Couldn’t My Reincarnation have been more Cliche!

Chapter 27 (The Old Man)

Hopefully this will be the end of my forced break, I had a lot of things interfering in writing that have hopefully calmed down now, so I want to get the next chapter out in a few days, sorry for the delay, and I hope you enjoy the latest chapters

Ugh! A content groan escaped my lips as I regained my senses. It seems that working all day at the shop had finally caught up with me resulting in my current state of lethargy atop a table, a thin sheet spread across me Thinking about the culprit, a faint smile formed over my face. As I attempted to bask in the feeling of warmth a little longer, murmurs, familiarly voiced, entered my ears, mixed in conversation with a raspy man's voice that sounded as if on the constant verge of a cough that never came. I wanted to ignore the sounds at first, confident enough to enjoy my rest over what I assumed to be more idle conversations about me to customers that would do nothing but cause me to avoid another pair of eyes. Just as I was about to close my eyes further, I heard something that caused me to slowly crack them open instead.

[Mariam] “Grandpa, are you sure you can stay…. I know you’re busy, so don’t feel any pressure because of me” 

Looking down at the ground, her true feelings were betrayed by the light tapping of her feet. Watching as Mariam spoke to a little elderly man who was perhaps only a finger height taller than herself. His body had none of the appearances of youth, but somehow felt as though it had retained some of the vigor that time had eluded to take. The sparse bits of scalp not bare were covered by gray wispy hairs. 

While lazily sizing up the man, I could almost swear I caught his face briefly spread into a smile when it looked down at Mariam. Still, before I could get a second look, his brow slanted inwards, his face turning solemn as if considering her suggestions carefully. Rubbing the thin white hairs that ran down his chin, his lips cracked open, letting out a hoarse attempt at a whisper that managed to retain little of the word's meaning as it was loud enough that even I could hear plainly.

[Mariam's grandpa] “I suppose if I delay my visit to the warden association headquarters might just have enough. Hmmm, I would also have to cancel the deal with the guild….., but if it’s for my only granddaughter, then it’s worth the price no matter how high.”

As the man continued to drone on, I watched as Mariam's hands tightened together. Shaking my head internally, I was a little perplexed at the scene happening in front of me. From what Mariam had told me, I thought he would be more like those elders who would enter the room with an obscure saying before offering some much-needed advice, then leave well, maybe that’s not a real thing in the first place?. Maybe I had just gotten too used to the bizarre happenings of this world, that my expectations had gotten a bit warped, though I supposed that couldn’t really be help with my main focus currently being on the end of the world, and all.

I heard the piercing sound of laughter mixed with low coughs echoing, interrupting my thoughts, The old man spoke again, ins a probing tone.

[Mariam's grandpa] “I haven’t gone so senile that you have to worry about me yet; an old friend’s business brings me to the city today.”

He spoke the word “friend” with a light huff as he walked over to the counter and grabbed a cup that sent out faint wisps of steam, which he slowly blew on as he spoke.

[Mariam's grandpa]  “Fortunately for you, my dear, it won’t keep me long enough to bother you.”

Hearing this, Mariam looked on red-faced as she let out a sigh before muttering to herself.

[Mariam] “I’m not so sure I would rule out senility.”

It seemed like she would have continued, but suddenly the old man pointed in my direction, catching me off guard as he softly said,

[Mariam's grandpa]  "Why don’t you introduce me to your friend there? It seems she’s been waiting patiently for some time. What did your grandmother always say about being a good host? ‘A conversation with no room to enter isn’t fit to live in’.”

 The last words were spoken in an impression of what must have once been quite the overbearing woman, but behind them, I could almost feel a hint of sadness.

Feeling the old man's gaze on me, I racked my mind for the moment he had noticed me, but as far as I could tell, he had been deeply engaged in the conversation with Mariam and hadn’t even faced in my direction.

I was forced out of my concerning abandonment on the realization that the room had descended into silence. Cursing inwardly that I had suddenly become the center of attention., I gave my best attempt at a nonchalant nod, but with my head bent down while still wrapped in the blankets, it came off a little strange. At the same time, Mariam had apparently also realized I was awake and had begun to excitedly walk towards me.

[Mairam] “Um, hey Iris, how did you sleep? You looked so peaceful that I couldn’t wak... I mean, let me introduce you to my grandpa Elreic.” 

Stumbling through her words, she eagerly motioned to the old man who had a wide smile over his face as he looked at me. I felt like there was something more behind that expression; it was like a jeweler carefully going over their merchandise, trying to find any imperfections. An uneasy feeling welled up in my heart, but as the slow tapping of his cane stopped, and his teacup clinking down onto the table opposite me. As he sat down, I looked up to see a hint of shock creep into Mariam's eyes. Muttering to herself,

[Mairam] “Taking the incentive to greet someone?, maybe he really is going seinall?”

Shaking her head, she looked first at my pensive expression, then to her grandfather who had set his cane against the chair and was already sitting down contentedly while twiddling his fingers. Mariam looked like she was about to say something to break the ice, but a curt voice interrupted her.

[Mairam] “Grandpa, I’ll be back, so please don’t play any tricks; she’s a poor unfortunate girl who’s been really helpful in managing this shop, so if you do anything I’ll be sure to scold you ok!, And Iris tell me if he does!!”

Hearing this, the old man only laughed, briefly overshadowed by the door closing behind Mariam 

[Mariam's grandpa]  “Well, looks like it’s only the two of us now, young’un. I must say, the weather has been dire; I hear they’ve forecast rain for the next two weeks. It’s like the gods have decided that if monsters won’t kill us, maybe drowning will, huh.”

He narrowed his eyes at me as he spoke, hearing the way he said “monster” as if talking about something deeply familiar, the pit in my stomach grew a little larger. Why in the world did I think that this was just a harmless old man? Ehh, brain, maybe you could work on your danger sense next time. I hadn’t noticed it before, but now that I was sitting across from him, there was an alarm blaring in the back of my mind. It was even stronger than when facing the goblin mage. A tinge of fear went through my veins, causing my muscles to tense, and my hairs to stand on end. On the outside, I was just as cold as ever, silently thanking my body's uncanny ability to appear completely bored in any situation.

Deciding it was best to draw as little attention as possible by saying absolutely nothing. I probably didn’t even have a grade-schoolers understanding of this world, so my usual go-to's for continuing meaningless conversations were out. Without my input, the old man continued speaking, while slowly raising the teacup to his lips; however, his words caused my breath to catch in my throat.

[Mariam's grandpa Elric] “It’s not just the weather. These gates are claiming more and more lives nowadays; three veteran wardens disappeared into a grade 3 rift just the other day, Times are dangerous, I fear for my granddaughter. I’m sure you understand, this old man worry”, 

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