Club Luna

Interlude 49 – All Hallows Eve

=::= Kaylee's PoV =::=

"This is going to be awesome," I grinned as I stared at myself in the bathroom mirror.

I turned my head slightly left and right as I stared at my horns, then twisted to look over my shoulder at the three long sleek spade-tipped tails that were swishing and swaying around behind me.

To be fair I liked my big floofy fox tails better than the sleek dark red demonic ones, just like I preferred my tall furry ears over the sharp black horns. But it was halloween and this was a costume, and for one evening it would be perfect.

I glanced at the mirror again and gave myself another wide smile. I looked like a small sexy demonic imp. My skin was red and my hair was black, but to keep myself from looking too scary or dangerous I'd dressed in sneakers, green shorts, and a pink t-shirt with a cute purple butterfly on the front.

"Yeah," I said to myself. "This is perfect."

Cass must have overheard me, she was standing in front of our closet which was just outside the door to our bathroom. She replied, "Cassandra says she's glad you like it, and she's sorry it took her so long to make the changes."

I giggled, "I wasn't talking about the bathroom, but that's perfect too! Please tell her thanks for me?"

"Oh! Sorry!" my demonic girlfriend replied, and I could tell she was blushing just from the sound of her voice.

The bathroom upgrade actually happened early yesterday morning, or maybe my goddess girlfriend did it late Saturday night. Cassandra made the house another couple meters longer again, and the floor plan shifted around in ways that left all of us a little lost and confused at first.

The most perplexing change for everyone to get used to was our bedroom and Willow's actually traded places. The original bathroom was now connected directly to the master bedroom that Cass and I shared, but it still had a door that opened to the hallway. And on the other side of the house a new bathroom appeared in between Willow's and Sasha's bedrooms. That one had three doors, so both the sorceress and the former goddess could access it directly from their rooms, while a third door opened onto the hallway.

So Cass and I could lock the door from our bathroom to the hallway and treat our washroom as an ensuite, and both Willow and Sasha could do the same with their shared bathroom. But we could also unlock those doors and make the two bathrooms available to everyone, including house guests. It was a good trade-off, and it meant when we were all scrambling to get ready for school this morning nobody had to fight for access to the facilities.

After one last look in the mirror I decided my costume was perfect. I turned out the light then headed through the door into our bedroom as I asked, "How's your costume coming? Are you just about ready to -"

My voice cut out the moment I saw my girlfriend. She was standing in front of my side of the closet, and considering we were staring at each other eye-to-eye it was pretty obvious why she'd been looking at my clothes.

Cass had turned herself into a tiny bunny-girl, no taller than myself. Her hair was still the same messy brown, but there were a pair of tall cream-coloured bunny ears standing up above the top of her head. And a matching puffy cream-coloured bunny tail stuck out just above her cute little tush.

"Aaaaaah!" I squealed as my demonic tails swished around happily. "Cass you look amazing!"

She blushed, "Thanks Kaylee. Um, do you suppose I could borrow some clothes for a couple hours?"

I nodded, "Of course!"

She actually let me pick something for her, and a few minutes later my cute little bunny girlfriend was wearing a pair of dark tights and a pretty sundress. Her puffy little tail easily fit through the gap that was meant for my floofy tails, and I had a hard time keeping my eyes and my hands off her.

"Everything looks so much bigger," she commented quietly as the two of us finally emerged from our bedroom.

"Yeah," I giggled. "You get used to it though. Or you would, if you stayed small for a while."

Then a thought occurred and I asked, "Is Cassandra ok with that 'costume'? I kind of have a hard time picturing her as a smol bun."

Cass grimaced, "She doesn't hate it? But we already agreed, I get the first half of the party. Then she'll take over and do her own costume for the second half."

"Oh, that's a great idea!" I grinned.

Both of us stopped in our tracks when we reached the living-room and got our first look at the costumes the rest of the gang had come up with. And of course the five of them were all staring back at the two of us.

