Create the Age of Magic

Chapter 26 Insect hiding

As she waved her staff and recited the incantation, a long steel sword appeared out of nowhere, and swept the centipede fiercely, knocking the centipede into the air!

Annie looked behind her, and saw a centaur knight covered in iron armor appearing behind her impressively!

The head of this centaur was also covered with iron armor. Counting the legs of the horse, this guy was more than three meters tall!

And the centipede that was swept away is still alive!

After lying on the ground for a while, it pounced on Horn again. Even a bug knows that a persimmon is soft, and Horn is a soft persimmon now!

However, the centaur didn't give the centipede a chance to attack Horn. It strode forward with its four long legs, and came to the centipede's side in the blink of an eye. Its big palm-like hand directly held down the insect that had recovered itself!

The big hand was scratched by the sharp exoskeleton of the centipede, and the blood was splashed, but the centaur knight did not let go of his hand, and still firmly pressed the centipede to the ground!

The knight held down the centipede with one hand, and swung his long steel sword with the other hand to slash down fiercely!

Sparks flew everywhere, and even cut the centipede into two sections!

The remaining body of the centipede was still twisting, and the centaur knight immediately swung his sword and chopped it down, one sword after another until the centipede was cut into meat paste and could no longer move, then he put away the long sword covered in insect body fluids, Stroll to Anne.

Annie took a step back timidly, but then stepped up to block Horn, staring fiercely at the centaur knight, this monster can't hurt her, so if she just stays like this If Horn is around, this monster can't hurt Horn.

Although clumsy, this is the only way to protect Horn.

Annie was still staring nervously at the centaur knight, her muscles tensed, waiting for the critical moment to stand in front of Horn, but the centaur knight did not attack Horn as she imagined!

When the centaur knight walked two meters away from Anne, he stopped and put away his blood-stained long sword. His four horse legs bent and he knelt down with a plop, his head lowered deeply, as if he was waiting. Knights ordered by the king!

Can you understand me? Annie asked in a low voice.

The centaur knight nodded.

Then can you talk? Anne asked again.

The centaur knight shook his head.

Can you help me get this person somewhere?

Annie timidly said that she was actually very afraid of the big man she summoned, but it was very difficult for her to bring Horn back safely by herself.

As soon as the words were finished, the centaur knight stretched out two big hands, grabbed Horn's clothes and lifted him up.

Oh, take it easy! Seeing that the centaur knight's movements were somewhat rude, Annie quickly patted the centaur knight's hand and said.

The centaur knight paused, and then gently fixed Horn on his back. Under Annie's guidance, the centaur knight carried Horn on his back to Enoch's small house step by step.

In Lane City, Annie can only come here except for her own home.

The centaur knight who sent Horn to Enoch's house with Anne gently put Horn on the bed, and then the centaur knight put his right hand on his chest and bowed deeply to Anne to say goodbye.

After saying goodbye, his body slowly became transparent, and finally disappeared into the air.

Anne ignored the disappearing centaur knight, and she also ignored the so-called cursed instrument on Horn's face and hurriedly took off Horn's blood-stained robe. After uncovering the robe, Annie saw a handsome face, which was Horn's hidden face. The true face under the black robe...

On the other side of the battlefield

There are broken giant insect corpses everywhere, dozens of giant trees have collapsed, and the ground is full of deep ravines and broken insect corpses. These corpses exude a stench!

The ghost-faced centipede that Alanke relied on had already been cut into several pieces at this time, and the wheel-sized eyes on its head were staring blankly at the sky.

Ellenke's old face was covered with beads of sweat, and his hands were trembling uncontrollably. What he relied on in battle was his worms, but now almost all of his inventory in recent years has been cut by Ilya. The killing made Alanke a little unacceptable.

You must know that even with the ghost-faced centipede Alan Ke can compete with ordinary sixth-level professionals!

The combat power of this dragon slayer Ilya is not at the sixth level at all!

As Ellenke's opponent, Ilya's body was as spotless as if he had never experienced a battle, and he didn't even get a trace of the green slurry everywhere!

Except for the light green on the soles, even his great sword has no traces of fighting!

