Create The Salvation Army And Save The Three-Body Broken Ball At The Beginning

Chapter 45

Chapter 45 The Terrified And Shocked Trisolaran: Are You Able To Formulate The Bottom-Level Rules Of The Universe, Member Of The Great Divine Grade Civilization?

The representatives of the various countries on the earth stared at the arbitrary door dumbfounded, their minds went blank.

After any door, there is a silver White room that is completely different from the meeting room they are in. What they saw before, strange extraterrestrial life, standing in the silver White room and having a meeting

Suddenly, a Trisolaran sensed something and turned his head slowly. Then, he saw the Earthman behind any door, and his brain shut down…he was stuck in place in a daze.

Rubbing his eyes, he pinched his body fiercely again, the Trisolaran looked again, and after confirming that he had no hallucinations, he had extremely violent mood swings, his skin changed into different colors, and he stood up with a swish sound. Get up and knock the chair over.

“What are you doing?” The commander-in-chief of the Trisolaran Fleet sitting at the head uttered a language that people on Earth could not understand.

However, when the fleet commander turned his head, he was also blindfolded, and made the same move as the previous Japanese.

When the fleet commander rubbed his eyes and confirmed that everything was true, he stood up quickly in fright, but his knee hit the table, so that he fell directly to the ground, in a state of embarrassment.

Trisolarans one after another, looked over, all of them were stunned in place, a huge wave was set off in their hearts, and their translucent bodies were constantly changing colors.

On the other side, Silver White’s room seems to have turned into a KTV at this moment.

The Shenzhou representative shuddered, and finally came to his senses. He stood up with a bang, and looked at Chu Bai in horror, his teeth trembling, “You, you…you, what did you do?”

“As you can see!” Chu Bai smiled and waved his hand, secretly realizing the power of the fruit, which changed the history on the other side.

The trisolarans’ expressions changed slightly, and before they had time to react, they rolled on the ground bang bang bang bang, and one by one got out of any door in a panic and fell to the ground.

Looking down at the Trisolarans, Chu Bai said peacefully, “I’ll directly connect this place with the command room of the Trisolaran Fleet!”

After a short pause, Chu Bai looked at the Shenzhou representative and said with a smile, “I can come to this world from other worlds! Then, it is natural to do this kind of thing, right?” 1

The Shenzhou representative was silent.

Granted indeed, but…’s still beyond their comprehension.

“…This is the earth. The commander of the fleet climbed up with difficulty, his voice trembling. They are no strangers to the earth. After all, Sophon monitors the information of the earth all the time.

Suitable temperature, suitable gravity environment, suitable air……

However, even though he came to Earth nearly a hundred years earlier, the commander-in-chief of the fleet did not have the slightest surprise. Fear and confusion intertwine.

“Is it you who did all of this?” After scanning the audience for a week, the fleet commander cast his gaze on Chu Bai. Representatives from various countries at the scene, including Luo Ji, knew all of them, except for Chu Bai, whom he was unfamiliar with.

“You can speak Chinese?” Chu Bai raised his eyebrows in surprise.

“The mainstream language of the earth is a compulsory course for us.” The fleet commander slowly got up, and he lowered his head to Chu Bai, humbly and fearfully.

The rest of the Trisolarans also got up silently. But they said nothing, and bowed their heads.

“You, you should be in control of the existence of extremely high-end technology!” The fleet commander’s body flashed a neon-like luster again. He forgot what Chu Bai said earlier about coming from the parallel world, as well as the information he got from the Sophon Lab.

He never believed in any parallel worlds!

There is no such thing as the commander-in-chief of the fleet’s perception of the world.

Chu Bai narrowed his eyes slightly, he had already noticed that the emotional fluctuations of the Trisolaran would cause the body color to change. Considering that their thinking is transparent, this situation seems to be normal.

“You who control such technology should have nothing to do with the civilization of the earth?”

The commander-in-chief of the fleet really couldn’t understand. Their technological level is a generation higher than that of the earth. I don’t know how much higher the theoretical level is than the earth……

However, they still couldn’t understand why Chu Bai could use a door to connect two places calculated in units of light years.

Not to mention that it is directly connected by a door…

According to their research, the limit speed of a spacecraft traveling in the universe is the speed of light. Super-light speed is not enough! Not to mention this kind of space jump.

This is the law nailed to the very root of the universe….

It is the foundation and iron law of the universe!

However, this event that subverted the theoretical building of the three-body star happened in front of him…

In his confusion, the commander of the fleet suddenly thought of a certain conclusion drawn from the research of the Trisolaran Cosmic Research Institute. Shivering, he looked at Chu Bai with horror and fear

He almost suffocated, “You, you are a member of a civilization that can formulate the bottom layer of the universe, the Great Divine Grade`.?”

Many representatives at the scene: “???”

Luo Ji: “???”

All the earthlings were at a loss.

A large Divine Grade civilization that formulates the rules of the universe… What is it?

Sounds like a dick…

“No, it’s impossible,” the fleet commander himself denied at the next moment, he dared not believe such a thing, “If you are such an existence, then you will never meet us, we are in your eyes It’s no different from ants.”


