COTE: A Man On A Mission II Love is War?

Chapter 186

“Aha, it's just Hikigaya-dono!”

Sotomura, a fat otaku wearing glasses, waved hello in Hachiman's direction excitedly.

This is doctor that Ike and Sudo call at emergency, and he is also the one who bought a computer on a very high price when he first entered school.

When Ike's confession failed, he also attended love party.



Also knew the other person, Yukimura Teruhiko, who wore glasses, a rare top student of Class C.

Even ranked 3rd...It's just that his body fitness is extremely poor.

When the PE teacher asked him to run 400 meters, Yukimura would gasp for air and look like he was just about to die.

However, this boy has a strong sense of class honor, type who will help you just by asking politely.

Even, Karuizawa now seemed to have something on her mind.

She looked ahead with a dull look, but there was an empty chair next to her.

Karuizawa actually doesn't have a good relationship with the boys in her class.

Even though her popularity increased a lot after “breaking the rules for everyone” in the last written exam, but she didn't go out of her way to get in touch with Sudo's group. 'So, now I am just sitting alone...'

Yukimura and the others also intentionally or not distanced chairs from her.

After all, Karuizawa usually doesn't get along well, even ridiculed most of the boy's faces of being just normal.

That's why, Hachiman just sat down in the empty seat next to her, not that he was asked by other boys either.

“You are the last student to arrive! Exam will start soon. If you have a mobile phone, turn it off!” Mashima glanced at Hachiman, his tone sounded calm but he unknowingly felt a lot of pressure.

“N-No problem!” Hachiman nodded weakly, and then placed the pink camera he was carrying on the table openly.

“ × • ” Mashima glanced at the electronic device, his brows slightly twitching.

However, he could not have a seizure again just by doing this.

Because rule is to turn off your mobile phone or not carry it, but there is no mandatory requirement you cannot bring a camera.

Teacher of Class A, was forced to go silent.


Hachiman came in as the last student on purpose.

This was done to attract Mashima's attention to him, so it would be easy to test official reaction.

After he entered the room, he was observing Mashima.

By placing the camera, Hachiman watched other person's state, and then he understood in his heart about loopholes in the school's rules.

And when a bug is discovered, teachers not going to stop you.

'It should be allowed to take pictures with a camera later.....'

“Tick tock! Tick tock!”

Music box clock in the room was loudly ticking, and passing minute by minute.

Because teacher was sitting in front of them, everyone deliberately kept quiet and no one spoke.

The atmosphere painful silent.

Dum Dum Dum!

Until it came to 6 o'clock.

“Class C, Sotomura Hideo, Yukimura Teruhiko, Hikigaya Hachiman and Karuizawa Kei, right?”

Mashima looked at their faces, lowered his head as if checking the photos on the list, and finally said, "Now everyone is here, I will explain the special exam next.”

“Wait a minute, isn't your little test over yet?”

But the slightly fat Sotomura classmate raised his hand and asked with a dumb look on his face, he just didn't have enough motive to break the 4th wall.

“During my speech. I don't accept any questions even from the students of Class A. Listen carefully.”

“Y----yes, teacher....” Sotomura felt like he should get out of this clumsy state, after feeling a cold glare in his direction.

“In this special exam, school will divide all 1st-year into twelve groups. We will hold exam this way, and the content of test is your thinking ability!”

“Um, what do you mean by thinking?”

Sotomura, who got reprimanded to not ask questions before, just opened his mouth reflexively.

“No wonder, you are from Class D”

“+ ! ” Hachiman just stared at the boy with black coloured frame on glasses.

“Shut up! Let teacher continue to explain first,” Yukimura knows the meaning behind the glance he just received, answered proactively at this time.

Hideo Sotomura now glued his mouth shut once again.

“Society divides people's basic abilities into 3 categories based on their needs: Action, Thinking, and Teamwork.

Only those with 3 are qualified to become outstanding social beings!”

“Previous Deserted island exam focused on teamwork. Content of this one is Thinking ability!” Although he was interrupted twice in a row, Mashima still explained responsibly.

But when he explained this, Hachiman noticed except for Karuizawa who didn't receive any instructions, she seemed to be in a daze, but Yukimura and Sotomura all looked at him with big eyes.

Teacher Mashima's words now mixed with 3 English words, Sotomura not have reacted yet, but Yukimura, a top student, will definitely understand.

'Have you looked at the results? Or do you want me, just Hikigaya to take front lead again? Problem is that exam rules haven't even been fully released yet!'

So, Hachiman just continued to listen, ignoring numerous hopeful stares of his classmates.

“Exam will be divided into twelve groups....” Mashima glanced across the faces of several people, then stopped at Hachiman and said coldly, “The four of you are in the same group, and in other rooms, teachers will explain to students in other classes who will be in the same boat as you...”

You....Why did he just feel being looked down upon by the staff members?

'....I don't think bringing any harm
to school, ever!'

But, Mashima just gave an indirect gesture of the other 3 rooms, being used to explain data.

