Club Luna

8. Going Home

The ritual seemed to leave everybody other than me exhausted. I figured it's because they were all busy working magic and everything, while all I did was sit there and watch. So as soon as it was finished Miss Hawthorne had the other girls dismiss the circle. The candles and bonfire were magically extinguished, and the six of us quietly went back into the house.

I wanted to ask May about some of the stuff I saw outside the circle, but she said we could talk about it another time or I could ask the other girls about that stuff at the next club meeting. Instead of discussing magic or the ritual or other witchy Club Luna stuff we all just got some drinks and got seated around the fireplace in the living-room.

It was about a half hour later when I finally noticed how my backpack had changed. Before the ritual it was a faded grey colour, basically the same backpack I'd had since grade nine. Now it was black and pink and it looked to be in better shape. Maybe not newer, but better taken care of.

All my stuff inside it was slightly different too. Like my wallet was a girls style, and my ID cards and student card and everything else inside it all showed my first name as Cassandra. And cards that had my picture all had my new looks on them. And the cards that used to indicate I was a boy now listed me as a girl. Everything else in there, like school books and notebooks and stuff, all that had my new name on it too.

My phone was the same as before, but texts and emails and everything like that all had my new name as well. It was kind of amazing and exciting, but I couldn't really share that excitement with anyone since they were all too tired to talk about it.

In fact everyone was worn out enough that we all had a quiet early night. May went upstairs to bed by about nine-thirty, and the rest of us got ready for bed by around ten. We had the same sleeping arrangements as the night before, with Kaylee on an air mattress, me and Brooke and Paige on the three sofas, and Marissa slept on a recliner again.

I didn't sleep as good the second night as I had the night before. First off I had trouble falling asleep, then I had trouble staying asleep. I chalked that up to the excitement. Like Friday night I was overwhelmed and exhausted, but Saturday night I was kind of wired from seeing the magic and how the ritual worked and everything. There might have been one or two nightmares as well, from some of the things I'd seen at the edge of the circle.

After I woke for what felt like the fifth time I gave up and just lay on the sofa and played a game on my phone. I kept quiet so I wouldn't bother anyone else, but it was kind of boring and awkward.

Fortunately the early night meant everyone else was up early Sunday morning as well, so I didn't have to wait too long. Most of us were up by half past seven, including May who came downstairs in her housecoat and bunny slippers to turn on the coffee machine.

That got Marissa up, and everyone had coffee or juice while May made us french toast and bacon for breakfast, along with a batch of home-fries.

As we ate, Brooke looked at our teacher and commented, "I kind of get how and why the circle broke when Cass entered it on Friday at the club meeting? And obviously the stored magic that got dumped into her powered her transformation. But I'm really confused about what happened last night. She should have been able to pass through the circle without anything happening at all, but it's like she drained it again. Where'd the magic go, or did she just dispell it?"

"That's a good point," Paige said as she gave me a funny look. "The circle last night was a lot bigger, and we put a lot more energy into it because it was Samhain. Did you drain it or dispell it?"

I felt my cheeks going red as I shook my head, "I don't know? I didn't do it on purpose, I don't know what happened, or how it happened."

"Let's save that for another time," Miss Hawthorne suggested. Except her tone made it sound less like a suggestion and more like that's what she was telling everyone to do. "I'm pretty sure all you girls have homework to do before school tomorrow, so after breakfast you'll be packing up and heading home to take care of that. Meanwhile Cassandra has to deal with her family, so that's what she and I will be focusing on this morning."

May's mention of homework led to some groans and unhappy faces among the other girls, but nobody really complained. And just like that I forgot all about magic and last night's ritual and ended up anxious about seeing my parents instead.

I stayed quiet as we all finished our breakfast, then everyone helped do the dishes and tidy up except for our teacher who went back upstairs to get changed. After that the five of us took turns in the washroom as we got dressed. And all too soon, it was time to go home.

We all gathered at the front door, the other girls all had their backpacks and purses. I had my backpack slung over my left shoulder, and a bag of clothes in each hand.

