Craftsman System In My Hero Academia

Cultural Festival!


“The incident in which the police escort carrying the criminal, Chisaki, was attacked, was an unprecedented failure. The current suspects are the League of Villains and another group recently gaining traction called Apex. Very few of their members have been seen and their organization’s goal is shrouded in mystery. They seem to be a group capable of taking on Pro Heroes and Villains equally without any statements or rumors of quirks being used.”

“Wait… so you’re saying that a rogue group of quirkless people are going out and fighting people with quirks and winning?”

“While reports don’t explicitly say that their goal is to go against those with quirks or fight in general, it is known that they are extremely crafty and dangerous. They seem to always know when the police are near or headed by so, it is suspected that they might have an inside man on the police force or someone with a quirk that’s capable of intercepting the police transmission. With the former being more likely though.”

“So scary… What could they want so badly to be going against heroes, police, and villains…? God only knows what we’ll do when they start targeting regular people like us…”

“Actually… Most of Apex’s actions seem involved with criminals doing criminal activity and then the police or pro heroes showing up in the process. The members of Apex would then refuse to stand down to the heroes and officers and get away after a resisting arrest.”

“So, they’re a group of vigilantes basically… And I thought it was bad enough with the Yakuza trying to make a comeback.. I guess with All Might gone, everything is going to crap. Even a group of quirkless is capable of raising hell.”

Antoine turned the television off in his lab and took a sip of his red Powerade.

“Haha who knew people could be scared of a few quirkless with tech? Maybe this’ll start a quirkless revolution who knows.” Antoine chuckled as he walked towards one of his containment cells.

He grinned at the confined person inside the cell.

“Thanks for the quirk….. Chisaki. Honestly it makes crafting items 1000x times easier! All I have to do is disassemble the materials required to build it and then reassemble it in the perfect form that I desire! Like this baby here!” Antoine boasted as he pulled out his recently changed creation.

[Random Makeshift Adamantium Bat – This weapon was made after countless hours of research on a similarly metal. The design could’ve used a lot of work but the craftsman working on this item got distracted and forgot to shape it during its creation and couldn’t change it afterwards. Has been altered and rearranged into the form of a baseball bat!]

[+160 Str added when equipped.]

[+100 Vit added when equipped.]

[Can not be manipulated into any other shape.]

[Is undamageable to nearly all forms of damage.]

[Critical blows gives the user a guaranteed random buff.]

[50% Chance of having random effect given to user or enemy after a blow has landed with this weapon.]

“You may not realize the greatness of this little bat but let me tell you it is one of the strongest weapons on earth!” Antoine gloated to the confined and pissed yakuza leader. “To tell you the truth, I was planning on shaping it into a hammer but then I realized that I could just make some more and make a hammer from it! So what’s the point ya know?” Antoine continued to chatter on as more and more veins appeared on Chisaki’s forehead.

He was about to continue chatting with the fallen criminal but was interrupted as one of his faceless droids interrupted him.

“Sir. ‘That item’ has been completely finished! Would you like to see it now?” It asked in a robotic voice.

A wide almost innocent smile of joy appeared on Antoine’s face.

“Let’s go bitch!!!” Antoine and the robot rushed to the room with the completed item and Antoine walked towards the metal case. He slowly opened it up to reveal a strangely designed device. The device was small and spider-like with an all-black coloring.

Antoine grabbed the device and slowly placed it on his scalp, separating his afro for the device to reach his scalp. He pressed a button and the device attached itself to Antoine’s skull before electrocuting him. But despite the pain he was feeling all over his body, the smile on his face and strength coursing through his body were much more important. His body started to grow more muscular and bigger. His already tall height increasing even more as the device continued shocking him. His skin began rapidly changing to a light blue color. A large bulge was seen moving on his spine before shooting out and morphing into a shark’s fin, his fingers and toes grew into sharp claws, a shark tail formed above his buttock and his head transformed into a shark’s head. Gills appeared on the side of his neck as his transformation stopped along with the electricity.

Antoine was now taller than most humans and easily towers over most. A deep guttural growl emitted from the transformed Antoine before suddenly turning into loud boisterous laughter.

