Complaints: Working At A Store That Sells Gender-Swapping Products

Omake – Halloween Bonus Episode

"AND THEN…The register gave a long, strange beep. But when she looked back…the customer was gooooone!" Korri held a flashlight under her face. 

Dee yawned and pointed out, "That's not a scary story, that's just last Thursday when the computer system locked up."

Dee Wright and Korri Morrey sat in their usual places at the Returns and Complaints Department counter. It was after hours and everyone else, including the owner, had already gone home. 

Korri dropped her flashlight in her lap and shrugged. "Then, I'm all out of ideas."

Dee leaned back. "Well, I have one more story. But it may be…too terrifying."

Korri gave no sign of fear and regarded the papers on her side of the counter. "It can't be worse than an end-of-the-month department audit after a looooong day…Especially one with malfunctioning giant spiders and demoness costumes with faulty bustiers."

Dee gave a tilt of his head. "Well, a different sort of terrifying…about the ghost that haunts the halls of Newid's Wares."

Grinning, Korri leaned on her fist and listened as Dee spun his tale.  

"Two years ago, when this parcel of land was first being planned by Cerys for a store, there was a little house right at the back of the property. An old man lived there, as had three generations of his family. Everyone else moved away and he was the last one left. Cerys offered him anything to sell his land but he wouldn't budge."

Korri raised an eyebrow and pondered how close this story was to the truth. 

Dee brought his hands down. "So, she tried everything. She desperately wanted this land, for some reason she won't tell me. Still, he refused her. Then, out of the blue, he told her the only thing that would get him to sell. But, as fate would have it, he died before she could fulfill that one thing. In his will, the land passed to his eldest son, who had no such special conditions to finally selling the family property."

Korri stared widely and listened intently. 

"Cerys made sure to purify the land and has always been regretful that she couldn't fulfill that old man's last request. Despite her best efforts, some employees get cold shivers in certain areas…especially in backroom storage. That's where his house, where he lived his whole life and died in, once stood. Some nights…some say they can hear his voice calling out for his final wish. But no one can ever make out what it is…"

Korri let that sink into her mind. She turned her ear towards the winding exit area.

She focused her attention. She almost thought she could hear something….something impossible. She turned back to Dee…

Who had a flashlight under his face and his tongue out. 

…And scream-jumped out of her seat.

Both laughed after Korri's heart had settled down but she gave Dee a good glare. 

Dee flicked his flashlight off and twirled it. "But that's just what I've heard. Cerys still won't tell me what he wanted."

Korri's eyes widened. "Seriously? I mean…the backroom was actually where someone died once?"

Dee shrugged and pointed out, "People die everywhere."

Korri grimaced and retorted, "Real comforting…"

He set the flashlight on the counter and noted, "You're pretty much done with your part of the audit, right?" 

Korri nodded and asked, "You?"

"Well enough here. Sooo…since it's the perfect night for it, why don't we have a little ghost hunt?"

Korri clutched her hands under her chin. "Are you serious? I mean…"

He looked at her and said, "I have heard stories of products mysteriously knocked over and strange voices when there's no one else around. Mostly from people working late…Like now. Like us."

Korri rubbed her arms. "Geez, you're freakin' me out…I dunno. I wouldn't want to make it mad…if there's really something there."

Dee smiled and added, "Hunted with the utmost respect. Maybe we can finally grant it some peace?"

The room suddenly felt cooler to Korri. With a shiver, she knew she would've been perfectly happy to file the paperwork with a strong throw and then dash out of the building screaming and never come back until broad daylight but she was carpooling with Dee. 

And she felt a bit of a thrill too. 

Despite every animal urge in her body telling her otherwise, she calmly nodded and told him, "Okay…"

Dee led the way with his flashlight. Korri clutched hers with a kung-fu, decapitation grip.

The rest of the store was on reserve lighting via a timer. It was less than ideal to navigate by flashlight. The main lights would only go on once the burglar alarms were set. However, as an unwitting trio of crooks had learned a couple months ago during the only robbery attempt at Newid's, there were more security measures than just keeping stray nanites from getting out.

Korri pondered whether a ghost would trip the security system…somehow…maybe.

She swung her flashlight around the shadowy areas of the store. In the dark and with her imagination running, blenders were transformed into strange monstrosities and clothes became arms ready to reach for her. 

She jumped when she heard a BANG right behind her. All rational thought left her till Dee turned around, poked her on the nose, and pointed.

Korri realized that a fallen string tag had caught her shoe and she was dragging a large display that toppled a frying pan. She coughed, pulled off the tag, and fixed the display. 

It took a few breaths before she could settle her mind. Dee gave a little smile and inquired, "Think we should split up and yell if we see anything weird?"

Korri's eyes became as wide as saucers. "No way! I've seen enough horror movies! I'm the blond girl with huge zongas! I know what happens to them when they're all alone. Nuh-uh! Not doing it!"

Dee smirked and quietly repeated the word 'zongas' before telling her, "Sorry. Couldn't resist."

Korri narrowed her eyes. "Glad you're having so much fun with me…"

Dee reached over and offered Korri his soft hand. "I'm sorry. I'll be right with you. Promise."

Korri clenched Dee's hand till he quietly muttered, "Circulation…" and she relaxed but still held on firmly. 

Darkness swelled all around as they made their way to the back of the store. Even the owner's office, with its blood-red line, took on a menacing quality. The cast shadows of store items mingled and merged into black horrors that lurked at the edges of Korri's vision and in the heart of her imagination.

Dee walked confidently and Korri dragged her feet. Each little scuff sounded like a ghost mouse crying out. Korri looked at Dee's serene face and felt a few things.

