Corruption in Naruto World

Chapter 41 – Last moments

They say miracles happen when a person approaches death.

When a person is dying of cold. The body tries to constrict the flow of blood as much as possible to vital organs.
When their body gives up to the cold, it suddenly throws all that blood back at the limbs and skin. This causes a person to feel so hot they start undressing before finally dying.

People with incurable diseases with weakened bodies often find their faculties restored and brimming with energy. One last hurrah before the end.

Some people claim they can feel their souls leaving the body and that they can see themselves from above.
Others report seeing the souls of loved ones in their final moments or light beckoning them to follow to reach Heaven.

There are also cases of a person feeling immense pleasure right before death. A final kindness of our body, releasing endorphins to ease our passing.

The other world's knowledge has many theories but no concrete answers on why this happens.

And then, just like in my own final moments, some people see their life flash through their eyes.

I see memories of my time in the Orphanage, now so distant and faded...
Years in the academy training to be a ninja, being too much of an introvert to make friends.

And then the memories after that day where I got to know the future the world was heading towards.
How I got closer to the girls… Hinata, Sakura, Ino, Anko… I’m about to let them all down. I did the worst possible thing. I took them for myself and then got myself killed, the pain they will be in...

I saw all the moments I spent with the girls. Sakura’s sweet joy, Hinata’s quiet support, Ino’s fiery demeanor and Anko’s ceaseless teasing.
I got a new outlook on life, but of what use is it in death?
I noticed things I hadn't noticed before but none of it matters now.

Was I too soft? I knew what the future awaited but didn’t do everything I could have done.
Was I too confident? I thought too much about the script and forgot this is a real world and people wouldn't simply follow a script.

I don’t want to die. For myself and all the girls. 
I want to live and enjoy my life and my time with the girls.
Being weak was my only crime in this world. It’s not fair.
Life isn’t fair.

I wonder where my soul will go… apparently, there is a Heaven, called the Pure Land and people can even be summoned from it to be used as weapons of war... doesn't sound all that pure to me. Heaven seems lacking in security but I doubt anyone would summon pathetic old me.

This is a world where souls and chakra exist. Chakra can apparently do miracles if used correctly.

That was my last hope and only hope.
I had to find out how in hell that stupid zombie Hidan got his immortality, but even that I failed.

Soon I will die, I will...

...why will I die?

Everyone dies for a reason.
People don’t just die because they are killed.
People don’t die because their health bar reaches 0.
People always die because something stops working.
And I NEED to remember, this world has chakra.
And chakra can do everything.

I force my senses to answer me. Pain assaults my body but I need to know. How do I stop what I killing me? What is killing me?

Hidan and Kakuzu are close but they already killed me. I turn off my senses to the outside world.

I’m bleeding from my leg but it's a minor issue. I ignore it, pain is pointless
My heart is punctured, blood leaking out of my heart into my leftlung and outside my body.

A human can live with only one lung. 
The blood loss will be fatal in a few minutes, but that is still not why I’m dying at this instant.
It’s the lack of pulse. Blood is not flowing into my brain and the lack of oxygen is going to kill my brain cells.
That is why I will die.

Human cell get their energy from oxidizing fuel. This means they need 2 things, food and oxygen.
Both are supposed to reach everywhere in the body through blood. 

Thinking of food I can feel that bastard's tumor on my stomach.
Hidan’s finger, even surrounded by my stomach acid seems to fight for its life. 
How is it alive then? It too just like me has no oxygen and no food flowing into it. How does it stay alive for so long?

I can feel a will on his finger fighting against me… a will?
Is this what a soul is? But then why does my own feel like a single monument and Hidan’s finger feels like compacted sand?

I’m tired, but I feel like I’m getting closer. What am I missing? How did Hidan get his immortality?
It was given by his god Jashin.

Ohh great god Jashin please grant this humble server your favor…
Yeah didn’t think it was gonna work either.

Hidan got his immortality through a ritual to his god that required a great number of human sacrifices.
If I ignore the god part about it, what is left?
The sacrifices!

They didn’t have to be ninjas or anything, so I doubt their chakra had anything to do with it. Otherwise a single Jonin had hundreds of times the chakra of the victims.
The victims were innocent and it seems the closer to Hidan the better.
Why? Why were young women preferred even?

Because they wanted to live the most. 
But sheer will can only go so far. Is that what I’m feeling in the finger? The condensed will to live of his sacrificed victims?

There is something else. Another reason the finger feels so disgusting. 
It’s still permeated in Hidan’s chakra...

And what is chakra in the end? Physical and Spiritual energy.
If the will to live is spiritual energy, then the energy the cells create from burning fuel is the physical energy. But Hidan's finger...

It's not radiating that much chakra....'s radiating physical energy, while having no fuel or oxygen.

It was a very close but important distinction.

It was never using chakra in some way that made Hidan immortal. 
It was destroying chakra in some way that made him immortal.

This fucker was converting Chakra into Physical energy all along.

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