Club Luna

Extras #9 – Disciples of Chaos

spoiler warning: this chapter contains spoilers for the first half (up to ch.15) of Really Strange Stuff. If you haven't read that story yet maybe go do so now?

=::= Sasha's PoV =::=

"So you've both had a few days to think things over," Cassandra said as she looked back and forth between Kaylee and myself. "Do either of you have any questions? Or concerns, or comments?"

For once the small three-tailed demonic foxgirl wasn't sitting atop the demonic goddess' lap. Instead Kaylee and I were seated on either end of one of the sofas, while Cassandra faced us from the nearest recliner.

The three of us had the living-room, indeed the entire main floor of the club house to ourselves this afternoon. The two werewolfs were both in their basement apartment, along with Willow and Nina. And from the muffled noises coming up through the floor it was safe to assume the four of them were enjoying another video game tournament. Which meant the three of us likely wouldn't be disturbed.

Kaylee was the first to reply to Cassandra's query. She shook her head, "Nope."

"I don't believe I have any questions either," I said.

Cassandra nodded once, then asked the obvious next question. "Are you both still interested in going ahead with this?"

"If so this feels like the best time to do it," she added. "It gives all three of us the weekend to get used to any changes, before we all have to head back to classes on Monday."

Most of Club Luna had been enjoying our March Break, but now it was Friday and in just a couple more days we'd all be returning to college or university or high school as appropriate. The school-life experience was still somewhat novel to me, but I appreciated the time off as much as my friends did.

Meanwhile Kaylee once again spoke up first, "Yes! I think it's a cool idea, and if you're going to start adding disciples then I want to be the first!"

Her tails were swishing around behind her as she went on, "Like I said before? Tess is Amy's first priestess, so it only seems fair that I should be your first disciple."

"All right Kaylee," the demonic goddess acknowledged her girlfriend. Then her attention turned to me, "What do you think Sasha?"

I responded, "Thank you for considering me, I'm honoured that you would have me as a disciple. And my answer is yes, I would be happy to be one of your disciples of chaos."

Cassandra nodded again, "Of course Sasha. All things considered, I could think of no-one else more appropriate or qualified to be my disciple. After Kaylee of course."

"Of course," I smiled slightly. There was no irony or sarcasm in my tone either, I knew Kaylee was just as dedicated to the cause as both Cassandra and myself.

Then the small demonic foxgirl asked, "So does that mean we're going to do this now? Because I'm ready. Are we going to do it here in the living-room?"

The young goddess replied, "I suppose it doesn't matter where we do it. It's probably best to lie down though, just in case."

It seemed like Kaylee was ready to lay back on the sofa and get started immediately, but it turned out I had a question or two after all.

"Have you determined what sort of power you'll be sharing with us?" I asked. "I recall you said that was part of the process, that you'd establish those details at the time the blessing was performed."

After a moment I added, "Of course if you prefer to keep that information to yourself until after the fact, I'll quite understand. You are the Goddess of Chaos after all."

The Goddess of Chaos shook her head, "There's no need to keep that from you Sasha. Or you either, Kaylee. This is all about trust, and keeping secrets or playing little games doesn't feel like a good way to build or reinforce that."

"And actually that's something I was going to ask you," she continued with another little smile. "I won't promise to give you everything you desire, but I'd like to know if you have any preferences."

This time Kaylee didn't immediately speak up, so I went ahead with my own request. "Being a cambion means my lifespan won't be quite as short as that of a normal human, but it's still much more limited than it used to be. It would set both my and my mother's minds at ease if the essence you share could help me with my mortality problem?"

"Thanks to the blessing you gave me when you originally created my new body I already have some access to divine magic," I continued, "But greater access to either divine or demonic magic would always be welcome. So my second choice would be to simply strengthen what I already have."

Kaylee chimed in as soon as I was quiet, "I can't really think of anything I want or need, to be honest? I just want to be your disciple. I've already got all the magic I need, and I love my demonic body."

Cassandra smiled to her girlfriend, "You're still going to get something more than just the title. If nothing else, you'll gain access to divine magic. Possibly other forms of magic too? In fact you'll probably be able to start casting the spells you learned through Club Luna again."

