Club Luna

Interlude 4 – Date Night

=::= Kaylee's PoV =::=

"I'll get it!" I called as I hurried to answer the door. I swung it open and started to greet my girlfriend, but the words caught in my throat for a moment as I stood and stared.

Cassandra was wearing an adorable long dark skirt, and instead of her usual oversized hoodie she had a cute pink and grey spring jacket. Her normally-messy hair was neatly styled, and instead of just some lipstick she had her make-up done up really nice. In a word, she looked gorgeous.

"Wow," I finally said as I motioned her to come in. "Cass you look beautiful!"

She blushed but smiled, "Thanks Kaylee. You look amazing too."

I was wearing a cute new sweater and one of my favourite skirts, but I felt a little guilty that I hadn't put as much effort into this as my girlfriend did.

"Thanks Cass," I grimaced, "But I really didn't do anything special. And I don't think I have enough time to do anything else, Brooke and Paige will probably be here in a minute."

Even though it was Tuesday, and a school night, we decided it was the perfect night for a date.

It was only the second half of March but we had unseasonably warm weather today and it was supposed to be nice all evening and well into the night. They were forecasting cold again by the weekend though, so me and Cass decided to have a proper date while it was nice out.

Brooke and Paige thought that was a good idea and offered to make it a double-date, with them doing the driving. And next thing we knew Marissa and Melanie wanted in on it as well, though they were going to meet us there rather than try and squeeze all six of us into Brooke's car.

Not that I had anything against Marissa, but I still had mixed feelings about Melanie. And I wasn't entirely happy that my and Cass's first actual date had basically turned into an outing for all of Club Luna.

I'd been hoping for a nice quiet dinner and a movie with my girlfriend, since so far all our dates were at her place or mine as we focused on studying spells and witch stuff. Or the two of us would just hang out and watch TV together, which was nice but there were always parents hanging around.

Cass didn't seem to mind that our date idea got turned into a club thing though, so I tried not to let it bother me either.

And my girlfriend did a good job of getting my mind off that stuff anyways when she pulled me into a quick hug. She stated firmly, "You look great Kaylee. You're the prettiest girl in the whole school."

That sent my heart fluttering and left a blush on my cheeks and a happy smile on my face.

Sure enough Brooke's car pulled up out front a minute or so later, and my mom came to see us off. She gushed a bit about how me and Cass were such a cute couple, but fortunately she didn't say anything too embarrassing.

"Hey you two," Brooke greeted us as we climbed into the back seat.

Cassandra responded, "Hi Brooke, Paige. Thanks for giving us a lift!"

"Yeah thank you," I added.

The restaurant wasn't that far, it would have taken me and Cass a half hour to walk but it was only about five or six minutes by car. We were at the other big plaza, the one on the north side of town since that's where the movie theatre was. And the place we all agreed on for dinner wasn't anything special, it was a family roadhouse kind of place. Actually it was the same place May took us to the night my girlfriend joined the club.

The four of us emerged from the car, and we met Marissa and Melanie outside the restaurant. Neither of them had dressed up special, Marissa was in her usual skirt and jacket outfit along with her ridiculous hat, Melanie was in jeans, army boots, and her black leather jacket. And for that matter neither Brooke or Paige were wearing anything fancy either.

Soon enough we were seated, and actually we were even at the same table as last time. It was a large corner booth, but it was big enough for all six of us and there was a little privacy. Me and Cass ended up in the middle at the back again, I had Brooke and Paige to my left while my girlfriend had Marissa and Melanie to her right.

After we had our drinks and figured out what we were all going to eat, Brooke commented "I know it's only a few more days till our next club meeting on Friday, but since we're all together tonight I was wondering if anyone's got any interesting club stuff going on?"

She added, "As far as I know things have still been pretty quiet around town, but it's basically still winter. The vernal equinox was only a few days ago and I bet there'll be more snow again over the weekend and into next week."

