Couldn’t My Reincarnation have been more Cliche!

Interlude Two (The Black Cat) Part 4

Please Enjoy! Mariam's slightly Shakey version of events 

[Mariam]: “My name’s Mariam, by the way. Don’t worry; you don’t have to tell me yours if you don’t want to. I completely understand what you’re going through!”


Still in thought, she started speaking everything on her mind while still processing more words to say. She thought she heard the girl say something, but she was probably just imagining it. After all, this black-haired girl, no, this black-haired angel she had found, was probably too shocked from finally being shown kindness to say anything. Clearly, she hadn’t said enough to reassure the girl. Mariam also had a thought that maybe the girl was so unused to kindness that this type of thing might not be good. After all, she had heard people who had been abused had a tendency to be paranoid about this type of thing. Nodding her head in her excitement, she realized she needed to trick the girl into thinking she wasn’t just doing this out of her own bountiful kindness.


[Mariam]: “Don’t worry! You can work here, and you can help me around the shop, greet customers, and, oh, once we’re done, we can talk about stuff, watch TV, and chat while drinking coffee. Oh, and I’ll be sure to get you a change of clothes, and, erm, I don’t have any other places for you to sleep, but I can figure something out or we can sleep in the same bed. It’s not a big deal, I’m sure. Don’t worry, you won’t have to worry about anything any longer!


Moving closer, Mariam wrapped her arms around the girl, letting the mumbles of protests fall on deaf ears as she gently embraced the girl, greatly enjoying the fantasy she was imagining of their future together, treating her more like a bird with an injured wing than a person.


“Aww, she’s so soft. These clothes are a bit of a problem, but I’ll give her something better to wear soon. Oh, I can’t wait to save her; she’s going to be okay, and I’m going to make sure of that. Her body’s so thin though; I wonder if she hasn’t eaten for a while. I’ll be sure to change that. Yep, yep, this is just the start!


As she hugged her, she could feel the girl’s body tense up as if she was a wild animal. This made Mariam’s heart burn with pity. She didn’t even want to imagine what had happened to such a sweet girl to cause her to feel such a way. As she started to relax, most likely having finally found the ability to somewhat trust her, after all the things that had happened to her poor black-haired friend, it’s no doubt that physical experiences like these are uncommon.


Wanting to make sure the girl understood her sincerity, she started to speak again, this time coaxing her voice to be as sweet as possible, talking in a whisper so as not to frighten the black cat in her embrace.


[Mariam]: “I don’t know what you went through up until now, but don’t worry; you don’t have to be afraid anymore. Everything’s going to be okay. No, sorry, I shouldn’t say something like that. I don’t know if it’ll be okay, but I’ll do my best to make things better!”


“Aww, that’s right, food! How could you forget, Mariam? Even if she’s probably still feeling uncomfortable, she’s even too shocked to speak. This isn’t good at all! To have experienced such horrible things in her life and still be so kind-hearted; she truly is a sweet girl! Aww, I remember hearing on the TV that to help people get used to you, it’s best to slowly approach and feed them their preferred food so that you gain their trust. Mmm, or was that about squirrels? Mm, I can’t really remember, but it should be fine! Oh, I wonder what she likes. Mmm, I’m sure there are a lot of things to consider. Mmm, coffee or milk or water? No, no, if I just feed her water and bread, she might get the wrong idea. Mm, maybe something warm…”


The next moments were a haze for Mariam; her mind ran about the store busily trying to pick the best thing to bribe her newfound pet. Patient, with food, she initially just wanted to bring one of everything or an entire plate of sweets, imagining that doll-like expression showing a smile while eating something sweet was something she really looked forward to. But she knew it would have to wait. For now, she selected two fresh-looking sandwiches. It pained her that she couldn’t make anything new, but she was worried about the girl, so she didn’t want to take too long with getting anything.


“I can’t wait to see her face when she tries it. I’m sure she’ll smile a lot and show me lots of other cute expressions. Ah, how lucky is she that I found her? I’m sure she’ll be thankful when she’s able to trust me more. Ahh, careful there…”


Rushing back into the room, her infatuation with her own fantasies caused her to nearly trip coming back in. Her heart beating rapidly, she dutifully thanked the higher powers for sparing her such a fate and set the food next to her bed.


[Mariam]: “Oh, I thought you might be hungry, so I brought these. And don’t worry about it; these aren’t a big deal! Oh, don’t be shy; please enjoy. Mmm, we’ll need to have you change clothes soon; these are a bit unacceptable. Oh, that’s nothing against you; it’s just, well, never mind. Anyway, so you’ll start working here as soon as you’re ready. Don’t worry about starting soon, and if you don’t want to, it’s okay. After all, you had to endure; it’s fine to relax. Well, not too much; I still am tight on cash, but a little is okay, so don’t worry and just eat, it really is good okay! No one will take it from you, so please just eat!”


