Couldn’t My Reincarnation have been more Cliche!

Interlude One (A National Headache) Part 2

Please enjoy Part Two, also I'd love to hear any comments you have about the work, whether they be negative or positive, either way I thank you for your continued support.

Walking out of the overly fancy military complex, the group silently approached the waiting armored vehicles, which would take them to the location of the rift. The journey there only took a few minutes, but for the siblings being stuck in such a close space with Selene was not at all comfortable. They didn’t feel like they could joke or mess about as usual, and under her cold gaze, they had no choice but to act professional, both staring out the windows mechanically, trying not to do anything that would disturb Selene’s delicate mood. So when they finally arrived at the temporary military encampment surrounding the rift, they practically burst out of the heavy metal doors, gasping for air as they both patted each other on the back and complimented each other for surviving the ordeal.

At this scene, Selene looked on coldly, ignoring the usual antics of the siblings, instead walking directly past the group of waiting scientists, soldiers, and reporters who had managed to sneak in amongst the crowd. Noticing that they were being left behind, the siblings quickly ran after her, following into the temporary enclosure set up before them.

It seemed like they had just barely made it in time. Inside the makeshift building, scientists frantically rushed around as various lights and warning signs flashed on instruments, drawing the entirety of their attention. A pair of guards stood by the entrance to the rift, contained in a cube made of concrete and sheets of reinforced metal, wires, and hoses running to different machinery all terminated into it. One of the guards spoke into a radio before hastily inserting an identification card into a slot, releasing a hydraulic bolt allowing the metal chamber to open. The trio didn’t pay the scene around them any mind as they stepped into the pulsing rainbow light of unknown depth inside the chamber. One of the guards tried to shout something as they passed into the light, but this, too was drowned out, replaced with complete silence as the world transformed into that beyond the rift.

Expanding in front of the group was a large stone chamber. Water dripped from the ceiling, forming puddles on the ground as it fell beyond the reach of glowing moss strands that traced the room in light.

That whole sequence would almost be considered serene if not for a piercing whistle that echoed against the walls, breaking the silence. The source of the noise was enthusiastically poking the cavern wall with his pointer finger.

[Michael]: “Hey sis, it's a tunnel-type rift. Remember that time when we got lost in one of these and had to fight through all those parasitic demons for two days before backup came?”

Gabriella slammed her spear, letting out golden threads that shot into the different branching entrances that connected to the room before letting out a retort.

[Gabriela]: “Funny, I seem to remember that you were poisoned, and I had to carry your unconscious body through...”

She paused for a moment, focusing on something before speaking again.

[Gabriela]: “Hey, Bro, I just picked up some life down there, bet you I can make it to them before you.”

Pointing her spear toward the tunnel, emphasizing her words, she continued.

[Gabriela]: “Who knows, maybe our wayward wanderers will be right over there. Oh, by the way, how about we bet on if, um, Selene, how many people are stuck here anyway?”

Selene looked at the pair with a blank expression on her face.

[Selene]: “Did you two really not read the risk report provided by the Association, if you hadn’t this could be an issue in need of review, according to article 567 it is required that all wardens regardless of. . . . .?”

[Gabriela]: “Selene, just answer the question pleaseeeeeee”

Her questioning tone soon turned to a sigh as she explained.

[Selene]: “Our goal is to find out why this rift opened outside of expected bounds as well as to rescue two missing people. One civilian, one soldier alive. Putting particular emphasis on the word ‘alive,’”

Cutting herself short, she mentally noted that she would need to educate the siblings some more, before heading in the direction that Gabriella had pointed out. The pair shrugged their shoulders before following down into the rock tunnel. The group moved with inhuman speed, the sound of their footsteps barely audible against the rough surfaces they traversed. Golden threads lined their route, connected to Gabriella; like luminescent guidelines continuously snaking in and out of different passages. In a brief moment, they emerged into an expanded section of the tunnel complex.

The cave walls slanted up at a steep angle, creating a triangular ceiling. Inside the room, about fifteen giant ants busied themselves stacking earth into strange heaps. As the trio emerged into the opening, golden light wrapped around the entire room, sealing the exits.

[Gabriela]: “Tsk, tsk, heya Selene, looks like all that’s here is our resident monsters, heh, well I don’t mind that anyway, hunting is always more fun than being a nanny for some scared civy, Hey Bro! I bet you I can kill more than you, if I win you got to buy the guilds next meal, oh and we’re starting now!”

She did not wait for a response, as the words had hardly escaped her lips when an array of golden threads shot from around the room, penetrating the bodies of the still stunned ants at every possible angle. Their bodies fell lifeless, their cause of death only discernible by the tiny smoking wounds along their corpses. Surveying the scene, Selene wordlessly stepped past the dead creatures, continuing deeper into the cavern. Michael followed behind, shouting over his shoulder as he went.

