Club Luna

24. New Year, New Friend

Fifteen minutes later the six of us were at the cafe, where we took over one of the larger tables. Me and Kaylee and Paige sort of held the table while Brooke and Marissa and Melanie did all the orders, and Brooke paid for everything.

Then the other three joined us at the table while we waited for our orders to come up.

"So you're seriously calling yourself Marisa?" Melanie asked as she stared at the short blonde in the huge witch-hat.

Marissa grinned, "Yep! Only I spell it with two S's. Helps make sure people pronounce it the way I want them to? I'm trying to convince my parents to let me legally change it, but if they won't go for it I'll just do it anyways as soon as I'm eighteen."

The wolfgirl looked impressed, "Wow."

At that point one of the baristas called "Order for Melanie!"

Our potential new friend headed to the counter, and we saw her sort of bump into another short cute blonde girl who was also heading that way. The two exchanged some brief words, then the wolfgirl came back empty-handed while the blonde picked up a tray of drinks and a couple sandwiches.

"Friend of yours?" Paige asked.

We watched the blonde sit at a table on the other side of the restaurant where two cute guys were waiting. All three of them were a couple years older than us, like nineteen or maybe twenty. They looked like college students or something.

The wolfgirl shook her head, "Not really. She works at one of the shops here? She's Melanie D, I'm Melanie C, and the baristas always get our orders mixed up."

At that point they called again, and this time it was the right order. Brooke and Melanie both went and grabbed everything then came back and handed out all the drinks. Hot chocolate for me and Kaylee, flat white for Marissa, and everyone else had lattes. Melanie also had a western sandwich on a croissant, since this was her lunch break.

"So I understand you're new in town?" Brooke asked as we all started on our drinks.

"Yeah we moved here in August," Melanie sighed. She looked uncomfortable as she explained, "We're from BC, a town called Kelowna? But I uh... My problem started about eight months ago and things got really messy there. Me and my dad moved halfway across the country to try and start over. Mom's still back there, she's got a good job and it wasn't practical for her to quit so..."

She was obviously trying to act like this stuff didn't bother her, but at the same time I was sure all of us could tell she was really upset.

"S'ok Melanie," Marissa said as she put a hand on the wolfgirl's arm. "We've all got messed up stuff going on, life messes with everyone y'know? But like Cass said, we want to help if we can?"

Paige leaned closer and lowered her voice as she asked, "About your problem? Didn't you get any training or anything? Most folks like you fit in just fine. There's usually no mess, no trouble."

Our new friend got a dark look in her eyes and she clenched her jaw for a second or two, before she relaxed and sighed. "I got nothing. I've never met anyone else like me, and the person who did this to me was no help. It was all a big surprise."

"That's..." Brooke frowned. "Melanie I'm really sorry. It's not supposed to be like that. We know someone who can definitely help you. She can probably put you in touch with folks like you, who can explain things? They can teach you what to do or how to handle things."

Melanie frowned as she looked around the table at all of us. "Who are you people anyways? How do you know all this stuff? Most folks don't even believe what I am is real."

Paige glanced around the cafe then said softly, "We shouldn't really say too much in public. Obviously we're not like most people. We research the supernatural and we try to protect people, try to help people."

"I'm going to text May," Brooke decided as she pulled out her phone. "Our story is the five of us met up for coffee, and happened to run into Melanie. Complete coincidence."

I pointed out, "That's basically what happened on Thursday."

"Right," Brooke smiled. "It's the truth, as long as I don't mention which day it was. Anyways May will know what to do."

Marissa explained to our new friend, "May Hawthorne sponsors our club, but she kind of suspended us because we maybe got in a bit of trouble last week. No big deal though."

Melanie nodded slowly, then had a bite of her sandwich. As she ate she asked, "So you're some kind of club? Obviously not a school thing."

Kaylee nodded, "Club Luna. And yeah, we usually meet at school. May's one of our teachers."

"Huh," the wolfgirl frowned.

"Where abouts do you go to school?" Marissa asked.

Melanie had another bite of her sandwich then mumbled, "Don't. Dad says it's too risky, after what happened out west. He's homeschooling me, more or less."

Once again it wasn't that hard to tell she was unhappy, that it was a painful topic for her.

