Club Luna

125. Truth Trust & Tails

This marks the beginning of Club Luna book 4, which picks up four days after the final interlude of book 3 left off.

"So yeah," Willow shrugged and had a sip of her cola. "My folks aren't thrilled with the idea, but they haven't said no either?"

Then she added, "What they did say is they'd like to have a look at the place, and meet the rest of you. Like I guess they want to make sure the house is up to their standards or something, and they want to know who I want to move in with. Actually my mom made a comment, she thought it was unusual I wanted to move in with a bunch of people I only just became friends with? I think what she meant was she didn't like the idea of me moving in with people she didn't know."

I grimaced, "I guess that makes sense? I'm sure my parents would feel the same, they'd probably have second thoughts if I told them I wanted to move in with a bunch of strangers they never met before."

The cute sorceress gave me a look, "I think maybe the fact that you're an immortal indestructible demon goddess means your folks know you can take care of yourself."

"Maybe," I mumbled as I cringed and ducked a bit behind my girlfriend.

Kaylee and I were relaxing on one of the sofas, she was the little spoon and her three tails were bunched up between us. All that warm fuzzy floof would probably be really nice to cuddle with in the winter, but in the late-July heat it was a bit much.

Willow was on one of the recliners, and the two wolfgirls were on the other sofa. It was a Thursday night and the five of us just finished dinner. Melanie cooked up some burgers on the BBQ, plus we had some frozen fries I heated up in the oven.

"Do your folks know you're a sorceress?" my small kitsune girlfriend asked.

Willow shook her head, "Back when I transformed myself you all told me to keep that secret, remember? So they just think I was accidentally turned into a girl."

"Obviously they know I'm trans," she added. "It didn't take long for them to figure out how much happier I am since I changed, and we ended up having that conversation back in June. I didn't tell them it was my own magic that changed me, but they might suspect I asked for this? They might even think I did something to make it happen. They don't know I've got magic of my own though."

Kaylee asked, "So why not tell them? Let them know you're a powerful sorceress and there's not much that can hurt you. Maybe that'll set their minds at ease or something?"

Cerys frowned, "What happened to keeping this stuff secret? Are we really just going to start telling everyone? Maybe we should put a 'Club Luna Clubhouse' sign on the front door."

"Kind of hard for Kaylee to keep the supernatural a secret now that she's got all those tails," Melanie commented as she rolled her eyes. "Maybe you and me should just go wolfgirl all the time? Leave our tails and ears out everywhere we go, like all the cool kids."

"Go for it!" my girlfriend responded with a big grin. "It's not like the council can do anything about it, not since Cass kicked their butts."

That made me cringe, but I didn't respond. The other me didn't say anything either. She'd been mostly quiet again the last few days, which suited me just fine. I still wasn't comfortable with that situation, and didn't even really understand it. It was easier to just ignore it and pretend she didn't exist.

Meanwhile Cerys rolled her eyes, "As much as I'd like to go public and not worry about it, I think we're better off keeping things secret. Even if the council knows to stay out of our business there could be other threats."

"Like Miss Hawthorne," Melanie stated. "She seemed friendly enough when she was here on Sunday, but I don't trust her. And we know she's here to stay, she moved back into her old place again."

The blonde wolfgirl grimaced, "I can't believe she's going to be our English teacher again in September. But yeah, that's another good reason to keep things secret. She's big on secrecy, and I think we can all agree we don't want to get some goddess angry with us. Even if we've got a goddess of our own on our team."

Kaylee was still all confidence as she pointed out, "A goddess, a demon, a part-demon, and two powerful angels. Not to mention a pair of werewolf witches, a sorceress, and another part-demon who used to be a goddess and is also May's daughter. I think Club Luna is pretty much unstoppable now."

"Maybe," Cerys responded. "But as club leader I'm saying we want to try and keep things secret. Even if we could take on Miss Hawthorne, and by 'we' I mean 'Cass and her parents', I don't think that's any reason to antagonize her or go around trying to pick fights."

"What do you think Cass?" she asked as she looked at me.

I was still half-hidden behind my tiny demonic foxgirl girlfriend as I responded, "I definitely don't want to get in any fights with anyone. Even if my family could take Miss Hawthorne that'd be a bad idea. Lots of innocent people could get hurt if there were gods fighting around here."

"But I think it's ok if Willow tells her parents," I added. "They're her family, if she thinks they can be trusted then there's no reason not to tell them. After all, our families all know about us right?"

Cerys agreed, "Yeah ok, I guess that's fair. And I admit we got off on a tangent there, sorry folks."

"It's ok Cerys," Willow responded. "As for my folks, I'll think about it. If I tell them I'm a sorceress I'll probably have to admit it was my own magic that changed me. I'd come clean with them on that, like how I was trying to do it gradually but I lost control of it and got it all at once."

"I think it would have freaked them out more if I told them that when it happened. I'm pretty sure they'll just accept it now though? They've had long enough to get used to the idea that I'm trans anyways," she added.

That seemed to be the end of that part of the conversation, nobody else had questions or comments. And none of us minded if she wanted to bring her parents over to have a look at the house or to meet the rest of us.

After a half minute or so of silence Cerys asked, "Hey Willow, didn't you say there was something else you wanted to talk about? Or did we already cover everything?"

"Yeah..." the cute sorceress grimaced as she looked over towards me and Kaylee. "I have a request for Cassandra?"

That made me cringe again, as I waited to see if other-me would respond. She stayed quiet though, but I had to assume she was listening or something. Or she'd respond if she wanted to. So in the meantime I asked, "Ok uh, what's the request?"

Willow sighed, "I hope this doesn't get anyone upset, especially not our resident goddess, but um... Do you think maybe you could reverse what you did to Kyle and Danny? Turn them back to normal?"

