Clone Girls

Chapter 67: I wanna be a gang leader!

“I wanna be a gang leader!”

“...” Licia stared at Willia blankly after hearing this. Her sister had just barged into her room and announced that. 

“What is it, so suddenly?” Licia asked, sighing as she closed her book on platoon tactics on the battlefield and got up. She glanced behind Willia and saw Nillia with a look on her face that said she had already given up. It was easy to tell she had been dragged into this by her sister.

“Well, you see eldest sister, I want some subordinates.” Willia said with a serious look.

“But why though? Don’t you already have 003?” Licia asked back, frowning, but Willia shook her head.

“003 doesn’t really listen to me. Besides, I’ve heard from my friends that being a gang leader is cool, so I wanna be one to impress them!” She declared.

“...” Again, Licia stared at her sister blankly. Nillia mumbled something about her sister being an idiot, something that Licia unconsciously agreed upon.

“...How old are you, Willia? Would there be any use to create a gang just to impress your friends?” Licia said, sighing again. She needed to scold her sister in place of her mother for such stupid thoughts.

“Oh, but it’s not just to impress. Like this we can also hold some authority over the academy’s students!” Willia smirked, seemingly proud of her idea.

“...That’s actually a good idea.” Licia admitted, staring at her sister with a look of surprise.

She knew gangs of students existed within the academy, exercising their authority outside the rules. The academy actually left them alone so long as they did not disturb the order too much. Most of them were also faction recruiting grounds, where students from the same faction could gather without breaking the rules of the academy.

She had not heard of any gang wars though, which surprised her a bit.

Perhaps they’re more submitted to the academy’s rules than I first thought, or are just very silent. Anyway, this is actually a pretty good idea. Besides, nothing big happened for a while now. I’m sure mom and Rika would praise us too! Licia thought, flaring herself up.

It had been some time since Ticia and Rika had begun gathering allies. The Null CGs were around the age of fourteen now, and kept focusing on their own progress. 

Meanwhile, the situation on the frontline, while still a bit shaky, had been stabilized. Escort units had been reshaped into auxiliary units for now, while Guard units have become personal forces of their closest benefactor and integrated into the army for the war effort. Not everyone was happy with those results, but it seemed like the academy’s board would not pursue them further for now. More reforms would come once the Ionians were defeated though.

Licia thought about their Reformist faction. While it was gaining momentum and growing in size, they had yet to involve the students within the academy who were sympathetic towards them. Yes, Licia and her sisters made friends with some students, but they did not implicate them in their current struggle, as was the rule of the academy. 

Establishing a gang would allow them to take a step further, allowing an official way of recruitment into the faction not only for their friends, but also other students friendly to their cause. While the students would not act themselves on the power struggles, their parents would. That would prove useful to Ticia and Rika then.

“Alright, let’s create a gang.” Licia declared. 

Willia jumped in joy, while Nillia looked at her eldest sister as if she had lost her mind. She truly hoped Licia would stop Willia so that she could come back to read her manga.

Sorry Nillia, but I’ll have you accompany us on that one. Licia apologized in her mind.

And so, the trio left their current home, following a humming Willia’s lead.

“Speaking of, I’m surprised you didn’t bring anyone else to make your gang, Willia.” Licia remarked after a while. They were the only Null CGs right  now, accompanied by their respective ECGs. This made Willia stop.

“Uhm, actually, I tried to convince the others…” Willia said, turning back as she scratched the back of her head. “Ria said no, Nicia scolded me and the others were uninterested…”

“Figures.” Licia answered. Ria had no interest in such things, so of course she would say no. Under order from their mother, the twins were avoiding contact with strangers for now, while Nicia was busy with her new patient: the Escort teacher’s half-brother. The latter had said that the illness of her patient was fascinating in many ways and that providing a cure was a challenge she had taken upon herself.

As for the others, they’re not home right now.

