Create The Salvation Army And Save The Three-Body Broken Ball At The Beginning

Chapter 50

Chapter 50 Let Luo Ji, Zhang Beihai, Vader And Others Watch The Complete Works Of The Three-Body Problem? Prophecy? Everyone’S Horror!

“Let’s take a step back,” Zhang Beihai paused for a moment before continuing to speak, his words were meaningful, “Even if they are lying to us, we should cooperate with their deception…”

“Instead of poking at them, making them feel pissed off, turn the table over, and end up wreaking havoc on the planet.”

No one spoke at this table.

Ding Yi choked, and stared at Zhang Beihai in astonishment. But after thinking about it, he had to admit that Zhang Beihai was right.

“It’s really hard to convince you…” Luo Ji looked at the two in front of him speechlessly, sighed, and poured himself a glass of wine.

“It’s actually very simple,” Vader said with a blank expression. “The people have already been brought here, just drag them to the future and have a look.”

“…What nonsense are you talking about? They need to go on and complete the original historical track and do what they should do before they can leave.” Luo Ji gave Vader a hard look, “I don’t dare to fight time refutation.

“No, no, no!” Chu Bai took his seat, with his arms folded across his chest, he looked at the crowd with great interest, as if all the heroes in the world had fallen into my gu.

After all, these four people are the top heroes of the earth civilization……

Now, Chu Bai’s request to invite others to join the Salvation Army has also been raised.

Although he had recruited so many Space Forces to join at one time before…but one size counted for one size. The main reason for doing this at that time was that there was no one in the Salvation Army at that time. can only shoot down


Now, the Salvation Army has no shortage of people. Of course, it can only attract elites…

After attracting everyone’s attention, Chu Bai said leisurely, “I have a way to make you believe it instantly.

Zhang Beihai narrowed his eyes slightly, and then he saw that Chu Bai took out thick books one after another out of thin air, and handed them to them one by one.

Impressively written on the book…”The Three-Body Problem”!

Luo Ji shivered, and glanced at Chu Bai in disbelief. After seeing Chu Bai smiling and nodding, he realized what was happening and tremblingly opened the first page.

The Three-Body Problem…Earth’s Past.

Ye Wenjie, the age of tragedy, the first communication with the three-body star

His own appearance, the ups and downs of the future, the realization of the curse, the law of the dark forest, and the desperate fight when human civilization is at a dead end. So that the Three-Body Civilization retreats…

The law of the dark forest that the fleeing fleet faced in the starry sky, the life-and-death game between each other, and Zhang Beihai’s sentence “It doesn’t matter, it’s all the same”…

Cheng Xin, in a society that has been peaceful for a long time and has completely lost the sense of crisis, the new generation of sword-holders, at the moment of handover, the Trisolarans abruptly tore up the agreement and bared their fangs, “Give in willingly…

Then, it is the end of the two civilizations!

In the end, only the god of death lives forever.

The night was getting deeper and deeper.

There are fewer and fewer pedestrians on the street.

Several people watched without sleeping or eating until four o’clock in the morning.

At this time, the store should have closed long ago.

But under Chu Bai’s hint, the owner of the food stall thought the door was closed, so he went home on his own.

All the other customers have also left, only they are still staying in the food stall.


The book is finished.

Luo Ji stared blankly at the three thick books in front of him, and fell silent.

There are countless thoughts tumbling in his brain, but he can’t say a word.

“…Cheng Xin.” Wade murmured, he was silent for a while, his eyes were filled with deep gloom, he almost squeezed out a few words from between his teeth, “This woman, this Damn woman…”

“Kill her…Kill her! Must kill her.”

Vader’s killing intent has never been so determined as it is now.

At this moment, he even has killing intent towards himself in the book, why did he give up at the end?

You… haven’t learned your lesson yet?!

You clearly know everything…

Losing humanity, losing a lot, losing animality, everything.

…What’s the use of killing Cheng Xin?” Luo Ji laughed.

His expression was a little heavy, but he also laughed at himself, “It’s not Cheng Xin herself who supports Cheng Xin to become a sword bearer, but that society…that society that is peaceful, comfortable, and completely degenerate.”

“Even if there is no Cheng Xin, there are white hearts, black hearts, and other hearts…” Luo Ji murmured, “The fate of human beings is already doomed the moment the social atmosphere is formed.

“You’re right,” Wade agreed with Luo Ji’s words, but then added, “But Cheng Xin still deserves to die”~.

…” After a short silence, Luo Ji picked up the wine glass and clinked it with Vader, “Well, you’re right. ”

Luo Ji gritted his teeth and downed the wine, “Go fuck Cheng Xin.”

Vader looked at Luo Ji with a gloomy gaze.

There is one thing to say, in fact, before that, Wade didn’t think much of Luo Ji.