As usual Cerys and Melanie were sitting together on one sofa while Willow Sasha and Nina were on the other one. Then I realized those three all had a matching theme for their costumes, and I knew they had to have planned that together in advance. I was just thinking how cute that was when a wild idea hit me.

I sort of assumed they tended to sit together by default, since Cass and I were always cuddling and so were the two wolfgirls. Now I suddenly wondered if maybe there was more to it than that, like perhaps the three of them were more than just friends. Not that it was any of my business, but if I was right then I was happy for them.

Even if they weren't they still looked really cute together in their different 'princess' outfits.

Willow was dressed as Merida, and the biggest change for her was her long silky straight black hair had become curly frizzy and red. She wore a long teal-coloured gown, she had a toy bow next to her, and a quiver of toy arrows was attached to a belt around her waist.

Next to her was Sasha, dressed as Rapunzel. Her hair was the big give-away, she'd changed it from white to blonde and grown it out so long it probably reached her bare feet when she stood up. She wore a simple lavender-coloured dress, and had a small green lizard plushie pinned to her shoulder. She also had a cast-iron frying pan tucked behind the sofa cushion next to her.

Nina's costume was Moana, and unlike the other two she hadn't had to do much to her hair apart from growing it out a little longer. She was barefoot like Sasha, and dressed in a beige skirt with a long red sash wrapped around her top half. She wore a lace necklace with a glowing green stone hanging from it, and was currently holding a colourful chicken plushie.

In contrast, the two werewolves weren't dressed as any obviously recognizable movie characters. Or if they were then I wasn't familiar with them.

Cerys was in her wolfgirl form, but was dressed as a witch. She wore black jeans and a black blouse, and had a black pointed hat that she'd modified so her light-brown wolf-ears could poke up through the brim. And of course her tail stuck out at the back of her jeans. It wasn't the Touhou witch outfit she used to wear all the time, but she was undeniably a werewolf-witch.

And finally Melanie was in her human form, which was unusual. Even more surprising, she'd dyed or bleached her hair blonde. She was dressed in a knee-length blue denim skirt and a white t-shirt with green trim and a picture of a red apple on the front. She had brown cowboy boots on her feet, and a light brown cowboy hat on her head. She was obviously meant to be a cowgirl, but I wasn't sure if there was more to it than that or if the apple on her shirt meant anything.

"Wow," I stated as another wide smile settled on my face. "This is awesome! You all look so good!"

Melanie responded with an exaggerated country drawl, "Aw shucks. Y'all are too kind there, li'l demon girlie."

Meanwhile Cerys was grinning at my girlfriend. The blonde wolf-witch teased, "So after a year and a half of handing out magic plushies you finally used one yourself Cass? Very cute, but I don't know if being a bunny is a good choice when there's a couple wolfs in the house. You better be careful, or one of us might eat you!"

"Please don't eat me," Cass mumbled as her cheeks turned pink.

"Yeah!" I stated as I pulled the small bunnygirl into a side-hug. One of my demonic tails wrapped around her leg as I added, "Nobody gets to eat my girlfriend but me!"

She let out a little squeak as her blush went from pink to beet-red, exactly like I'd planned. I kept an arm around the embarrassed bun as I led her over to one of the big comfy chairs, then the two of us sat down and cuddled up together in it.

At that point Melanie stood up and said in her exaggerated drawl, "Since it's a-lookin' like we're all ready to go, I'm a-gonna mosey on over to the front door and light up them jack-o-lanterns. Then how's about we rustle us up some grub? And maybe one of y'all can put on some music or some-such?"

Cerys was obviously having a hard time keeping a straight face while her girlfriend was talking. While Mel went to take care of the pumpkins at the front door the wolfy-witch got some music playing and commented, "I figure we can take turns answering the door and handing out candy? Maybe folks with the cuter costumes can go first, so we don't accidentally scare any little kids."

