Craftsman System In My Hero Academia

Finally Some Romance?! Toru’s Battle!!

The third set of battles included Class B’s Tsunotori, Kaibara, Honenuki, and Testsutetsu vs Class A’s Todoroki, Ojiro, Shoji, and Iida. Antoine was freely chatting with some members of Class B.

“So like I was saying… Komori-chan. You and me should definitely go see a movie after classes today. Have you seen that new one including that projection hero guy?” Antoine asked.

“I don’t know… I have to take care of my mushrooms after class.” Komori replied.

“Well shit we can do that too. I’ve been growing a little garden of my own too. You should check it out with me after we see yours.”

“Well okay..! What kind of plants are you growing?” She asked suddenly more interested.

“All kinds of plants. Miniature trees, flowers, bulbs, and even some fruits. But the fruits haven’t really grown much yet.” Antoine chatted with a smile.

“That’s so cool. No one in my class is really interested in my mushrooms outside of class.”

“That’s a shame. Mushrooms have their own beautiful qualities too. I guess that’s why a girl like you is so interested in them.” Antoine grinned.

Antoine could see a small blush appear on her face once she realized what he just said.

“Yeah… Mushrooms are pretty amazing aren’t they…” She replied trying to hide her face slightly.

“What’s wrong are you okay?” Antoine asked as he softly put his hand on her forehead and lifted it up to match eyes with him.

This appeared to completely reduce the young mushroom girl’s hp to 0. Her face lit up like a tomato as she stared into Antoine’s eyes.

“You don’t feel hot… Do you need to go to see Recovery Girl?” Antoine asked as steam started coming out of her mushroom-cap hat from her costume.

“I’M FINE!!!!” She quickly removed Antoine’s hand and rolled away.

‘Uh…. I wasn’t expecting that kind of reaction… but it was pretty cute.’

“We’re still on for later right!?” Antoine asked.

“EEEP!” She replied.

‘Oh dear. Did I just get rejected in squirrel?’ Antoine wondered as he walked off to chat with another Class B student.

“Yooo Kamakiri!” Antoine waved to the mantis-faced boy who could produce blades from all over his body.

“Sup.” He replied.

“What’s going on man? Been a minute since we talked. The sports festival to be exact.”

“I’m excited for my next battle. Bakugou is pretty strong and I wanna find out just how strong he is for myself.” Kamakiri said excited for battle.

“If you want a better chance of winning, I’d tell you for a price…..” Antoine asked like a wish-giving devil whose only purpose is to turn wishes against the wishee’s heads.

“I’m good. I have to beat him on my own terms or it’ll mean nothing. But thanks anyway man.”

“No problem man! Do what you gotta do you know? See ya later.”


After chatting with Kamakiri as the third set was going on, Antoine walked to another member of Class B, Yui Kodai. The girl who could increase the size of things after touching them with all five of her fingers.

“What the hell is that Afro bastard doing….?” Bakugou muttered in annoyance.

“I think he’s conversating with Class B.” Toru answered him.

“No duh Lightstick! I meant why is he doing it?!”

“Because Class B doesn’t know him.” Toru answered simply.

“He’s probably trying to scam them or something…” Jiro suggested.

“That’s more like the Neil I know. Did you know one time Neil tried to make a deal with me? He said he could make a certain skin product that would instantly revitalize my skin after I overuse my quirk all for the “low low” price of working for him for a week. And I was thinking well its only a week, how bad could it be? Tell me why this dude wanted me to use my quirk to tape flyers and advertisement posters about his store all over town..” Sero stated.

“Why didn’t you do it?” Toru asked completely confused.

“I got better things to do than run errands for Neil! I’m not some homeless kid! I’m a hero-in-training!” Sero exclaimed.

“Dumbass..” Bakugou stated.

Jiro and Toru nodded with his statement while Sero was completely confused.

“And that’s why I’ll never trust a dog ever again.” Antoine said as Kodai stifled a giggle.

He grinned.

“And then there was this other time with an ape at the zoo! Don’t get me started on that story. Did you know Apes could throw things really far? My father had to find out the hard and stinky way. If you know what I’m saying.” He nudged her with his elbow repeatedly until she started giggling softly.

Antoine smiled.

“Your smile is pretty cute you know?” Antoine said trying to place the final blow.

But before he could see the payoffs of his efforts, he was suddenly captured and whisked over to Class A.

“HEY!! I WAS FUCKING IN THE MIDDLE OF SOMETHING!!! KODAI-CHAN, I’LL GET BACK WITH YOU LATER!!” Antoine yelled as she waved goodbye while cupping her mouth, hiding her smile, and he appeared next to Asui.

“What’s the big idea Froggy?! If you ain’t trying to get the D, I don’t need you cock blocking me.” Antoine told her.

A small blush appeared on her face.

“Stop annoying people… You’re embarrassing us.”

“Hoho… So you took it upon yourself to assume my actions were annoying to others? You know Asui, if you weren’t so fucking hot, I would’ve gave it to you right here and now.”

“I…” Asui didn’t know how to respond towards the compliment and tone of Antoine’s response.