"Ready?" Miss Hawthorne asked as she glanced around at everyone.

I nodded when she looked my way, and the other girls were all set as well. After we were outside me and Kaylee stood near May as she locked her front door, while Paige and Marissa followed Brooke over to her car.

"See you later," Brooke called to us as she climbed in behind the wheel.

Paige and Marissa waved as they got in as well, then Brooke pulled out and drove off while the three of us went over to May's hybrid.

I was anxious about seeing my parents, about having to introduce myself and explain everything. And the drive into town was much too short, it seemed like only a few seconds passed between getting into the car and turning off the main street into our neighbourhood.

May pulled into a driveway, and I was confused at first because it wasn't my house.

"Why'd we come to my place?" Kaylee asked.

Miss Hawthorne replied, "I'm sure Cassandra appreciates your offer of support Kaylee, but this is something she needs to do herself. I know you mean well, but your presence would only complicate matters."

The cute redhead frowned and pushed her glasses up her nose as she looked at me. "Cass? Do you want me to come with you? Or are you going to be ok with May?"

I frowned as well and took a deep breath as I quickly thought it over.

"Miss Hawthorne's right," I finally replied. "Thanks for everything Kaylee, I don't think I'd have got through half the stuff this weekend without you. But yeah. I think I need to do this myself."

She nodded, then leaned closer and gave me a quick hug. "Good luck Cass. Text me or something later, let me know how it goes?"

"Ok Kaylee," I promised as I hugged her back.

After another couple seconds she finally let go, then grabbed her backpack and climbed out of the car. She waved once, then turned and hurried into her house.

May backed the car out onto the road, and two minutes later we were at my place.

Miss Hawthorne pulled into the driveway and parked next to my mum's car, then I sighed quietly as we both emerged from May's hybrid. I had my backpack while she got the two bags of clothes out of the back and carried those for me.

My heart was racing again as I led her up to the front door. I fumbled with one of the pockets of my backpack and found my key, and finally unlocked the door.

I took a deep breath then opened it up and stepped inside, and my teacher followed me in. We stopped there in the front hall for a few moments, and May set the bags of clothes down against the wall.

"Hi, I'm home!" I called out, then grimaced as I remembered how different my voice sounded.

My mom didn't seem to notice though, or if she did she didn't mention it. She called back, "Good morning hon! We're in the kitchen."

I glanced at May, she gave me a supportive smile and a slight nodd.

My heart-rate felt like it was doubling with every step I took, as I led my teacher past the living-room and the stairs, past the door to mom's office, and finally through the doorway into the kitchen.

Mom was sitting at her usual spot at the table, she had a mug of coffee in one hand and she was reading something on her tablet. And my mum was standing by the counter, she was refilling her mug with more coffee.

They were both dressed really casual since it was the weekend and all, and it looked like neither of them had any plans to go out. Mom was in a pair of stretch-jeans and an old t-shirt, while mum wore track pants and a long-sleeve top.

Both of them looked over at me as I stepped into the kitchen with Miss Hawthorne, and all of us kind of froze.

Mom and mum were staring wide-eyed, my teacher stood quietly behind me, and I cringed and shrank slightly into my oversized hoodie. I knew how different I looked, how much smaller I was and everything. Even my clothes were all new, with my green leggings and dark blue hoodie and all that.

Mom was the first one to recover. She gave me a worried, uncertain look as she asked "Cass? Is that you?"

"Yeah," I nodded slowly. "Something happened on Friday night and I um... I accidentally turned into a girl."

My folks exchanged a worried glance, but before either could say anything I introduced my guest and my parents to each other.

"This is my English and Creative Writing teacher, May Hawthorne. Ma'am, that's my mom Julie and my mum Tanya."

"Hello Julie, Tanya," Miss Hawthorne greeted them in a quiet polite voice. "We actually met last April at a parent-teacher night."

Mom gestured, "Why don't you two come and sit down. May, can we offer you anything to drink?"