The fleet commander also realized that even if Chu Bai is not a member of the Great Divine Grade civilization, he probably had contact with the Great Divine Grade civilization!

Otherwise, it is impossible to understand why Bai can break the iron law?

But from another point of view……

People like Chu Bai, to them, are actually no different from the great Divine Grade civilization. After all, if the other civilizations think about it, they can destroy them, and if the people in front of them think about it, they can obviously do this kind of thing…

Regarding this, Chu Bai just stared at the fleet commander with great interest. Neither admit nor deny.

“Why, are you standing on the other side of the earth?” The fleet commander’s mind went blank, he no longer thought about the law of the dark forest.

After all, according to the theory researched by Trisolaran, the civilizations of other civilizations are existences standing at the tip of this universe. The universe is their back garden!

Even if Chu Bai is only connected with this level of civilization, he must have surpassed the constraints of the dark forest. Dark Forest…..This is only for those low-level civilizations that are weak and have not developed!

A truly powerful civilization is never afraid of external blows. They can even change the cosmological constant to impose absolute defense on their habitat.

The commander-in-chief of the fleet carefully looked at Chu Bai, trying to figure out what Chu Bai was thinking, and said dryly, “Is it because the civilization of the earth has given you a lot?”

“We can give you, more things!”

Suddenly remembered something, the eyes of the commander of the fleet lit up, “We can assist you to become the real master of the earth’s civilization….. As long as we Trisolarans come, we will all be loyal to you! ”

“As for those people on Earth, you transformed into their appearance, and you seem to like them very much… We can also not exterminate them, let them follow us to serve you and be loyal to you.”

The commander-in-chief of the fleet spoke more and more smoothly, and he was convinced by himself. He stared at Chu Bai expectantly. Yes, if the person in front of him really surpassed the law of the dark forest. So if they pledge their allegiance on behalf of Trisolaran today, their fortunes and misfortunes are uncertain.

After all, Chu Bai accepted, which means that they can get asylum from Chu Bai. What is this concept? It means that they no longer need to worry about being attacked by other civilizations.

At the same time, they can obtain such a livable environment as the earth… This is the best thing. After accomplishing all this, he may become an unprecedented hero of the Trisolaran civilization!

And the representatives of various countries on the scene, listening to the dialogue between the two, gradually understood what was going on, and their faces were extremely ugly at this moment.

Especially the representative of Ying Jiang, who was rebellious and ridiculed wantonly before, his body trembled and his face was pale.

Three-Body gave too much, in all fairness, put him in the position of Chu Bai, and he also agreed, as for the Common people will live a miserable life when they are enslaved? What does this have to do with him?

Most importantly… Chu Bai has demonstrated the ability to teleport across light years.

In other words, they could still live a normal life for decades, hundreds of years. After all, the Trisolaran Fleet will land after decades or hundreds of years… But now, Chu Bai is willing, and the Trisolarans can come here in an instant.

Humanity is over! Completely over.

“It’s a pity!” After changing his expression a few times, the representative of Shenzhou finally made up his mind to fight to the death. He stood up suddenly, looked at the fleet commander, and said in a sonorous tone, your idea is wrong. ”

Chu Bai still didn’t speak, he just cast his eyes on the representative of Shenzhou, his face still interested.

“Mr. Chu is the protector of human civilization, and he is also a descendant of Yan and Huang who are connected with our China.” Although the voice of the representative of China was slow, his tone was firm, “Even if it is not the same world…but the people of China Recognition is not blood, but culture.

“Mr. Chu speaks Chinese from the beginning to the end…so I believe that even if we are separated by a world, Mr. Chu and we can still be connected and understand each other.

“On this basis, our allegiance to Mr. Chu Bai, the credibility of Mr. Chu Bai! Much higher than you who come out of nowhere “Conway instead of De”

Star barbarians!”

The representative of Shenzhou looked at Chu Bai and bowed deeply to Chu Bai, “Mr. Chu Bai, if you are willing to help us! If you are willing to help human beings to survive… then, at least within the scope of Shenzhou , we are willing to obey all your orders!”

The Shenzhou representative put all the chips on the tray at once!

The connection between blood and culture is used as an introduction, and then allegiance is added…the face and the inside are all given to Chu Bai.

The Shenzhou representative didn’t ask the people above him for instructions, but he has already realized at this moment that he is standing at a critical juncture in history… After all, if Chu Bai really leans towards the Trisolarans, the entire civilization of the earth will be ruined .

Although Chu Bai said before, he is the protector of human civilization! But this does not mean that human civilization blindly rejects and the Three-Body Civilization blindly pleases [Chu Bai will not be inclined to the Three-Body Civilization.

Mao Xiong’s representative also reacted, and quickly stood up and raised his hand, “We also agree with this matter! As long as you are willing, then we are also willing to be loyal to you.”

After looking around the scene for a week, Representative Mao Xiong gritted his teeth and said, “I’m making a proposal now! The country that is willing to pledge allegiance to Mr. Chu Bai Chu raises his hand now.”