First, she felt a little annoyed that he could be so confident in a moment like this. Then, she felt a bit of ease come over her. She felt protected. So long as Dee is calm, she reminded herself, everything will be okay.

But the darkened doorway leading to the backroom loomed ahead. Korri took one look at it and muttered, "Screw that…"

Dee gazed at her and inquired, "We came this far…why turn back now?"

Korri kept her eyes on Dee and said, "Because I'm a total wuss."

Dee slid his fingers through Korri's. "It'll be fine. Trust me."

Korri shook her head. "It's because I trust you that I'm scared…"

Dee rubbed her shoulder. It helped but the creepy darkness swallowed everything. Korri took a deep breath and walked with Dee into the backroom. 

It was even spookier, especially with less light and tall shelves full of large pallets. Korri gave a look around each way and proclaimed, "No ghost…search done."

But, even as she said it, she heard something. It was a voice, softly speaking. She couldn't make out the words but she couldn't just dismiss it as some part of the A/C unit murmuring.

Not only that, but she also noticed one of the far corners had a glow that didn't make sense with the lights. It was far too bright and concentrated. 

She whispered about it to Dee and he quietly nodded. She could see an intense look on his face which made her feet set like cold stone. They refused to move. They didn't want to go further. She didn't want to see.

But Dee kept going. He leaned ahead with his flashlight. He called, in a voice that broke the calm like the loudest thing Korri had ever heard, "Is anyone there?"

When her ears stopped ringing, Korri listened for some response. But the voice had gone silent. She couldn't even see the strange glow anymore.

Beyond the supernatural fears, she began to wonder about more normal ones, like an armed intruder. With the two of them still inside the store, the security was limited to normal doors and locks. 

She wanted to go home. She wanted a long bath and then to snuggle up to Dee after she'd socked him in the shoulder a few times for putting her through all this. But, still, some part of her was strangely overjoyed. She felt like socking that part of her too.

Then, a blue blur shot through the aisles. She lost her grip on Dee's hand and staggered back. The light was so bright. It felt like a strobe. She shielded her eyes then staggered around till she turned and came face to face with a blue, glowing spectral form.

It had a heavy beard and a hollow face. She could see right through it. Its hands stretched out. 

She looked down and saw right in front of her something that looked exactly like a proton pack. Having seen Ghostbusters plenty of times, she reached over, picked it up, and began pressing as many buttons as possible. 

As the ghostly shape got closer, Korri could see the rough details of the apparition's suit. It looked just like the sort of thing someone would be buried in. 

Finally, one of the buttons caused the end of the device to light up. The ghost shimmered and rippled…and morphed into a girl.

Korri blinked as the new-lady ghost felt around. Instead of a suit, she was clad in a bikini. Long hair flowed down her neck and she looked so petite. 

She whimpered and said in a spooky voice, "Whaaaat did you doooo?"

Korri stammered, "S-s-sorry! I…thought it would just destroy you."

The ghost hung its head. "Reeeeaaaaal coooomfoooorting…"

Korri blinked as the ghost cupped its new chest. Dee stepped around from behind Korri and walked over to a black box that she hadn't noticed before. Nonchalantly, he waved a hand over the top and the ghost suddenly vanished.

He explained, "It's a product. A Newid twist on simulated ghost-hunting. Hologram with some nanites helping out…as always. Sorry…real ghosts can't be guaranteed to appear on-demand." 

Korri narrowed her eyes, stuck her tongue out as far as she could at Dee, and blew a raspberry. 

Dee bowed his head and said, "I am so sorry. I just remembered you said a week ago that you wished you could have a really fun scare for Halloween. I may have overdone it though."

Korri let herself have a smile. "Oh…I didn't know you were listening…I mean I do like being scared. But more from movies, plays like Macbeth, and stories. Stuff where I know I'm gonna be okay at the end. Except for Macbeth."

Dee shrugged and unplugged the black box. "Not knowing is part of the deal of being scared."

Korri walked over and poked Dee in the nose. "Granted but don't scare me like that again…"

Dee bowed his head. "You have my sincerest apology. And I'd also like to apologize by fulfilling another thing you wished for…" He threw a switch and a bright light turned on above them. He reached behind some boxes and switched on a small stereo. 

Soft music began to play.

Korri's smile grew huge. "That's my favorite song…and I remember. I wished we had a large enough area in our apartments to really dance."

Dee laid out his hand and smiled back at Korri. "And sweet, wussy lady/guy who secretly loves being scared…Would you have this Halloween dance with me?"

Korri nodded and took Dee's hand. 

Together, they danced in slow circles.

Korri wished it would never end.

Unfortunately, it did. And sooner than either expected. 

The light above suddenly flashed off. The stereo garbled and cut out. Dee and Korri were both facing away from the wall.

Korri turned to her side to glance at Dee. Hesitantly, she asked, "Did you plan this part too?"

Dee's face had none of the calm of before. His lip trembled as he said, "Afraid not…"

A long, mournful…"Oooooo" sounded at their backs.

Korri swallowed and asked, "Is there another…h-h-holo thing?"

Dee swallowed too. "Nope."

Korri found herself saying, "So…that's…"

A strange, unnatural glow flowed out of the corner of their eyes. 

Dee answered, "Possibly…"

The glow grew brighter. There came another moan.

Dee and Korri looked at each other…and ran.

When they were gone, the ethereal glow shimmered and flowed to where they were standing. 

Softly, a frail voice said, "…Oooooo…But I want to be turned into a cute girl toooooooo…"

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