That got the little demonic foxgirl's tails wagging, while her ears perked up. "Oh! That's cool! Even if those spells are all pretty weak compared to what I can do nowadays, it'll be neat to be able to use them again."

"Or wait," she frowned as her head tilted to one side. "Would that start feeding power back to May, if I was using her spells?"

Our young goddess shook her head, "I sincerely doubt that would happen, primarily because other gods cannot gain worship from demons."

"As for you Sasha," she continued as her attention returned to me, "Cass and I have discussed it and together we can grant you both of your requests. Although I have to warn you up front, there may be some physical changes."

I nodded, "Understood."

With that she asked the two of us, "Do you both still want to go ahead with this?"

"Yes!" Kaylee replied without hesitation. Then she lay down on the sofa beside me, with her head on the armrest and her feet against my thigh as she added, "I'm ready. Please Cassandra, make me your disciple."

Rather than risk being in the way I stood up and moved over to sit on the other sofa, but I didn't lie down yet. I wanted to observe how the process went with the demonic foxgirl.

Not that I had any doubts or concerns, if I did then I wouldn't have been eligible in the first place. I was entirely devoted to the young goddess who inadvertently usurped me, then saved me, and finally took up my cause as her own.

No, mostly I just wanted to watch out of pure curiosity. This process was new to me and I was quite eager to observe Cassandra as she did it. I was just as interested in seeing what sort of effects becoming a disciple might have on Kaylee.

"All right then," the young goddess said as she got to her feet.

She moved to stand next to her girlfriend, then sank down to her knees beside the sofa. Finally she leaned closer, and gave her girlfriend a kiss on the lips. Or at least, that's what it looked like. It only took me a second to realize that's not what was happening. This wasn't two young lovers exchanging a romantic moment, this was a Goddess delivering a blessing unto one of her most devout and faithful followers.

I was able to catch the instant it happened, while their lips were still joined. A small spark of Cassandra's divinity passed between them, from the young goddess to the small demon. Kaylee reacted with a sharp intake of breath, which was followed by what I could only describe as a rapturous sigh.

Apart from that divine spark I was unable to detect any other magic, divine or otherwise. Nor did I notice any obvious external signs of Kaylee's new status as a disciple.

A second or two later the goddess stood up and announced, "It is done."

"Mhmm," Kaylee mumbled happily as she continued relaxing on the sofa for now.

Cassandra then turned to face me as she asked, "Are you ready Sasha?"

I responded solemnly, "Yes my Goddess, I'm ready. And I'm honoured to become your disciple."

She gestured for me to lay down, and I did so then closed my eyes. There was a slight delay before I sensed her presence next to me. I had only enough time to wonder if she'd bless me the same way she did her girlfriend, when I felt the goddess' lips lightly brush against my own.

Perhaps due to my status as a fallen goddess, the moment wasn't quite as blissful as it seemed for Kaylee. For me it was more a sense of familiarity, as a tiny piece of what I once held was returned to me. On the other hand, I quickly became aware of some unusual new sensations which didn't quite make sense at first.

"It is done," Cassandra stated as she stood up. Then she returned to her chair and added, "You can both sit up now, if you're feeling up to it."

I took a deep breath then opened my eyes and shifted to an upright position on the sofa. Those strange sensations only got more intense though, and the one at my lower back actually became a little uncomfortable. The odd feelings I was getting from my head weren't unpleasant, but it did feel like perhaps something wasn't quite right with my hair.

Before I could investigate those odd feelings further I was temporarily distracted when I noticed Kaylee's tails. Rather than the three she'd had since last summer, I now counted a total of five of them swishing back and forth behind her. I was about to comment on that when I noticed the way both she and her girlfriend were looking at me.

"What is it?" I asked, as I finally reached up with both hands to find out what was going on with the top of my head. A moment later I grimaced, "Ah. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised."

"Maybe you should go check a mirror?" the Goddess of Chaos suggested.

"Of course," I nodded as I got to my feet. "I'll be right back."

Apart from the discomfort at my lower back all of my clothes still fit normally, which at least meant neither my stature or build had changed. As for what was different, a few seconds later I saw for myself in the washroom mirror.

