Create The Salvation Army And Save The Three-Body Broken Ball At The Beginning

Chapter 70

Chapter 70 Chu Bai Sleeps With The Thor Sisters? Chu Bai’S Identity Exposed In The Real World?

the other side.

After the two sisters, Lei Dianzhen and Lei Yingying, slept together for a while, Lei Dianzhen suddenly said, “Ying, what are you going to do in the future…?”

“I…I don’t know either?” Lei Movie’s face was blank, his lips squirmed slightly, “Perhaps, he will hand over Thor’s duties to General Lei Dian? And then spend most of his time at the headquarters of the Salvation Army …serving for Mr. Commander-in-Chief?”

“Actually,” Lei Dianzhen said after careful consideration, “I’m more curious about your real sense of that Mr. Chu.”

Lei Movie blinked blankly, “Huh?”

“Although we only met once, that Mr. Chu! I think he is actually a very nice person.” Lei Dian looked at his younger sister dotingly, and stretched out his hand to gently smooth her hair, “After all, you are so cute, Being able to resist your temptations and not force your will… is really rare.

“Can you develop in that direction! After all, it’s hard to find something that can make you fancy. I hope you can get your own happiness…” Lei Dianzhen suddenly stopped talking.

After a long period of silence, Lei Dianzhen sighed, “Don’t think too much, resurrect me, and owe Mr. Chu’s favor! We can sell ourselves to Mr. Chu in the future, and the two of us will pay back slowly. Don’t be burdened by this! You If you want to fall in love, you can talk about it, but don’t treat it as a transaction!”

“If your feelings are mixed with other things, your future will not be happy.”

…….good. “Lei Movie reluctantly nodded.

The night gradually deepened.

after a long time.

Lei Dianzhen slowly opened her eyes, she turned her head slightly, stared at her sister’s sleeping face, listened to her breathing, there was a touch of tenderness on her face, but at the same time, there was a tangle.

After a while.

Lei Dian really made up his mind, got up slowly, and left the room.

The moment the door closes silently…

Lei Movie opened her eyes abruptly, and she silently stared at the closed door, seemingly in deep thought or worried.

the other side.

Chu Bai, who was still asleep, heard a very light knock on the door, he opened his eyes, “Come in.

“Mr. Chu.” As soon as the other party spoke, Chu Bai confirmed her true identity. Lei Dianzhen and Lei Movie, although their appearance and voice are similar, but Lei Dianzhen’s voice is softer, and Lei Movie’s voice is more hearty.

“What’s the matter?” Chu Bai stood up and stared at Lei Dianzhen.

“The matter between you and Xiaoying! I have already heard her explain it.” Lei Dianzhen sighed quietly, “But as a sister’s dignity, I can’t allow…for this reason, she had such a thing with you. Relationship. I can allow her to fall in love with you, to fall in love…but I can’t allow this to turn everything into a transaction.”

“I can understand!” Chu Bai frowned slightly, “Actually, I thought so too… I did that too! You don’t have to come to me again for this kind of thing.

“It’s not the same,” Lei Dianzhen sighed, “I know Xiaoying well, so I know that you saved me, and you have become an insurmountable wall in her heart, and she has become her demon barrier. She is such a person, stubborn.”

Memories emerged in Lei Dianzhen’s eyes, she really knew her sister too well, “If she falls in love with you in the future, she will definitely be affected by this aspect… Therefore, this high wall must be destroyed .And, it can only be destroyed by me!”

…….What do you want to say. “Chu Bai has faintly realized what Lei Dian really wants to do.

“Then, if… I fall in love with you!” Lei Dianzhen gritted his teeth, sat by Chu Bai’s bed, and looked at Chu Bai seriously, “Then you save me, It becomes a matter between you and me…Xiaoying, naturally there is no need to carry the shackles of morality.”

“?” Chu Bai was shocked, what kind of coquettish operation is this. Wait a minute, let him be special…

After contemplating for a long time, Chu Bai finally figured out the true logic of Thunder and Lightning. To put it bluntly, it is to convert the debt between him and Leidian into real shares of Leidian. Lei Movie has no debts, so naturally he can do whatever he wants in the future……

This logic seems to make sense… Although, although it is really speechless.

Don’t sacrifice your sister, sacrifice yourself, right?

“Are you serious?” Chu Bai couldn’t hold it back, and asked, “Are you sure this is different from what Lei Movie had done with me before? Besides, you want Lei Movie to get in touch with me without any burden? But if you and I have that kind of relationship, wouldn’t it be…”

“You didn’t force me! I did it voluntarily… This is naturally two different things.” When Lei Dian really talked about this, he was very serious.

“As for the other question «々” Lei Dian really paused, his eyes were blank, obviously he couldn’t understand why Chu Bai asked such a question, “It’s just sisters… Is there any problem with this?”


Is this okay?

Chu Bai has already started to think, is this his own problem, or is it really Leiden’s problem?

After much deliberation, a flash of understanding finally flashed in Chu Bai’s eyes. The biggest mistake he made was to use the values ​​of human beings in the real world to speculate on the values ​​and worldview of the gods in the Tivat world.