“So.. To make it up to me. You. Me. Movies. Tomorrow night.” Antoine stated.

“What? No way Neil.”

“Okay let’s make a deal then. Go on over to Kamakiri, Komori-chan, or Kodai-chan and ask them if I was annoying them or bothering them in any way. If you’re right then I’ll shut up for the rest of the day and apologize to you right this instance. If I’m right however… We’re going on a date tomorrow night.” Antoine said.

“Aren’t you still on house arrest..?” Asui asked getting somewhat unsteady at Antoine’s confidence.


“You aren’t planning on leaving the dorms when you’re under house arrest are you?”

“Depends… Are we going to see this movie or not? Now go on and stop wasting time. Go ask them.” Antoine said.

Asui’s feet were merged to the ground.

“What are you waiting on Asui? Aren’t I the annoying Neil that bothers everyone? Go on and prove that you were right.” Antoine grinned.

A certain someone came from behind Asui.

“Stop bullying Tsuyu Neil!” Ashido butted in.

Antoine internally groaned. ‘Just when I had that bitch…’

“Whatever. You know you owe me Asui.” Antoine said as he walked off.

The 3rd set was finally finished and ended in tie. Since mostly everyone in the 3rd set was injured or unconscious then their reflections would have to come later. The 4th set was now getting ready.

Class A’s Hagakure, Bakugou, Jiro, and Sero vs Class B’s Tokage, Bondo, Awase, and Kamakiri.

Bakugou was currently self-designated team leader and was now spewing out orders to the rest.

“Listen up, underlings! You have one job: Follow me, you punks! I’ll push forward in the front! You asshats do whatever you can to support me! Ears, make sure you’re always listening for the small fries’ locations!” Bakugou shouted.

“Don’t call me ears…” Jiro muttered.

“Huh? We’re goin on the attack just like that? They’ve got a squad full of high-level counter attackers, you know? We’ve got jiro here so why don’t we just cautiously wait for a good opportunity?” Sero suggested.

“Dumbass! That’s exactly why we need to take the initiative, or we’ll be screwed! We don’t sit and wait for an opportunity we make one ourselves!” He responded. “As long as we can see them, we have the advantage!”

“I’m with Baku-chan’s idea.” Toru said innocently. “KUN!! I meant Bakugou-kun!” She tried to correct.

“I’ll blow you apart if you ever call me that again. But one more thing… When you dumbasses are in trouble, I’ll save you… got it? And when I’m in trouble, you dumbasses can save me.”

“You can count on me Bakugou!” Toru said bubbly.

Only to the annoyance of Bakugou. The 4th round soon began once the two teams reached opposite sides of the battleground and set off. Toru quickly maneuvered through the industrial battlefield with ease alongside Jiro, Sero, and Bakugou.

“YOU’RE SOOOOOO SLOW, YOU DAMN SLOWPOKES!” Bakugou roared at them.

Toru caught up to him and kept an equal pace with him while parkouring on the pipes, walls, and rails.

“You know I’m also “listening” as I’m running right?!” Jiro replied.

“Just shut up and follow me!” He retorted.

“Hold up! Someone’s there! Ears!” Bakugou ordered.


Jiro started listening in to their surroundings by stabbing her earplugs into the surrounding pipes.

“Wait.. I knew it! They got us!” She yelled.

Toru looked around before noticing small objects started assaulting Bakugou. Sero used his tape to try and capture the small parts to attack and suddenly a large amount of glue splattered down from above, coating Sero’s tapes and most of them and their surroundings.



The pipes above them were sliced apart and were now falling towards them. They were surrounded by the glue and tape that were everywhere and had no where to go as the pipes were falling down towards them. Toru rose her hand in the sky and seemingly gathered a bright rainbow-colored light in it. The light could be seen coming from the sun and it suddenly expanded and shaped into rainbow energy wave that destroyed and blew away the incoming pipes.

“Take out Jiro! She’s the most troublesome!” Tokage shouted from above.

Kamakiri came diving from above towards Jiro intent on taking her out.

“Hey! Wait a second!” Toru shouted as she controlled her large light blast to redirect towards the back of Kamakiri.

But Toru’s attack wouldn’t make it in time before….. Bakugou could save Jiro instead!? Bakugou blasted Kamakiri with his explosion and saved Jiro from the surprise attack.

“Tokage!!!! THE HELL ARE YOU DOINNN!?” Kamakiri asked.

“Are you for real….?” Tokage asked as she saw Kamakiri being crushed into the ground from Toru’s attack from behind.

The spirited blade boy was rendered unconscious from Toru’s attack and Bakugou looked at her with a surprised look. But quickly refocused himself to chasing after the fleeing Tokage. Sero quickly taped the unconscious boy to some pipes that weren’t sticky from the glue and followed after them.

“Thanks!” Jiro shouted.

“Shut your mouth! They ran away, so get to searchin!” Bakugou responded back.

“I don’t care if its Class A, or whatever! I’ve decided! We’re going to win this match with a perfect victory! 4-0 with everyone unscathed! That’s the only kind of victory there is for the strongest guys out there!” Bakugou declared.

“Plus Ultra!!” Toru happily exclaimed.

