Correcting the Villainess of the Academy

Chapter 139

“…You weren’t listening to me, were you?”

The garden, filled with mist after a late spring rain.

Yeon Minha suddenly snaps at the male student walking alongside her.

He, looking somewhat dazed, finally turns his attention towards Yeon Minha.

“…I’m sorry. What did you say?”


Instead of answering, Yeon Minha glares at him with a pouting face.

But soon she sighs deeply and crosses her arms tighter.

Lee Hyun takes her behavior in stride.

It was the satisfactory result of repeatedly drilling it into himself that it was only natural to escort someone he held dear.

“Did you open the assignment request form?”

“No, I haven’t opened it yet.”

“Why? You received it a while ago. If we’re going to start, we should do it quickly.”

“They said it can be viewed starting from midnight on Wednesday. They mentioned fairness, but… I didn’t listen closely.”

“Anyway, this academy is thorough in all the pointless areas…”

Unlike the calm Lee Hyun, Yeon Minha murmurs as if she’s the one feeling more dissatisfaction.

“Were the requesters the Capital Metropolitan Administration? Why don’t they ask Heukryeon for help…?”

“Actually, they made such a suggestion last time, but… I declined.”


“I didn’t want to create unnecessary controversy. It needs to be wrapped up neatly without such privileges, so that it doesn’t cause them any trouble.”

“That won’t be easy. As far as I know, the current head of the administration isn’t from the Heukryeon faction. Furthermore, the Special Criminal Investigation Bureau specifically deals with exceptionally difficult cases. I can’t help but think they won’t give you any conveniences or make any special considerations.”

“Professor Kwon also said that. They aren’t particularly attentive. It’s something that needs to succeed, no matter what.”

“Yeah… I figured you’d say that.”

As Yeon Minha absorbed the conversation, she sighed slightly.

“By the way, how was yesterday?”

“…Not bad. I didn’t have any nightmares, and I didn’t see any illusions. The hallucinations are quiet.”

“Even now?”


When he shifts the topic, Yeon Minha responds honestly, but there’s an unenthusiastic air about her.

“It’s already the fourth day, isn’t it? Maybe your mental contamination has completely healed.”

“…I still don’t know. It could just be a temporary phenomenon.”

Yeon Minha responded gruffly, trying to dismiss his slightly cheerful tone.

Thanks to his repeated persuasion, she’s been continuing an experiment for a few days now.

Lee Hyun’s mysterious ability has helped her regain her sleep.
Yeon Minha has been gradually reducing her exposure to it.
And even though it’s been almost four days since she completely cut off its influence, she’s still maintaining a full daily life.

“But what have you been doing all this time? Did you sneak out for a walk during curfew? You didn’t stay up all night for four days, did you?”

“Of course not. I have my dorm, remember? I went there to take a short break.”

At his words, Yeon Minha once again shot him a fierce glare.

“…Good. Let’s keep it as just a short break. Don’t ever mention going back again. If you do it again, I’ll really get mad.”


Yeon Minha emphasized her voice deliberately.
He only gazes at her silently, not responding.

However, reflexively recalling the somewhat awkward smile behind the mask.
Just that tickle of imagination made her anger dissipate quickly, forcing Yeon Minha to pull herself together.

It was clear that his increased attention had become excessive after a few incidents.
Even though it’s been somewhat better recently, some students still stubbornly clung to him even after the academic schedule concluded and during personal maintenance time.
However, going back to her original dorm for his sake was out of the question.
Not long ago, when Lee Hyun lightly mentioned that topic, Yeon Minha firmly expressed her disapproval.
Even that didn’t ease her mind, so she repeatedly hammered it home whenever there was an opportunity.

Until just two months ago, Yeon Minha was tormented by an intense fear of death.
To be able to sleep without any worries like this was unimaginable happiness for her.

However, what now dominated Yeon Minha was not a sense of achievement or stability but rather anxiety, and the one thing she feared most was that he’d feel he no longer needed her and drift away.
She trembled slightly like a baby bird soaked in rain, not wanting to imagine that horrifying thought.
She had no intentions of letting Lee Hyun go. For life.
So there was no reason to send him off to another place either.

“I’m not going. I’ve said it several times.”

As her heart began to melt, the Masked Male Student lifted his head slightly to check the tall clock tower.

“Senpai. My afternoon lecture will start soon. I’ll be going.”

“…Then hurry up.”

The moment his strong arms relaxed always left a deep sense of regret.
Yeon Minha waved goodbye gently to Lee Hyun as he walked away.
Before long, his figure completely vanished into the thick mist. Alone, Yeon Minha remained standing, lost in thought.

Every day, she was discovering more about him.
And she found one fact out: he can’t lie, he really can’t.
It was almost impressive how obvious it shows in his words and actions.
In this case, she was rather relieved that he was wearing a mask.
She had already heard the answer that there was nothing wrong.
But Yeon Minha was certain of one thing: he was caught up in some kind of dilemma.

She stood there in the fog like a lost child, her gaze still directed at the empty space he once occupied.
She lacked the courage to ask, which only deepened her frustration.
Maybe his worries and hers were of the same kind.


“…The first wizards were merely people with slightly better imaginations, so to speak, they were quite artistic types. However, the variability of the Basel particles that interact closely with the mind made their fantasies and dreams a reality. Whether or not one can shape such imaginations with formulated equations is considered one of the important qualities of a wizard…”

On a drowsy afternoon.
In the peaceful classroom, only the gentle voice of Professor Jang resonated.