“IT WORKED!!!! I’VE MADE A DEVICE CAPABLE OF ENHANCING QUIRKS!!!” Antoine shouted loudly, causing a sound wave to burst from his body. The now hulking shark-boy grinned with his shiny white teeth filled to the brim with sharp and dagger-like teeth and walked towards the training room.

“GIVE ME FOUR SUPER BOTS!” Antoine ordered.

Four super bots rolled out from the wall and surrounded Antoine. One was a ranged type capable of shooting flames from its hands, one was an agile type with a capturing scarf, one was a bruiser type with a large figure, and the last one was equipped with a rifle. The rifle bot and flame bot fired at Antoine almost immediately.

Antoine vanished and appeared in front of the gunner bot ready to claw its upper half off. But these super bots weren’t to be underestimated. Despite Antoine’s large increase in strength, The gunner bot managed to narrowly avoid his attack but couldn’t avoid the follow up attack where Antoine bit the super bot’s head off. His vision was suddenly covered and he felt blows on his side as a flaming blast continually hit him from the other side. But Antoine didn’t need his eyes anymore to see. He was fully capable of fighting blind. He grabbed the bruiser bot’s fist and launched him in the direction of the flame bot, making them both crash into the wall on the opposite side of Antoine. Antoine then vanished once more and appeared over the agile bot and continually slashed at him. But the agile bot on super difficulty was nothing to scoff at. He easily avoided Antoine’s attacks and even struck back during his dodging.

He kicked Antoine in the eye but didn’t count on Antoine’s eye being shielded by his enhanced eyelids and had its scarf severed. This didn’t slow the agile bot down though. If the eyes weren’t a weak point it would continually try more and more places. It elbowed his neck, kneed his ribs, kicked his solar plexus, and even tried to punch him in the balls! Antoine soon realized that he doesn’t have the necessary fighting skills to defeat the super agile bot despite his increase in strength and decided to cheat a little bit.

He switched quirks and suddenly a dome-shaped spatial field appeared around Antoine. The agile bot started suddenly floating as if it was in space and momentarily was confused. Antoine took advantage of Uraraka’s quirk being enhanced and struck the agile bot in the chest with immense force, knocking it into the wall along with the bruiser and flame bot.

“WHAT A RUSH!!!!” Antoine exclaimed as he called for even more bots to test with and spent the rest of his day doing this.


Antoine could be seen in his original form scarfing down food into his gullet with the quirk enhancement device still attached to his scalp apparently deactivated. As the sound of explosions and fighting rang out in the training room.

A sparkling blue figure could be seen hovering in the air with a spider-like device attached to the back of its neck. The figure could only be identified as humanoid in shape with round spheres for fists. It was a being of sparkling light that was currently blasting a laser out of its chest towards a bear bot. The bear bot tried to claw through the attack but only managed to get a hole through its chest, but the beam wasn’t done yet, it suddenly changed in spun around and homed in towards a child-sized robot wielding claw gauntlets. The claw bot athletically avoided the beam but the sparkling figure shot out another laser beam with its hand and eventually destroyed the claw bot.

“This is amazing…..” The figure spoke.

“ITS TOTALLY AWESOME YUGA!!!” Toru shouted as she manipulated the light inside the room to manifest into different constructs and destroy the training bots.

“Heheh.. You two definitely owe me big for this present.” Antoine chuckled, looking at them having fun with their enhanced quirks.

“YOU’RE THE BEST ANTOINE!!!!” Toru exclaimed gleefully as she created a solid light clone of herself that elbowed a robot in the back and then stomped a hole through its back after it fell down.

Antoine started getting a bit antsy all over again looking at them having fun and almost decided to join in but he refrained himself. He already showed them the enhanced version of his quirk and haven’t told them about how the nanites can rearrange his genes and allow him to use quirks of other people. He didn’t find the benefit of telling them that much information.

“Those fuckers are having too much fun….” Antoine softly smiled before activating the quirk enhancing device and joining along in the robot murder spree.

“Haha I told you he’d join in eventually!! That’ll be my 20 dollars later!!” Yuga stated.

“You won this time Yuga but I’ll win the next bet!” Toru playfully said angrily.