Have you run out of tricks? Don't you have any bugs left? Don't stop, the corpses of high-level monsters are very valuable. Although they are not worth as much as you, they are still money, right? So do you still have them? Come out and let me chop it!

Ilya rubbed her ear with the little finger of her left hand and said.

Ellenke remained silent. There is no doubt that he is not Ilya's opponent, but the woman is still there. As long as he uses the bug placed next to the woman to sacrifice remotely, then he still has a chance to come back!

While performing a sacrifice without setting up an altar might draw the demon's wrath, there is no other way now!

Ellenke began to chant spells aloud. The spells of different wizards and wizards must be chanted aloud to be effective, because the spells that wizards need to chant are actually read to the demons in the abyss, and then borrowed The power of the abyss demon.

Unlike wild witches, spells are actually just the key to activate the magic circle in the sea of ​​consciousness, even if they are silently chanted in their hearts, they can release spells.

Ilya is ready to fight, and the magic released by the wizard's chanting of the spell cannot be underestimated. This worm witch, Alanke, is unexpectedly difficult. Although Ilya is still in an absolute advantage, who knows what will happen after the chanting of the spell this time? What kind of accident is ushering in?

It can't be said that the ability to press the bottom of the box is also used!

The incantation was very long, and it was impossible for Ilya to let Alan Ke finish it, but Alan Ke also spent his money to recite this incantation.

He summoned two huge pitch-black praying mantises, both of which are fifth-level magical beasts. They were his trump cards before he got the ghost-faced centipede. It was impossible to rely on them to kill Ilya, and it would take a while for the spell to finish But it is very easy.

After some fighting, Ilya's great sword cut off the neck of a praying mantis, and the other insect was beaten to pieces and Ilya stepped on it. But at this time, Ellenke's spell was about to be recited. finished!

Unlike Ilya's worries, the more Alan Ke recited, the more he felt something was wrong. This kind of sacrifice should have a little response. Why didn't his bugs respond at all?

Could it be that……

Alan Ke looked around and found that Horn had disappeared: That kid, that kid stole my sacrifice! Alan Ke covered his head with his hands and growled sharply.

He regretted, regretted not getting rid of Horn cleanly;

He hated, hated Ilya who suddenly came out to disrupt the situation;

He hates everything that came out to disrupt the situation today!

Without the fifth-level and sixth-level monsters and Annie, what if he escaped from the dragon slayer Ilya today? Originally happily waiting for the devil's reward, but now he lost his wife and lost his army.

Ilya, I won't spare you! I will kill you as long as I have the chance! And that guy called the Evil Face Man, as long as he appears in front of me again, I will kill you! Ai Lunk cursed bitterly.

Ilya heard that Alanke's tone was wrong, as if he was saying that he could escape, but he couldn't figure out how the wizard could escape from him. He kept a close eye on Alanke and decided to end it as soon as possible. Fight, don't let Alan Ke have a chance to escape!

Ideas are always good, and Ilya soon discovered how Alanke had escaped.

After he finished shouting, his body twisted strangely, as if there were countless tiny bugs swimming under his skin.

This is


Alanke's skin shattered, and countless black bugs flew out of his body and flew away in all directions.

Alia! Ilya hurriedly shouted to Alia who was sitting on the tree.

A pure white fiery flame bombarded the place where Alanke was just now. The coverage of this flame is much larger than that of Horn's big fireball technique, and the temperature is also much higher. The ground hit by the flame is melted. But there are still a lot of bugs flying away, and those who didn't come in time to kill them all!

Ilya looked at the melting ground with a gloomy face and remained silent. Arya landed lightly beside Ilya, and grabbed Ilya's sleeve with her fleshy little hands, trying to comfort her so that he wouldn't get too angry.

Ilya took a deep breath: I was careless, he should not have died.

If he didn't die, just find a chance to kill him next time. It's not a very powerful character anyway. If you pay more attention, he will definitely not be able to escape next time.

Arya took out another fruit out of nowhere and gnawed on it.

He is not worthy of your anger, Ilya.

In fact, everyone's troubles can be summed up as: earning money is difficult, spending money is fast, growth is mediocre, and no one loves it.

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