Nia was busy making stuff with her new friend, Lotte, while Lidia was at the shooting range. As for Mia, Licia had no idea what this sister of hers was doing, but she guessed she was taking supplementary chemical classes.

“Now that I think about it, I didn’t ask Ticinia and Vinia. Should I go and ask them?” Willia suddenly asked.

““Hell no.”” Both Licia and Nillia answered at the same time. There was no way they would allow Willia to bring those two into this!

“Haha, I knew I’d get that answer. Too bad.” Willia said, laughing it off before crossing her arms behind her head as she began to walk again. “But, being just the three of us isn’t so bad, actually. Reminds me of the old time.”

Licia and Nillia could only nod at those words as they also felt a bit nostalgic. Yes, they were always together at CI3, training all day to be useful to their mother. Since they had arrived at the academy though, each one of them did their own things. Licia was busy hanging out with Evelyn and helping Ticia and Rika, while Nillia was either hanging out in her room, Rika's room, or the library, reading manga and novels all day. Only Willia kept training all day…

As they continued to walk around, passing by various facilities of the academy, Licia felt some stares on her and her sisters. Those were unlike the first stares she and her sisters had received when entering the academy and some of them were even friendly towards them. Licia wondered if it had anything to do with the activities the ECGs had been doing in their free time. In fact, it seemed like the ECGs had become some sort of mascot for some students? She wasn’t sure, she’ll need to ask Breesse what she and her sisters were exactly doing during their free time… 

While those friendly stares mixed in with the old, curious or disgusted stares, another type of stare had also appeared, mostly from guys. Licia had come to know what this was about now…

We’ve grown a lot recently…

Right now, the clones have passed the age of fourteen. All of them had their growth spurt in full swing, growing taller and bigger in various places. Those new places became the central focus of those new stares… This was not helped by the fact that Riley, their new instructor, had forced them to wear a skirt instead of their pants…

“Disgusting…” Nillia scorned silently, her cheeks becoming slightly red. She glared at those men, who flinched and avoided her gaze. Licia also agreed to some extent with her sister, though she had learned to ignore those.

“Mh? What’s disgusting? I didn’t fart though?” Willia tilted her head, confusion on her face. Licia and Nillia could only sigh at their sister’s ignorance.

“Oh dear Willia… What are we going to do with you in the future…” Licia commented, staring at Willia's chest, then her own.

…Willia was way ahead of her sisters in terms of growth speed, already looking like a fifteen year old teenage girl. Nillia wasn’t far behind either… This somehow made Licia feel a sense of loss, even though she was part of those who grew fast…

The order of growth was like this: Willia, Nillia, Lidia, Licia and surprisingly Mia were the most advanced, while the twins, Vinia, Ria and Nia  followed behind with a regular growth rate. Ticinia and Nicia were currently the ones lagging behind, Nicia’s chest particularly, which had caused the girl to be quite sensible on the subject.

Nicia shouldn’t be so worried about this. We’re all mom’s clones, so we’ll end up with the same sizes at the end of the day. Though I must say that Willia and Mia grew way too quick on that part…

Again, Licia began to stare at her sister’s chest with a look of wonder.

“W-what? What’s wrong?” Willia asked, now feeling embarrassed. Licia simply sighed.

“Nothing.” Licia replied with no intonation, a poker face now on her face.

Willia stared at her for a moment, confused, before giving up and resuming her walk.

“Speaking of, how do you plan on creating a gang?” Nillia suddenly asked. Licia also had no idea how to do that, they just followed after Willia.

“It’s simple!” Willia giggled, hitting her fists together. “We just have to crush another gang!”

““...”” Licia and Nillia stared at her blankly, before sharing a look. 

It would seem like today was going to be a long day…




There were two types of gang members. The first ones were your average students, only joining the gang because it would offer opportunities within the faction they wished to enter. The second ones were more aggressive, being real thugs who went as far as bullying the others. This second group had become dominant for some factions. They forced neutral students to join their gang, swelling the number of people in their gang and as such, proving the strength of the faction they were working to join.