“Quit it with the racket already… they’re all getting further away! Tokage’s interfering so it’s hard to get a handle on them, but… There’s less of those sounds than before!” Jiro relayed. “If I focus I should be able to discern their actual sounds!”

“I managed to get rid of a few pieces from the ones I saw.” Toru said.

“So they’re trying to regroup for another attack, eh? Bastards…! They’re underestimating me! Let’s go!”

Bakugou blasted off with more speed.

“How can you move like that Hagakure-chan…?” Jiro asked Toru who was currently parkouring around the entire industrial area with enough skill to match Bakugou in speed even without using her quirk.

“It’s not that hard Jiro-chan! I’m getting real good at moving my body lately with this new diet I’ve been having and new training I’ve been doing for a few weeks.” She responded.

“I wish I had a diet that let me move like that..” Sero said swinging around with his tape.

“Well my figure has been getting better..” Toru revealed slightly embarrassed.

“QUIT YAKKING AND KEEP UP!” Bakugou shouted as he was suddenly ambushed by Awase and melded to some pipes. The pipes were attached to Bakugou at the atomic level and he was hung posted like some of explosive scarecrow.

Sero tried to capture Awase with his tape but he was quick on his feet and managed to escape before Sero could get him. Toru gathered some light around her arms and broke the pipes that Bakugou were attached to and freed him.

“Here you go Baku-chan!” Toru said happily.

“DON’T CALL ME THAT! AND HEY BASTARD!! GET BACK HERE!!!” Bakugou blasted off towards Awase and ahead of the group.

Awase started melding steel plates to his face and body as Bakugou suddenly blasted himself in the air.


Jiro attached her jacks to some sound-amplifying devices and blasted the armored Awase. Awase was rendered incapacitated from the sound waves penetrating through his armor and Sero tapped him up as Bakugou and Toru continued on ahead. Bakugou blasted towards Bondo as Bondo attempted to spray him with a large amount of adhesive liquid from his mouth. Bakugou dodged and blasted Bondo with multiple explosions as Toru latched onto Bondo and placed him in a submission technique. She heard him yell in pain as he tried to force his way free, but she simply bent his arm a little bit more and caused him to cry out louder and stop resisting.

“I wouldn’t try that again Bondo-kun.” Toru warned him with her usually happy-go-lucky voice.

Bakugou was then seen finishing off Tokage with a medium-sized explosion that encompassed her entire body. Toru pulled out from shiny silver handcuffs from her pocket and attached them to Bondo’s wrists. Class A then placed all of their foes into the prisons and effectively won.

“In less than 5 minutes…! With unexpected teamwork, Class A… EARNS A 4-0 VICTORY!”

Toru and Jiro hugged each other in joy while Bakugou walked away with a satisfied look on his face. Sero was smiling alongside Toru and Jiro as they all returned back to the others.

“You captured and imprisoned the other team quickly and efficiently without causing any more damage than necessary. Using Bakugou, with his superior mobility and strength, as your axis, the three of you demonstrated great team unity. Well done.” Aizawa complimented.

“Toru! How could you let princess take the reins!? You could’ve easily won!” Antoine said.

“It’s fine to let Baku-chan take the lead. It’d be worse if I tried to take the leader spot. Our cooperation would’ve fell apart if me and Bakugou were at odds.”

“Who cares about that!?”

“Anyone who’s on a team cares about the chemistry between each member…” Yuga said walking over.

Antoine sighed.

“These are the troubles of the ultimate hero I guess… I just can’t understand the minds of lesser heroes…” He lamented dramatically.

“I’ll kick your butt Antoine!” Toru declared.

“Lesser heroes!? You trying to pick a fight!?” Yuga added on.

“You two punks think you’re capable of taking me on? Come on then! Put em up!” Antoine barked back.

The trio was broken up as Aizawa pulled Antoine towards his teammates who were preparing for their upcoming fight.

“Pay attention and quit horsing around.” Aizawa said.


Yuga and Toru made taunting silly faces at Antoine.

Antoine landed in the middle of his group on their way to the battlefield.

“Alright you fucks. Here’s the plan. Don’t get in my way and don’t fucking make me lose by getting caught. See ya.” Antoine said as he walked off by himself while Midoriya was using his quirk and moving on ahead.

“First things first, we should take care of Shinso yeah?” Mineta asked.

“Try not to focus on that too much though. After all, they’ve got a bunch of members who could attack from anywhere at any time without even showing themselves.” Uraraka said.

“I float!”

“I melt!”

“I stick!”

“Yeah we’re at a huge disadvantage here….”

“Come on, there’s no way anyone will get trapped in your grape grape pluck plan.”

“It’s the pluck-pluck grape plan! And it’ll work for sure! We just need some sort of decoy..” Mineta said.

“I can be the decoy! Leave it to me!” Midoriya said returning by skidding the ground and landing cooly.

“The 5th set and final match of the day! Are you prepared?! Do your best out there, and stay focused through the very end! BEGIN!!”

“Where’s Neil!?”

“No time! We’ll have to hope he shows up later!”

“Aughhhh we do not need this uncooperative behavior!!!”

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