Control the Dragon of Time

Chapter 303


Chapter 303 Void Infestation (Ask for a Monthly Pass)

With a single thought, Galleon, through the connection between magic powers, allows world rune to make The destructive power of possession is displayed.

The world rune doesn’t eat as much magic as the Galleon either.

It responded immediately to Galleon’s thoughts.

Next moment, the huge blue light ball flickered at high frequency.

Stab it!

A blue electric arc flashed away and landed on the surface of the earth.

Then, under Galleon’s shocked gaze, the flashing arc left a crack for dozens of kilometers on the ground, and the touched earth and stone disappeared without a sound.

The deep darkness in the cracks is not so deep.

And this is just the beginning.

one after another blue arc catapulted out.

These primordial magical energies are full of destructive power, when they touch the mountains, they split the mountains, and when they touch the surface, they tear the earth apart, leaving the sky one after another visible to the naked eye. Space Crack.

Everything touched is destroyed.

The fresh flowers and green grass turned to ashes.

After seeing the amount of destructive power in the world rune, Galleon looked at the surface that was devastated in a few moments, with cracks and broken mountains all over the place, and hurriedly conveyed the idea of stopping the release of power to the world rune.


The excited world rune was not controlled by Galleon’s mind.

The small sun-like blue light ball vibrated at high frequency, releasing thousands of electric arcs that spread to hundreds of miles long, fiercely whipping the earth, the momentum of The earth shook and the mountain quivered seemed like the earth ‘s whining.

Galleon’s eyelids twitch at close range.

The attack of the world rune is quite fierce, the formidable power of each arc is comparable to the Legendary spell, even more destructive power than the general Legendary spell, and it is extremely dense, thousands of arcs crackle, like a cover The giant web of Heaven and Earth.

Fortunately, it seems to have a little conscience, and although it is disobedient, it has not attacked Galleon, the man who gave it its magic.

Otherwise, Galleon thinks he’d be quite embarrassed to deal with the power of the world rune by now.

He used the time stop field, but obviously, his time stop was not enough to stagnate the violent world rune, and the time river around the world rune was turbulent, splashing a large number of ripples.

“A magical force that cannot be fully controlled.”

“This thing is like a bomb, and it might hurt itself.”

“However, this formidable power is really terrifying.”

Since it couldn’t stop it, Galleon stopped trying and watched the world rune unleash the formidable power.

However, what happened a few seconds later made Galleon’s face darken.


Several arcs flashed away and landed on Volibear’s Storm Mountain.

After a moment of calm, Nuoda’s high mountain seemed to be stuffed with gunpowder and then detonated. It collapsed with a deafening sound, and countless rocks flew like fireworks. .

Even over the mountain, the dark clouds that have been gathering here all year round have been scattered.


Galleon scratched the dragon scales on his forehead a little, feeling somewhat guilty.

Volibear has lived in a place I don’t know how many years, so he was burned down by his unintentional actions.

“Should go further and study the power of rune.”

“I hope second brother won’t be angry.”

The destructive power of world rune is too widespread , so Galleon really unexpected.

Time passed slowly.

A few minutes later, the violent world rune finally calmed down. It seemed that the magic power obtained from Galleon had been consumed, and the huge blue light ball converged into a small blue rune again. Harmless to humans and animals suspended before Galleon’s eyes.

ka ka ka .white The crystalline amber of time seals the world rune again.

The sharp claw covered with silver dragon scales picked up the amber of time, and the giant dragon looked towards the world rune as small as dust inside.

Across the time amber, Galleon felt that there seemed to be a little more connection between himself and the world rune.

It used up the Galleon’s magic, but the connection the magic left behind.

“Repeat this experiment a few more times.”

“Maybe, my influence on the world rune will gradually expand until I can do as one pleases to control the world rune. Strength.”

Galleon thought silently, overlooking the ruined land.

In the high sky, the range that Galleon can see is almost completely destroyed by the world rune, and the cracks that are not known how deep are like dense cobwebs on the surface and even extend beyond a thousand li.

There is still a slowly healing Space Crack in the air.

The Valoran continent is a fairly solid prime matter world, otherwise it wouldn’t be able to hold so many Demi-God creatures, but even so, the world rune still wreaks havoc.

Cast the magic of Galleon into the world rune into a Legendary spell.

