Club Luna

141. News From Afar

"Hard to believe it's basically only two weeks away," Melanie commented as she stared at the TV. "Well, two and a half I guess."

Cerys grimaced, then leaned slightly as she rapid-fire tapped some of the buttons on her game controller. "Don't remind me. I'm still a little freaked out that we're going to have May as our English teacher again. I was just getting used to Ms. Fields."

Willow frowned, "You don't think Miss Hawthorne's going to try anything? It's weird enough knowing our teacher's another goddess, but the fact that she left on bad terms with the club makes me a little nervous."

"I'm sure she knows better than to start anything," my girlfriend stated. She cuddled up a little closer against me and grinned, "Cass would kick her ass if she tried."

That made me cringe slightly, but I stayed quiet as I held my small kitsune girlfriend. The two of us were sitting on one of the big comfy recliners, Kaylee was in my lap again with her tails tucked in against my chest. It was soft and warm and cosy, and she had her head resting against my shoulder.

All seven of us were hanging out in the living-room, the two wolfgirls were playing video games as usual. They were taking turns with Willow and Nina, and the four of them had a mini-competition going again. The werewolfs were on one of the sofas, while my sister and cousin sat on the other sofa along with the sorceress.

And with August already more than half over the topic of school came up, now we were all thinking about how soon that was going to happen, and what it would be like.

"While I certainly understand the reason for your concern, I'm confident my mother won't risk attracting the ire of either Cassandra or her sister or her parents," Sasha pointed out. "I believe she's thoroughly outclassed by the four of them, and she knows it."

The former goddess added, "Anyways that's beside the point. She said she's changed her ways, and I believe her."

"I hope you're right," Cerys responded.

After focusing on her game for a few more seconds she added, "The other thing I'm wondering about with May is who else she's going to start teaching magic to. She said she wasn't going to create a new club, but if she just starts teaching magic to students without any kind of oversight they're just going to end up becoming incidents for us to clean up."

"I doubt it," Kaylee said as she shook her head. "May's too big on secrecy, she'll drill it into their heads that they can't use magic in public. And she can probably tell who's likely to abuse it anyways, so she can cherry pick what students she'll teach."

The blonde wolfgirl smirked, "I don't know about that? She let me in after all, so her selection process can't be that great."

"Can't argue with that," Melanie responded with a grin of her own.

After another few seconds Cerys shrugged, "Anyways you three are lucky? Cass Kaylee and Sasha. At least you don't have to worry about being in her class. Or even seeing her at all, for that matter."

That made me grimace, "It's still going to be weird though? Not going to high school anymore, I mean. And not being able to walk with my sister and girlfriend."

"Are you still planning on walking with our neighbours?" Melanie asked. "Or even if you don't, at least you and Sasha can keep each other company."

"Maybe?" I shrugged.

Sasha added, "I don't believe we've made any firm plans with them yet. But if all five of us are heading there and back every day, odds are we'll end up walking together since we'll all be following the same route more or less."

Willow smiled as she looked over at the wolfgirls, "It'll be nice that I get to walk with you two."

Nina pouted, "And I'll be all by myself, no sister and no Kaylee to keep me company."

"Aww," I frowned. "I'm sorry Nina. Now I feel bad about -"

"It's ok sis," she cut me off with a smile. "I'm tempted to just teleport over here in the mornings, so I can walk with Cerys Melanie and Willow."

Kaylee made a pointed comment, "Speaking of, I still need to learn how to do that and there's only two and a half weeks left for you to teach me. Otherwise I'm going to be stuck. I'll have to borrow the Lunamobile every day, and spend like an hour or two in traffic."

"I can't believe y'all are actually calling it that," Melanie grumbled.

Cerys just giggled, while my girlfriend shifted slightly to look at me.

"You're still going to teach me how to teleport, right?" she asked.

I nodded, "Of course. I'll make sure we do that this week. Before my birthday anyways, you'll know how to teleport."

"You'll still have to drive to the campus at least once though," I added. "You need to go and find a spot you can teleport to."

Kaylee was already smiling again as she nodded, "I know, I get it. But your birthday's only eight days away, and I'm going to hold you to that promise Cass. So please don't forget, and don't put it off too much longer. Ok?"