Although Luo Ji is a wall-facer, and he also led Chu Bai to contact with high-level officials from all over the world… But in Wade’s eyes, Luo Ji was more just lucky. Being approached by Chu Bai…

He knew about Luo Ji’s information, about Luo Ji’s early life experiences, about Luo Ji’s spell to destroy the stars…but none of this made sense.

From his point of view, Luo Ji, like other Wallfacers, has not really changed the relationship between Trisolaris and the earth.

If this is not achieved, no matter how lofty their status is and how much influence they have caused, it is tantamount to dereliction of duty.

However, after actually watching it, Vader’s attitude changed drastically.

The First Swordsman!

If Chu Bai hadn’t appeared, then it would have been Laura who created the sky in human society. Even if human civilization is still destroyed in the end……

But just like the sentence in the book… Throughout the history of mankind, his victory is unmatched!

After being quiet for a while, Zhang Beihai looked at Chu Bai and said in a low voice, “So, what you said is true.

“You come from a different world!” Zhang Beihai picked up the book and waved it lightly, “This book is something that would have happened in our world if you hadn’t come to our world?”

Seeing his own death with his own eyes, Zhang Beihai was not angry or frightened, but heaved a sigh of relief. At least, Starship International has really expanded in the universe… and although I didn’t say much later, it is clear that Starship International is developing very well in the future.

Pursing his lips, Zhang Beihai organized his words, “You saved the civilization of the earth in the future! But when you came here, I was already dead… You value me very much, so you deliberately crossed over Is it time to invite me to join your team to save the human beings in the heavens and the world?”

Believe it.

Zhang Beihai also figured everything out at the same time.

He took a deep breath, stood up slowly, and bowed deeply to Chu Bai, “I agree to your invitation, and please give me your advice in the future.”

As for Ding Yi, he is still in a state of doubting life and having a broken world view.

“Excuse me, what do I need to do next?” Zhang Beihai relaxed completely, and began to eat something that was already cold on the table.

“Next, follow the book and defect with the space fleet.” Chu Bai said calmly, “Then, as written in the book, die at the hands of other space ships.

“Of course, I will watch your side from the beginning to the end. You will not really die! Instead, others think you are dead…”

“After everything is done, I will take you to the future.”

“The plan is very sound.” Zhang Beihai nodded, indicating that he had no objections.

“Then that… what about me?” Ding Yi was awakened by the exchange between the two, swallowed her saliva, and panicked, “If I board that ship, then what will you do. …at such a short distance, keep me from the water droplets?”

“This is also very simple.” Chu Bai raised his eyebrows, and he looked at the queen beside him.

The queen nodded, closed her eyes for a moment, and said calmly, “It’s done.”

“I projected an illusory image in Dr. Ding Yi’s room. Wait a minute, let the illusory image follow the members of the space fleet to repeat the original historical trajectory, DX3…”

…….That’s good. “Ding Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

“Commander,” Vader frowned, “If it’s purely illusory projection, it’s easy to expose, right?”

“Don’t worry.” There was a ray of red luster between Chu Bai’s fingers, he smiled and said, “The group of people won’t notice this.”

Vader’s eyes widened slowly. Could it be the ability to hypnotize? Even without being present in person, he can still be hypnotized from such a long distance? This ability

Vader’s scalp tingled.

Next, Chu Bai sent Zhang Beihai back to the ship. A group of people passed Sophon, watching the other side, Ding Yi projected by Sophon, followed the members of the space fleet to space.

The water droplet was captured by the Space Force.

Seeing the illusory projection of himself approaching like a drop of water, Ding Yi’s face showed a look of unbearable, he whispered, “If so many people die, will it…”

“Enough.” Vader interrupted Ding Yi, staring at the physicist with dissatisfaction, and said coldly, “Since just now…you have been showing your weakness, showing your incompetence, It will only cause trouble for the boss.”

“Saving people? It’s ridiculous. They, together with you, died in history. Boss saved you. This is an unquestionable favor from Boss to you. Under such circumstances, do you still have the time to care about others? The boss saves more people? Do you have any brains?”

“I, I, I…” Ding Yi’s cheeks flushed.

“Furthermore, it’s easy to cover up saving one or two people. There are too many people saved… Hehe, what if it is exposed? Have you thought about the consequences! What happened under the Butterfly Effect The number of people who died in the storm may be far more than those killed by the Trisolaran.” Vader slapped the table angrily.

Ding Yi opened her mouth, speechless after being criticized.

Chu Bai didn’t speak, and quietly stared at the two arguing. He now finds that although Ding Yi in the book is a genius, it is easy to make others like him. But the real Ding Yi has the stink of scientists and homeboys, that is, overflowing sympathy.

“Sure enough, the people described in the book cannot completely correspond to real people.” Chu Bai sighed inwardly.

After thinking for a while, Luo Ji looked at Chu Bai, “Commander, I have a small request!”

“Let’s talk.” Chu Bai Ping agreed.