Even if it is ten times more magic, it may not be able to achieve the same destructive effect.

After putting away the time amber, the silver giant dragon looked down at a high mountain that had been blown up, retracted its wings, and fell down.

Looking at the blackened rubble, Galleon looked helpless.

He won’t go back in time to repair this crumbling mountain, and he won’t spell accordingly.


Volibear, who has made an appointment with his little friend to encircle Naga Kaporos, is on his way back to his territory.

Beyond a thousand li, the giant bear who stood up stopped his footsteps.

It looked forward suspiciously and warily.

In the field of vision, there is the broken earth that is still steaming, the lightning-like cracks in the earth are intertwined, densely packed, filling the eyes, dividing the surface into countless pieces, and there is almost no flat land to fall on. .

Look further down the crack.

There are some deep cracks where a faint glow of fiery lava can be seen, and there are some dark ones where the bottom cannot be seen, I don’t know how deep it is.

In the sky, there are still some snowflakes falling, which adds a chilling atmosphere here.

“What’s going on?”

“There’s no way Demi-God’s all-out battle can do this kind of damage.”

Walley Bell’s heart froze.

Immediately afterwards, with the falling of the thunder, the deified thunder giant bear rode the storm and rushed to his territory as fast as lightning.


Volibear arrives at the location of Storm Mountain.

But there was only his fourth brother and the devastated broken stones in sight, and there was no trace of the Mountain of Storms.

“Where’s a Storm Mountain the size of me?”

The giant bear paused with a look of astonishment.

Almost from the beginning of the condensed entity, Volibear lived in the Mountain of Storms. At the beginning, it was just an ordinary mountain, because it lived for a long time and was affected by it. The impregnation of power finally formed the special scene of the storm.

Didn’t stop for too long.

Volibear moved towards Galleon’s position while disarming the giant.

“Fourth brother, what’s going on?”

“Where is my family?”

In Galleon’s slightly empty eyes, Volibear said with anger : “Is there any blind Demi-God or wild beast coming to me to destroy, damn, they dare to destroy my lair, I’m going to give birth to that guy!”

paused, it looked towards Galleon, and said with concern: “I came all the way and found that the ground was severely damaged.”

“Fourth brother, you are not injured.”

Galleon shook the head.

Under Volibear’s gaze, Galleon told what was happening here.

“. That’s it.”

“I didn’t expect world rune to have such great destructive power.”

“Second brother, you Don’t be angry, I’ll find a better nest for you.”

After listening to Galleon’s words, Volibear was silent for a while, then looked at Galleon and said slowly: “That little thing, so it really is So powerful?”

It doesn’t care that Galleon accidentally destroys his own Storm Mountain.

Volibear didn’t really believe in the power of the world rune at first, but now I learned from Galleon that the large-scale destruction in a radius of thousands of miles was caused by the world rune, and I couldn’t help but doubt it. own judgment.

With such widespread destruction, Demi-God creatures can do it.

But on a scale like the world rune created in a short period of time, the abilities of Demi-God creatures are a bit reluctant.

Galleon sighed in relief, saying, “Yes, the world rune, as the seal nun said, can capsize the sea and tear the earth to shreds.”

Volibear With a look of excitement on his face, he said to Galleon, “Fourth brother, take out the world rune and use it again.”

“Let me see it.”

Galleon shook the head , said: “It needs my magic power to activate.”

“I have used a lot of magic power in the experiment just now, and it will take a while to recover.”

paused, he continued Said: “When my magic power recovers, I will use it for you to see.”

After he finished speaking, his eyes moved slightly, and he changed his words: “By the way, it can be used on Naga Kaporos. , let him try the power of the world rune he wants for himself.”

Volibear was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

“Good idea.”

“When the time comes, see if it dies or not.”


Galleon and Volibear leave the land ravaged by the world rune.

Not long after, a dragon and a bear came to the place where the bear clan gathered.

The Bearman clan was the name Volibear gave to those humans who worshipped their power.

These people were originally primordial humans.

But because of Volibear’s power, some people turned into half-human, half-bear appearances, and some people completely turned into giant bears several meters high.

Humans, half-human, half-bear humans, completely turned into bear humans, together they make up the bear clan.

Volibear hasn’t seen the bear clan in a while.

