Collapse: Join Anti-Entropy at the Beginning and Dominate the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 47

This means that among the candidates, seven or eight of them are "Song Gods"! And eight out of ten of them are the best composers of the year. If you want to become a new "Song God", you have to defeat these "Song Gods" in front of you. It is equivalent to you as a composer, you need to defeat Huang Jiaju, Zhou Huajian, Wu Qingfeng, Wang Luobin and other big guys in succession. The difficulty can be imagined. Of course, Bai Qianqu is just thinking about it now. He still has a long way to go if he wants to become a "Song God". After talking about the S-level composers, Li Yang introduced the rest of the composition department. "There are more than 500 people in our composing department, including two S-level composers, 25 A-level composers, 100 B-level composers, and the rest are C-level or D-level composers like you and me. Only B-level composers are qualified to find singers to sing, and if singers want to arrange songs, they usually find composers from B-level. We C-level can only passively accept the company's songwriting tasks, just like doing odd jobs."

As he said, Li Yang looked at Bai Qianqu with envy.

"You won the first place on the new song list. Maybe there will be singers who will take the initiative to ask you for songs in the future. If everything goes well, you will soon be able to get out of the sea of ​​suffering and join the ranks of B-level masters."

Bai Qianqu looked strange, and he didn't say that he had actually taken the initiative to find singers to record songs, and it was Lei Dianlong who took the initiative to agree.

Although Rosaline has just entered the B-level and her foundation is still shallow, she is also a genuine B-level singer. It is not that you can arrange an appointment just because you want to.

At this time, Li Yang's phone vibrated. He picked it up and smiled.

"Look, everyone in the group is talking about you."

"Which group?" Bai Qianqu didn't react.

"Which group could it be? The group of our composition department!"

Bai Qianqu realized it later and quickly picked it up to see that the group was indeed very lively, and everyone was talking about how he won the first place in the new song list.

Li Yang shouted in the group very cunningly: "Qu Yin is here to peek!"

Suddenly, the group exploded.

"Haha! Qu Yin is finally here?"

"I haven't seen Qu Yin talk in the past few days. Is the newcomer shy?"

"Haha, although it's a little late, newcomers are still welcome to join the group."

"The new song is really good, and it makes our composition department proud!"

"I hope you will keep up the good work!"

Everyone in the company is very friendly. No one is jealous of Bai Qianqu just because he is a newcomer and has become popular.

This surprised Bai Qianqu. After all, in the original world, let alone the entertainment industry, any circle would attract countless jealousies if someone stood out.

In fact, it is not to say that the people in this world are so kind. This is mainly related to the composition department system of Nientropy.

Nientropy's composition department emphasizes strength. As long as you are strong enough and create good songs, the overall bonus and dividend of the composition department will increase. It can be said that everyone is a participant.

Apart from anything else, just because Bai Qianqu won the first place in this new song list, the overall year-end bonus of the composition department increased by at least one million, and everyone got a share.

In this way, everyone is naturally very enthusiastic about Qu Yin.

At this time, a person in the group with the title of [Administrator] and the ID of [Nientropy Big Sister] sent a message.

[Qu Yin's song is really good. I also got some inspiration from it, which can be used in my new song. Thank you. When I come back, let's talk about it. ]

The group was silent for a moment, and no one spoke for a while.

Bai Qianqu was puzzled and looked at Li Yang. He found that Li Yang's eyes were wide open and he looked stupid.

"What's wrong? Who is this person?" Bai Qianqu asked.

Li Yang swallowed his saliva and was about to speak, but the group had already exploded.

"Ahhhh! Teacher Planck actually popped up! The last time he spoke was more than a year ago!!!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh, meet the great god! I have joined the company for a year and have never seen an S-level composer speak!"

"I saw a real person speaking! Hello, Teacher Planck! I am your loyal fan!"

"Even Teacher Planck is here. It seems that Qu Yin is still very lucky."

Li Yang didn't need to explain this time. No matter how stupid Bai Qianqu was, he knew that this person named [Anti-Entropy Sister] was the company's S-level composer-Emma Planck.

Planck was not arrogant and greeted everyone again.

"Haha, hello, little guys, have you been working hard recently? If not, I will take a good test next time I go back.

I'll teach you. "

Everyone said that they were the most hardworking people in Anti-Entropy.

Bai Qianqu had already gone to Baidu at this time, and after a while, he searched for Planck's information and couldn't help but take a breath.

Although this big guy didn't have many works, each one was very famous. The most famous representative work was called "Four Directions". The album of the same name even included five well-known songs, named "East", "South", "West", "North", and "Four Directions".

With this album, she forcibly brought out a top S-level singer, and in the same year, she also became an S-level composer with this album.

Although she lost in the end and didn't become the God of Songs that year, the gap was very small, that is, her luck was a little worse.

Many people regard Planck as the God of Songs. After all, her own strength is there, and it is unquestionable.

Bai Qianqu also replied in the group with two words: "Thank you, let's discuss songs together in the future."

Li Yang was stunned for a moment, his face a little stiff: "You answered like this?"

"Well, what's wrong? "

Li Yang opened his mouth, but he didn't know where to start.

It was indeed Planck who invited you to have a chat, but shouldn't you have some self-knowledge?

What does the boss need to talk to you about? He clearly wants to guide you!

Shouldn't you be very respectful and say that you will humbly accept the guidance?

Why did you just say it was a discussion? Are you qualified to sit down and discuss with an S-level composer?

Good guidance turned into an equal discussion in Bai Qianqu's mouth.

This calm tone, if others didn't know, they would think it was two S-level composers chatting!

But what surprised Li Yang even more was that Planck also responded quickly.

"Okay! Looking forward to our next meeting! ❤”

Not only Li Yang, but everyone in the group was petrified.

The way these two chatted was really hard to understand.

They were two people with very different statuses, but they chatted so smoothly that people couldn't find any faults.

Li Yang held it in for a long time, and finally an idea came to his mind.

Qu Yin, this boy, has the appearance of a big boss.

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