘class teacher’s camouflage’ and the ‘class teacher’s detailed perception’ skills.]

The system beeped. Ren Zhu then noticed a clear change. He felt that his own presence seemed to have become very weak after activating the skill. Even if he firmly stared at someone, that person probably wouldn’t even realise it. However, the camouflage skill also caused a quiet and and vigilant effect if it’s used for too long. He must act fast.

Just then, two steps before he had walked to Zhang Hai Tao’s assistant butler, he saw that the assistant butler was looking at his phone with his head lowered. In fact, there was nothing wrong with this. Who doesn’t look at their phone when they have nothing to do? However, the problem was that when the assistant butler was looking at his phone, his face also revealed an extremely unsettling smile that was completely different from an ordinary joyful expression. It was the elated smile of someone about to seek his revenge.

The ability to identify emotions from micro-expressions was already a skill that Ren Zhu had learnt in the first world. Hence, that was why he walked straight ahead instead of sitting down and talking with that assistant. Now, with the help of his two skills, Ren Zhu could notice a lot more details. That assistant butler behaved just like the caretakers of the other children. From time to time, he would ask Zhang Hai Tao if he needed anything. However, his smile was extremely stiff and not at all natural. Likewise, Ren Zhu couldn’t see the kind of flattery in him that other caretakers would usually shower their young masters with. This assistant butler seemed to hate Zhang Hai Tao very much. He might even have some animosity towards the Zhang family. His fists were clenched and his back was straight, always in a state of alert.

After observing this, Ren Zhu really closed his eyes as though he were resting, but in fact, he was rapidly thinking things over in his mind. He could finally understand why Zhang Hai Tao would still be hit by a car even with the presence of assistants, secretaries and bodyguards. It was because the person driving the car to run him over was someone that no one would have raised their guard against. After thinking about this, Ren Zhu again felt a chill in his heart. What kind of person or force had the ability to infiltrate the school, and even infiltrate the Zhang family?

This was indeed a very dangerous force.

Ren Zhu made a conclusion, and then the bus reached its destination.

“Teacher Ren, Teacher Lin, we have arrived.” The driver uncle cheerfully said. Teacher Lin then stood up and gently announced: “Children, quickly put on your backpacks. Teacher Lin will introduce this beautiful maple leaf forest and lake to everyone. This place has a very very beautiful legend.”

Even if these children would act mature, at this moment, they were all very excited. After all, they were no more than 9 years old. Everyone was bustling with excitement as they put on their backpacks and got off the bus. Ren Zhu was the last to exit, deciding that he must closely follow Zhang Hai Tao.

“Legend says that in this Maple Leaf Forest, there once lived a very kindhearted girl. Every day, she would go to Maple Leaf Lake to wash her clothes. One day, she suddenly saw an unconscious young man by the lake side. Then……”

“Ah, this story is so cliche. It must be that this girl saved the young man and then they lived a happy and beautiful life together, right?” Zhao An An said. The two girls beside her also dully nodded their heads.

As a result, Teacher Lin smiled and shook her head: “No. The beautiful girl did save the unconscious young man, but unfortunately, this man was controlled by an evil demon king. After he woke up, he turned into a demon. Even though he was facing the kindhearted girl who saved him, he still killed her without the slightest hesitation and then ate her heart.”

The children immediately cried out in alarm. Sitting to one side, Ren Zhu’s mouth slightly twitched. Teacher Lin, the style of this story is a little strange.

“Then, the young man sobered up after he ate the girl’s heart. He was sad and heartbroken, but also had formidable strength. In the end, he lead a large group of people and defeated the demon king, but his girl was gone forever. He decided to take the place of the girl and watch over Maple Leaf Lake, becoming its guardian.” Teacher Lin smiled beautifully: “Legend says that so long as a pair of lovers face Maple Leaf Lake and make a wish, then they would definitely gain happiness.”

The children were all eager to try and make a wish. Even the most stable Qin Shu and the most tyrannical Zhang Hai Tao were looking at the pale red and yellow maple leaves floating in the beautiful lake, their eyes glistening.

Ren Zhu sat quite close to Zhang Hai Tao. In his heart, he expressed that he couldn’t understand the logic of this story —— let’s not mention that the young man and the girl somehow became lovers when there wasn’t the least bit of affection between them, as the lover of a dead person who would spend the rest of his life alone, with such a tragic life, why would he bless other lovers with happiness? Not making them break up would already be generous. After all, others were displaying their affection in the territory of a man who had a dead wife and was doomed to be forever single.

Just when Teacher Ren’s thoughts wandered, he heard the sound of an engine roar. He abruptly turned his head and saw a black vehicle speeding over. Ren Zhu’s eyes widened and he let out a stream of curses. Fuck! This guy actually decided to drive the school bus to kill people!!

“Quick, get out of the way! Zhang Hai Tao! Qin Shu! Don’t just stand there!!”

Ren Zhu gave a big shout. The children, assistants and secretaries sitting by the lake side all woke up with a start, screaming and fleeing in all directions. At this moment, the children were the least rational. Out of the 7 of them, 5 of them actually ran in completely different directions. Their assistants and secretaries were in a state of confusion, while their bodyguards didn’t have enough time to reach them and could only watch on. They were all crying in their hearts. If anything happened to these little ancestors, then they would all need to bear the consequences!

Ren Zhu was the closest to Zhang Hai Tao and Qin Shu, so within a second, he had already rushed up and grabbed these two to either side of him. Qin Shu’s personal butler also quickly ran over. Ren Zhu directly threw Qin Shu over to that butler and then pulled Zhang Hai Tao as he ran. Zhang Hai Tao’s mouth was open in shock. He watched as that black bus ignored everything else and charged straight towards him. His body trembled all over. This was the first time he was so close to death.

Ren Zhu quickly glanced to either side. There was absolutely no way they could outrun the bus. Fuck! Even if they gave him a notice, they shouldn’t be this ruthless ah! That person clearly wanted Zhang Hai Tao to die! As someone trying to save him, Ren Zhu was definitely also in extreme danger!

There was nowhere to retreat to. Ren Zhu gritted his teeth and looked at the lake behind him. In the end, he reached out and directly wrapped an arm around Zhang Hai Tao’s waist. Exerting force with his legs, the two of them jumped into the beautiful Maple Leaf Lake.

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