"None of us seem particularly scary," Sasha commented. She glanced at me and added, "I suppose Kaylee's demon costume might worry a few people, but thanks to her outfit and small stature I think she comes across more as a cute demon rather than a scary one."

I pouted, "Hey! I can be scary if I want!"

Willow smirked as she teased, "Not in that cute little imp costume you can't. Maybe next year you'll pick something a little less adorable?"

"I just might!" I grumbled as my pout intensified.

I was only kidding around though, same as Will and Sasha, and a moment later we were all smiling and joking about other stuff as the party got started.

There were plenty of snacks, bowls of chips and stuff like that, and lots of soda and juice to drink. Melanie even got some apple cider, which I was positive was related to her costume. And we had plans to order in dinner a little later on.

Soon enough the younger kids started coming to the door, and we all took turns answering it. We had a big bin full of candy ready, we'd probably gone a little overboard on that but it was fun seeing how excited the little kids were when we dropped a handful of goodies into their bags.

It was just as fun watching the parents stare as they tried to figure out our costumes. Like Cass's bunny ears or my horns and tails, the grown-ups just stared and frowned. The kids all thought it was great though, they didn't question or care how we did it.

About an hour into the evening another group showed up at our door, but they were guests rather than trick-or-treaters. Of the three of them only Violet was in costume, although Jade was sporting a new and different look.

The plant nymph had dressed up as Poison Ivy, except she left her hair purple rather than dye it red. Her outfit was wild though, it looked like she was actually dressed in living plants. Then again maybe she was.

Folks might have assumed Jade was in costume, but we could all tell the furry ears and tail were real, that she'd used the magic plushie my girlfriends gave her. She still had the tall tough butch thing going on, and in fact may have become a little taller and a little more athletic than before. She was dressed in jeans, work boots, and had a loose plaid flannel shirt ontop of a tight white undershirt. Her 'trademark' green hair had turned white though, to match the tall pointed arctic wolf ears sticking out on top of her head and the long white fluffy wolf tail that stuck out at the back.

And of course anyone who didn't know Sage would assume she was in costume too, with her cute kitty ears and tail. She was dressed for warmth and comfort, with fleece leggings and a big hoodie.

Our guests ended up sitting together on the other sofa, while Cerys and Melanie shared the second big recliner next to me and Cass. And with everyone here we put in an order for Chinese food. It didn't take long before someone turned on the TV and games console while the rest of us just hung out and talked and listened to music. And we continued to take turns handing out candy over the course of the evening.

Around nine o'clock Cass excused herself, the small bunnygirl disappeared into our bedroom for a few minutes. I knew Cassandra was going to take over and change their costume, but I had no idea what to expect. So I was almost as surprised as everyone else when my girlfriend emerged from the bedroom a couple minutes later as a tall slim serious-looking woman with short dark hair, dressed in a black suit and tie, and wearing dark sunglasses.

It was a perfect woman-in-black costume, and compared to the cute small bunnygirl it was actually a little jarring at first. Except it made more sense once everyone realized this was Cassandra's costume rather than something Cass was doing.

Finally around ten o'clock we put out the jack-o-lanterns and closed up the front door. We also turned off the video games, and I hooked my laptop up to the TV instead. The Really Strange Stuff catgirls were doing a special All Hallows Eve live-stream, and this time all of Club Luna wanted to see it. We knew they'd be hyping their next big exposé about the Council.

The stream opened to a close-up of the calico catgirl sitting in the dark. She was holding a flashlight under her chin trying to look spooky, but she was too cute to really pull it off so it just looked a bit silly.

"Greetings friends," she said in her best attempt at a spooky voice. "I hope you're somewhere safe tonight, protected from ghosts and ghouls and things that go bump in the night."

The camera panned to the right to reveal the taller raven-haired catgirl doing the same thing, with a flashlight under her chin. In her case she actually came across more sexy than spooky, but it was still kind of cute watching the two of them try and do a 'bit' for the stream.

