Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch238- All Dead

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A veteran hero named Photon Flash was the first to react, his light-based Quirk illuminating the area. "Distract him!" he yelled, sending an intense beam of light towards Gigantomachia's face, attempting to blind the behemoth.

"Right!" called out a heroine named Sledgehammer, her body morphing into solid steel as she dashed forward, her heavy footfalls shaking the ground.

Yet Gigantomachia barely flinched, his Dog Quirk allowing him to track the heroes despite the blinding light. His Fierce Gains Quirk hardening his muscles to resist the incoming attacks.

"Take cover!" Gran Torino ordered, his figure a blur as his Jet Quirk activated, launching him away from the clearing just as Gigantomachia's giant fist came crashing down where they had been standing seconds before.

The ensuing shockwave sent a few of the less agile heroes tumbling. A junior hero named Backdraft rushed to use his Water Quirk to help cushion the impact for his comrades. "Hold on!" he shouted, a wall of water erupting from his hands and softening the earth they fell upon.

Gran Torino had no time to worry about the younger heroes. He had his own beast to fight. He shot back towards Gigantomachia, his compact body twisting mid-air as he darted around the giant's attacks.

"Hey, big guy!" Gran Torino called out, flitting around Gigantomachia's face like an annoying fly. The giant roared, swiping at him but hitting nothing but air.

Just as Gran Torino hoped, this bought the other heroes time to regroup. Sledgehammer charged again, her body shimmering with metallic sheen as she lunged at one of Gigantomachia's massive legs, her body reverberating with the impact.

"Ignore the old man that hops around, Gigantomachia, kill the small fries first," All for One's voice echoed menacingly through the clearing.

The monstrous behemoth snarled, nodding once before shifting his attention to the heroes scattered around him. His Dog Quirk activated, sniffing the air and the scents of fear that filled it.

Gran Torino saw the shift in Gigantomachia's attention, a sudden urgency taking hold of him. "Listen up, team!" He called out, his eyes darting around the clearing as he calculated their options. "We need to split up, draw his attention, make it harder for him to focus on just one of us."

"Alright, let's move!" Gran Torino's command cut through the tense air. Each of the pro heroes scattered, their hearts pounding with adrenaline.

Photon Flash blinked out of sight, his Quirk propelling him at the speed of light around the giant beast. His mission: keep Gigantomachia distracted and disoriented.

Viper, a hero known for his venomous Quirk, slithered low, his form becoming serpentine as he maneuvered through the foliage, his eyes fixed on the target. His plan was to inject a potent neurotoxin into Gigantomachia, hoping it would slow down the hulking creature.

Meanwhile, Falcone, a hero with an avian Quirk, took to the skies. He planned to strike from above, his talon-like feet poised to deliver powerful blows. Despite the chaos unfolding beneath him, Falcone's gaze was unwavering, focused on Gigantomachia with an eagle-eyed determination.

"Try to keep up, old man," Viper hissed into his comms, a note of bravado in his voice.

Gran Torino merely grunted in response. His aged body was a blur, darting around Gigantomachia, drawing the behemoth's attention away from his colleagues.

The first strike came from Photon Flash, who reappeared just long enough to fire a blast of searing light into Gigantomachia's face. The beast roared in surprise and anger, swiping at the source of the irritation. But Photon Flash was already gone, his form blinking out of existence, leaving the giant swatting at empty air.

Falcone swooped down from the sky, his talons extended. With a fierce cry, he raked them across Gigantomachia's shoulder, leaving long gouges in the monster's skin. Gigantomachia roared again, this time in pain, and swatted at the sky. Falcone was already circling for another run.

"Viper, now!" Falcone's command rang through the comms.

Viper slithered forward, his Quirk giving him an uncanny speed and agility. He darted in and out of Gigantomachia's shadow, his fangs bared. With a swift leap, he bit down on the giant's ankle. His venom seeped into the giant's bloodstream, a neurotoxin designed to slow his movements.

