[Comprehensive] Digging a secret tunnel at Hogwarts

31.chapter 31

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Al turned around reluctantly and saw an angry little Pansy. Draco sneered in his ear, and Al heard the meaning of "You deserve to go find Harry."

Vincent and Gregory stood behind her on the left and right. When they saw Al and Draco, they consciously walked forward and stood on both sides of the twins.

Not wanting to cause a conflict in front of so many young wizards, Al gently patted the little girl on the head: "We have been in the same box and did not go out. Draco is not feeling well. Let's take the boat to Hogwarts first, okay?"

Pansy's anger immediately shifted to worry. She immediately clung to Draco and asked with great concern: "Xiaolong, what's wrong with you? Do you feel uncomfortable, have a stomachache or a headache?"

Draco: ""

Ignoring Draco's glare, Al walked towards Hagrid behind Vincent and Gregory. I have to say that these two big guys are really useful. With them opening the way, Al doesn't have to squeeze.

The first-year wizards were crowded together and brought to the side of the boat by Hagrid. Pansy sat next to the twins and sat in the same channel with them, while the two big men had to sit in another channel. Also on the same boat as the twins was Blaise Zabini, Draco's Slytherin good friend in the original book.

"How did you know you wanted to take the boat, Al?" After Draco sat firmly, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Al suspiciously.

Alton suddenly got stuck.

Oops, forget that everything about Hogwarts is mysterious to the little wizard.

"I know it from reading." Al replied sincerely, blinking.

Fortunately, Draco doesn't read much, and he doesn't know if the book will actually tell how the first-year wizard went to Hogwarts for the first time, although he thinks his brother may know too much. , he still nodded.

When Draco saw that the so-called sorting was actually done with a hat, Draco made a disgusting and atmospheric sound.

"Mum also lied to us and said the exams were very strict," Draco complained in Al's ear. "I bet it would have just touched our heads and declared us Slytherins."

Come on, brother, your hands are shaking nervously.

Al didn't want to expose him, so he just patted him on the shoulder: "Yes, we must be in Slytherin."

Draco seemed to relax a little.

Draco's name was quickly called, and before the hat even touched his hair, he shouted Slytherin. Al even wondered if the hat was biased against the Malfoy family, and he didn't want to meet the Malfoy children at all. .

But soon, he knew that this guess was wrong because the hat was currently on his head, and he was thinking endlessly.

"This is amazing. This is the first time I've seen a Malfoy who wants to go to Gryffindor."

"No, no, no, no," Al denied in panic, "I don't want to go to Gryffindor, I'm a Malfoy, I'm a Slytherin."

"But kid, that's not what your heart says." There seemed to be a hint of joking in Hat's voice, "You have to follow your heart and face up to who you are and who you want to be."

"Slytherin, otherwise I have no choice but to drop out of school." Al said firmly, "I don't want to be torn to pieces by my father and Severus."

"Well," the hat sounded very regretful, "I would really like to see what would happen if a Malfoy went to Gryffindor. Okay, okay, then Slytherin."

Al rolled his eyes.

The Sorting Hat just wanted to watch, he swore.

Al took off his hat and breathed a sigh of relief. Draco was slapping his hands desperately on the Slytherin table, without any of the "mature and steady" and "eldest brother" airs he had deliberately pretended to be in the past.

The Sorting Hat had been sitting on Al's head for so long that Draco was genuinely worried that it would throw his brother into Hufflepuff or worse, Gryffindor.

Al sat next to Draco and gave him a small high five.

Then he turned to look at Harry. When it was Harry's turn to be sorted, there were only a few little wizards still waiting. Al found that Harry was so nervous that he almost fainted. His little face was frighteningly white, and his hands were shaking when he picked up the sorting hat.

He didn't know how long it took Harry, but Al was sure it must have been longer than it took him. In the end, Harry went to Gryffindor, Draco smacked his mouth in disappointment, and Al breathed a sigh of relief.

There was thunderous applause on the Gryffindor table, and Al saw the lively twins also applauding desperately. While applauding, he shouted "We have Potter"

It's great, they are still a group of carefree children. Al smiled, like a kind old father.

The Slytherin dormitory was for two people, and Al, as expected, shared a room with Draco. After packing their luggage and room, and settling in Kiki and Caesar, the two boys fell on the bed and quickly fell asleep.

Draco was choked and had nothing to say. He had indeed spent a pleasant afternoon with Harry, but Al was never there, and he thought Al didn't know he was here.

"Eat quickly. Go back to bed after eating. I'm very sleepy." Al said while stuffing food into his mouth while falling asleep. Draco always admired him for chewing constantly and being able to do it next time. He fell asleep on the plate in seconds.

There was a lot of noise at the dining table, and Al was eating absentmindedly. He noticed that George put something into Ron's mouth when Ron wasn't paying attention.