This time I came with Galleon. When these bearmen saw Volibear, they all lay down on the icy ground covered with snow, expressing their reverence to Volibear.

“Second brother, these people of yours, if you don’t care, you may freeze to death a lot.”

Galleon saw many people who were not empowered by Volibear, Wearing light animal skin clothing, shiver coldly in the cold wind, the frozen face is stiff.

Because of the influence of Ornn’s Forge, the weather here is freezing.

Bitterly cold winds and icy snowflakes are too unfriendly to these weak humans.

An already hard life is made worse by Demi-God’s unintentional actions.

This is the reality of Valoran continent at this time. Every move of Demi-God, even if it is unintentional, will cause the prosperity or destruction of other weak creatures.

Volibear thought for a while and said, “This is my first people, and I need their faith.”

“I can’t let them die easily.”

Speaking, the giant bear’s body skyrocketed, and in a blink of an eye, it became a giant god capable of supporting both heaven and earth.

Next, under Bearkin Clan’s reverent gaze, Volibear flew high into the sky, and then raised high a bear claw wrapped around endless lightning, falling to the ground like a meteorite.

The bear claws with terrifying power fell from the sky and hit the ground.


Under Volibear’s perfect control of his own power, the ground is cracked and depressed, and the uplifted earth and rocks overlap, forming a terrain that can withstand wind and snow, extending into a huge bear claw contour.

The storm swept the people of Bearkin Clan into bear-claws.

The biting wind and snow were blocked, and many people’s faces immediately improved a lot.

After realizing that the Titans were creating suitable land for them, Bearkin Clan looked at Volibear with more and more admiration.

“My name is Volibear.”

“I am the immortal thunder, the roaring thunder, the god of storms and thunders!”

“Small creatures, respect me, believe in me, I will give you the power that belongs to the gods!”

According to Galleon’s previous belief in becoming a god, the giant deified Volibear let out a low roar. The thunder fell one after another, making it imposing in a majestic manner, making it more and more stalwart.

There is no better way to reap the initial faith than to show strength, which is to put a fork.

And in that regard, Volibear is excellent.

Selecting a few healthier individuals in Bearkin Clan, Volibear grants them more power and empowers them to communicate with himself.

These are the envoys of Volibear, which can better transmit its will to other intelligent creatures.

According to Galleon’s teaching, Volibear harvested his first group of believers after a set of operations.

After that, Volibear chose a high mountain in the mountain range in the vicinity as his new residence and settled down. It is closer to its followers and can be better displayed. own strength.

And Galleon, at Volibear’s strong request, built a dragon’s nest on another nearby mountain.

In the rough dragon’s nest, the silver giant dragon closed his eyes and took a nap.

The excessive consumption of magic power made Galleon feel a little empty in his body.

And for dragons, the best way to recover is to sleep.

When Galleon slept, Volibear was energetically casting a temple and Divine Idol for himself, like a child who just got a toy, tirelessly and excitedly.

Time just passed by slowly.

Two months passed quickly.

On a land covered with ice and snow and cold wind whistling, there are Demi-God creatures with different appearances gathered at this time. Make the surrounding air almost stagnant.

Except for the small group of Ornn, Galleon, Volibear, and Anivia.

There is also a big tin-skinned wild boar with horn-like fangs and red eyes, and an azure giant wolf with strong limbs and a well-proportioned body.

Iron Boar, Windwalker Wolf, these two are the intelligent Demi-God who are willing to help Volibear to encircle Naga Kaporos.

A total of six Demi-God gathered.

“After killing Naga Kapooros, I’ll build a fitted Battle Armor for each of them.”

Ornn vs. Iron Boar and Windwalker The wolf promised.

These two Demi-Gods are just here to help, and there is no direct grudge with Naga Kapooros, so Ornn made a promise to give them Battle Armor as a reward afterward. Not to let the other party contribute in vain.

The relationship between Demi-God also obviously needs to be sophistication.

Afterwards, Galleon followed the sense of the time stamp and set off quickly with a few Demi-God moved towards the vast ocean.

And not long after they left.

Without any Demi-God noticing, in the very deep underground that was penetrated by the power of the world rune, a purple plane crack was beating like a heart, and the rock formations deep in the earth’s crust were silently dyed A dangerous and evil purple has been added, and it is still expanding rapidly.

(End of this chapter)

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