Conan: The Demon King of Superpowers

Chapter 16

The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

Shiho listened to her companions' conversation and was stunned.

What the hell? Why did they suddenly talk about eel rice?

"Shirley, do you want to eat eel rice too? It's delicious." The driver chatted with Shiho.

Shiho didn't think much about it and replied indifferently: "I don't care."

Things were settled, and the car stopped next to a restaurant open at night in Rizan Town. The four people got off the car one after another. Yeyue stood behind Shiho like a ghost, raised her hand, and slashed at Shiho's neck with a knife.

Shiho groaned, her eyes went black and she lost consciousness. Yeyue took her whole person into the [Shelter].

"Sorry, there are some things you can't see."

Ye Yue flew away from the scene directly. The three men in black were about to leave the car and enter the restaurant, but suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Why does it feel like the number of people is not right? One, two, three...

"No! Where's Shirley?" The three looked at each other and finally realized that Miyano Shiho was missing.


On a highway somewhere in Tokyo, a black Porsche 356A was driving slowly.

The driver was a burly man who wore sunglasses at night, which made people doubt whether he was mentally normal. A long-haired man sat in the co-pilot seat. Perhaps because of too much pressure, his hair turned white at a young age.

These two people belonged to the same organization as Miyano Shiho. The big guy was codenamed Vodka and the long-haired one was codenamed Gin.

"Brother, why are we blackmailing the Mud Ginseng Society while doing business with the Mud Ginseng Society?" Vodka asked puzzledly. This is the second time the organization has contacted the Mud Ginseng Society this month.

The last time was in Dorobiga Paradise, when Vodka and Nisan were trading, they were seen by a high school detective named Kudo Shinichi. Fortunately, Gin discovered it in time and attacked from behind to avoid being exposed.

In short, because of that incident, Vodka was scolded by Gin.

"Hehe..." Gin sneered and explained, "Kidon Nafang is dead, and the Mud Club is now leaderless, and it is no longer a threat to the organization. Their factions are fighting each other to death. In order to prevent the Mud Club from unifying again, the organization must support or suppress each faction behind the scenes to ensure that no faction will ever dominate."

Vodka suddenly realized, "So that's why Bourbon was sent to investigate the Mud Club. It's to understand the situation of each faction so that the organization can more accurately control the strength of each faction."

"That's right. Although the Mud Club is not at the same level as the organization, it is a large gang with more than 10,000 members after all. It will be a big trouble for the organization to reunite."

As Gin was talking, a ring suddenly rang. It was the mobile phone in the car ringing.

So Gin picked up the mobile phone and answered the call.

"Hey, it's me... Nani? Shirley is missing?"


Soon Gin and Vodka arrived at Rishon Town and met the three black-clad extras who were working with Miyano Shiho. The three had obviously been looking for someone nearby for a long time, so much so that they were sweating profusely, but they still couldn't find Miyano Shiho.

"Brother Gin!" The three ran to Gin and saluted tremblingly.

Gin asked with a straight face: "What's going on?"

The black-clad man driving the car replied: "We drove here after the investigation of Kudo's house. Shirley was still there before we got off the car. After we got off the car, we closed the door and found that Shirley had disappeared..."

Gin's eyes were murderous, "Why did you park here when you were going back to the institute?"

The three looked at each other, not daring to speak, until Gin questioned again without emotion, they stammered, "Because, because we suddenly wanted to eat eel rice..."

Gin was stunned at first, and then he was so angry that he almost exploded.

Eel rice? God damn eel rice!

Just because you wanted to eat eel rice, Shirley found a chance to escape?

At this moment, Gin pulled out his gun without hesitation and wanted to kill these three bastards on the spot!

Seeing this, Vodka quickly grabbed Gin's hand and persuaded him: "Brother, calm down! Calm down!"

Calm down? How can you ask me to calm down!

These three bastards were actually thinking about eating eel rice while on a mission! What do I need them for?

"Brother, the restaurant next door is still open, you can't kill people here!" Vodka persuaded earnestly.

Gin certainly knew that the restaurant next door was open, but he still wanted to kill those three bastards

, it's not that Gin doesn't have a big picture view, Gin just doesn't care. I, Gin, want to kill someone, so should I care if there are outsiders around?

Even if there are outsiders, so what? At most, all the witnesses will be killed!

"Huh? No!" Gin, who was angry, suddenly realized something. How dare Shiho Miyano escape? Her sister is still in the organization! They are sisters, and neither of them can abandon the other and run away.


"Not good!" Gin immediately picked up the mobile phone, quickly entered the number and dialed a phone, and said to the person on the other end of the phone: "Contact Miyano Akemi immediately! Don't ask why, just contact her!"

After hanging up the phone, Vodka asked hurriedly: "Brother, who are you contacting?"

Gin replied expressionlessly: "Hirota Akemi."

"Oh, it's the person that brother arranged to rob the bank with Miyano Akemi..."

Soon Gin's mobile phone received a call back from Hirota Akemi, who claimed that he couldn't contact Miyano Akemi anyway.

Gin's eyes were filled with murderous intent, "The two sisters disappeared together, it seems that this was planned for a long time... Hehe, interesting... I hope you won't regret your decision when you are caught!"


In an apartment somewhere in Tokyo, Miyano Shiho slowly woke up, only to feel a severe pain in the back of her neck, which made her gasp.


What's going on? Why does my neck hurt so much? Did I get a stiff neck?

Miyano Akemi, who was talking to Yeyue, heard the noise and hurried over in surprise. Sure enough, she saw her sister lying on the bed slowly opening her eyes. "Shiho, are you awake?" She eagerly grabbed Shiho's hand.

"Sister?" The blurry scene in front of her became clear. Shiho felt relieved when she saw the familiar face. "Where is this? Why am I here?"

Mingmei hurriedly explained to her sister, "Mr. Yeyue brought you here. Shiho, do you know? We are free! We escaped from the organization!"

"Free...?" Shiho was shocked. She realized that in addition to herself and her sister, there was a young man in his twenties in the room, who was looking at her with a playful look with his arms folded.

Is this the Yeyue that her sister mentioned?

Shiho got up from the bed, but she covered her neck because of the pain in her neck, "Hiss - why does my neck hurt so much?"

It was Yeyue who answered her, "In order to avoid complications, I knocked you out when I took you away."

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