"You're too slow, beast," Viper taunted, withdrawing back to the cover of the foliage. His fangs ached from the exertion, but he was grinning with the thrill of the fight.

Gigantomachia roared, his gigantic form shaking with fury. His Fierce Gains Quirk kicked in, his muscles hardening to resist the heroes' attacks. His Dog Quirk activated, sniffing out the heroes who thought they were safe in the cover of the forest.

"Falcone, incoming!" Gran Torino warned, his experienced gaze spotting the giant's shift in attention.

Falcone barely had time to react. Gigantomachia's massive hand came swiping at him, the force of the blow sending him spiraling out of the air.

"Photon, cover him!" Gran Torino barked, his own figure a blur as he darted to intercept the beast.

But it was too late. The first to fall was Falcone, his wings folded at an awkward angle beneath him. His pained screech echoed through the clearing just moments before a sickening thud silenced it. The following silence was almost deafening.

"Damn it!" Gran Torino cursed under his breath, the toll of their failure heavy in the air around them.

One by one, the heroes fell like dominos, struck down by the monstrous might of Gigantomachia. Photon Flash, his light dimming with each passing second, was swatted out of the air like a pesky insect. Viper, his fangs bared in a defiant hiss, was stomped underfoot, his serpentine body crushed beneath the giant's heel.

Sledgehammer was the last to go, her metallic form bruised and battered under the relentless assault. Her valiant cry was lost in the cacophony of the battle, her once vibrant figure sinking into the mottled forest floor.

In just a few minutes, only Gran Torino remained standing. His breath was ragged, his heart pounding like a drum against his chest. He felt the warm trickle of blood down his brow, blurring his vision. He tasted the iron tang of blood on his lips, his teeth biting down hard on the soft flesh in frustration.

And still, he stood, his lone figure dwarfed by the massive form of Gigantomachia. His hand hung loosely at his side, the unyielding pain shooting up his arm a grim reminder of the battle they were losing.

Gran Torino’s heart sank as he scanned the clearing, his gaze falling upon the fallen bodies of his comrades. The once vibrant scene was now a grotesque tableau of broken bodies and shattered dreams. The heroes he had trained, fought alongside, and admired… all fallen.

The clearing echoed with All for One's low chuckle, the satisfaction in his voice a chilling contrast to the horror strewn across the forest floor. He stepped out from Gigantomachia's shadow, his grotesque face illuminated under the filtered sunlight.

“My age is now,” All for One declared, his voice reverberating with a dreadfully calm authority. The simple statement hung in the air like an omen, a grim indication of the dark times to come. He turned to Gran Torino, his scarred face a grotesque caricature of amusement. “I will destroy I-Island in a month. There, I shall announce the world that it is mine to take.”

The revelation struck Gran Torino like a physical blow, his blood turning ice-cold. All for One's proclamation was not just a threat, it was a promise. A promise of death and destruction, of a world under the rule of tyranny.

But before Gran Torino could retaliate, All for One and Gigantomachia vanished, leaving behind only a chilling silence. The air that had been heavy with the energy of their battle was now eerily calm. The serenity was a stark contrast to the devastation that lay scattered across the forest clearing.

Gran Torino was alone. He stood amidst the devastation, a silent sentinel amidst the fallen. A familiar pain surged through him, an echo of the countless times he had been the only one left standing. A survivor's guilt, a haunting specter that clung to him through every battle, every loss.

For a moment, he allowed himself to grieve. His heart ached for the lives lost, for the heroes who had fallen in the line of duty. They were more than just comrades, they were his friends, his family.

But he knew he couldn't afford to wallow in sorrow. He had a duty to perform, a message to deliver. Despite the grief gnawing at his heart, Gran Torino squared his shoulders, his determination returning in full force.

He would survive. He would carry All for One's message. He would let All Might know. He would stand, if only to honor the fallen. After all, he was Gran Torino, a hero among heroes. He was tired, but he was not defeated. Not yet.

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