[Michael]: “Next ones mine!”

True to his word, as the group encountered another set of ants, he sprung out, bashing the underside of his fist into the closest ant, sending it sputtering to the ground. This attack was followed by a series of sword strikes that cleaved through anything unlucky enough to be in their path. The massacre ended when two ants, having jumped to attack him simultaneously, were instead met with each other's heads rushing towards their own at terrifying speeds. Humming a tune, Michael sauntered to rejoin the other two who, upon seeing his zeal, had gone ahead. Entering into the midst of an ongoing conversation.

[Gabriela]: “We're getting close to these monsters breeding ground. I've already detected several of them along our path. Unfortunately, a few of the lucky bastards managed to escape the range of my attacks. Speaking of which, there's no way this place is a class two. If it weren’t for these weak monsters, its size alone would make it at least a class four.”

[Selene]: “The cognoscenti office has assured me that the energy levels are consistent with grade two rift.”[Gabriela]: 

Before she could finish her thought, Gabriella, seeing  Michael's large smile, as he happily walked beside them, she shook her head as she began speaking once again.

[Gabriela]: “I could care less what those discount magicians think. They couldn’t even tell where this thing was going to open in the first place. Who knows, maybe one of them got drunk and messed up the calculation? Oi, tell this cold-hearted woman that I’m right.”

Without missing a beat, she received a half-hearted response.

[Selene]: “You're right. Anyways, where's the next horde? The boss has kept me held up training newbies for so long I’d almost forgotten what a hunt was like.”

Apparently not satisfied with this non-committal support, Gabriella opened her mouth to retort, but closed it again as the ceiling above them tore open and ants spewed out into the passageway, blocking their advance. One of the ants was significantly larger than the rest, simple markings ran along its back, ending in an intimidating pair of pincers that strained out before ending in sword-like points. The large ant let out a shriek that the other ants began to echo as they charged forward with reckless animosity. As this happened, Gabriella let out a grunt and turned around.

[Gabriela]: “Heh, looks like we’ll have our work cut out for us here, seemed like a bunch of these guys were hiding from my detection range, Oi Bro I’ll handle these ones, you guys take the rest.”

As if to confirm this remark, a tide of creatures came into view, pouring out of the tunnel entrances, as well as soft spots in the walls, ceilings, and floor. As they came, threads of yellow light shot into them, causing the first row to fall to the ground, but they were not long to lie there undisturbed as the following ants pushed them to the side, continuing towards the group.The cries of the hoard were deafening as their low pitched screeches echoed across the narrow caveway, Michael rushed to face the ants ahead before speaking with a chuckle.

[Michael]: “Can’t say this is a good look, sis. Getting outsmarted by a bunch of insects? Heh maybe I should let the other guild members know about this, wonder what they’d say? Oi Oi Sis are you listening!?”

Not at all paying attention to the fight he idly Smashed  his fist into another  leaping ant, causing it to rocket backward hitting another ant, turning them both into a mess of exoskeletons, and off colored meat, happily bisecting a larger ant in front of him, he continued with a grin on his face.

[Michael]: “Hey Sis, you don’t need to worry about this incident getting out though, I as your big brother will do you a favor and preserve the guild's honor... as long as you step down as co-leader, that is.”

Suddenly an ant head was sent flying in Michael's direction as Gabriella began shouting a series of obscenities at him while simultaneously taking her anger out on the rather unlucky ants in front of her.

[Gabriela]: “Shut up! You! ************************************”

As she swung her spear in a wide arc, its tip cut through the air with so much force that a shock wave blasted out in the direction of the lead row of ants. Caught in the torrent of air the creatures had no choice but, to join in its flight as they were sent tumbling into the ground. Selene, seeing the argument, injected in a cool tone.

[Selene]: “Cease your bickering, With this monster many monsters inhabiting this rift our objective has changed. It's now imperative that we reach the core monster as quickly as possible to remove the risk of an outbreak. We’ll wipe the rest as we make our way deeper. Let’s move!”

As she was speaking, intense heat began to radiate from her body, and the stone under her feet turned black. Any organic material on it instantly vaporized in a puff of smoke. The moss dangling from the ceiling turned into pillars of fire. Waving her hands, the heat around her body condensed into a dot of fire flickering mid-air before it reemerged beside the massive ant still urging the others on. The ant, sensing danger in the speck that had appeared, attempted to jump backward, but it was a futile effort. In an instant, the speck expanded into an inferno engulfing everything in its path with crimson flames. The flames shot past the ants, burning them to charcoal as it continued towards Michael, who, having been engaged with the ants earlier, now stood directly in the flame's path, a panicked expression emerged on his face as his hands shot above his head, covering his hair. The flames surrounded him as well as the rest of the ants in front of the group before it finally sputtered out. As it did so, the air from the surroundings rushed to take the place of the air that had been burnt, creating an unnatural wind in the confined space. Lowering his hand, Michael let out a sigh of relief. Examining himself, he spoke in jubilation.

