Craftsman System In My Hero Academia

Taking Care Of Business.

[Notification alert!]

[Notification alert!]

[Notification alert!]

[Host! You have a notification pending! If you do not awaken within 10 seconds the system will release itself from your soul and find a new host.]

  Antoine’s eyes opened immediately. He threw off his cover and sat up.


[Hmph... I see you woke up then.]

“Ahaha sweetie... you know I had a rough night last night. Not just anyone could spend hours shitting on randoms in Counter Strike. Do you know how many people I got banned last night by trolling? Why would you ever say something like finding a new host? You know if you want my attention all you have to do is ask...” Antoine sweet talked his system.

[Just read the notification.]

“Of course of course!! I’d do anything for you. You know you’re my everything right?”


“I couldn’t have accomplished 1% of what I have without your help!”

  Antoine felt like he’s done enough to appease his system and opened up what it wanted to show him.

[The Metal Graveyard of Violence has evolved! It is now the Soul Container of Hatred]


“The fucking what has evolved? I don’t remember making something called.... wait a minute.. I did make a metal graveyard but where does the of violence part come from?”

[Host! I can only relay that one of YOUR creations has evolved.]

“Since when could my fucking crafted works evolve!? What kind of pokemon bullshit is this!? I’ve made fucking thousands of crafted shits and none of them evolved! What’s so special about this one!?”


“I’m sorry. I love you. I know you’re trying your best. I was just a little confused and upset. I didn’t mean to take it out on you. Please forgive me.”

[Host has been issued a mission!]

[Find out where the Soul Container of Hatred is and why has it evolved!]

[Reward: Soul Container of Hatred, Knowledge on Evolution, A perk]

  Antoine smiled happily at the mission request and the rewards. He was intrigued on what the hell even is this Soul Container of Hatred. The thing sounds like it’s in the wrong fucking universe if you asked him. Souls aren’t a proven thing in this universe as far as he knew. Unless they had something related with souls past chapter 229 of the manga. Antoine died before he could read chapter 230, so he didn’t know about what events happened after that chapter.

  But the second most important part was that it was a soul container of hatred. Antoine has never made any one of his thousands of creations with the feelings of hatred. He hated certain things like lag, the tangling of earbuds, wet socks, and putting his body through pain but not really people. He used to hate people back in his old world but ever since acquiring the system, there isn’t a need to hate anyone since he can become better than anyone with enough time.

‘But who said that it had to be my feelings of hatred though... I mean it is a fucking graveyard of all things. Let alone the event that happened before I made that graveyard.’ Antoine thought to himself before finally thinking of one possible answer.

“Did those fucking shitheads die and then curse my graveyard with their lingering emotions!? Even after I did the humane and good thing of giving them a resting place, they shit all over my good intentions by turning it into a fucking thing of violence somehow!” Antoine yelled.

“Seriously... If I had a ghost quirk, I would beat those pieces of shit to death all over again! You don’t mess with a man’s work!”

“Do you know how h----”

“Antoine! Come down to eat!” His mother yelled, interrupting his ranting.

  Antoine left his room and went down the swirling staircase. He hopped on top of the rail and slid down with his shark-themed slippers. Using the momentum from his descent, Antoine slid into the kitchen with style.

“The greatest #1 son has arrived!!! For breakfast.” He announced loudly.

  Antoine’s father had a smile while wearing his light pink kitchen apron that said I love my family over his work suit. His mother was dressed in her work suit as well with a tired look in her eyes. Antoine had a wide smile on his face as he took his seat and waited for his dad to give him his plate.

“You know dad, I could hire us some butlers you know to do all this stuff for us so you don’t have to. Especially since you are working now and mom recently got promoted.” Antoine said.

“It’s okay boogie-bear. I enjoy cooking for my beautiful wife and loving son.” His dad replied as he started passing out the food.

  A smile appeared on his mother’s tired face.

“Is working for your new boss really that tiring mom? You two do know you don’t have to work for the rest of your lives, again right?” Antoine told them. “I have more money than I know what to do with. So I don’t mind spending a little bit of it to make sure you guys live stress-free for the rest of your lives. It’s the least I can do as your son.”

  Antoine’s words suddenly enlightened the parenting duo. But more specifically, his mom’s eyes started glowing.

“OUR SON IS RICH AND WE’VE BEEN WORKING FOR NOTHING!!! DAMN IT!” His mother slammed her fist on the kitchen counter and made a large bang.

  Antoine and his dad prepared themselves as soon as his mom’s muscles started flexing. They quickly grabbed their plates and held it up as Alisha completely split the kitchen counter in half with her strength.