“That.” Embarrassment surfaced on Luo Ji’s face, he carefully waved the three-body problem on his hand, “Can I ask the United Earth Government to copy this thing countless times after I go back, and then release it on Earth? ”

“Well,” Luo Ji said a little shyly, “The author’s name, I can fill in your name.


Ding Yi: “!!!”

Vader: “…?”

Everyone at the scene was shocked by Luo Ji’s coquettish manipulation.

“Ahem, that, actually, it’s mainly because I’m so popular with the depraved earth from the original historical track.” Luo Ji said hastily.

“With this prophecy as a warning, there will be great changes in the future, right? Maybe human beings will perish in the future, but it should not be possible

, no matter how easy it is, it will perish because of this kind of stupidity created by peace.

’ ‘You are too optimistic about humanity. “Wade smiled sarcastically, but he didn’t bother about it too much. He glanced at Chu Bai cautiously, and obviously had the same idea. He felt that it might not be useful, but it didn’t mean that even trying Can not try.

At least, if this thing expands, it will not be harmful to the future earth. After all, with the protection of the Salvation Army now, there should be no need to worry about when the inexplicable universe will smash a two-way foil…

In this case, the most important thing that human beings need to pay attention to is the internal problem.

“I’m fine.” Chu Bai thought for a while, and said casually, “But, if the author’s name is to be named, please write it as Liu.”

Chu Bai didn’t have Wen Chaogong’s idea. With such a status and status, he still engages in plagiarism, is he going to fall?

“Great! Thank you.” Luo Ji flushed with excitement, stood up and bowed to Chu Bai again.

Vader narrowed his eyes, suddenly realized something, and sneered, “Interesting… I understand! Did you suddenly realize that because of the appearance of the boss, all of your highlight performance in the original historical track is gone? ?”

“Now you…are you still a clown in the eyes of future earthlings?”

As Wade spoke, his smile became more piercing, “That’s why you tried your best to dissuade Mr. Chu, and agreed that you would publish this book in the future…to wash your reputation?”

“Most of the reasons why I want to make it public…is to prevent future humans from going astray.” Luo Ji’s eyes twitched, and he spoke righteously, “As for changing my image in the eyes of future humans, eh , this is just a little unimportant scrap.”

“Just say yes.” Vader shrugged disdainfully. Acting like I’m too lazy to argue with you.

“…You!” Luo Ji was so angry that his eyelids twitched.

Ding Yi looked at the two people who were quite at loggerheads in silence, and then he glanced at the Three Body Problems. After a moment of silence, he said with emotion, “Actually, even if the prophecy book nature of these three books is excluded… …His value as a literary work is equally high.”

“Dimensionality reduction strike… a dimensionality reduction strike!” Ding Yi smiled wryly.

It’s hard to describe in words, the first time he saw an alien civilization cleaner, throwing two-way foil and destroying the entire earth…how much his heart was shocked. The world view is trembling.

Luo Ji and Vader stopped arguing (Zhao Nuozhao). They recalled the plot of the dimensionality reduction blow, and their expressions also became heavy.

Just when the few people were silent, time was still passing by quickly… Everything was staged according to the original track.

The Space Force was completely defeated by the water droplets, and Zhang Beihai defected with the ship and formed Starship International.

Under the entanglement of the sophon’s quantum network, Chu Bai can see the situation of Zhang Beihai’s Natural Selection at any time.

Time passed bit by bit, Zhang Beihai sat there quietly, kept looking at the time, and absently communicated with the assistant beside him.

Suddenly, he sensed something, and said softly, “Is it time?”

“Huh? What are you talking about?” The crew beside him were a little strange.


Ultrasonic killing waves from other spaceships swept over impressively.

Under the protection of the erosive power transmitted by Chu Bai, Zhang Beihai did not die. He looked at the crew members who fell to the ground, bleeding to death from their seven orifices, with sadness and pain in their eyes.

He murmured, “People who have walked out of the earth… are no longer human….”

Finally, the ultrasound stopped.

The next moment.

Pink’s random door appeared in front of him, slowly opened, revealing a completely different scene from the metal inner compartment of the spaceship.

Chu Bai walked in slowly. After looking around, he also felt a little emotional. Finally, he looked at Zhang Hokkaido and gave me a drop of your blood. ”

Although Zhang Beihai was a little strange, he didn’t say much, and very straightforwardly cut his hand to criticize.

A faint black mist filled Chu Bai’s hand, and that drop of blood began to increase in value at an extremely fast speed. It didn’t take long before it turned into a corpse that looked exactly like Zhang Beihai.

…is this?” Zhang Beihai’s eyelids twitched wildly.

“A method not worth mentioning.” Chu Bai made a gesture of invitation to Zhang Beihai.

“If this is not worth mentioning, then is there any other means worth mentioning in this world?” Zhang Beihai smiled wryly.

He took one last look at the ship he was serving on, and resolutely walked into any door, abandoning his past and everything. .

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