As a result, clashing between the gangs was not unusual. The academy board had made a compromise in order to avoid chaos though. They had restrained the gang wars to the oldest parts of the academy, hidden from most of the public. They only allowed them to fight under heavy rules. They could not hold any weapons, nor could they make their enemies disabled people. Doing so would risk their gang receiving the wrath of the academy and nobody wanted that.

The gangs obeyed the rules. Most of the time, that is… Things sometimes derailed, which was what was currently happening.

A group of thugs had trapped some female students within one of the buildings, tying their limbs. The smirking men looked at their new ‘prizes’ with obvious intentions.

“Well, well, well…” The muscular man at the center of the thugs looked at one specific girl in particular with a devilish smile. “Look at you now, Bianca. What was it you said to me all those times? Ah yes, you wouldn’t let me get my hands on any women!”

He laughed, the others following.

“Tsk.” Bianca only glared at the man.

“What is it? Cat got your tongue?” The man closed in on Bianca. “If only you had stayed out of this, you wouldn’t be in such a situation Bianca. But you just had to butt in, like always.”

“...The academy won’t let you alone for this one, Bron.” Bianca replied back, still glaring.

“The academy? Ha!” Bron began to laugh. “The academy won’t say a thing! I am still within the rules after all. Look, so long as I use the right intimidation methods on others, I’m as good as a king here!”

“...” Bianca glared back in silence, if a look could kill, hers would have done so long ago.

The reason why Bianca was in such a situation in the first place was not a question of chance, but rather because of Bianca’s actions.

Ever since she entered the academy, Bianca found herself dealing with the gangs. This was due to her personality. She despised those men, so when she witnessed them bullying female students, she jumped in to the rescue. Most of the time, some threatening words were enough to get the men to leave the women alone, but sometimes it wasn’t. Sometimes, a fight broke out, but since she was good at hand to hand combat, she was always able to come out on top.

This was how she met Evelyn in the first place and how they became friends. Soon enough, some women began to follow her, declaring her their boss. Bianca had no interest in such things, but since those girls needed her help, she decided to just let things happen.

She clashed multiple times with Bron, who grew more and more aggressive as the days passed. She always managed to come on top, but this time however, she fell into Bron’s trap as she tried to help girls who were bullied.

“That look on your face… Let’s change it to another expression that’ll fit you better…” The man chuckled to himself, closing on Bianca, when suddenly.


The door to the room crossed the room at a rapid speed with a man stuck to it.

“There, it’s open now!” One voice declared, quickly followed by a rebuttal.

“It’s more than open, you blew up the door!”


“Don’t ‘whoops’ me!? What if we have to pay it back later!?”

The voices continued to argue, seemingly unaffected by the fact that one person had also taken the brunt of this entrance. Under the bafflement of everyone present, three teenage girls entered the room.

“Hello! Is this the meeting place of this area’s gang?” The one ahead of the other two asked merrily. “I’m Willia, and I’m here to beat your gang leader!”

“What the hell?”  Bron murmured as he observed the scene. “What are clones doing here?”

“Mh?” Willia noticed Bianca, who still stared at her in bafflement. “Oh, hey Bianca! Fancy seeing you there. Need some help?”

“I-I guess so?” Bianca could only answer like this, still not understanding why the clone girls were here.

Willia did not seem to understand what was happening, but Licia and Nillia did. Their faces immediately turned grave.

“Welp, just stay where you are, I’ll be done in a minute Bianca!”

“How am I supposed to move when I’m ti-ugh?!”

As Bianca reflexively rebutted Willia’s comment, Bron suddenly grabbed her by the neck, pointing a knife to her throat.

“I dunno why you girls are here, but you better leave before something you regret happens…” Bron threatened.

Willia froze for a moment, before her face turned into a scorn.