“You still can mom. I’ll send you two some money with the bank we use on our family plan and you can do whatever you want.” Antoine told her as he placed his plate on his lap and continued to eat.

“Honey. Go pack your suitcase now.” Alisha commanded.

  A frightful shiver ran through Markus’s spine as he recognized that type of glint in Alisha’s eyes. The type of eyes that were only used when Antoine wasn’t around or sleep. The type of eyes that told him refusing is not an option and the only answer is to do what she says.

“But what about work....?” He asked fearful for the condition of his body in the very near future.


“Shouldn’t we buy some stuff before we leave though sweetie...? With the money Antoine just gave us we can prepare better for the trip...” Markus persuaded, trying to keep the inevitable from happening just a little bit longer.

  Alisha took a moment after hearing this. She only has a few outfits for the places they planned to visit. This wasn’t nearly enough now that she was given a second to think about it. So, she compromised.

“Alright. Let’s go buy some outfits for the trip.” Alisha said grabbing Markus’s hand and dragging him towards the door.

“Honey! My apron! Let me take it off first!” Markus pleaded.

“I’ll take it off later! Stop whining and come on!” Alisha responded with no hesitation.

  Antoine looked at his very in love parents and thought to himself.

‘Aggressive women have their charms too. But that reminds me... KOMORI-CHAN! Just texting her isn’t enough anymore. If I want to get closer to her I’m gonna need to meet up with her more often. And since I gotta go out the country, I should go visit her before I leave.’

  Antoine started thinking about if he had any other matters to take care of before he leaves the country.

‘Once I get back, I should take the hero exam and get a permanent hero license instead of the temp I have now.... make a hero agency of my own and post a YouTube video looking for sidekicks... go out on a few more dates with Komori-chan and officially ask her out... stay good friends with Kodai-chan and Teri if things don’t work out with Komori... and remind Yuga and Toru to not skip work!’ Antoine listed his current things to do.

“Hmm. I guess I'll visit my cute thick assed future gf first! Those two fucking losers can wait while I try and get some ass.” Antoine decided as he finished up his breakfast and walked out the door of his mansion.

  He took out his glider from his inventory and started flying towards U.A. with nothing but the look of a predator on the hunt. His eyes were only filled with the thoughts of Komori as he flew towards the school that threw him away. It didn’t take more than 10 minutes before he arrived outside of U.A. And since he wasn’t a student anymore, he couldn’t just walk right in.

  So, he did the next best thing and used one of his secret entrances he built before he was kicked out. The secret entrance was hidden in plain sight near U.A. Antoine laid his eyes on the indiscriminate patch of grass

“Lackey!” He yelled.

  The genius AI Antoine built in his youth responded to his command and the patch of grass slowly began to split open, revealing a hole underneath leading straight into U.A.’s campus! Antoine already checked his surroundings before opening up the secret entrance and soon hopped straight in. The tube-like system began sucking Antoine through the complex and large tube pathways underneath U.A.

  Antoine got the idea of this transportation system through the old show Futurama. Where people could travel through tubes and go wherever they pleased. He also thought it’d be fun as hell to build and go through. If he had the time, he would definitely build a badass amusement park or something like that with a futuristic theme. It’d just be a shame if an idea like that never came into fruition. He has the technology, manpower, and money! Antoine mentally put this idea on his to do list later. Right next to the sex androids and real VR that allows people to experience things in the game as if they were in real life.

  As Antoine was in his thoughts, he soon arrived outside Komori’s dorm. He was shot out of the tubes and into the air as the hole closed up on its own. Antoine safely landed on his feet and looked up at Komori’s balcony.

“Class should be out right now; I hope she’s home.” He muttered.

  Antoine jumped on top of her balcony and knocked on the glass. He heard movement inside and grinned. It seems he hasn’t come here for nothing after all. Komori opened the blinds and saw Antoine perched on her balcony with a grin on his face. She was dressed in a nice shapely mushroom-themed pajama one piece that hugged closely on her D or E cupped tits and thick ass. Antoine mentally gave her a 9/10 in his head. He would definitely like to come home to something as cute and sexy as Komori’s current appearance. If they were a little bit closer to each other, Antoine doubted he would have the self-control needed to not attack her right now.

  Komori’s x-shaped pupils widened in surprise as she quickly closed blinds after realizing who was out there. Antoine was surprised.

“Did I just get rejected right out the bat? Maybe it was too soon for a private home visit.” Antoine asked himself.

  A few moments passed by before he was about to knock on the glass again to make sure he didn’t just get rejected, but as his hand was nearing the glass, it suddenly opened. Antoine stayed his hand to see an out-of-breath Komori dressed in a simple cute and dainty little dress in front of him. Past her, he could see that she clumsily attempted to clean her room.