Opening a harem in the real world is a heinous crime. But in the world of Tivat… especially the rice wife world of the ancient feudal version of the island country, isn’t it normal to marry several wives?

“Or,” Lei Dianzhen bit his lower lip, and said anxiously, “Actually, I don’t have a good impression?”

Seeing Chu Bai shook his head very honestly.

“That’s good!” Lei Dian was really relieved, and showed a gentle smile to Chu Bai, “You have a good impression of me, and I also have a good impression of you, so everything will be fine.”

“Well, let’s introduce myself first,” Lei Dianzhen got into Chu Bai’s bed, his voice was like a feather, and gently brushed Chu Bai’s ears, “My name is Lei Dianzhen! God’s name is Baer! I am Dao’s wife’s ex. Thor! I have mutual affection with you, and I hope to have a relationship with you that is more than friendship.”

Lei Dianzhen fell asleep next to Chu Bai, tilted his head and stared at Chu Bai’s side, and said with a gentle smile, “In the future, please give me more advice.

Chu Bai also turned his head to stare into Lei Dianzhen’s eyes, his lips twitched, and just as he was about to say something, the door opened again.

The one who came in this time was Lei Movie.

Raiden Zhen: “???”

Chu Bai frowned, staring at Lei Movie with a strange expression.

Yes, he knew from the very beginning that Lei Movie was eavesdropping outside the door. After all, in his family, nothing can hide from him…

“Really!” Lei Movie quietly got into Chu Bai’s bed and slept on the other side.

“What are you doing?” Lei Dian was really angry.

“I am because of what you did before!” Lei Movie is obviously also angry with Lei Dianzhen, “You said you were willing, then I said I fell asleep [I am also willing, can’t I?

“You you you… how could you do this! This?!” Lei Dian was stunned for a moment, stuttered after reacting, and his mind went blank.

“Okay.” Chu Bai interrupted the communication between the two, he lightly pecked their faces, “Go to sleep.”

At this moment, the cheeks of both of them turned red instantly, and they shrank into the bed. His body was stiff and he didn’t say anything.

……” Chu Bai’s expression was delicate. I saw that you were so bold before, why did you think that… In the end, the defense power is so low? It’s just…

Of course, this night, Chu Bai simply slept with Sister Thor. I didn’t do anything else… mainly because I wanted to, let’s talk about cultivating feelings.

Early the next morning.

Chu Bai turned on his phone, and saw that all the major live streaming platforms put up a pop-up window. Click it to see that it is the scene where the pirate Wang Qiang is negotiating with the bald eagle.

And, right now is the climax.

The blond-haired and blue-eyed representative of Eagle Sauce, well-dressed, looked straight into the eyes of the Warring States Marshal and the other four emperors, and said sincerely, “Sirs, I hope to invite you to join the Bald Eagle nationality! The Bald Eagle is the most free country in the world. It is also the most suitable country for the strong.”

“In Bald Eagle, you can enjoy the most extreme enjoyment in the world!” The representative of Eagle Sauce is arrogant and confident, “We can promise that no matter what crimes you commit, the court will not judge you! Everything about you All consumption will be reimbursed by our Bald Eagle’s international bank.

“Our conditions… are things that China, which is bound by various rules and regulations, cannot promise to you.”

At this moment, the Shenzhou representative who was entertaining next to him froze.

He suddenly turned his head and stared at the representative of Eagle Sauce with a cold face. The representative of Yingjiang was not afraid, but showed a disdainful expression to the representative of Shenzhou.

Then, the barrage exploded directly, and dense question marks rushed over.


“My dear mother…just play Wang Zha when you come up?”

“Crap, are bald eagles crazy? Promise this horror!”

“No, no, the bald eagle is not crazy… Think about it carefully, how bad is the situation of the bald eagle in this world now? Shenzhou dares to show him face, and the dogs in Europe are starting to think carefully , even my third brother dares to give him a fart! Do you think the bald eagle is feeling aggrieved? But if these strong people join…


“Damn it, bring the dead back to life, right?”

“Indeed, with this in mind…even if the so-called freedom and human rights are trampled underfoot, it is worthwhile for the bald eagle! After all, the bald eagle can really be called a crisis of survival. gone.”

“Actually… the bald eagle made such a big move as soon as it came up, probably because it was forced into a corner by the news of the birth of the original god Tevat yesterday.

“Indeed, if the gods of Tevat are sure to stand on the side of Shenzhou! If the pirates don’t stand on the side of the bald eagle, the bald eagle will collapse directly. After all, they harvest the world, relying on force and those aircraft carriers… …..Only by attracting the pirates can they barely maintain their business.”

“The only thing we can do is win over the pirates… The gods of Tivat, even if you don’t mention them, it’s hard to meet them! Even if you meet them, you can’t win them over… The world of the original gods doesn’t use the bald eagle as a template at all the kingdom of…”

“Who said that? Didn’t everyone say that Kanria is based on a bald eagle? (狗头.jpg)”

“The country was destroyed five hundred years ago, right? You boy!”

on screen.