There was a brief silence, accompanied by the crisp sound of brushing, and everyone on the scene raised their hands. Includes gargoyle rep.

Unanimous vote.

Representative Mao Xiong bowed to Chu Bai, and humbly said, “Mr. Chu, you…are the master of the earth!”

“What an elite!” Chu Bai looked around the crowd, and finally set his sights on the representative of Shenzhou, feeling sincerely.

Alien barbarians, these four words are obviously not the normal Chinese diplomatic rabbits who dare to spit out in public. However, this guy obviously noticed that Chu Bai is probably a human supremacist through Chu Bai’s previous words.

Therefore, boldly use this kind of biased words to gain Chu Bai’s favor, and let Chu Bai

Bai tried his best to arouse his dislike for the Trisolarans… At the same time, he used the Chinese term barbarian to draw Chu Bai’s goodwill towards China as much as possible within the human beings.

“You have a good idea! But, you got one thing wrong!” Chu Bai raised his brows, looked at the fleet commander, his tone remained unchanged, “What I said from the beginning to the end

It’s all the truth, there’s no point in joking… I am indeed a Chinese, a Chinese from a parallel world.

The fleet commander was stunned for a moment, and after he realized it, he felt dizzy for a while, a large amount of water fell off his skin, and he was so frightened that he became dehydrated on a large scale.


It’s all over.

The fleet commander is very clear about how deep the hatred between the Trisolaran civilization and human civilization is.

next moment.

In the surrounding void, the words Red suddenly appeared one after another.

These are the sophons that were still on the earth before… After the problem of the Trisolaran Fleet, the sophons on the earth are obviously directly managed by the Trisolaran.

After finding out the situation, Trisolaris chose to intervene directly.

“We are the Trisolaran Supreme Council of the Trisolaran Galaxy! We are here, like Mr. Chu Bai, to pay our highest respect.”

“We implore Mr. Chu Bai to leave us a chance. Please let the Trisolaran fleet return. We promise that we will not invade the earth again in the future.”

Representatives of many countries at the scene breathed a sigh of relief, as long as they don’t come to invade. But they didn’t say anything, they knew that Trisolarans didn’t value them at all. Trisomy

The only thing people fear is Chu Bai.

“Are you kidding me? Invade if you want, and leave if you want! What do you think of the solar system and the earth? Public toilets?” Chu Bai showed noncommittal, “You guys

Now, there is only one way to go: unconditional surrender. ”

The commander of the fleet shook his body, and the color of the other Trisolarans turned gray. Obviously very desperate.

There was a short silence, apparently the Trisolaran galaxy on the other side of the communication was having an intense discussion right now.

Then, the red font reappeared, “Then there is no way! We will not accept such unreasonable demands.

“Mr. Chu Bai, I don’t know if you know… the law of the dark forest!”

Luo Ji’s pupils suddenly dilated, his heart throbbed, and he vaguely realized what the Trisolaran was going to say next.

(Great) “Just to introduce, the universe is a dark forest! Civilizations cannot show their faces… Once they show up, they will be cleared by other civilizations.”

“You come from another world, and at the same time control the technology that is suspected to be related to the Great Divine Grade civilization. However, even so, after being exposed, the price is likely to be unbearable for you.”


“You are from another world, and it is impossible to stay here to protect the earth for a long time. If you insist on going your own way, we can only announce the coordinates of the earth and the three-body galaxy at the same time

, Let the three bodies and the earth be destroyed together. ”

“Please make a choice! Mr. Chu…do you want to let the Three-Body Civilization and the Earth Civilization go. Or let the Three-Body Civilization and the Earth Civilization be destroyed together!”

. ” Chu Bai’s expression was very exciting at this time, and he felt magical. He actually… forced the Three-Body Civilization, using the method of the original Luo Ji? Forcibly binding two worlds?

Use the lives of two worlds to force him to give in!

After a brief silence, Chu Bai clapped his hands, with a smile on his face, “Not bad! Really good.”

The highest level of Trisolaran, who controlled Sophon, breathed a sigh of relief, and it seemed that [Chu You is going to take a step back.

“But it’s a pity! You overestimated your abilities.” Chu Bai came to any door, closed the door, and his face became cold, “Redefining the coordinates… the three-body galaxy!

A black mist appeared on the surface of Chu Bai’s body, and he manipulated the gravitational force to balance the atmospheric pressure and the vacuum of the universe.

When he opened the door again, on the other side of the door was a dark and deep starry sky, and he could vaguely see three huge irregularly rotating suns in the distance, as well as a starry sky.


The fleet commander stared blankly at any door, and almost moaned, “Three-body star…”

“What are you trying to do? STOP! STOP!!!”

The bold font of Red appeared in the void. Obviously, the Trisolarans were completely panicked.

“If you don’t stop, then we will announce the coordinates of the earth and the three bodies to the whole universe now!”

“Thinking well,” Chu Bai showed a noncommittal look, he took out the zoom light and aimed at the Trisolaran star, “Unfortunately, it’s too late.”

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