Sticking up through the pure white hair on top of my head were a pair of tall bunny ears. They looked to be fifteen to twenty centimetres from base to tip, and were coated in a fine soft layer of white fur. Meanwhile my human ears had vanished entirely.

Next I loosened my jeans, although I already knew what I'd find at my lower back. Sure enough as soon as I lowered the hem of my pants a white cotton-ball tail sprung free. Now that it wasn't being squished by my clothing the floofy white fur on my new appendage spanned about ten to twelve centimetres in diameter.

The final change was to my eyes. My irises had darkened from their original bright light blue to what was perhaps a more traditionally demonic dark red. Although I suspected the red colour wasn't actually meant to be demonic. I was sure I'd heard Cass use the term 'Ruby Eyed White' on more than one occasion, when referring to specific bunny colourations.

The rest of my body remained unchanged, apart from eyes ears and tail I looked exactly as I'd done since Cassandra restored me last spring. Which was a bit of a relief, it meant I wouldn't have the awkwardness of re-introducing myself to my friends and other acquaintances. My mother would certainly have questions though.

As I looked myself over in the mirror I found myself smiling at my reflection. The bunny ears, tail, and red eyes were a clear sign of Cass's involvement, which all but confirmed that in addition to becoming a disciple of chaos I'd likely become more demonic too.

I didn't mind that at all, in fact at one point I'd even told my mother I was curious what that would be like. I might be the only being in history to have gone from a full goddess to something almost completely demonic, which would give me a very unique opportunity to compare the two states.

With those thoughts in mind and a smile still playing on my lips I finally exited the washroom. I left my jeans loose so my new tail was able to stick out at the back, but made a mental note that I'd need to start altering my pants and skirts to accommodate my new puffball tail.

"What do you think Sasha?" the demonic goddess asked as soon as I returned.

As I sat back down I replied, "I'm grateful for your gifts and your blessing. Explaining the ears and tail to my mother will be an interesting conversation, but I already know Nina will be happy about the additions. And I'm confident Willow won't mind either."

Kaylee grinned at me while her five tails swished around behind her, "I think you look really cute Sasha! The tall white rabbit look is really good for you."

"I'm not actually tall," I reminded her. "I'm the same size as Cassandra, and we're both rather petite."

The small demon just grinned, "You're tall compared to me! But either way you're still really cute, and I think the bunny ears work for you."

"Thank you Kaylee," I replied.

Then Cassandra spoke up again, "I'm sure you've already figured this out Sasha, but the physical changes were due to Cass providing you a little more demonic essence. You're not a full demon, but you're more demonic than a normal cambion. That's in addition to becoming my disciple."

She went on to repeat a few of the things the three of us discussed earlier, such as confirming that Kaylee would now be able to learn divine magic and she could possibly learn other forms of magic too. As for me, she'd granted both of my requests. I still wasn't truly immortal, but I was a few steps closer. And I had greater access to magic as well.

Kaylee and I both thanked her, then the conversation shifted away from us and on to the other potential disciples Cassandra was considering.

"I'm still undecided about the Really Strange Stuff crew," our young goddess admitted. "On the other hand, the whole idea of having disciples came from them. And if I did that then it should keep them relatively safe from any direct retaliation."

I reminded her, "You've already told us that they remain committed to working towards our goals with or without additional protection. And everything I've learned of this modern world tells me that you'd certainly benefit from having your own media-savvy propaganda team on your side."

That made her grimace, "I'm not sure I like the idea of using them for propaganda."

"So call them your public relations team," Kaylee shrugged. "It's kind of the same thing, right?"

"I guess," the demonic goddess frowned.

I continued, "If they're devoted enough that they're willing to keep doing the work regardless of risk, then I think it would be to your benefit to reward them for that. Make them disciples, give them your blessing and protection to help keep them safe."

Cassandra nodded slowly, "I suppose you're right. Although that leads to the next question. What sort of power or gift I should give them?"

"Serenity seems pretty mature and responsible," she continued. "I think she could probably handle a little power. Same with Bailey. Callie on the other hand... She seems a little too impulsive. But she's also the most enthusiastic of the three of them, which makes her a little more chaotic than either of her girlfriends."

I smiled as I replied, "I'm sure whatever you end up doing with them will work out just fine. I have faith in you, my Goddess."

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