Corruption in Naruto World

Chapter 27 – Unique Jutsu

The next day Anko-sensei met up with us in the morning, calling an end to our D-rank mission career.

We started practicing combat and coordinating tactics, formations and signals during the morning.

We also moved our 'bonding time' up to the very first thing in the morning. Not a bad start for the day but it probably means whatever she is planning will have us dead tired with most of our chakra drained by the end of the day.

Anko-sensei joined us for lunch even, which, while making the mood more lively, had the unfortunate disadvantage of cutting into the lovey-dovey moments between me and the girls, we only managed to sneak some kisses and gropes here and there.

I swear Anko-sensei must be doing it on purpose so I don't get to spend time with the girls...

We all head back to the training camp before Anko introduces us to our new training.

"Yosh!! Time for you to learn some useful and unique jutsu. What is a ninja without some of their own unique ninjutsu?"

"Anko-sensei, please no snakes..."

"I'm not sharing any of those Sakura.
It's not just Kakashi the copy-ninja has a lot of jutsu he can teach.
By the time a ninja is promoted to Jounin they know an entire library of jutsu.
Although a ninja should focus mostly on mastering the set of jutsu they learn, one cannot underestimate the power of knowing the right jutsu for the right situation"

Anko-sensei starts weaving hand signs as she prepares a Shadow Clone Jutsu.
A few seconds later there are now 2 additional Anko-sensei.

"Since each of you is going to be learning different jutsu" left Anko says

"You'll be split up for this part of our training" right Anko continues

Anko's clones head out with Sakura and Hinata while I'm left in place with the original Anko.

"So, what hell jutsu awaits me Anko-sensei?"

"Yeaaah... honestly... I have no idea what to do with you Yami..."

"Really sensei?"

"Hinata is learning to use basic water jutsu, starting with the Hiding in Mist Technique.
Sakura is going to learn to use her chakra control for detection and to perform basic medical ninjutsu."

"And then I have you, you weird scoundrel...
Lightning and Yin are the hardest elements to master or even get some basic proficiency in.
Even in Kumogakure, where most ninjas learn some form of lightning technique, these are all exclusive advanced B-rank jutsu at a minimum and rely on nature transformation which takes months to learn.
As for your Yin element, it should represent some talent in weird unconventional justus and Genjutsu, which overlaps with your new technique but can't take advantage of your outstanding taijutsu."

I hadn't thought of that yet...
I check back on my Naruto memories

The general impression I got from seeing lightning jutsu used in the original story indeed matches Anko-sensei's explanation.
Every jutsu used relied first on knowing nature transformation and then using the generated electricity from chakra to either enhance the user with a nin-taijutsu technique or to shock the enemy.

As for Yin... It is the domain of Genjutsu and peaks far below what an Uchiha's Sharingan can accomplish.
Without a Sharingan,genjutsu techniques can barely reach Jonin level and even then it's with highly developed and usually inherited techniques.
As for the Sharingan, I don't know where I can ever get one with no living female Uchiha to possibly get the bloodline from using my... Bloodline Refinement...

"Sensei, I want to learn some Genjutsu techniques for now."
"Your reason?"
My main reason is that learning lightning transformation later, when my chakra can allow me a larger number of shadow clones to rely on will make it quicker.
I noted the other day that my shadow clones are unable to use my hormone and nerve control which is unfortunate.
I answer Anko with my other reason to pick Genjutsu.

"I think it mixes well with my 'potential release'.
I can already control a person's nerves, keeping them from flaring their chakra or feeling injuries. That means any Genjutsu I put an enemy under will be nearly unbreakable.
If I can master controlling the nerves and how to make a convincing illusion, I can fix it to my enemy's eyes instead of the brain.
It might also give my combat some range if I can find a way to cast Genjutsu at a distance."

"Those seem like good uses. Just be careful it's not as simple as it seems to develop new Genjutsu and you'll be lacking avenues to deal with multiple enemies"
"I can always just make shadow clones and punch them"
"Hahaha, sometimes it can work Yami. Just keep your weaknesses in mind.
So let's start your Genjutsu training. I have a few techniques to teach but I think it'll be more important for you to learn how to create more convincing illusions. "

"Why is that sensei?

"A Genjutsu is many times stronger when the enemy is not aware they are trapped and is trying to escape" Anko explains
"The longer you can fool the enemy into thinking they are seeing reality instead of an illusion the more uses you can get out of Genjutsu. "

"From keeping them still as you drive a kunai through their heart, a more sophisticated Genjustsu can be used to extract information from an enemy or even fool them into doing your bidding."

Or control them completely such as the Kotoamatsukami...
The most dangerous kind of Genjutsu, currently in the hands, or should I say, the eye of a bastard called Danzo hiding in the shadows.
He is by far the main reason to keep some cards hidden from everyone.

"Okay sensei, Let's start"

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