“Hey, taking hostages is not fair.”

“That’s life, kiddo.” The man sneered.

“Despicable.” Nillia muttered from behind, a huge rage boiling within her. “Sisters, can I make the first move?”

“Eh? But I wanted to-” Willia stopped her words mid-sentence after looking at her sister, Nillia was dead serious and boiling with rage right now… 

“Welp, seems like it’s already been decided…” She quickly gave up.

“It’s fine for me too, but be careful alright?” Licia added. Nillia nodded, before advancing towards the man.

“Hey. Don’t take another step or this girl is gonna have a bad time?” Bron threatened, but Nillia scoffed at him.

“You won’t hurt her. The troubles you’ll be in would be worse if you did so after all.”

“...” Bron stayed silent. Nillia was right, if he sliced Bianca’s throat, the academy wouldn’t stay quiet anymore…

She continued to advance towards him with determined footsteps, but then two men jumped at her from the sides.

“Impudent!” Nillia scorned, taking a step back and letting the men collide between themselves. Once they were on the ground, she did not hesitate to stomp on them hard, making them stuck to the floor in pain. After that, she continued towards Bron.

“...Fine, I’ll educate you.” Bron said, before throwing Bianca straight at Nillia.

Nillia caught Bianca with her left arm as the girl yelped before raising her right hand and catching the knife that had been thrown at her between her fingers.

“Are you okay, Bianca?” Nillia asked Bianca, seemingly unphased by what just happened.

“Y-yes?” Even Bianca was a bit surprised by this. Nillia never showed care towards her, but now she was… kind of gallant?

“Surround them!” Bron yelled. The gang members finally took action, surrounding the girls.

“I’ll protect the hostages, you take care of the rest, sisters.” Nillia said to Licia and Willia, who joined up with her.

“Muh, but I’m the gang leader. I should be the one giving orders…” Willia pouted a bit.

“Just listen to Nillia, it’s rare to see her take the lead.” Licia added, calculating her next move.

“Muhrg. Fine…” Willia relented while grumbling. “Well, our first operation as a gang is to beat up not only this gang, but also free the girls over there! Nillia, I chose you! Go protect the hostages!” She declared out loud, trying to get her role as leader back.

“Already on that.” Her sister said, before holding Bianca in a princess carry.

“Eh? Wai-!?” Bianca didn’t even have the time to say anything as Nillia was already on the move.

““Like hell we’d let you!”” The gang members blocked Nillia’s path.

“I’ll create an opening!” Licia declared, passing in front of her sister and sending a barrage of kicks to the men blocking the path. This was enough to create a gap in the men’s defense, allowing Nillia to pass and link up with the other hostages.

“Hey, Nillia? I know you and your sisters are strong but, isn’t that too much?” Bianca said worriedly as Nillia put her down on the ground, right next to the other girls who were being held hostages.

“No, this is fine. They don’t even reach second sister’s level.” Nillia said, confident.

“S-still… !!! Careful!” As Bianca still seemed a bit worried, she saw a man with a pipe approaching and swinging it downwards. Nillia did not react and took the full brunt on her head as other girls screamed at the scene.

…But that was all.

““...Eh?”” Bianca, the female students and the man stared at Nillia in confusion as Nillia did not seem to have suffered any damage… No, in fact, there was a slight bent on the pipe now!?

Nillia quickly turned around and took the opportunity to take down the man with a roundhouse kick to the stomach, making him lose grip on his pipe. She picked it up, before raising it up.

“I’m returning the blow.” She said as she swung it down on the man.

“Gah!?” The man fell for good.

“Now then…” Nillia observed her enemies, more gang members were coming her way. She taunted them. “Come.”

Her taunt had the wanted effect, and the men rushed towards her all at once. Nillia took their hits without defending, making some of the female students behind her scream and close their eyes.

…But none of the gang member’s blows seemed to do anything to Nillia.

“Impossible…” One of them murmured.