"Ok Kaylee," I nodded. "I promise."

Meanwhile Willow was talking to my cousin, and I ended up listening in on that conversation after promising my girlfriend we'd keep doing her demonic magic lessons.

"No offence or anything," the cute sorceress said, "I just think it's kind of wild that you've only been around for less than two months and you're already going to college."

Sasha's cheeks took on a faint pink hue as she replied, "I have Cassandra and Nina to thank for that, and the rest of you as well. You've all helped me to acclimatize to the modern world, and caught me up on the details of the countless things I missed during my exile."

Melanie asked, "So how come you decided to study Marketing? Not that it's any of our business, just curious."

"It's part of our long-term plans," my cousin explained. "Cassandra and I believe it will be to our benefit to know how to successfully sell people on ideas and concepts. It will help us better spread the message of Chaos, it will hopefully help attract more worshippers and faithful for her, and it should even help us down the road, as we continue working to dismantle the status-quo."

She added, "We've both enrolled in the two year programme. After that we'll likely re-evaluate, to determine if it might be beneficial for us to stay on two more years to complete the graduate level programme as well."

That raised some eyebrows, and a few of our friends looked over at me which made me cringe slightly.

Then Cerys asked, "I thought you were going to study something writing-related? Isn't that what you were interested in?"

"I guess," I mumbled as I half-hid behind my girlfriend. "This other stuff's more important though. And I can still do writing and stuff on the side, or in my spare time."

Willow gave me and Sasha a funny look as she asked, "So how does marketing help with gaining worshipers? Are you actually going to start a church or something?"

"Not as such," my cousin replied. "Perhaps a hundred years ago that might have worked? From what I've learned of the modern world, I think we'll have more success if we take direct advantage of the internet using modern marketing techniques. Backed by a little divine magic, of course."

Before anyone could comment or question that we were interrupted by someone's ringtone.

"That's probably Melody," the blonde wolfgirl said as she paused her game and pulled out her phone. After checking the screen she swiped it then tapped something. And as she put her phone down on the coffee table she said, "Hi Melody. You're on speaker, we're all here."

"Hi everyone," the shape-shifter's voice was a bit tinny-sounding through the small phone speaker, but she was loud enough for everyone to hear her without any problem.

We all said hello back to her, then Cerys asked "So how's things?"

Melody replied, "Things are good, me and my guys are well. I got a job last week, and Kelly's got an interview coming up on Monday. And Craig's already working. The three of us are renting a cosy little house just outside town."

"Anyways," she continued, "I'm calling to thank you all for finding Rick. I knew Club Luna would save the day."

Kaylee asked, "How's he doing? There was a little blurb on the news last week that he'd been found alive and was being treated in hospital, but that's it."

The shape-shifter replied, "Yeah so this is third-hand, like Rick talked to Craig who passed it on to me? Apparently when they got him to hospital he was diagnosed with exhaustion and dehydration. They kept him on an IV overnight and by the next day he was doing well enough that they sent him home. He had to take it easy for a few more days, but he's fine now."

"He doesn't remember any details though," she added. "He remembers going into the cave, but that's it. No idea what happened to him, or where he was while he was missing that whole time."

Sasha commented, "It's too bad he doesn't remember anything. I think all of us would have liked an answer to that question."

"Yeah definitely," Melody responded. "Still, if he remembered he'd have probably told the hospital folks. Or the cops. Then we'd have more normal humans getting into trouble in there."

Cerys shook her head, "Not any more. Cass sealed the cave that night, so nobody else can wander in there."

"Oh, good to know," our former club member replied. "That's probably for the best. Rick sure has no interest in going back there. Even if he can't remember what actually happened, he definitely isn't looking to tempt fate again. And uh..."

She sounded guilty or embarrassed as she continued "I'm really sorry for telling him where to find it. I guess I got caught up in his curiosity and enthusiasm, and didn't really think of the potential consequences."

Our club leader nodded, "Just don't do it again, ok Melody? We're glad things worked out all right this time."

