Comprehensive Manga: Dimensional Infinite

Chapter 394

Chapter 394

Chapter 396 Old Devil King Faction

“Lucifer, is that Lucifer?”

Everyone was taken aback by Vali’s self-reported identity, and then someone asked in a voice of confirmation.

“It’s the Lucifer you think of.

Azazel smiled helplessly, then nodded affirmatively: “This is also the reason why I said that Vali is the strongest White Dragon Emperor in all dynasties.

“I am a descendant of the bloodline of the late Devil King Lucifer. However, I am a hybrid born from the grandson of the old Devil King and a human woman. The reason why I can be recognized by the White Dragon Emperor’s light wings is because my mother is human. .29

Vali looked down from the sky and replied: “Although it’s purely coincidental, I was born as the one who truly inherited the blood of the Devil King and was the White Dragon Emperor. If there is a so-called destiny, it’s probably me.”

Speaking of Vali’s back, a pair of Devil’s wings unfolded, proving that what he said was true.

“The White Dragon Emperor with the blood of the Devil King…

Rias Withdraw and Sona and others understand the meaning better.

After all, in Devil, bloodline often affects one’s own strength.

The stronger the bloodline, the stronger one’s own strength will naturally be.

As a descendant of the ancestor Devil King, even if it is only a human hybrid, the strength of its bloodline exceeds that of most High-Class Devils.

“This is the truth. If there is a so-called prank-733-like existence, then it must be him. As far as I know, from the past to the present, and even the future to eternity, he will be the strongest White Dragon Emperor. 99

Azazel shrugged.

The power that the Sacred Gear can exert is linked to the strength of the host itself.

The stronger the strength of the host itself, the stronger the power of the Sacred Gear.

Vali, who has the bloodline of Devil King, is stronger than High-Class Devil under normal conditions, and even has the opportunity to attack the Devil King field in the future, which is stronger than the state of many Sacred Gear hosts who have launched the forbidden hand mode.

“What the hell is going on? Azazel, how can you have Lucifer’s descendants around you.

Sirzechs asked solemnly, Lucifer’s descendants ran into Fallen Angel’s camp, which is a very serious matter.

“It was actually a mischievous coincidence.”

Azazel spread his hands, expressing his innocence: “When I was wandering around in the underworld, I happened to meet Vali, who was persecuted and fled everywhere, and I took him by my side.

Serafall opened her mouth to ask something else, but three red teleportation formations appeared in the void, attracting everyone’s attention and interrupting her train of thought.

Inside the teleportation array, three figures emerged, floating in mid-air, but standing beside Vali.


Seeing those three people, both Serafall and Sirzechs stared, and even Rias and Shitori Sona showed surprise.

“Oops, it looks like the mastermind behind this terrorist attack is finally here.

Azazel smiled lazily, but her eyes were filled with a look of waiting.

“It was them.”

Michael also recognized the identity of the three figures.

“Long time no see, two false Devil Kings, Sirzechs and Serafall, who occupy the positions of Lucifer and Leviathan Devil King.

One of the three figures that appeared in the teleportation formation was a sexy woman in revealing clothes. Her chest was open, her high-cut skirt was spread to her thighs, and her pretty face had a sarcastic smile. Looking down, he said.

“Why are you here, Kareya-chan?

There was shock and sadness in Serafall’s eyes.

“Don’t show that disgusting expression.”

With a look of extreme disgust on Kasileya’s face, she raised her hand and held a magic wand-like weapon in her hand. The powerful magic power condensed at the tip of the wand and gathered into a light group full of destructive aura.

“I don’t have… Kareya-chan, stop it quickly”

Serafall cried anxiously.

At the next moment, Kasileya raised her staff and swung it down sharply.

“Boom! 9)

The super concentrated magic power fell on the teaching building under the wave of Kakareya, making a violent roar.

Even the teaching building with layers of enchantment was instantly turned into fly ash under Kasileya’s blow.

The four major leaders of the three-party forces (bfba) opened a layer of barrier in an instant, covering everyone in the conference room and resisting this attack.

“The leaders of the three major forces are working together to form a barrier, it’s really embarrassing! 97

Kareya was very satisfied with her attack, and she was satisfied that her power at the moment could allow the leaders of the three major forces to take action at the same time, taking it seriously.

“What the hell are you trying to do, Caesarea-chan?

Serafall asked anxiously.

“Everyone said to stop showing such a disgusting expression, it makes me want to vomit. 93

Kaley said disgustedly: “You thief who took my title of Leviathan, you are still able to stand in front of me shamelessly and say such things.

“Don’t worry, I will kill you today, take back the title of Leviathan, and rejoin the throne of Devil King.”

As a descendant of the ancestor Devil King Leviathan, Kareya has always held a grudge against Serafall for taking the title of Leviathan Devil King, and wants to restore the past glory of the old Devil King faction.

Kareya “If you stop here, we will pretend that what happened today has not happened, and you can still return to the Devil.”

Sirzechs said seriously.

“Hahahaha, Sirzechs, I didn’t expect you to be so naive as the Devil King.”

Kareya sneered: “However, you are also one of the targets we need to kill today.”

“Sirzechs, I think your persuasion to surrender is useless. They prepared such a big battle today, but you can’t persuade them to retreat with just a few words.

Azazel said: “They looked like they were going to win.

“That’s right, Azazel.”

Kareya smiled proudly: “Today your so-called peace conference will inevitably fail, and some people will stay here forever. 39

Kareya, “Your attack today may not have been as planned.

Vali said suddenly.

He was also a little bit bitter about being ridiculed by Xia Lin for lack of brains.

Of course, on top of that, he’s just been affected.

“It’s just that one of the links went wrong.”

Kareya glared at Rias and the others and said, “Who would have thought that they would bring that vampire kid by their side and let our people go empty.”

Originally, their plan was to use Gasper to let his Sacred Gear, the magic eye that stops the world, reach the state of forbidden hands. The rampant Sacred Gear can make the time in this space reach a state of complete stillness, and then Vali waits for the opportunity. Launching an attack can at least severely damage one of the leaders.

“Although it is a bit of an influence, this time is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The leaders of the three major forces walked out of the heavily guarded territory. This is the moment when the strength around them is the weakest. If they miss it, there will be no such opportunity again.

“The former defeated general has the courage to stand in front of us and challenge us.

Sirzechs said: “Looks like you guys got a good deal from Ophis.”

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