Pumpkin juice has a dollop of sugar added to it.

Ron was unprepared. He picked up the pumpkin juice and drank it in one go. Aldo wondered if he would accidentally choke on the candy for a second. There was a "crackling" sound, and Ron's red hair seemed to have been electrocuted. Seemingly pointing vertically in all directions, this turn of events shocked Ron. Although he didn't know what happened to him, judging from the cheerful atmosphere on the dining table, he had made a fool of himself again.

Al burst out laughing along with everyone else around him. Except for the professor, everyone had one thought in their mind: Fortunately, it wasn't me who got pranked.

After finally returning to the dormitory, Al fell asleep on the bed, almost falling asleep after a moment until he was woken up by someone.

"Stop it, Draco, let me sleep." Al waved his hand impatiently.

"You haven't showered yet, Al." Draco continued to shake him reluctantly.

"Then clean it up for me, please." After muttering, Al's consciousness became blurry again. Half asleep and half awake, he seemed to hear the door of the dormitory ringing, and then the room became quiet again.

Something seems wrong. The uneasiness in his subconscious prevented Al from falling into a deep sleep calmly. A voice in his mind whispered to him: Draco was out.

where did he go

Al finally woke up. He slowly sat up from the bed and lit his wand. Sure enough, Draco was not in the room and had gone somewhere.

Al held his forehead and recalled that on Christmas night, Harry used the invisibility cloak given by his father to go on a night trip. As a result, he found the Mirror of Erised, which can reflect the deepest desires in people's hearts. Draco was not involved in this plot, so where did Draco go at this point?

While thinking that his eyelids were still fighting and about to stick together, Al shook his head hard, slapped himself twice, and finally woke up.

He casually put on a robe, and while mentally complaining about Draco's careless child, he slowed down and left the Slytherin cellar.

The light of the wand was kept low by Al. Without George and Fred, he might encounter Filch. As he walked along, Al looked for the tall armor described in the original book in various corridors. It was too difficult to find. There were a lot of armors in Hogwarts. And if Al hadn't been so impressed by the plot of the Mirror of Erised, he wouldn't have been able to remember what was at the door of that room.

Fortunately he never encountered Filch, but occasionally the wand's light would cause the portrait on the wall to complain. After searching for an unknown amount of time, Al stopped in front of a door that was ajar. There's a suit of armor next to this door, and it's really tall, with the top of its head almost touching the ceiling.

There were faint voices coming from inside, which sounded like Harry and Draco's. Al couldn't help but rolled his eyes. They dared to do something that violated discipline so blatantly. I really didn't know whether these two children were brave or stupid.

Al cautiously looked in through the crack in the door, but the room was dark and he couldn't see anything. Thinking that it must be Draco and Harry inside, Al suddenly became playful and thought about how to scare these two children.

Before he could come up with a brilliant idea, the sudden female voice in the room made the blood drain from his face.

"Xiao Heng, look at mom, don't sleep, open your eyes, please wake up quickly."

That was his name in his previous life.

That was his mother's voice.

Al pushed open the door to the room uncontrollably and rushed in with a quick stride.

The scene in front of me suddenly changed.

The strong light stung Al and he covered his eyes with his hands. There were several people standing in this narrow room with white sheets on the walls. Al stood at the door, barely opening his eyes and looking at these people in shock.

The woman lying beside the bed was his mother.

This was a ward, and even though eleven years had passed, he could still recognize it at a glance as the ward where Al lived before he died of illness. The familiar face on the hospital bed that I had not seen in eleven years had its eyes closed, pale and without a trace of blood. A lifeless straight line on the bedside electrocardiograph screen announced that this person had lost his life.

Al walked towards his mother unsteadily. His father was also beside her, holding her shoulders, but he could hardly stand still. His face was full of tears. In the past twenty years, Al had never seen his father cry. Live like this.

For a moment, Al couldn't tell what was an illusion and what was reality. Did he really come to the wizarding world, or was he a hallucination on his deathbed? Is the new life just a joke played by God on him? Now he wants to take it all back and let Al face the reality that he is dead?

A second before his fingers touched his mother's shoulder, Al's feet gave way and he fell down, losing consciousness immediately.

Before he fell into coma, he seemed to see someone's white hair and a white beard that was as long as a waterfall.

When he woke up again, the room was already bright. Al sank into the soft bed, turned his head slightly, and saw Draco sleeping peacefully on the four-poster bed next to him.

Al rubbed his temples and felt that he had a terrible headache.

Draco didn't have a night out last night, so was it just him who went out, or was he just having a nightmare?

Why did he see the scene after his last life and why did he see Dumbledore before he passed out?

If it wasn't a dream, was it Dumbledore who sent him back?

Al jumped onto Draco's bed, grabbed Draco's shoulders without gentleness, and began to shake him vigorously.

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