After a few moments of quiet Brooke suggested, "If you want to go to school, May might be able to help with that too?"

"How about we all introduce ourselves properly and exchange contact info?" Marissa suggested. "Like so we don't have to corner you in the grocery store next time? We're all friends now right?"

The young witch added, "I'll go first. I'm Marissa Ainsley. Sixteen years old, grade ten student, and as you already know, Touhou fan."

I went next, "Cassandra Underwood. But call me Cass. Seventeen, grade eleven, and uh, I like books."

Kaylee went next, then Brooke, and finally Paige.

The wolfgirl looked around at all of us, then shrugged "Ok. I'm Melanie Caetano. Sixteen, grade ten I guess. Uh, I don't have any big hobby or interest. I like Touhou but not enough to dress up as any of them."

Brooke's phone buzzed and a moment later she asked, "Melanie are you busy tomorrow? May's invited all of us over to her place for lunch."

Melanie hesitated again, then shrugged "Yeah ok. I guess."

Brooke texted back to Miss Hawthorne, and after that we finally relaxed a bit. There was some more getting to know each other, then Melanie spent the last fifteen minutes of her break arguing with Marissa about Touhou ships and headcannons, while the rest of us watched.

• • • • •

Mum gave me and Kaylee a lift over to May's place just before noon Sunday. Paige and Marissa rode with Brooke, and they picked up Melanie as well. She and her dad lived in a small house near the middle of town, apparently they were renting so it wouldn't have been one of the ones we were going to look into on Monday anyways.

When we got there I got the feeling May was a bit cross with the five of us. Like despite Brooke's cover story it wasn't hard to imagine we ignored the suspension and kept looking for the werewolf anyways. Still, she acted nice and everything. Maybe so she wouldn't scare Melanie away.

Lunch was kind of funny, like there was a platter of little finger sandwiches and another platter of veggie sticks and dip and stuff. And a tray of tiny desserts too, like little miniature cakes and fancy cookies and things like that. It felt like the sort of thing you saw old ladies doing for afternoon tea in TV shows. There was soda and water and juice and coffee for drinks, and everyone just kind of helped themselves as we all sat in the living-room.

May had another fire going again which was nice too, it made everything nice and cosy.

As usual me and Kaylee sat together on one of the sofas, while Brooke and Paige were on the opposite sofa. What was different was this time Marissa didn't take her usual recliner. Instead she guided Melanie onto the third sofa, and the two of them sat together there. And finally May took the recliner to our left, next to the fire.

May and Melanie introduced themselves to each other then we all got comfortable and started on lunch. The little sandwiches were actually kind of fun, the veggies and dip was ok, and the mini desserts were tasty.

Once we'd all had enough to eat the conversation part of the visit got started. Melanie began by telling Miss Hawthorne the same stuff she told us the day before, about her and her dad moving here in August because of trouble out west and how she was being homeschooled and all that stuff.

"Brooke told me you've received no instruction or training regarding your condition," May commented. "That's very unusual. If it's not too distressing Melanie, would you mind sharing with us how you came to be a werewolf? Were you born a were, or did someone turn you?"

"I wasn't born a werewolf," our new friend stated. "I didn't even know that was possible. As for how..."

She looked like she was thinking it over as she glanced around the room at the rest of us, then finally sighed "Ok. I'm guessing y'all don't have any problems with queer folks, considering those two have each other's scent all over them, same as those two."

She gestured towards Brooke and Paige first, then me and Kaylee second. Which made me blush, but also made me smile. Like yeah, me and Kaylee were together and that made me really happy.

"So here's what happened," the wolfgirl continued with another deep sigh. "I'm trans ok? I came out about a year ago. My folks were a little freaked but they did their best? Like it's a shock I guess, but it's not the end of the world. Anyways so I was just starting to socially transition, came out at school, told the extended family, all that stuff. Then in March my uncle comes over for a visit. He's always been a bit strange, like the guy's just out there, you know? Anyways he sits me down in private and tells me he can help. Hands me this little bottle and says it's a true form potion. Claims it's magic, it'll turn me into my inner self and all that?"

All of us were listening quietly with wide eyes, except May who closed her eyes and sighed. She seemed to know how the story was going to end, but she didn't interrupt.