‘All this for me? Maybe it’s time for me to ask her out once I get back from the system’s mission.’ Antoine thought to himself.

“What are you doing here!? Did anyone see you!? Hurry up and come in!” She asked frantically.

  She aggressively pulled him inside and looked out the balcony to make sure the coast was clear before closing her sliding glass door and closing the drapes. Antoine looked at her with a sly smile. An angry look was present on her face that looked just the cutest to Antoine.

“Do you know how cute you look when you’re worried about me?” Antoine asked.

  Komori’s face rapidly reddened but this did not change the expression on her face.

“Do you know how much trouble you could get in for trespassing here!? The school could report you to the police!” Komori ranted.

“How are they going to find out Komori?” Antoine asked with his shit-eating grin powered up x10.

“The school has cameras! Oh my god... did you avoid the cameras at least?! What if they already know you’re here?! What if they find out that I'm hiding you here?!” Komori panicked.

  Antoine walked over to her and placed her hand in his. He stared into her x-shaped pupils and kept smiling.

“Quit acting like this isn’t a big deal Neil! You gotta hide! ” She tried to shake her hand free in her angry/worried state but Antoine used this chance to grab hold of her other hand and hold it as well.

“Kinoko-chan.” Antoine calmly said. (Her first name)

  Komori’s cheeks looked as if they were painted with a red brush and took on a permanent blush kind of look.

“Calm down. No one saw me. No one knows I'm here right now besides you.”

“How do you know that though....” She asked with a softer tone of voice but still holding his hands.

“Just trust me.”

  Komori nodded and believed in Antoine. The type of feeling he was giving her made her eventually give in and trust him. He was acting very calm for someone who isn’t supposed to be here and is breaking the law she was pretty sure.

“So, why are you here? Popping up all of a sudden, you nearly gave me a heart attack.”

“I wanted to hang out for a little bit. I’m not gonna be in the country for a little bit so, I came to talk to you before I left.”

  Komori’s heart started beating at the possible meaning behind those words and quickly freed her hands from Antoine so that he couldn’t tell.

“Where are you going?” She asked with curiosity.

“Vacation!” He answered.

  Komori started laughing at Antoine’s answer.

“I said where are you going not what are you going for.” With a small giggle.

“Oh! I don’t know to be honest. One of the countries near the Black Sea is all I know.”

  Antoine could see the confusion appearing on Komori’s face but didn’t really want to go into specifics. He didn’t know where the fuck he was headed either. So, to change the subject he walked over to the couch and sat down.

“Your room is a lot neater than I thought it would be.” He grinned.

“What is that supposed to mean? Do you think I'm a messy type of girl or something?!”

“Well thinking about that one time we went out to eat, your eating habits made me wonder.”

“I told you already that was the first time I've ever eaten at a place like that! How was I supposed to know how good their food would be?”

“After I told you it was a 5-star restaurant.”

“And you expected me to believe you?! What kind of guy our age would actually take someone out on a date to a 5-star restaurant?!”

“Probably a guy whose interested in that person.” Antoine answered with a smile.

  This response made Komori suddenly embarrassed. She went over to the couch and sat next to Antoine.

“Are... you even serious about me..?” She asked hesitantly.

“At first, no. I wasn’t. I just thought about how cute you were and it would be fun to mess with you.” Antoine honestly answered.

  Antoine could see that that answer dealt some harsh damage to her. She was gripping her dress rather tightly.

“But... After spending more time with you Kinoko-chan... I realized that I was interested in dating you. I wanted to spend more time with you, I wanted to do more things with you, and I didn’t want anyone else taking you instead.”

“You’re a fat jerk! You know that....” Komori said with shaking in her voice.

“Please take care of me...” She finished.

“Please take care of this brilliantly handsome devil as well.” Antoine responded, receiving a punch in the shoulder from Komori.

“Hehehe. shut up... Antoine.”


“Soooooooo now that that’s out of the way, wanna watch something on NetFlex? I still got some time left to kill before I have to go, and I wouldn’t mind spending it with you Kinoko.”

“Oh my god have you seen that new comedy crime show with the detective whose quirk makes him tell the truth all the time?”


“Great! Let’s watch it then! Trust me, you’re gonna love it!” Komori said with excitement.

“Oooh big words. Making me laugh is no easy task you know? I’ve seen thousands of comedy shows and movies. Tickling my humor bone is harder than fucking the rear end of an elephant with a toothbrush.”

“That’s gross. But shut up and watch!” Komori said as she turned on the show.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.