Conan: Being a Crazy Traitor in a Winery

Chapter 5

After the two of them parted ways, the two of them went to sleep.

After parting ways with Gin and Vodka, Kamiya Minetsuki bought three burgers at a 24-hour burger shop and ate them while walking.

It was not long before the sun rose, and the whole sky was already gray.

Kamiya Minetsuki was now in San-chome, Beika-cho.

Kamiya Minetsuki first walked to Ni-chome, stopped a taxi in Ni-chome, and went to Si-chome.

After getting off the car, he walked for about an hour and came to a single apartment in Liu-chome.

Kamiya Minetsuki, who returned to his residence, threw himself on the bed.

No matter how good the nest is, it is still not as comfortable as his own "doghouse".


Kamiya Minatsuki, who was lying on the bed, called out softly.

In Kamiya Minatsuki's field of vision, a transparent panel appeared.

There were only four categories on it.

Weapons, abilities, attributes, and exchanges, four categories.

There was a dense string of names in the weapons category.

For example, the M500 revolver, Desert Eagle, MAC-10 submachine gun, M4A4 rifle, AWP sniper rifle, etc.

These are the weapons Kamiya Minatsuki currently has.

There is only one ability in the ability category.

God's Left Hand.

The effect is to be able to master the use of various weapons.

There are six subcategories in the attribute category.

Physical strength: 5

Endurance: 5

Speed: 6

Flexibility: 3

Coordination: 6

Reaction speed: 8

These are Kamiya Minatsuki's current attribute points.

The limit of each subcategory is 10 points.

If a normal adult male has a normal attribute of 3 points on average.

Kamiya Minetsuki's physical fitness, except for flexibility, is already at the top of the human race.

Especially the reaction speed, which has reached a terrifying level.

This is why Kamiya Minetsuki was able to dodge Gin's bullet when Gin shot at Kamiya Minetsuki's head at close range.

As for the exchange category, you can randomly obtain weapons, guns, ammunition, etc. through money.

These guns are actually no different from the guns on the market.

However, the guns and weapons extracted through the system can be stored in the system space, allowing Kamiya Minetsuki to collect them freely.

For example, in the confrontation with Gin, Kamiya Minetsuki suddenly had a revolver in his hand.

This is why Kamiya Minetsuki is called a mobile arsenal.

You can also exchange attribute points with money.

The higher the attribute, the more money is needed for the exchange.

For example, if you want to increase Kamiya Minetsuki's reaction speed from 8 points to 9 points.

The money required is a huge amount of 10 billion yen.

At present, all the property of Kamiya Minetsuki does not exceed 500,000 yen.

All the money earned was used to fill the bottomless pit of the system.

After closing the panel, Kamiya Minetsuki, who had nothing to do, turned on the TV and watched TV programs.

Nowadays, mobile phones are just flip phones, and there are no smart phones. Computers are not yet popular, and there are no entertainment activities at all.

There is no other choice at home except watching TV.

After skipping a few boring programs, a piece of news made the sleepy Kamiya Minetsuki energetic.

[The junior high school detective, Kudo Shinichi, who is about to graduate, assisted the police in solving a murder case. 】

Kamiya Minetsuki murmured to himself: "Now he is graduating from junior high school... I vaguely remember that this guy seems to become Conan in high school... It's been too long, and I almost forgot everything. There are more than a thousand episodes. Who can remember so much."

After Kamiya Minetsuki came to this strange world, he went to Kudo's house at 21-21, Beika-cho, and secretly observed Kudo Shinichi.

However, in Kamiya Minatsuki's eyes, Kudo Shinichi at this time was just a young brat who was immersed in reasoning and liked to show off everywhere.

"It won't be long before time is chaotic. If I kill Kudo Shinichi, will time not be chaotic?"

Kamiya Minatsuki was amused by his own thoughts: "Oh, it's impossible to think about it. Maybe a Kudo Shinji will appear."

Thinking about it, Kamiya Minatsuki fell into a deep sleep.

A few days later.

When Kamiya Minatsuki got up from the bed, it was almost noon.

After a simple wash, Kamiya Minatsuki left the house with a cigarette in his mouth and his hands in his pockets.

At this time, the white mobile phone in Kamiya Minatsuki's pocket

It vibrated.

Kamiya Minatsuki opened his phone and saw two emails.

One email was a bank receipt notification. The 10 million promised by Akai Shuichi had been transferred to the bank card designated by Kamiya Minatsuki.

The content of the other email was only two pictures.

One was a social security number card, and the other was a passport.

However, there was no head portrait photo on the passport.

This was the legal identity that Akai Shuichi prepared for Kamiya Minatsuki.

Kamiya Minatsuki deleted the two text messages, had dinner casually at a convenience store, and went to the pinball machine shop in Beika-cho 3-chome to play pinball to kill time.

Sitting on a machine he often played, Kamiya Minatsuki drank Coke while operating the pinball machine.

As time passed, Kamiya Minatsuki's temper gradually became more irritable.

His movements when operating the machine gradually became rougher.

Opposite Kamiya Minatsuki, there was a person who was even more irritable than Kamiya Minatsuki.

"Ah! Is this machine broken? I'm screwed! I'm going to be scolded by Xiaolan when I go back!"

Kamiya Minatsuki looked over and saw the man, and his eyes narrowed involuntarily.

This is a medical miracle in this world.

The sleeping Maori Kogoro was unharmed after being hit by countless anesthetic needles.

However, Kamiya Minatsuki only glanced at Maori Kogoro, and then played by himself.

Not long after, the mobile phone in Kamiya Minatsuki's pocket vibrated.

Kamiya Minatsuki took out a black mobile phone. Unlike the white mobile phone, this black mobile phone was specially used to contact the organization.

Kamiya Minatsuki answered the call.

Gin's voice came from inside.

"Gin Barley, where are you? Why are you making so much noise?"

"In the pinball parlor, I'm losing and I'm really annoyed! If you have anything to say, please say it!"

Gin was silent for a while and said, "Stop playing. The boss is very angry now and ordered us to find Shuichi Akai!"

Kamiya Minatsuki said nonchalantly, "Really? Then please tell the boss for me, don't be angry, the person has already run away, and it's not good for your health if you get angry. Gin, you should also know that Shuichi Akai will not stay in Japan if he runs away, so it's useless to look for him."

"This is what the boss wants, you just need to obey the order!"

"Hey, I know, I'll go right away, okay."

Gin on the other side hung up the phone.

After putting the phone back in his pocket, Kamiya Minatsuki once again put several coins into the pinball machine.

"I don't believe this! I'm sure I'll win next time!"

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