“You finished?” Nillia asked as the men stared at her with a mix of confusion and pure fright.

It wasn’t for nothing she had been paired up with Willia all this time. Nillia was tough, way tougher compared to a regular human. As a way to explain her abilities A-4 had once compared her bones to steel and her skin to hard leather which somehow remained very soft to the touch. All of this was thanks to her genetic modifications, which made her be the complete opposite of Willia. If Willia was a glass cannon, then Nillia was a hard rock.

“No matter how many of you come at the same time, I won’t let you touch those girls.” She threatened, her looks sharpening even more as she took a battle stance that emitted dignity and confidence. The gang members felt shivers pass them, while the captured female students behind her, Bianca included, saw the clone girl in a new light…

Meanwhile, Licia and Willia stuck together as they shared blows with the gang members that surrounded them.

“Hahaha!” Willia laughed crazily as she punched a man in the face, making him spit some of his teeth. “This is so much fun!”

“Willia, reign yourself in, you seem like a villain.” Licia said from the side.

“You’re not one to talk, eldest sister. You’re also smiling from ear to ear!” Willia replied back, and Licia could only acquiesce. She too was enjoying it way more than she wanted to admit.

Both of them were clearly in a state of battle frenzy, which had not happened to them for a long while now since the adults around them kept training to a level where they would not feel it.

This was different however. Being surrounded by enemies, not sure whether they could make it out without any injuries and unsure of their opponent’s skills, they quivered in excitement over what would be the outcome of this fight, whether they would win or not.

…Both had seemingly already forgotten why they were here in the first place now…

They continued to beat up any gang members that approached them while chatting together.

“Leaving the ECGs outside to guard was a good idea, we’ve got more for ourselves now!” Willia said happily as she grabbed man’s arm, pulled him towards herself in a gyratory movement before throwing him at the surrounding men.

“Well, I didn’t plan for this, but yeah, I agree.” Licia added as she jumped over a man who had plunged towards her, leaving Willia to deal a blow to the back of his head with her fists.

Licia’s plan for the ECG had been to guard the building from outside, making sure that no one intervened, or that anyone fled the scene.

“Well, leaving Breesse outside was the right move… There might have been some ‘broken eggs’ otherwise…” Licia commented to no one in particular, thinking about her sister’s obsession to always hit a certain part of males…

As the brawl continued, the men around the two girls who had already suffered bruises grew more afraid and were now hesitant to approach them.

“Step aside, I’ll take care of it.” A muscular man said, pushing his comrades. He cracked his knuckles while glaring at the two clone girls. “I dunno which one of you it was, but I got a revenge to take on clones…”

“Mh? That person seems familiar…” Willia said, tilting her head and concentrating on the newly arrived man. After a while, her ahoge straightened. “Ah! I remember now! He’s the man who left before giving me the right path to class! Good thing Evelyn was there at the time!”

“...What?” Licia stopped for a moment. She had heard of this from Willia, 003 and Evelyn, so needless to say she knew what this was all about…

“Willia, are you sure?” She asked with a dark face.

“Yup yup! His ugly face is still the same!” Willia said while laughing.

“You- How dare you insult my beautifuly shaped face!” The man raged on.

“Second round huh? Bring it on!” Willia smiled back

“Willia, wait. I’ll take care of that one…” Licia said with authority, still with a dark face.

“Uhm, sure?” Willia felt that something was weird, so be backed down.

Licia raced to the man in a flash and while the man was about to strike her with a pipe, she lowered herself to avoid the coming blow.

“This is revenge!” She declared as she put all her strength into a kick…straight into the man’s genital parts.

“Gaaaaaaaah!” The man agonized, yelling out loud as he covered his wounded intimate parts. Licia took the occasion to deliver a hit straight into the right side of his jaw, KOing him on the spot before he could do anything.

“Hmph! This is what you get for messing with Eve!” She scorned, full of contempt and anger.

