Craftsman System In My Hero Academia

Making Fun With The Punishment! A Robbery!?


“It’s been two days since that fateful attack, and the opinions of the #1 hero along with growing interests in vigilantes are surging.” A news reporter stated before showing the testimonials of various citizens.

“Endeavor was completely shown up by that group of vigilantes. He may be ranked #1 hero but he isn’t my #1 hero. Especially after losing like that.” A middle-aged business man stated.

“Didn’t some other heroes catch Nomus easily? Why couldn’t Endeavor take that one out just as easily? Apex is the best!!!” A young college looking man exclaimed.

“Endeavor might have gotten beat up but… he didn’t stop trying to protect us! And I think everyone is just forgetting that he tried his absolute best to protect everyone from that villain!”

“Apex let me join your group!!! Quirkless unite!!!” A high school girl cheered.

“Can you believe that a group of quirkless could take down that villain when the #1 hero couldn’t!? Maybe the age of quirks isn’t rising as high as we previously thought..”

The television was turned off as the news station started talking about something completely different. And Antoine could be seen finishing up mopping an entire hallway. The hallway was sparkling and shining as if it was made for the gods themselves. Antoine grinned in satisfaction before the students began walking down the hallway and sliding around like it was a slip and slide.

“WHOAAAAA!!!!!” One girl who slipped and slid all the way down the hallway.

“WAHH!!!!” A boy tried to stay on his feet while sliding down the slippery beautiful hallway but couldn’t hold it and slipped as well before disappearing down the next hallway shouting.

“Whoa there!” One girl activated her quirk that allowed her to effortlessly skate across the floor.

“Ashido. Welcome to the Hallway of Doom. Many have fallen and few have made it through unscathed. Congrats on becoming one of the chosen ones.” Antoine announced as a hologram appeared on the wall at the end of the hallway and added her picture to it. Along with 10 other familiar students.

“What the heck Neil!? What if someone gets hurt!?” Ashido asked concerned.

“Eh don’t worry about it. I think a few heroes in training can handle a little brain trauma. Not to mention that if I have to suffer this punishment, I’m going to do my best to enjoy it.” He evilly laughed.

“I don’t think setting up death traps for other students counts as cleaning the school!!” Ashido yelled.

“Look at this glorious hallway and tell me it is not clean.” Antoine said motioning her to look and see the shiny and clean hallway. Not even a speck of dust could be seen anywhere along the hallway, not even the corners which usually contain the highest filth.

Ashido gritted her teeth in annoyance of being proven wrong.

“This still isn’t okay!” She skated off.

Antoine chuckled as he watched her shaking lower region from behind in satisfaction before walking off to his next place of enjoyment. The bathrooms! Antoine arrived between the boy’s restroom and the girl’s restroom and stood posted up against the wall.

“YOU DARE PISS ON ME!?!? YOU DARE PISS ON ME!?!? TAKE THIS!!!” A robotic voice coming from the boy’s urinal shouted before the sound of water shooting out and a male student shouting in confusion, terror, and anger.

Antoine has modified the five urinals in the boy’s restroom to shoot out a burst of water when a student is using it. The result leaves a male student covered entirely in water. But the trick is… The urinal is randomized every time it is activated so, there is no set pattern for which urinal it could possibly be since they are all modified. So, it’s basically a game of chance every time someone uses a urinal on the first floor.

The sprayed boy ran out of the bathroom in a drenched panic before laying his eyes on Antoine.

“NEIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Iida shouted enraged completely soaked with his fly open.

Antoine started laughing loudly as the class president shook in anger before storming off in a direction towards a teacher. He quickly caught up to him while catching his breath and pointed towards a suspicious out of place closet on the opposite side of the bathrooms.

“If you… Hahahaha…. Go in there…. It’ll fucking dry your clothes…. Hahahahahaha!!!” He started busted out laughing again as Iida embarrassingly rushed inside the closet.

Loud sounds of blasting air came from the closet and a few moments later, Iida came out completely dry and with his hair blown back.

“I do not find this funny in the slightest Neil. I demand you to fix the urinal or I will be telling a member of the faculty.” Iida threatened.

“Okay okay don’t blow it out your ass. Follow me.” Antoine said as he walked into the boy’s bathroom. He had Iida stand by the sinks while he used the same urinal that Iida used. No strange voice yelled at him nor hosed him down with water after he finished.

“See. It was a one time thing. It was just a prank president, no need to get to serious.” Antoine shrugged his shoulders as Iida stared at his suspiciously. But overall, he accepted it and was about to leave to go where he was headed but heard Antoine’s voice yell something at him.