[Michael]: “Hey, look Sis!, I have all my hair intact! Looks like She got better at controlling that fire of hers. Hey wait Selene! Don’t suddenly start ignoring me, you just shot a ball of fire at me again!.”

Shuddering, he continued.

[Michael]: “Last time I was hairless for a month. I couldn’t even show my face in public, and there was that one newspaper who said...”

The rest of his speech became a low mumble as he got consumed by the tragic memory. Selene and Gabriella came up behind him, the rear having been cleared for the moment by a combination of spear strikes and another fireball, but this respite was already in the midst of ending as a stream of ants could be seen trampling over the dead in their direction. Amongst their number was a few of the massive ants, as well as one with a swollen green abdomen and contorted limbs which barely seemed to be able to push its weight along. Nearing their position, it took in a breath of air, a greenish liquid dripping from its mouth as it did so. The contorted abdomen expanded so far from the rushing air that the thin skin under the ant's carapace became transparent, showing the mixture of swirling green gas underneath. The creature seemed to reach its limit as gas began to ooze from its skin.

With one final inhale, a terrifying boom was heard, and the beast crumpled to the ground, the top half of its body splattered around the cave. The gas pervasively compressed in its stomach now rushed out in all directions. The other ants were unaffected, but as the gas passed by a flower barely emerging through a crack in the stone, its effects became apparent. The flower dissolved into a greenish liquid before vaporizing, becoming part of the large amount of gas filling the room. As the gas approached, strands of golden light shot up to meet it from all directions. Unfortunately, as they passed through, they only left small holes in its volume before they redirected themselves, killing a score of ants in the gas's embrace. It wasn’t until Selene raised her hand, causing a thin wall of fire to fill the space between them and the gas, that its billowing charge came to an end in the flames. Her gaze shifting to the cause of the fiery wall, Gabriella opened her mouth to speak.

[Gabriela]: “What’d I tell you? Class two my ass. After we level this rift, I’m gonna have a serious bone to pick with the cognoscenti office”

Selene, shaking her head, replied.

[Selene]: “It matters not who’s at fault. This rift has been compounding strangeness since its inception.”

Giving the others a serious look, she went on.

[Selene]: “The point remains that it is our duty as wardens to eradicate with this rift before it causes another accident. The monsters have tried to block our path thus far, but it only means we’re on the right path.”

The other two nodded their heads in agreement, deciding to continue. down their current route, after they made their decision, a cry was heard from behind the wall of fire blocking the path as it collapsed in on itself, disappearing. In its place, a pack of ants rushed out in haphazard groups, their pincers flaring as they shot forward, ready to face their foes; however, as they approached the party's location, the only thing that faced them was a solitary speck of fire floating above a pile of corpses and blackened stone.

BOOM! . . .

Selene turned her head back as an explosion reverberated through the cave. Their dash had quickly turned into a thing of utter violence as more ants came spilling to stop them. Sword and spear met flesh and bone. Fire found its fuel as the cramped tunnels of the cave descended into a slaughtering ground. By now, the group had lost count of the monsters they had slain; their numbers had long exceeded the triple digits. Yet, the horde's numbers only seemed to increase.

The trio found themselves in a large multilayered stone room. Thin walkways connected the tunnels above to the central floor on which they stood. In every direction, ants poured out, surrounding them from all sides.

[Gabriela]: “Brother! watch your back!,”

Gabriela cried as she danced between the enemies, swinging her spear in wide arcs, the golden light surrounding its tip cutting through the ants in its path like a hot knife through butter.

The object of her call was in the middle of tossing a massive four-pincered ant stuck on his sword high into the air. But as he was currently disposed of in this task, his flank was left defenseless against the closing stinger of another ant. Just as the stinger was about to make contact, a stream of fire shot past, burning it to a crisp before continuing on to slam into a green ant in the midst of sucking in air.

The beam of fire came from Selene, who, standing between the two, continuously wrought havoc on the surroundings as flames came in and out of existence among the coming horde leaving behind spots of blacked ground and smoldering corpses. Surveying the battle in front of her eyes, she shouted, an incensed expression contorting her face, as the heat radiating off her body grew to a new terrifying peak.

[Selene]: “Enough!”