“…Most unique magic can be considered a result of such formalization. Now, here’s the division between unique magic and general magic…”

His voice was more likely to lull students into sleep rather than arouse scholarly enthusiasm, akin to a lullaby’s rhythm.
Most of the students in the classroom were half in a trance, scribbling lazily with their writing instruments.

At the back row of the classroom.
A rare blonde female student maintaining her sanity suddenly checked the time.
Less than five minutes left until the class ended. This lesson was the final official activity for the day.
Her slightly tired face was revitalized once again.
Jin Yeseo soon glanced at someone sitting at a distance.
The Masked Male Student sitting in the opposite corner of the back row was focused on taking notes.
It seemed he sensed her keen energy and quickly turned his head towards Jin Yeseo.
When their eyes met, Jin Yeseo silently gestures to him.
Indicating that she would be the one waiting for him today.
She had become quite accustomed to this secret exchange of gestures between them.


However, instead of nodding as usual, the Masked Male Student shook his head left and right, shaking off her gesture.
At that moment, Jin Yeseo, unable to grasp the meaning, furrowed her brows tightly.
No matter how many times she tried to convey the gesture, the response was the same.

‘What the…?’

As the clear negation repeated, a sense of anxiety and frustration filled Jin Yeseo’s heart.
Unable to contain herself, she cautiously made her way toward where he was seated.
And with a clunk—she plopped herself down beside the Masked Male Student.
He turned to look at Jin Yeseo in surprise, whispering awkwardly.

“…What are you doing?”

“What do you mean it’s not allowed?”

“Did I do something?”

He seemed to grasp Jin Yeseo’s intention only after a slight delay, and his voice sounded weak and dispirited.

‘Is he sick…?’

But contrary to Jin Yeseo’s expectations, he continued on nonchalantly.

“Do I have to be your partner every time?”


“Isn’t it natural that I can’t join if I’m busy?”


Surrendering to her impulse, Jin Yeseo finally realized something and let out a small whine.
With the delayed arrival of her sense of shame, her face flushed hot.
Ever since her declaration of surrender at the library, he had been facing her without fail every single day.
However, they had never actually made a formal agreement to spar daily.
She simply took it for granted.
The Male Student stared at her as if it were absurd and let out a small sigh.

“Today, I’m busy. Let’s practice tomorrow. And…”


After a brief hesitation, he opened his mouth again.

“I’d prefer some space. I’m not feeling great.”

His tone sounded as if he was holding something back.
Suddenly glancing down, Jin Yeseo spotted their fingers just barely touching.
It seemed that in their little discreet conversation, they had accidentally found themselves in that position.
However, the way he spoke made her feel like he was treating her like a dirty germ.
He had already gotten handsy with her several times before with his fists and feet, yet recently he was acting all squeamish—how utterly ridiculous!
Fueled with rage, Jin Yeseo unintentionally raised her voice slightly.

“Hey! You touched me before, and now you can’t handle this…!”

Cough, cough, Jin Yeseo?

But it was a voice coming from the lectern.
Regaining her senses in an instant, Jin Yeseo turned her head. The professor, having interrupted the class, stared at them with a troubled expression.
In a panic, Jin Yeseo glanced around. Spotting several pairs of eyes fixated on her, cold sweat started to trickle down her back.
She had come to accept that betrayal—though she could not let their relationship come to light under any circumstances.
Especially not to Seol Yujeong!

“No matter what, it’s still class time. The tensions built up can wait until after class, can’t they?”

“…I think Yeseo is trying to challenge him again…”
“That’s true…how heartless… to have been treated like that…”
“Impressive, Yeseo…”

At least no one, including the professor and the students, recognized their secret relationship, which was a relief.

Letting out a short sigh, Jin Yeseo lowered her head.

“…I’m sorry.”

Leaving just a brief apology, Jin Yeseo limped back to her seat.
Her cheeks were still painted red with shame.


Just before the bell signaling the end of all schedules had even settled. I began to pack my things and headed towards the basement of the main building.
I had just received word from the facility manager that the repairs were completed earlier that morning. There was no reason to delay any further.
I wanted to grab onto the clue of that awkward dream before performing the assignment. I also desperately needed something else to focus on.
Something to help free me from those relentless thoughts.
Arriving at the main building, I stood facing the imposing black basement door.


Having traversed down this path several times, entry was not difficult.
Using the disposable key granted by the chairperson, I unlocked the heavy door with a loud clunk, causing it to swing open.
I descended the dimly-lit staircase lined with faint lights.
After going down two more flights, I finally spotted the entrance of a double door made of bars.
With a stale odor of rodent droppings still lingering in the air, the sign saying ‘Archives’ welcomed me.

Today, I hoped to learn something.
Using the same method, I opened the lock and entered, finally revealing the sight of tall bookcases inside the archive room.
I walked over to the section where the nomenclature was organized.
Bringing out the ladder that was carelessly placed in the corner, I thoroughly scanned the index peeking out between the documents.
So, after about twenty minutes passed.
In the middle of a high shelf, I finally spotted the words ‘Student Council of the 57th Class.’
Carefully pulling it out, I descended the ladder and took my seat.
The faint light was sufficient for reading. I began to unfold it and read.
As I turned the first page, familiar names came into view.

“General Affairs Yoon Chae-won, Discipline Committee Chair Ryu Sehwa, Secretary Yejin. And…”

As expected, alongside the names of the sisters, one name was naturally written.

– Vice Chair Seol Yujeong.

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