I was about to say something but Marissa spoke up first.

She had an excited grin on her face as she announced, "Zombies! I heard a rumour last week that someone spotted a zombie right here in town!"

That got quiet groans from me, Paige, and Brooke. Melanie frowned slightly, and Cass looked worried.

"Seriously Marissa?" Paige asked as she rolled her eyes.

The young blonde responded in a firm confident voice, "Seriously Paige."

Then she added, "I'll save the rest for the club meeting. Maybe read up a little on the subject before then, so you're all prepared."

Brooke looked like she was going to make a comment, when my girlfriend spoke up instead. Though when it came to Cassandra, speaking up was a relative term.

Cass stated just loud enough to be heard over the background noise, "Maybe we should take her seriously about this stuff? After all, Marissa was right about the werewolf."

Then she grimaced and added, "Sorry Melanie, I didn't mean any disrespect."

The wolfgirl nodded and gave my girlfriend a fake smile as she said, "It's ok."

For the next couple minutes there were some different conversations going on around the table. Brooke and Paige were questioning whether zombies were even a real thing, and Marissa was thanking Cass for backing her up again. Melanie was quiet while she seemed to be frowning at my girlfriend, and I was quiet as I tried not to glare at the werewolf.

It still bugged me that she seemed to dislike my girlfriend. But at the same time I wasn't too happy that Cass was always taking Marissa's side on things. Even if Cass was right about Marissa being right, at least when it came to the werewolf.

Fortunately all the conversations and the tension dropped when the waiter came with our meals. We got some more drinks as well, then everyone got started on our food.

In between bites of my pasta I commented, "I was going to leave this till the club meeting, but since you asked Brooke, me and Cass have been doing some more training and stuff. She's trying to learn to control her dispelling talent, so she'll be able to touch circles or enchanted objects without breaking them."

"That's a good idea," Paige responded. "Do you think it'll work? If it's some kind of natural talent it might not be controllable."

Cass nodded, "It's weird and I don't know how to describe it, but it feels like I might be able to? Me and Kaylee are going to keep at it, so we'll see."

After that the conversation swung back to Melanie and Marissa again.

Apparently the wolfgirl had started successfully casting spells a couple weeks ago. She couldn't do it in wolf form yet, but Marissa was positive she'd learn. And so far her magic strength was weak, which was what you'd expect for a brand-new witch, but again Marissa was positive Melanie would get strong pretty quick. Since she already had some experience with magic, using it to fuel her werewolf transformation.

"Except up until a month and a half ago that's been all instinct," the wolfgirl added. "I was doing it, but it wasn't a conscious thing. I didn't start actually learning what I was doing until after I started the training with my wolf tutor."

Marissa shrugged, "I still think it gives you an advantage. You'll get the hang of it soon enough."

The conversation continued along like that through the rest of dinner, bouncing around between different witchy or wolfy topics. When we were done nobody got dessert or anything, and the bill was split three ways. Brooke paid for her and Paige, Marissa paid for herself and Melanie, and Cassandra took care of the two of us. Which earned her another hug, as well as a kiss.

Then the six of us left the restaurant and walked across the big parking-lot to the movie theatre. I got the feeling my girlfriend was still a bit dazed from the kiss, she kind of wobbled or stumbled as we exited the restaurant. She was fine by the time we got to the theatre though.

We were all going to see the same movie, it was some action thriller thing, not scary enough to be called a horror but supposedly there were enough thrills to keep the audience on their toes. And once again we were in three pairs. I paid for me and Cass this time, and along with the tickets I also got us some drinks and a jumbo bucket of popcorn to share.

The cinema wasn't that busy since it was the middle of the week, and the movie we were seeing had been out for a couple weeks which helped too. It meant there were plenty of options for seating, and we all split up completely at that point. Brooke and Paige moved to sit near the front of the screen, while Marissa and Melanie went right to the back.