Her foot slammed to the ground, her arms shooting straight forward. The heat around her body, rather than condensing as it had done before, spewed out in a massive ring of fire. It swept away everything in its path; flames swirled from its edge, incinerating the ants that tried to flee from its rapidly growing radius. The attack left the battlefield in ruins. Charred corpses lay across the ground as the remaining skittered around the flames' edges, blocked from view by billowing smoke and ash.

Micheal and Gabriela, having been given some breathing room by the attack, approached Selene, who was taking in a deep breath in the center of the flames. Miracle spoke first, picking at his nose as he did so.

[Michael]: “Whelp, you’ve really done it now, Selene. If you keep going like that, you’ll be out of energy before we even reach the core.”

Sighing, he slashed his blade into the air, blowing the ash that had accumulated near them away.

Selene stood up, dusting off her suit. A cold expression took its usual place. Silence overtook the group, but none of the three would have much time to dwell on it. However, as the fire around them faded, what greeted them was not the massive swarm of ants they had come to expect. Instead, the space around them was more distorted than the rift had been since they had entered. Looking around, Michael gave voice to the question everyone was wondering.

[Michael]: “Maybe Selene’s little outburst scared them off?”

Selene shook her head, shooting down the assumption.

[Selene]: “That doesn’t seem to be the case. Judging by their earlier attacks, personal safety did not factor into their strategy. I suspect an unknown element to be responsible for this.”

 As if to confirm this theory, the ground began to shake as rocks tumbled down from the ceiling, it seemed like the whole palace was about to come down on their heads.

Despite the violent ripples, the group remained unfazed, their heads turning to Gabriela, who had begun to speak.

[Gabriela]: “Looks like the ants all went down the same tunnel, probably going to protect their core.” A smile formed on her face as she continued. “Who’s up for a Hunt ?”


The trio gave chase to the fleeing ants as the cave continued to fall apart around them. Massive stones came crashing down to the ground below. In front of the party, one of the cavern walls had slanted inwards completely sealing the tunnel.  A punch from Michael was enough to clear the way, but as more rocks came crashing down it would only be the first of many obstacles. Continuing quickly, they came across a group of ants who were busy clearing a bolder from the path. startled by the newcomers the ants leaped forward in a hasty frontal attack.  The first ant its mandibles outstretched trying to grab the nearest target, met much the same fate as the earlier stone as a fist smashed into its side turning the creature's stomach into a greenish pulp of torn flesh. flying through the air the ants body came to a stop in a heap beside several other corpses that had small holes dotting their heads.

 Suddenly the stone that the ants had been having so much trouble was swallowed up by a tear in the rocky floor. The crack split the tunnel in two as it descended an unknown depth into darkness.  Leaping over the crack. The trio landed at the other end of the tunnel. The fleeing ant pack was sprinting forward ahead of them as yet another tremor shook the cave.  As the group caught up Gabriela's golden threads made their way through the creatures' ranks causing the speeding ants to lose all control as they smashed into the ground no longer breathing. But even after this attack, the ants didn’t seem to care much about their pursuers with only ten of their number turning to confront them. A number that Selene and Michael made short work of as they came up behind. This cycle repeated several times, the slowest ants being torn apart by attacks as the cave continued to degrade to dangerous levels around the battle.

Surprisingly, in all this chaos, their voices managed to be heard.

[Gabriela]: “I’m up 10 points.”

[Michael]: “No, we said that the big ones were only worth double, so really I’m up 5. Besides, I doubt your ability to count that high in the first place.”

[Selene]: “That’s enough you two; we have to focus on reaching the core. Also, if we're counting, then I’d be up about 250.

They both turned around to look at Selene a look of surprise evident on their faces as her usually serious nature something that didn’t often allow jokes, to the point where the mere fact she had butted in on their conversation was such a surprise that it stunned them both, before they simultaneously burst into laugh, much to the confusion of Selene who was just stating a fact and didn’t intend to make any joke. Suddenly the group was thrown off balance as an incredible crash reverberated through the tunnel. Hearing that the sound came from the same direction the ants were running in they all exchanged a look as they began running faster prepared to face whatever terrible creature was the cause of such a massive disturbance

{Current Time until apocalypse: 298rs, 19m, 24s}

. . . . . . . . . .


    {Quest "Exterminator" Completed!

      [Issuing reward]

           (Number of quests completed: 10)

                                             Calculating total reward: [Complete] - - - -

 {Successfully deposited: 1500 gp

As I struggled to restore my vision the cheerful sound of the system notification continually sounded in my ears, my entire body was screaming out in pain, and my throat was chocked with dust. I could feel several rocks stabbing me through my now tattered dress, as my eyes finally opened to the heelish scene of crushed ants and massive debris all around me I only had one thought in my mind.

“I really hate that lousy goddess.”"

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