“Nice fucking tighty whities president!!” Antoine yelled before bursting into another fit of laughter along with some of the passing students who heard him and looked at Iida’s open fly.

Iida’s face blushed in embarrassment in anger and he quickly tried to walk away before walking down the Hallway of Doom and sliding all the way down it shouting…


Antoine laughed even harder before walking away from bathroom as the sound of a girl’s scream also rang out.



Antoine quickly made his getaway from the bathroom as the hallway was getting pretty crowded.

‘Can’t be sexist. Girls deserve a little pranking too.’ He chuckled mischievously before heading towards the teachers lounge to set up his next prank.

He arrived in the teacher’s lounge to see Midnight and Cementoss on break drinking coffee from the coffee machine. Antoine ignored them and acted like he was still moody about cleaning the school while silently cleaning the teachers lounge. While in actuality, he was both cleaning and setting up his next prank. His crafted feather duster beautifully and effortlessly cleaned and dusted the room free of all dust and dirt. But the main item of his deviously plan was the coffee machine. Besides that, there was really nothing inside this room.

‘I definitely gotta up my break room. I’ll add a fucking marvel vs capcom arcade machine in that bitch. Haha that’ll be sweet as hell. And fuck some coffee man. I’ll make a vending machine that’ll give out soda, water, juice, hot chocolate, and some mother fucking crushed ice.’ Antoine thought as he hid in front of the coffee machine and started tinkering with it. With both Cementoss and Midnight conversating behind him, he had all free reign to fiddle with the machine.


“The organization has really fallen to steal from a kid.” A big tough commando looking guy said while sitting on a very comfortable couch smoking a fat cigar. He held a moderate-sized gun strapped to his back along with a few military-looking grenades strapped to his waist.

“Shut up jackass and get off your fat ass and help me! This bookcase isn’t going to move itself.” A commanding feminine voice shouted, currently trying to move a large bookcase. The woman was dressed like a secret agent in all black with a beautiful slender figure. A sleek black pistol was seen on holstered on the side of her hip.

“I’ll get it.” A slender lanky type of man stated. His limbs weren’t attached to his torso and were floating next to them. His arms flew towards the bookcase and easily lifted it out of the way to reveal a metal door locked with a huge metal wheel.

On top of the door held the words “SECRET LAB” etched into it.

“Heh.. we are just dealing with a stinking brat.” The lanky one said relieved and sort of mockingly.

“Don’t let your guard down Daichi. Those greedy bastards wouldn’t offer us this much money if it was a simple mission.” The fourth and final member of this group said seriously to the limbless man. The last member of this group skin was hot pink and was around the size of a child. His face was as smooth and as cute as a child but his voice was a deep masculine type of voice. He wore a large backpack that seemed like it would crush him if he got off balance just for one second.

“Come on Yuichi. You don’t really think this brat who hid his secret lab behind a freaking bookcase is anything to be scared of do you?” Daichi asked in disbelief.

“Just be on your guard.” Yuichi responded.

“Okay. I can’t get this vault door open. Anyone else wanna give a try?” The only woman of the group asked after trying to spin the steel wheel to the right and left.

“Heh. Watch this Tomoko.” The cigar smoking commando-looking man said as he cracked his knuckles, neck, and back and then placed his hands on the steel vault to spin it open.

His muscles bulged as he forcefully tried to spin the door open. Veins popping up all across his body along with his skin turning red. His groans increasing slowly into yelling as his placed more and more power into trying to spin the steel vault wheel. He eventually reached a point to where he was forced to use his quirk to try and force this thing open. His skin began shifting through various colors like he’s achieved some sort of hyper mode and the steel wheel finally began showing signs of movement.

“How the hell would that kid get this open if it takes Kazuo this much effort to get it open? His quirk was just shark teeth right?” Tomoko asked.

Yuichi looked around the room and noticed that one of the books on the bookshelf was strangely tilted forward even though the bookcase was leaning backwards against the wall. He walked over to the book and pulled it down. The group heard some sort of mechanism from beyond the walls and the vault door suddenly swung wide open, sending Kazuo almost tumbling down a long flight of stairs.

“Now I’m not feeling sorry in the least for this fucking brat.” Kazuo said as his skin returned back to normal.

“Haha don’t blame the kid because you got tricked!” Daichi laughed while patting him on the back.

“You were just as lost as he was idiot.” Tomoko informed.

“Let’s move.” Yuichi said as he led the group down the stairs.

The group walked down the long flight of stairs in complete darkness before finally reaching the bottom of the stairs. They reached the inside of the secret lab and the walls were completely white. In front of them stood three security doors. One going towards north, another going north-east, and the last going north-west. Above each doors held a plate with specific words on them.