The surrounding men all began to back away slowly, afraid to become the next victim.

“Uwah… As expected of you, eldest sister, you’re not joking…” Even Willia flinched a bit seeing this.

If previous moves had not been proof enough that the men did not stand a chance, this one seemed to have dealt the final blow. The men did not try to approach the two girls anymore, looking at them with horrified looks instead while their legs trembled…

“What are you all doing? Keep going!” Bron threatened from behind. He had stayed behind this whole fight, calling for reinforcement from within the building instead and barking orders.

“B-but boss, they’re just too strong… Maybe we should just gi-buh!?”

“Shut up! You are all gonna continue to attack until those bitches can’t stand anymore! You’ll know what happens if you don’t obey, right?”

The men flinched, conflicted looks on their faces. It seemed like Bron had strong arguments to force them to do his bidding…

Licia looked at the situation and sighed.

“I guess it’s time to end this.”

“Eh? Already? But I didn’t have enough fun~...” Willia whined.

“You can ask mom or Rika for some sparring later. Right now, it’s all about the gang.” Licia reminded.

“Ah, right, the gang.” Willia nodded. “As the gang leader, I must take care of the enemy leader!” She smiled fearlessly.

“Go ahead, I won’t steal your moment this time.” Licia smiled back, and Willia began to walk towards Bron while cracking her fists.

The surrounding gang members flinched at this, and instead of obeying the orders from Bron, they made way for Willia…

“Tch! I must do everything myself!” Bron scoffed, before glaring at Willia. “Come! I’ll teach you a lesson in front of ev-Guhah!?”

While he was busy speaking to impress the audience, Willia went straight to him, shoulder first. She hit him so hard he was sent flying into a pile of old rotten wooden crates that were stuck to the wall…

“Already finished? This doesn’t feel like a win…” Willia pouted, dissatisfied by the results as she saw a cloud of dust coming up from where Bron had crashed into.

“Willia, the gang.” Licia reminded.

“Ah, yes, of course.” Willia scratched her head. “Ahem, We, the- uhm, crap I don’t have a name for our gang…”

Licia sighed at the troubled look of her sister.

“Just call it the Valkyrie’s gang.” She suggested.

“Yeah, let’s go with that!” Willia nodded, and began her declaration again.

“We, the Valkyrie gang, have defeated you, the-... Uhm, sorry, I dunno the name of your gang? Uhm, anyway! We defeated you and your leader, so that means your gang is now dead!”

Her declaration was a bit weird, but the message was transmitted, the men looked at each other, questioning looks on their faces.

“Uhm, what are you gonna do with us?” One of them gathered the courage to ask.

“I’ll let you all go!” Willia declared.

“Except for your leader, we’ll deliver him to the academy’s staff. If we ever see you bullying someone though, we’ll report you.” Licia added in a hurry, not completely in agreement with Willia’s lenient ways. “Now go before we change our mind.”

The men hurriedly got up and fled the place. Those that were unconscious or too wounded were carried by the others. In less than five minutes, all gang members had fled, like rats fleeing a sinking ship. Licia had no doubt they would spray the word about what just happened today, which would work in their favor to inform other gangs about them.

Once that was done, the ECGs entered the building, and they all went towards the female students that had been tied up. They found them looking at Nillia with worried looks.

“Are you sure you’re alright?” Bianca asked for all of them.

“Yeah, tis not even a scratch.” Nillia replied stoically, returning to her usual demeanor.

“Yeah, yeah. Nillia is a hard one. Probably the only ones who can take my blows at full power and only come out with bruises.” Willia added in a happy tone.

“Let’s untie them for now.” Licia said, and the clone girls untied the captured girls.

“Phew, that was a close one. Thanks for the help, girls.” Bianca said earnestly.

“There is nothing to thank us for though?” Licia said. “We didn’t even know you were there.”