"Yeah," the shape-shifter sighed. She sounded a little more nervous as she asked, "So um, about the other thing? I haven't heard anything else from my dad. Have any of you heard anything? Do you know if she's involved with those people?"

The others all looked at me which made me cringe again, but before I could respond I felt Cassandra's presence. Her confidence came over me and she replied calmly, "No offence Melody but due to your relationship with her I think it's best if we avoid that topic."

She sighed, "Right, I get it. Just, please don't hurt her, ok?"

"I have no intention of harming her," my other self replied, "But I won't let anyone harm my family and friends."

"Thanks Cass," Melody said with another sigh. "Anyways I should probably get going. Thanks again for saving Rick, and like I said, I'm sorry for giving him the coordinates and getting him in trouble in the first place."

Cerys responded, "It's ok Melody. Thanks for calling, take care."

We all said our goodbyes and everything, then the blonde wolfgirl tapped her phone to end the call.

"I'm glad her friend's ok," Nina commented. "It's nice knowing we were able to save him."

I knew Cassandra was already gone again since that confidence had left me, but I agreed with my sister. "Yeah, me too. I'm glad we were able to help."

We were all distracted at that point by what sounded like a big motorcycle pulling up outside the house. In fact it sounded like it pulled right into our driveway, behind the mini-van. Then the engine cut out, and a half minute later there was a knock at our front door.

"I'll get it," Melanie suddenly announced as she got to her feet. Her nose was twitching a bit, and her tail was down while her ears were pointed forward slightly.

Cerys's nose was twitching too, she sounded wary as she asked "You know who it is?"

"I recognize the scent," the older wolfgirl replied. Then she added to the rest of us, "Let me handle this please. It's not trouble, but it might be something private."

By that point we were all super curious, but nobody complained or tried to follow as Melanie headed out of the living-room to answer the door.

Cerys and Kaylee both had their tall fuzzy ears pointed in that direction so they could listen in, but whatever was going on was too quiet for the rest of us. I could hear Melanie's voice and a man's voice, but they were both speaking too softly to make out what was being said.

Or at least, they started out soft. Then Melanie exclaimed, "What?! Is she ok?!"

That was followed a few seconds later by the wolfgirl stating, "Crud. Ok you know what? Me and my friends are gonna help, so c'mon. I'll introduce you, then I want to hear all the details. Because there's no way were gonna just ignore this."

The guy-voice mumbled something, then a moment later Melanie came back into the living-room with a tall handsome muscular-looking man trailing behind her.

He was decked out in fancy biker clothes, like he had tall black leather boots, tight black leather pants, and a black leather jacket that hung open. That revealed his tight white t-shirt, which in turn showed off a chiselled chest and six-pack abs. He had broad shoulders and the tight pants revealed strong legs. His black hair was trimmed short and he was clean-shaved, his skin carried a dark tan, and his eyes were dark too. I'd guess his age at mid to late twenties. He was carrying a black helmet in his left hand, and he had a pair of reflective sunglasses tucked into the neck of his tee. His eyes swept over everyone in the room, while his nose twitched as if he was testing the scents in the air.

"Hey gang," Melanie said as she gestured towards the biker guy. "This is Jaden, and yeah he's a werewolf. His mom's the one who taught me all about being a wolf, she was my tutor last year after y'all found me and saved me."

She continued with the introductions, starting with Cerys who she introduced as her mate. She didn't tell Jaden what the rest of us were, she just told him our names as she went around the room.

Once all the greetings were out of the way Melanie looked at the biker werewolf and asked, "You wanna tell them what you just told me?"

Jaden looked us all over once more, then he asked her "You sure they can be trusted? Apart from your mate none of them are wolfs."

"I trust them all with my life," Melanie stated in a flat serious tone. "They might not be wolfs, but they're all supernaturals. And this is what we do. They saved me, and we can help with this."

He glanced at the rest of us again, then nodded "Fine. Two days ago my mother was attacked on her own land. She survived, she's at home recovering, but the attacker got away. We're assuming he was a human, but he was using some kind of magic to mask his scent."

"I came over here to warn Melanie because of the nature of the attack," he added after a slight pause. "We're pretty sure this guy is a werewolf hunter. As long as he's out there, no weres in the area are safe."

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