“The brat would hide the important stuff down the work one.” Kazuo said as he took a puff of his cigar.

“Why not down the play door? He is a kid isn’t he? Wouldn’t he place his fun “devices” and technology through there?” Daichi suggested.

“Miscellaneous could be where all his important projects he’s placed to the side, so it can’t be that one.” Tomoko crossed off.

“I wouldn’t be so quick to erase it off. The kid is crafty..” Yuichi said.

“Why don’t we just split up? I doubt there’s anything in this place that can stop us. So let’s go down all three.” Daichi said.

“Good idea. I’m going through the work door.” Kazuo stated as he walked through the work door and down the hallway.

“I’m going through play door.” Tomoko said.

“Me too!” Daichi added as they both walked through the automatically opening doors and down the hall.

“Miscellaneous it is..” Yuichi muttered as he walked through the door.


Kazuo made it through the second door of the work route and managed to find a whole room filled to the brim with machinery, gear, and equipment.

“Heh… I knew I was right..” He chuckled in satisfaction as he grabbed one of the jet packs hanging up and put it on his back.

But just as he was lost in his findings, one of the doors opened up and a group of people came walking through.

“No way. You can’t be serious RR.” A smoking fellow said.

“Neep!” She insisted.

“Heh. If there’s one thing you shouldn’t do G-Smoke, it is doubt a woman’s words.” A large obese behemoth dressed in a police uniform chuckled.

“I gotta agree with the big guy. I was there too! You should’ve seen the way they reacted once they recognized that we were part of Apex!” A 6-armed costumed man added.

“I guess I have to believe it now. Who knew that we’d be so popular with the kids?” He chuckled in slight disbelief as he puffed out a smoke cloud shaped as an exclamation point.

The group of weirdos passed by without noticing Kazuo and the beads of sweat passed down his forehead.

‘Apex!? What the hell!? Does the fucking kid have connections with Apex!? How?!?! I gotta get out of here or I’m fucking dead meat..’ Kazuo decided in a heartbeat after remembering how outnumbered he was and how strong they were. ‘Does this mean that the kid was giving Apex their advanced weaponry or is Apex for some reason supplying the kid..?’ He began wondering while sneaking his way through the door the members of Apex came from.


The two reached the second door and reached a playroom of sorts. Meant for children and teenagers. There was a large slide with interconnecting colorful tunnels, a large deep ball pit that could probably drown a child if they weren’t careful, and a video game section filled with various consoles. On the other side of the room was 2 children, 1 adult, and 1 teenager. They locked eyes and the adult of the group stood up and revealed his powerfully built body along with his professional outfit.

“Who are you people?” He asked while closing the book in his hand and putting away his glasses.

“Get the kids! I’ll handle him!” Tomoko yelled. ‘No matter how buff you look, once you’re hit by my bullet quirk you’ll be spewing like a fountain.’ She thought confidently.

An orange aura appeared around her as she flew off towards the masked man as if she was some sort of living bullet. She appeared and headbutted the man right in his stomach.


The sound of metal rang out as Tomoko dropped to the floor out cold with her skull bleeding and partially cracked. The masked man picked her up gently and carried her as Daichi was currently busy trying to dodge the crazy little girl and boy’s attacks. The boy was spinning his body in an inhumanly manner while the girl was moving around like some wild animal.

“Hey! Tomoko..! I might need a hand over here!” He asked while wielding knives with his floating hands and mouth. He didn’t hear a response back and looked over to see that she was captured by the big guy. His expression turned serious before suddenly yelping in pain.


The little girl managed to bite his hand during his brief lapse of concentration and the spinning boy kicked him in the chest, knocking him to the ground.

“Haha man you’re pretty weak. Who even are you though? He hasn’t told us about any guests…” The strange looking boy asked.

The little girl came over with the man’s floating hand in her mouth along with the masked hulking man and the teenager.

“That’s not a toy Sarah.. You can’t eat that.” The boy said.

She growled when he tried to reach for it but eventually let him take it after seeing him offer her a colorful ball. Daichi quickly used his other hand to pick up one of his knives and stab the little girl in the neck from behind only to hear a sharp distinct clang.

“You got to be kidding me…..”

The masked man stomped down on Daichi’s stomach and he started foaming from the mouth as the world turned black for him.


Yuichi walked into a completely black room and using the light from the hallway he just came from walked straight forward to the next door. But suddenly, as he was halfway from reaching the other door. He suddenly heard strange clacking noises on the side of him. The light in the room turned on all of a sudden and revealed that white skeletons were lined up completely surrounding him. They were all staring at him and the one closest to him moved its jaw.