“Don’t be fucking betting on what I’ll do you god damn bastards!!” Antoine yelled as he kicked in the stomach of a super bot and had it cave in on itself.


“We have a culture festival.” Aizawa announced dramatically with a serious face.

“SO SCHOOL-LIKE!!!” Most of the class shouted.

“Is it really okay for us to be so carefree at this point in time!? During the proliferation of villains age!?” Kirishima asked.

“That’s an excellent point. However, U.A. doesn’t revolve around the hero department. If the athletic festival is sponsored by the hero department, then the cultural festival is in the domain of other departments. The level of exposure isn’t comparable, but to them, it’s an exciting festival. Moreover, the truth of the matter is that there’s a considerable number of students who are stressed out from the daily activities of the hero department and its new boarding system.”

“Since you put it that way… I really don’t have anything else to say…” Kirishima said.

“I’ve already said we’re not the main drivers of this event, but as a rule, each class has to pick one program. Today, we’ll be deciding on that.” Aizawa informed.

The class then engaged in a fierce shouting contest to decide on which theme they should do as a class. Maid café, a mochi shop, crepe house, dancing, a petting zoo, or a titty bar. But overall nothing was chosen and no conclusion was made before the bell rung.

“It was a pointless meeting in the end, huh? Make a decision by tomorrow morning. In the event that you can’t decide… We’ll have a public lecture!” Aizawa threatened.

After class, everyone returned to their dorms and continued to dwell on what they should choose for their class theme. Before eventually deciding on doing a live performance and dance with party space. Antoine didn’t feel one way or the other about it but was sad that the titty bar idea Mineta suggested as dismissed so readily. The class continued on with the live performance idea and Antoine decided to choose his position.

“I’ll do the staging. I can easily make some things to make our class the top of this entire cultural festival.” Antoine said.

Most of the class gasped and showed shocked reactions at Antoine’s active participation.

“DON’T FUCKING ACT SHOCKED! Even if this isn’t something for the hero course, I’m still going to fucking destroy every other bitch ass class.” He spat.

“Well, I can’t say I’m surprised now.”

“Looks like it’s a good thing that you hate losing so much! We’ll have the greatest staging with the stuff you can make!” Kaminari said with his arm around Antoine’s shoulder.

“I’ll fucking blow the gymnasium into space. Don’t look down on me.” Antoine replied.

Class A continued to plan their performance late into the night and eventually all the roles were decided.

“ALL THE ROLES ARE DECIDED!!!!!!” Iida cheered with heavy bags under his eyes.

Band Team: Jiro, Bakugou, Tokoyami, Mineta, Kaminari, and Yaoyorozu.

Staging: Neil, Todoroki, Aoyama, Sero, Kirishima, and Koda.

Dancing: Hagakure, Iida, Midoriya, Ashido, Asui, Uraraka, Sato, Ojiro, and Shoji.

The class then dispersed for the night after spending the entire day planning the performance and Antoine was currently on his veranda seemingly waiting for someone with a hot pocket in his hand. He took a bite and suddenly a dark figure appeared on the edge of his balcony.

“Are the preparation ready, Commander?” He asked in a serious tone.

The figure that appeared was dressed in a military uniform with a shield made of small interlocking plates shaped in a completely circle on his wrist. The shield had a golden A on the front of it.

“Yes sir. We have Flamey to take care of any regeneration. Professor Infinite for manpower. G-Smoke for capture. Gunner and BeatB for ranged support. And Medic for repairs.”

Antoine took another slow bite of his hot pocket.

“Make sure to keep any civilians as far away as possible. If any serious injuries occur, tell Medic to solve it. I want no deaths in this mission. But realistically I want you all to return with the capture target with as few casualties as possible. If capturing the target isn’t feasible then retreat. If casualties are too high then change mission parameters into saving as many civilians as possible and forgetting about capturing the target.” Antoine said.

“Yes sir. I will inform the rest and will be on my way.”

Antoine nodded as Commander back flipped off of his balcony and used the darkness to his advantage as he stealthily left just as he came.

“Getting my hands on High-End will be pretty good. Although I won’t ever go the route of transforming unwilling humans into something greater, the nomu will be a great source of information.” Antoine said before finishing up his hot pocket and getting on his crafted desktop.

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