Cass and me picked a spot in the middle, then sat together as we started munching on popcorn. We ignored the ads and talked a bit more, then when the movie finally started we hugged and cuddled. And during the scary or tense bits Cassandra hid her face against my shoulder, which was just adorable.

The movie itself was ok, but I didn't actually pay much attention to it. And I was sure my girlfriend didn't either, we were both focused more on each other through most of the show. Which was absolutely perfect as far as I was concerned.

When it was over the six of us met up again out in the parking lot. Brooke and Paige had an arm around each other, and the tall blonde looked at Cass and I and asked, "Would you two be mad at us if we asked you to walk home? Me and Paige kind of want to head off on our own for a bit."

I glanced at my girlfriend but she was staring off at a corner of the parking lot with a distant look on her face. So I answered, "That's ok. It's not that far to walk and the weather's still nice."

"Yeah," Cass mumbled after a few moments. "I don't mind walking."

Paige grinned, "Thanks you two. See you at school tomorrow!"

With that she and Brooke got into the car and drove off together.

"Are you two just going to head home now?" Marissa asked.

"I think we should," Cassandra replied. "It's a school night, and my folks will get uptight if I'm out too late."

I asked, "What about you two? Don't tell me you're going to go hunting zombies or something."

Marissa grinned but shook her head, "Not tonight. We're going back over to Melanie's place."

"We might play video games," the wolf girl added. "Or maybe I'll wolf out and we can watch TV or something."

I rolled my eyes, "Well just be careful. See you both tomorrow."

Cass bid them both a goodnight as well, then the two of us held hands as we started for home. It was still pretty warm but the wind was gusty and a bit cool, which neither me or Cass had considered.

The two of us were quiet for most of the walk. It was nice though, and before long we went from holding hands to hugging. She even leaned her head against my shoulder as we turned off the main road and into the neighbourhood where we lived.

We were only a couple blocks from home when Cass suddenly stopped. She was frowning as she stared ahead into the distance, and she looked like something was bothering her.

"Hey cutie," I asked quietly. "What's wrong?"

She turned to face me as she replied softly "It's that guy again. I think he's following us."

"What guy?" I asked as I turned to look where she'd been staring. I hadn't noticed anyone there before, and there was no-one there when I looked around.

Cass whispered, "Don't look at him! He's the same guy who almost bumped into me when we were leaving the restaurant. And he was standing in the parking lot outside the theatre when we left."

I frowned as I looked back at her, "Cass there's no-one there."

"What?" she looked again then frowned, "He's gone... I'm sure it was him though."

She sounded anxious and upset, so I pulled her into a hug and asked, "What did he look like?"

"Tall and slim," she replied as she leaned against me and wrapped her arms around my waist. "Short dark hair, dark eyes. Tanned complexion. Clean shaved face. I guess he was kind of handsome maybe? I'm not sure how old, but he was an adult. And I'm sure he's following us Kaylee. I don't know why."

I hadn't seen anyone matching that description all evening, but I could tell my girlfriend was upset and maybe a little scared. So I figured the best thing to do was just comfort her and get her home.

After another look around I told her, "He's gone now. Let's keep going ok?"

She agreed, and I walked her right to her front door.

Cass was still anxious though, she asked "What if he tries something when you're alone? Maybe you should come inside with me?"

"I'll be fine," I told her. "I'll keep my eyes open and I can use magic if I have to. I'll text you as soon as I'm home so you know I'm safe, ok?"

She was still anxious but that seemed to satisfy her for now. She nodded, "Ok Kaylee. Thanks for tonight, it was really nice."

I smiled, "Yeah, it was. Maybe next time we go on a date it'll just be the two of us."

Cass nodded again, and we shared another hug and kiss. Then I headed home while she went inside.

And to be sure I did keep looking around, I even used my magical sight, but I didn't see anyone else around.

Me and Cass exchanged more texts after I was home, and eventually I went to bed with a smile on my face. It was definitely a good night, and I was already looking forward to our next real date.

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