“Spooky Scary Skeletons.”

The skeletons began to rattle their bones rhythmically as they began to dance and sing while also blocking the doors, preventing Yuichi from escaping.

“Screeching skull will shock your soul and seal your doom tonight.” The skeletons started dancing closer and closer towards him.

Yuichi, however, wasn’t having it in the slightest, his backpack opened up and shot out a wave of pink goo that blasted all the skeletons away. The goo caused the skeletons to be stuck to the walls and unable to dance anymore.

“Spooky Scary Skeletons are silly all the same. They’ll smile and scramble slowly by. And drive you so insane!” They sang simultaneous as Yuichi left the room and entered the next. This room was filled with multiple full-body suits that looked on par with military-grade stuff.

“So the kid was holding out on us…” Yuichi muttered with a smile as his pink goo began swallowing up the gear and retreating back into his large backpack.

Amidst his stealing, eventually three figures entered the room. Yuichi’s pink goo shot out like a predatory slime towards the figures and his slime was sent bouncing straight back towards him!

“Make sure you’re recording La Brava! This will be our first video back after our recruitment into Apex! Can you allow me to take care of this intruder Doctor?” He asked politely with a small bow. The figure was dressed in dark purple jacket with etched with a golden A on the back of it along with enlarged collars and coattails, a pair of loose, pinstriped pants and two belts. He also wears a pair of cuffs, a woolly scarf, a futuristic pair of gloves and shoes, and a strange scouter item worn over his left eye.

“Very well Gentle. I’m looking forward to see how the adjustments came along.” He said as he stood to the side along with the recording La Brava.

“Greetings, Ladies and Gentlemen! What I deliver to you now is the return of romance by the wonder man! Yes I am Gentle! The Gentle Vigilant! I’m sure you noticed that my name might have changed but I am all the same as before! Just now I am working alongside some more Gentlemanly like persons.” He explained as Yuichi sent his goo towards Gentle once more. The goo was about to crash into Gentle but just like before it was sent flying back.

Yuichi finally gave the group his attention after he finished stuffing the suits into his bookbag.

“Don’t blame me for getting a bit rough. You decided to resist after all.” Yuichi said as his goo grew in size around him like some sort of protective living wave. The goo formed arms on the side of itself and punched towards Gentle. Gentle elegantly tapped the ground and bounced out of the way of the attack.

“Trust me. Getting rough with you is the last thing I’d want to do. It just isn’t my style to be so barbaric.” Gentle replied as he began bouncing all over the room while the pink goo around Yuichi began slowly getting chipped away.

“How irritating… Just like a bug.” Yuichi muttered as his pink goo surrounded him and engulfed him entirely, transforming into a large pink goo monster.

“Hoho! It seems I’ll have a chance to use the gracious gifts given to me by Apex! Watch in awe everyone at the new strength of the Gentle Vigilant!” He announced as he caused the air to be elastic and started stretching it backwards with his glove. Yuichi attempted to grab the now stationary Gentle, but before he could reach him Gentle released his grip and the pulled back elastic air burst forward towards Yuichi.

Yuichi’s pink goo was completely blasted away as his body was goo free. Gentle blasted himself forward by making the ground and air elastic and kicked the momentarily stunned Yuichi in the back of the head, knocking him unconscious. He stood next to the mercenary’s body while pouring tea into a cup while holding the kettle way over his head and spilling most of it on the floor while facing La Brava.

“And it is finished! Thank you doctor for allowing me to continue my gentlemanly exploits.” He said as La Brava cut the video.

“As long as you continue to perform as well as this and listen to orders, we can accommodate you no problem.” Medic replied as two medical bots rolled in and grabbed Yuichi’s body. Medic and the two bots left the duo alone and went elsewhere.

“Kyaaa!!! You were even more fantastic than usual today Gentle!” La Brava exclaimed excitedly.

“It is thanks to them that I will be able to reach my dream even sooner. All I wish for is for my name to be etched into history. So that others will be able to see what I’ve accomplished and aspire to do the same once life isn’t going in the direction they’d like.” Gentle expressed.

“So cool!!!! Who wouldn’t want to be inspired by you!?”

“Hoho! Once we accomplish even more projects in Apex, there will be no chance of us failing La Brava!”


“Antoine Neil, can you please come to the principal office immediately.” The intercom stated all over campus.

“Fuck!” Antoine cursed while watering a strange plant in his personally made garden. The plant was giving off a strange green aura and was shaped like a square. “I didn’t even do anything this time!” He grumbled on his way to the principal office.

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