Warring States folded his arms around his chest, staring blankly at the representative of the bald eagle on the opposite side. Looking at it, the representative of Eagle Sauce, who was full of confidence, had cold sweat on his forehead, and felt that the situation seemed to be beyond his expectations.

“Mr. Kaido! Mr. Whitebeard!” The representative of Eagle Sauce looked at the others, and comforted himself in his heart. After all, the Warring States Period is on the side of justice. It is normal to be dissatisfied when he hears such naked words from him. The words of the Four Emperors are sure…

“Stop fucking nonsense!” Kaido sneered, “Get the fuck out of your ass.”

“I can only join the nationality of the country under my feet!”

“But this has nothing to do with the benefits of faith!” Kaido spewed thick steam from his nose, “It’s just because the people I am loyal to…are people from the country under my feet.”

Kaido, who has completely accepted his status as a dragon under Chu Bai’s sect, is full of pride. What did he say about the sentence he read on the Internet these two days? That’s right! Others want to be a lackey, and there is no such opportunity


“”get out. “Kaido grabbed the panic-stricken representative of Eagle Sauce, threw him out of the window, then looked at the camera, sneered, “What is that called?

Is it the country of the eagle sauce? Let me tell you, get rid of this kind of heart….. In the future, I will see this idiot say something, and test my loyalty to that adult! I will hit once when I see him!”

“That gentleman doesn’t have a good opinion of you eagles…You should be lucky, that gentleman has a wish to save the world…he restrained his behavior!” Warring States

Disgust towards the representative of Ying Jiang also appeared on his face, he looked at the live broadcast with a cautious tone.

“If that lord speaks out to eradicate all of you, the country of Yingjiang will not survive for three days. You should be grateful and be grateful instead of being so rebellious

tame, know no reverence!”

“Besides, that gentleman is willing to endure, but patience must have a limit! It doesn’t mean that you are qualified to put your nose on your face.”

Zhan Guo took a deep breath, and said word by word, “Yingjiang Country, I will give you another warning… I really annoyed that gentleman, looking around the world, no one can save you!

Especially your wealthy nobles, the people of Common may survive under the wrath of that lord, but you, this time, don’t think about running away like you once did! You will definitely be completely punished!

Full liquidation. ”

There was a dead silence.

The bullet screen was emptied at this moment.

Whether it was the scene or the people from Shenzhou who saw this scene through the live broadcast, they were all stunned and felt their scalps go numb.

And the news was transmitted back to the Bald Eagle along with the live broadcast, and the faces of the gentlemen who saw the news also became extremely ugly. Especially those aristocratic families, looking at each other in blank dismay at this moment, because of fear

And the cold sweat seeping out soaked the clothes.

After a short period of silence, the Shenzhou Live Broadcasting Station exploded, completely exploding.


“Slot, teacher! I’m your fan. (Come forward and hug.jpg)”

“Mr. Warring States! I am also your fan!”

“Although I hated Kaido very much at the beginning…But, now, I have been successfully fanned by Mr. Kai!”

“It’s so fucking domineering… Nima, throw it out of the window! There have never been a few such things in the history of world diplomacy.”

“The people in Shenzhou next to me are fucking stupid.”

“I think… the bald eagle deserves it. Ben (Wang Zhao) came to negotiate this time, and the pirate powerhouse said that he came this time to save face for Shenzhou, but the bald eagle dug the wall in public

Horn… so shameless! I have never seen such a shameless country.

“The country’s base has its own money! Look, it’s going to be hit hard.”

“Throw it well, throw it well, and throw it croak.”

“Fuck, I’m the only one who’s paying attention…Kaido Kaido has an owner? (Full of horror.jpg)”

“?? Nima, why did Kaido say something so normal, but it became so…perverted in your mouth?”

“Can you drive on this kind of trail?”

“Six six six six.”

“Confirmed! I was thinking before that all the characters from other worlds came to the real world, and the places where they appeared for the first time were all in China… This is not a kind of tower.

“I forgot about the previous ones, but the most important point is that this group of people… At the same time, there is a kind of hidden power constraint, so that they will not act recklessly.”

“So Kaido’s master, who is that adult? My curiosity is about to explode.”

“Could it be… Saffron?”

“In this regard, I can only say that I understand everything! I can’t help if I don’t understand. The water is too deep…”

“I understand this…if it involves that lord, anything we say may be harmonized.

“Old buddies upstairs who really know the truth, I’m very curious about the inside story……Can we add VX to private chat? I can give money!”

“Too strong, my lord!”

Apart from the shocking admiration, there are also some who are full of resentment and question wildly on the Internet.

“Damn it, since that lord is from China, why didn’t he kill the island nation and the bald eagle as soon as possible?”

“Didn’t you say it all? That adult has the idea of ​​​​saving the world!”

“Stop talking nonsense! You all are honestly glad that the adult with such power is so restrained to the world, otherwise, he dared to rely on his own joy today.

To destroy the island country, the bald eagle, maybe tomorrow will implement absolute rule over the world. It looks really good now!”

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