She immediately noticed the girl's eyes being locked onto the food, which brought her an immense amount of joy. Much to her surprise, the girl didn’t move towards the food immediately; instead, she seemed to be restraining herself as if she considered the meal in front of her some sort of trap. Mariam couldn’t help but wonder if she had been tricked in such a way before. However, this heartbreaking state didn’t last long as after cutely sniffing the air, she began to push the food into her mouth as if possessed, letting out several noises of appreciation in doing so.


Seeing her act in the way expected, Mariam didn’t know if she should be happy that she managed to give the girl relief or feel pity at the sight.


“Ahh, I knew it, I knew it! Such a pitiful girl, that she would act like a few sandwiches were a fine delicacy. Aww, wait, no, she shouldn’t drink the coffee like that. Ahh, wait, if she eats too fast, she might choke! Ah, is she about to cry? This is too much.”


Mariam, thoroughly absorbed in her own thoughts, noticed that the girl was done with her food and wanted to describe all the things she had eaten and tell her about all the other tasty things in the shop. But the girl quickly choked out a few stiff-sounding words, sadly interrupting Mariam’s planned siege of words.


[Iris Sinclaire]: “It was very good... that’s why I ate it so quickly.”


“Ahh, such a cute girl! To think even now she’s worried about appearing proper, she really must have been trained harshly if she acted out. I can only hope they at least had the humanity to not cross any more lines than that. But considering how many... Ahh, with how people are, I don’t even want to consider it! Ahhh, she’s crying, she’s really crying! I can’t take this anymore. Whoever did this is a monster, a monster! They must have crossed all sorts of lines for her to be like this over a few sandwiches. She doesn’t even seem to notice; this entire time her face has barely even changed. I don’t care what it takes; just please, goddess up above, please let this girl find happiness!”


Despite Mariam's inner excitement, she knew she had to retain herself so as not to further aggravate the poor thing in front of her. Kindly taking the appearance of what she imagined a mother would be like, she continued softly.


[Mariam]: “I’m glad you enjoyed it. I’m very glad. Don’t worry; you’ll be able to eat a lot of food like this in the future!”


The girl unexpectedly reached out and touched her. The sudden feel of the smooth skin on her arm made her brain nearly short circuit, but she just barely managed to cool down her overheating brain for the sake of the black-haired girl, to keep an appearance the girl could rely on.


“She touched me! She really touched me! Haha, the TV wasn’t wrong; food really was the best option. She must see me as someone she can trust. Mhm, I knew I was the perfect person for this. No, no, I just need to let her speak; for her to overcome her trauma, she needs to face it herself!”


[Iris Sinclaire]: “Please listen for a moment. I don’t know what conclusion you’ve come to regarding me, but I don’t think it’s correct, so please…”


Mariam, hearing this, wanted to burst into tears. Even now, she was more concerned with making herself appear proper than anything else, even when she was in such a made state! What sort of place would value appearance to such an extent that she would be so worried about it? What sort of life could be lived like that? No, that’s wrong. I wanted her to admit herself, but this is just wrong. Having her act like that is just wrong!


[Mariam]: “Then where are you from? How did you end up next to my shop? Why are your clothes all torn? Why did you cry eating that simple food? I know you don’t want me to pity you, and you feel bad for involving me in your problems. I understand, but please trust me; you don’t have to deal with your problems alone, okay! We’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other, and it’s not just me who can help you. Believe it or not, my brother is a warden; he’s even gone into a couple of rifts as a part of an office. He’s actually really tough, so don’t worry so much. Oh, and my grandfather is a craftsman for wardens as well, so we have a lot of cool people in the family. I mean, I mostly just run this shop, but the point is you’re not alone!”


“Oh, wait, she also needs a change of clothes. Those clothes she’s in probably only remind her of her past. Yes, her past, it’s all in her past, and I’ll make sure it’s not in her future!”


Rushing out of the room, Mariam quickly grabbed a few clothes she had planned to fold away and shoved them into the girl’s hands a bit sheepishly about giving such a pretty girl her own clothes. She planned to say more, but the girl seemed about to undress immediately, so she had no choice but to quickly turn to leave. Her face hot, she yelled on her way out of the door.


[Mariam]: “Please change out of those clothes before sleeping at least! Oh, and if you have it in you after you change, please come meet with me in the front of the store so we can actually get to know each other, though I won’t press you too much. I hope we can get along from now on!”


Closing the door behind her, satisfied, she listened to the gentle rustling of the girl undressing as a brilliant smile crept across her face. She didn’t know what terrible fate the girl held in her past or what future she had expected, but now she wouldn’t have to worry. After all, I’m here to give her a tomorrow.

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