“Still, things would have turned out ugly without you, so thanks.” Bianca insisted. “Besides, I feel sorry for the number of hits Nillia has taken…”

“It’s fine. I would take any hit for you girls if it meant you’d come out of this unscathed and untouched.” Nillia made a rare smile, which made the female students freeze for a moment.

Bianca then began to tremble, before hugging Nillia.

“Wha-!? W-What are you doing!?” Nillia began to panic.

“Agh, I can’t help it! I was joking all this time when I said you were a knight, but you truly are an honorable knight! No, even more, perhaps you are our prince…” Bianca began to speak words at an incredible speed, breathing heavily and blushing.

“P-prince!? But I’m a girl!” Nillia rebutted.

“Who cares? I’ve decided you’ll be my prince, so you are! Mwehehe…”

“...She’s back to normal…” Licia could not help but comment from the side as she observed the scene.

““Same for us!””

““Eh?”” The clone girls were surprised to hear this from the other female students, who now looked at Nillia with admiring looks, blushes on their faces.

“We’ll join your gang if it means serving you.” Bianca said, the others nodding.

“But I’m the gang leader…” Willia could not help but mumble from the side, feeling a sense of loss. Her comment was tactfully ignored…

But then…

“...This isn’t how it’s supposed to goooooo~~~!”

Nillia suddenly yelled out while looking at the ceiling, surprising everyone with her sudden outburst.

She quickly came back to normal though and was extremely embarrassed. Not only that, Bianca and the others did not want to separate from her, so Nillia became more and more stressed out, as if her character was breaking up. She even had tears in her eyes. Licia decided to come to the rescue of her sister and asked the female students to leave, which they promptly did.

“Now then, all that’s left is to send that person to the staff…” She said, going over to Bron. But as she came closer, she froze.


“What’s up eldest sister? …Eh?” Willia also froze as she joined Licia. Nillia followed suit, and had the same reaction…

Right behind the now destroyed wooden crates, there was something… Something they immediately recognised…

…It was an entrance. An entrance to a clone installation… and it was open…

“...003, you get that person out of there and give him to a staff person of the academy. 078, go and tell mother immediately about our discovery.” Licia ordered. Both ECGs saluted and did as ordered.

Meanwhile, the three Null CGs kept their eyes locked on the entrance. Their curiosity was getting the better of them…

“...Breesse, keep guard over the entrance.” Licia ordered.

“Understood, what about you, Prime sisters?” Breesse asked back.

The trio looked at each other with serious looks, gulped, and then nodded. There was only one thing they wanted to do right now…

““We’re going in.””

author's monologue:

Hey there! I'm back with another chapter!

Time sure flyes fast huh? No, wait not really? I've just made the decision to accelerate the path from this chapter onward to what will probably lead to the climax of this arc!

Apart from that, the girls are growing up, but Willia is still Willia in the end? Oh well... Seems like Ticia will have a headache for a while...

Also, Willia totally got this chapter stolen from her. Original plans made it so that Willia did things alone, but I came back on it because I wanted Licia to be present. As for Nillia, her presence can be justified by her complet lack of deveopment. she needed some time to shine, and since I've had the idea of Bianca becoming her 'fangirl' for a while, I decided to implement it here... So yeah, Nillia stole this chapter for herself! (poor Willia)

Quick clarification too. When I mean fangirling, I really mean it, Bianca and the other female students did not develop any love feelings towards Nillia, they just admire her (you know, some female characters in japanese novels sometimes got this too)
So sorry, but no Nillia-Bianca ship.

Last but not least... Wut? They found the entrance? And they went in just like that!? 

...Will Ticia let this slide and praise them? Or punish them for their rash decision?

That's it from me for today! I'll see you all in the next chapter!

PS: you can join the discord here!  

PPS: While nothing is sure yet, I got the idea for an interlude that will happen before today's chapter's events, so if I post it, it'll be before this one in the table of content. Probable realease date will be Thursday.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.