'Since he said there are 12 groups, and other classes are doing the same thing, it means that each group does not exist alone....'

Instead, needs to be integrated with the groups from the other three classes to form a big club!

12 groups in total.

“List of members in your group.”

Mashima took out four cards and handed out for people respectively, giving a response, “In addition, they are not allowed to be taken out of the room....”

....You are not allowed to take it out of the room, but you can show, which means you can write it down.

But except for a few communication masters, students may not even be able to fully remember the names of people in their own class, let alone students of.....

So, it's probably very hard to remember!

Hachiman stood up at this time, picked up the pink camera on the table, and took a photo of card.

“You are really cool, Mashima-sensei!”


“• •”

“× ×” Mashima just rubbed his nose slightly, then looked at him, but had nothing to say.

Because rules do not say that use of cameras is prohibited.


After taking the photo, Hachiman looked at the names on the card.

Four classes with a total of one hundred and sixty students.

It is divided into twelve groups according to the stems and branches, named after 12 zodiac animals.

Rat, cow, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, pig.

Each of these 12 groups includes students - 4 different classes.

Hachiman’s team is the Rabbit.

Class A: Shigeru Takemoto, Koji Machida, Takuro Morishige

Class B: Honami Ichinose, Tetsuya Hamaguchi, Ryota Beppu

Class C: Hikigaya Hachiman, Karuizawa Kei, Sotomura Hideo, Yukimura Teruhiko.

Class D: Mio Ibuki, Shiho Manabe, Nami Yabuna, Saki Yamashita.

14 students in total.

But, for Hachiman, who didn’t know anyone from Class A or B except Ichinose.

Coincidentally, he knew all the ones from C and D.

It goes without saying that Class C is my own. As for D, they are all old acquaintances.

He was blamed for stealing underwear from Ibuki, and there was Manabe gang that had a conflict with Karuizawa before.

And, Hachiman's observer insight suddenly discovered.

Karuizawa, who had been calm and unresponsive when Mr. Mashima announced the exam rules, finally changed when she looked at the card.

She must have seen the names of Manabe and her little bitch group!

“Wait! What do you mean?”

But someone had even bigger reaction than her, and that was Yukimura, who was wearing glasses, “Isn't the special exam based on classes? So, very dangerous to form a team with others now? After all, we are enemies!”


Hearing this, Mashima seemed to have finally found an opportunity to express his attitude.

“3 years of campus life have just begun, and you have already made so many enemies. The future is really worrying for you previous, Class D!”

After hearing what teacher of Class A snorted in mild disgust, Hachiman totally agreed.

Word of Enemies or something like that is not quite correct.

Like kind of class battles, as long as there are interests, no eternal friends or enemies.

At the same time, even if they are in different classes, not necessarily to be regarded as your opponent to stab.

Just like Kushida, she fully demonstrates what it means to have friends without boundaries.

Regardless of whether they are in different classes or grades, as long as she can get in touch with them, become her friends.

“Do you have any other questions? If not, I will continue....” Hearing this, everyone else suddenly became quiet.

“Look, I'll give you a piece of advice. For this exam, you'd better ignore the friction with other classes. This is a shortcut to passing the exam!”

As he spoke, Mr. Mashima handed over the paper in his hand.

A quick glance revealed a large number of rules written in small letters.

It's easy to feel dizzy just by looking, and there is already sweat on Sotomura's forehead.

....Maybe can’t understand it at all.

“Wait a moment.” But Hachiman took paper and spread it out on the table.

Then, used his fingers to hold up pink


Photos were taken.

“Go ahead”

“.....” Teacher Mashima now even rubbed his forehead, but he could only just watch in silence, and look at the rules.

“Special Exam Instructions”

This exam is based on the "preferential recipients" assigned to each group as the benchmark.

If you answer the questions to the school using the prescribed method, you will definitely get one of the four results.

1. The school will send an email to all students at 8 a.m. on the day the exam starts.

At the same time, the fact of selection will be communicated to those selected as "preferential VIP recipients”

2. The exam schedule is from tomorrow to 9 pm four days later.

3. Team members must gather in the designated room twice a day at 9-10 am and 20-21 pm, and conduct one-hour discussions respectively.

(Note: Students who do not cooperate will have their class evaluation points deducted accordingly.)

4. The content of the discussion is entirely decided by the group.

5. Regarding the answer part, on the night after the exam ends, school will accept status of "preferential recipients" between 9:30 and 10:00 p.m.

Free to answer questions, and each person can do the question once at most.

The exam for said group will end immediately after answering the questions.

6. The school only accepts students using their mobile phones to send letters to the designated mailbox for answering questions.

7. “VIP” do not have the right to send answers by email.

8. All responses to groups other than the one you belong to will be considered invalid.

9. The school will notify all students of the detailed examination results by email at 11 pm on last day.

Exam rules are clearly written and detailed, taking almost every aspect into consideration.

As long as you are not stupid and have no problem with your brain, you can basically understand it.


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