Melanie had a gulp of soda before continuing, "So on the one hand I know my uncle's an oddball. But on the other hand, what have I got to loose right? Instant magical transition? Of course I'm gonna try it. So like a fool I drink the stuff. Nothing happens. Uncle doesn't understand, says it should have worked, whatever."

"Until the next full moon," May said quietly.

"Yeah," Melanie nodded as her shoulders slumped. "First time was in April. I sprouted fur and turned into a wolf. In the morning when I changed back I was... That's when I got my instant magical transition, but it came with a side order of fur and fangs."

She looked angry as she added, "Uncle claimed he didn't know. Said he got the stuff off the internet, he thought he was doing me a favour. But he's no werewolf, and I've never met any other werewolfs. So ok twenty-nine days out of the month I get to be a normal girl... Well mostly normal girl. But every full moon I feel like I gotta turn into an animal and go out and run. Otherwise I get really punchy and irritable. And sometimes when I'm out running I get hungry. And I guess I kinda like the taste of sheep..."

Her voice trailed off and she sounded equal parts ashamed and upset by the end. She was looking down at the floor, and her cheeks were bright red.

Before anyone could respond though she looked up at me and added, "Like I said the other day, I'm really sorry about what happened that night? I didn't mean to scare you and I'm glad I didn't hurt you. I'd never want to mess up anyone else's life the way my uncle messed up mine."

"It's ok Melanie," I told her. "I understand. And um, I'm glad at least you get to be your true self most of the time."

She smiled weakly, "Thanks Cass."

"Melanie I'm so sorry for what happened to you," May stated. "I know someone who I'm sure would be happy to talk with you and help you out. She's a werewolf herself, she's raised a few young wolves of her own, and she's an excellent teacher. She can help you to understand and manage your abilities, and the urges you feel around the moon."

The wolfgirl smiled wider, "Seriously? Ma'am that would be amazing!"

Brooke asked, "Melanie would you be interested in enrolling at school with us? Maybe May can help with that too?"

There was a hopeful tone in her voice as Marissa added, "It'd be great having you there! We're the same age, I bet we'd be in a lot of the same classes."

Before our new friend could respond the young blonde looked at May and asked "Hey can Melanie join Club Luna as well? She already knows all of us, and she's got the whole supernatural thing going on too right? Even if she's not a witch, I bet she could still help out in other ways!"

May gave Melanie a friendly smile and said, "It's up to you hon. If you'd like to come to school I can make some arrangements. I'll need to talk with your father of course, but provided he doesn't object I'm sure we can get you in before the second semester starts."

"As for joining Club Luna," our patron added, "I think that could be arranged as well if you're interested. After all, there's nothing that says a werewolf can't also learn to be a witch."

Melanie's eyebrows crept up as she grinned, "Seriously? That'd be awesome, thank you ma'am!"

May smiled as well, then addressed the rest of us "I'd like a few words in private with Melanie, so perhaps you girls could take the rest of the food over to the kitchen and put it away? Get yourselves some more drinks as well if you like."

We all got to our feet, though Marissa was the slowest. She was obviously reluctant to leave Melanie alone, and I couldn't help smiling. The way the blonde witch was acting suddenly reminded me of how me and Kaylee were at the start. Like when I was the new girl here and I was all nervous and shy, while Kaylee stayed nearby and looked out for me and stuff.

Me and Kaylee and Brooke picked up the trays of food, while Paige and finally Marissa followed behind. Then while the five of us were messing around with plastic film wrap and stuff, May moved to sit closer to Melanie so the two could have a quiet talk.

That reminded me of my first visit here too, when May had a little talk with me while the other four girls were busy tidying the kitchen. I figured that probably happened with every new Club Luna member, like everyone got a private conversation with our patron or something.

May and Melanie were done talking by the time the rest of us were finished in the kitchen. We all sat back down with the others, and the rest of the visit was spent talking about how we'd fit Melanie into the club. And Melanie was confident she and May could convince her dad to let her start coming to school too.

And Marissa volunteered to be the one to teach Melanie about magic, which came as a huge surprise to absolutely no-one at all.

~ End of Episode Three ~

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