"A couple days ago Gord talked to me about it," she added before anybody could say anything. "Gord's still friends with them so he's been talking to them and stuff? And when I saw him on Monday he told me they were really sorry for how they acted and stuff. Not just on Canada Day, but everything. So yesterday me and Gord got together with Kyle and Danny and they apologized to me. They said they've learned their lesson and everything, and they asked me to ask you if you'd undo the changes to them."

Kaylee responded before I could say anything. She sounded skeptical as she asked, "Do you really believe them? Do you think they've really learned not to be transmisic and homomisic in just three weeks?"

The sorceress nodded, "Yeah I believe them. Three weeks is enough time they've experienced some discrimination of their own, and they've learned first-hand what it's like to be visibly different. I'm pretty sure Kyle's family are being... Let's just say they haven't been supportive or helpful. Danny's folks are better, but honestly it's not great for either of them."

"Anyways the bottom line is they apologized for how they treated me and I believe they've learned their lesson," she stated.

That sense of calm confidence came over me and I heard other-me ask, "Cerys, Melanie, you two were both harmed in the assault on Canada Day. How do you feel about Willow's request?"

The wolfgirls exchanged a look, then Melanie responded for both of them. "If Will's convinced they've learned their lesson then we're ok with it. The water balloon thing wasn't really their fault, they were set up so we can't hold that against them."

"Very well," not-me responded calmly. We looked back at Willow again and told her, "If you're still in contact with them, you can let them know I will show them mercy and reverse the transformations overnight tonight."

Then other-me added a warning, "If they abuse my mercy and return to their queermisic ways, things will turn out far worse for them than they are right now."

Willow nodded, "I get it, and that seems totally fair. I'll text them later on and let them know."

"And thank you," she added. "After talking with them yesterday I'm actually hoping we'll be friends again? We might even get back to doing our regular weekly DnD campaign."

"Nerd," Cerys teased.

Willow rolled her eyes and teased back, "You're just jealous."

That led to some friendly banter between the young wolfgirl and the sorceress, which somehow segued into them firing up the games console for a little competition.

While that was going on Kaylee shifted around so she was facing me. She asked quietly, "Are you really going to turn those jerks back to normal? They're so much cuter as bunnyboys. Going from cute bunnykin to boring human guys seems like less chaos in the world, not more."

I tried to respond but discovered not-me was still in control. That sense of calm confidence was still there, even though we were laying on the sofa with our arms around our girlfriend.

The other me responded just as softly, "If they've truly turned a new leaf then there's no sense prolonging their suffering. I might thrive on chaos, but there's no value in causing unnecessary pain or anguish. And this will make Willow happy. It will also make the club sponsors happy, they weren't too happy about what I did to those boys either."

Kaylee watched us for a couple seconds then nodded, "Ok Cass."

"Perhaps we'll find some other way to spread some chaos around," not-me responded, "To make up for this concession."

"Maybe I can help?" Kaylee offered with a mischievous grin. "You need to keep teaching me more demonic magic first though, cutie."

Other me told her, "Tomorrow after breakfast we'll have some more lessons."

At that point not-me must have left because I suddenly went from calm and confident to feeling anxious and uneasy, just as Kaylee leaned in to give me a kiss.

"It's a date," my small demonic girlfriend replied with a smile. Then her smile faltered as she noticed my expression. She asked tentatively, "Are you ok?"

"I'm ok," I mumbled. I added in a whisper, "It's just kind of weird hearing you make study-date plans with her."

Kaylee frowned at me as she responded softly, "I made those plans with you Cass. Whether its your goddess side or your demon side you're still you."

Then she leaned in and kissed me again, before turning slightly to watch our friends battling it out on the TV screen.

I didn't try and correct her or anything, it was easier to just not think about that stuff anyways. I hadn't even tried to talk to not-me lately, we hadn't spoken to each other much at all since Nina's birthday. She was still active though, she took over and did stuff when she needed to. Or when she wanted to.

Like she took care of all the goddess stuff, and a lot of the complicated magic stuff. I didn't actually mind that so much, since some of that still made me feel uncomfortable.

I was still thinking about that a couple minutes later when the front door suddenly swung open. Sasha came in, followed by Nina. The two had been out doing their own thing together since mid-afternoon. They texted at one point to let us know they wouldn't be joining us for dinner, but other than that we had no idea what they were up to.

"Hey you two," Kaylee greeted them as they came into the living-room. "What's wrong? Why are you back so early from your date?"

My little sister's cheeks were instantly red as she sputtered, "We weren't on a date!"

"Of course we were," Sasha said with a wide smile. She wrapped an arm around the small demon's shoulders. "Dates don't have to be romantic Nina. We were on a platonic date, and it was very nice."

Nina was still flustered and blushing, but she couldn't argue with that point.

Meanwhile the former goddess answered my girlfriend's question, "Nothing's wrong. We had a wonderful meal and shared a lovely evening together, but neither of us were interested in staying out too late."

"What have the five of you been up to?" she added as she moved to sit in the empty recliner while Nina joined the wolfgirls on the other sofa.

Cerys's eyes were still on the game as she responded with a shrug, "Not much. Will's going to bring her parents over to meet the gang and check out the house. Then if all goes well she might be moving in with us."

"Nothing's decided yet," the sorceress added. "I'll talk to them again tomorrow, and maybe they'll come over for a bit this weekend? I'll let you all know ahead of time anyways."

Kaylee smirked, "So we have time to stage the place and make it look good. Or bad, depending on the mood."

Willow glanced at my girlfriend and teased, "Maybe we can stuff the little kitsune in a closet or something, for when my folks come by."

My girlfriend stuck her tongue out then pouted, but I could tell she was holding back a smile.

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