Meanwhile mum finished fixing her coffee, she moved back to the table and sat in her usual spot to the right of mom.

"No thank you," Miss Hawthorne said as she followed me to the table. She sat down across from my mom, while I took my usual seat to mom's left, across from mum.

My heart was still racing, I kept expecting my folks to freak out or start yelling or something. Or at least demand some kind of proof of who I was. Like as far as they knew some strange teenage girl just walked into their house and claimed to be their son.

Mom and mum exchanged another uneasy glance, then mom looked at me and asked "So... I assume this accident of yours involved some form of magic?"

My eyes widened and I nodded slowly.

Miss Hawthorne raised an eyebrow and commented, "You don't seem so surprised."

Mom shook her head, while mum asked me "Cass hon, are you... Do you want to be changed back? Or are you planning to stay like that?"

I cringed a little deeper into my hoodie and replied softly, "I'm going to stay this way. I'm happy like this. I um, my real name's going to be Cassandra from now on. But you can keep calling me Cass."

Mum nodded slowly, "All right hon. Would you like us to start using she/her pronouns for you?"

"Yes please," I half-whispered.

My stomach was churning and my heart still racing, and my eyes were starting to fill with tears. They were happy tears though, because somehow it seemed like my parents weren't going to freak out or anything. Somehow they were already ok with this.

Mom leaned over and pulled me into a hug as she said "It's alright hon. Your mum and I are glad you're happy, we're glad you found yourself."

Her voice dropped to a whisper as she added softly, "We've been wondering for a while now if you might really be a girl. Though we weren't expecting you to come out quite so abruptly as this. We can talk more about it after Miss Hawthorne's gone, ok?"

I hugged her back as more tears ran down my cheeks, and whispered "Ok mom...thank you."

When me and mom finally let go of each other I wiped my eyes, but the big smile on my face made it obvious my tears weren't from sadness.

Mum gave me a compassionate smile, while mom turned her attention to my teacher. "I take it you had something to do with this, Miss Hawthorne? This was the extracurricular activity you called me about on Friday?"

My teacher shook her head slightly, "Not exactly. Cassandra wandered into a classroom where some other students were working with magic. That encounter resulted in her accidental transformation, and I was called after the fact to help determine what to do about the situation."

Mum frowned as she asked, "And what did you decide to do?"

Miss Hawthorne replied calmly, "As per Cassandra's wishes, a ritual was performed last night to alter her ID and school records, along with a few other arrangements to ensure a smooth social transition. And she asked me to accompany her this morning, to help talk with you. Although I'm starting to realize my presence isn't needed after all. You're both taking this a lot better than I expected."

After a brief pause May asked, "I take it the two of you have some knowledge or experience with magic?"

My folks exchanged another glance with each other then mom responded, "Enough to know that we don't talk about that sort of thing in public or with strangers."

Mum added, "And I think we need to have a private conversation with our daughter. Miss Hawthorne, I hate to be rude but..."

My heart swelled hearing mum call me her daughter, though I also felt some anxiety again about the conversation we were about to have.

Meanwhile my teacher just smiled politely as she got to her feet. "I understand. I'll see myself out."

She looked to me and added, "See you tomorrow Cassandra. And just this once I'll understand if your English homework isn't done. I know you've had rather a busy weekend."

"Bye Miss Hawthorne," I said as she turned and headed for the door. "And thanks again for everything!"

Once she was gone I turned my attention back to my parents again.

They were both watching me as mom asked, "So, Cassandra is it? That's a pretty name hon. I take it that's why you asked us to start calling you Cass last year? Short for Cassandra?"

I blushed but nodded, "Yeah. I kind of started wishing that could be my name, but I never thought it could ever really happen..."

Mum smiled, "You could have just told us hon. You didn't need to keep that secret, we'd have understood."

My cheeks grew brighter and I cringed a little deeper into my big hoodie again. Mom leaned closer and pulled me into another hug.

~ End of Episode One ~

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