In her own spooky voice she asked, "From magic and monsters to witches and werewolves, from cover-ups to secret cabals, do you know what all these things have in common?"

The camera swung back over to the calico catgirl again as she nodded, "I sure do Serenity. They're all... Really Strange Stuff!"

At that point the camera zoomed out to fit both hosts in the shot, while the regular lights all came on. Then their camera girl commented, "You two look and sound ridiculous."

"Aww c'mon Bailey," Callie pouted as her shoulders slumped and her ears folded back. "We're trying to set the mood for halloween!"

Serenity turned off her flashlight and put it aside as she pointed out, "Bailey's right, it was pretty silly."

"Fine," the calico catgirl sighed as she put her flashlight away too. "In that case let's start the show! I'm Callie Wilson ~"

The tall ravenette catgirl continued, "And I'm Serenity Varela ~"

"And this is Really Strange Stuff!" Callie finished with a grin. "Welcome to our special Halloween stream!"

Serenity continued, "Shout-out to the incredibly capable Bailey, keeping on top of everything behind the scenes as usual. And shout-out to our buddy Gorgonz-Hola for moderating the chat again tonight."

"And shout-out to RSS subscriber SilverFoxGirl, who sent us this awesome new logo!" the shorter catgirl added enthusiastically as the brand-new logo came up on the screen.

Where the old logo was an indistinct ghostly white mist with the channel name above it, this was a cutsey neon-green ghost with kitty-ears. And the channel name wrapped around it to form part of a circle.

While the logo was on the screen the ravenette catgirl commented, "SFG already gave us permission to use this everywhere, so over the next month or two we'll be updating all our graphics and releasing new merch with the new logo. As always, subscribers and patrons will get first crack at the new goodies."

"As excited as we are about the new logo," Callie stated as it faded to reveal the two hosts again, "We've got even bigger news to share with you folks tonight!"

Serenity nodded, "That's right Callie. During the opening I mentioned cover-ups and secret cabals, and that wasn't a coincidence. Because just last week a very special RSS contact reached out to us, with a very big scoop."

By that point the calico catgirl had a huge grin on her face, she looked like she was almost buzzing with excitement. "This could be the biggest story of our careers folks! Even bigger than the two of us magically transforming into a pair of catgirls live on stream at the beginning of the month."

The tall ravenette catgirl smiled, "Last week Callie and I met none other than Kid Chaos and her girlfriend in person! They provided us with records, evidence, and video footage of the hottest scoop we've ever seen."

"We're talking about a secret society that calls themself 'The Council'," the calico catgirl announced. "They've been around for centuries, accumulating money and power. Their mission is to suppress and hide magic and the supernatural."

"They answer to no-one but themselves, they have no accountability, and no government even knows they exist. Until now," Serenity added with a smile.

Callie continued, "Kid Chaos gave us so much stuff that we've only began to scratch the surface. This story might take us a year, maybe even more, to get through it all. But don't worry! We're not going to keep you folks waiting that long!"

Serenity nodded, "We'll be breaking this up into episodes, and the first one's coming at you next month."

"For folks who can't wait that long, here's some clips!" the calico catgirl announced with a wide grin as her tail twitched around.

They showed a bit of Carlos Nahuel, when he was talking about how the council had been formed five hundred years ago from some witches who sold out to the church. Then they showed some scenes from our trip to the council's lavish headquarters. They even ran a brief excerpt of Director Arlene Sinclair's confession.

After that the stream returned to the two hosts, and Callie stated "Mark your calendars folks. The first installment drops Saturday November twenty-sixth, nine PM central!"

"That's just under four weeks from tonight," Serenity added.

After that the catgirls moved on to some other topics, while the Luna gang did the same. Our friends already knew most of the details about our visit to Spain and how we neutralized the council.

And with the council gone, that left us with just one remaining challenge. We were going to set our sights on the status quo itself.

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