Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch241- Meta Liberation Army

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Inside the grand skyscraper that housed Detnerat Company in Tokyo, the members of the Meta Liberation Army gathered. Re-Destro, the leader of this formidable group, was seated at the head of a sleek, black conference table. His commanding presence was palpable, making the air of the room heavy with an unspoken authority. On his left sat Trumpet and Skeptic, his two unwavering lieutenants, and on his right, a new addition, Fujiko.

Fujiko was the picture of opulence; his deep crimson suit, tailored to perfection, complemented his slicked-back silver hair and smoky eyes. He leaned back in his chair with a certain pompous ease that was second nature to him, exuding an air of arrogant confidence. With his chin held high and his sharp eyes assessing everyone in the room, he was the embodiment of the wealth and power that his background had granted him. A golden watch graced his wrist, glinting in the cold, artificial light of the room.

The luxurious aura that surrounded Fujiko was a stark contrast to the stern and practical attires of Re-Destro and his other lieutenants. Chitose, or Curious, was a stunning sight with her pale lilac hair and unique eyes that danced with intelligence. Trumpet, or Koku, maintained a stern, serious expression, his angular nose, and small eyes hidden behind yellow glasses. Skeptic, or Tomoyasu, was lean and lanky, his shiny black hair cascading down his back.

Fujiko cleared his throat, drawing attention to himself. "The latest intel I gathered about the League of Villains is rather interesting," he began, his voice as smooth as silk. He paused for dramatic effect, letting his gaze linger on each member. "They plan to attack I-Island within the week."

Re-Destro's stoic countenance didn't waver, but there was a glint of interest in his eyes. Chitose leaned forward in her chair, her eyebrows arching elegantly. "Do you have any ideas about how we might utilize this information to our advantage?" she queried, her voice ringing with curiosity.

Fujiko spread his hands in a grand gesture, his golden watch glinting under the artificial light. "It is a prime opportunity to bring them down. We let them walk into the trap, and when they're preoccupied with their mission, we strike," he suggested, a smug grin playing on his lips.

Skeptic tilted his head, studying Fujiko through his fringe of hair. "And how do you propose we execute this?" he asked, his tone cool and calculating.

Fujiko's eyes gleamed with the thrill of the forthcoming challenge. "We have the advantage of surprise. We strike hard and fast, aiming for their leaders. And when their ranks are thrown into disarray, we swoop in and capture the rest."

A silence fell over the room as Re-Destro considered Fujiko's plan. He tapped his fingers on the table, the soft clatter echoing in the hushed room. "What about the potential collateral damage?" he finally asked, his gaze fixated on Fujiko. "Innocent lives may be at risk."

A dismissive shrug of Fujiko's shoulders was all the response he gave. "The ends justify the means, my dear Re-Destro," he replied, a haughty smile dancing on his lips. "You want to bring the League down, don't you?"

Trumpet, who had been silent till then, spoke up. "He has a point. This might be our best chance to weaken them significantly," he admitted, adjusting his glasses.

Chitose, however, was still skeptical. "Are you sure about your intel, Fujiko? How can we trust it?" she questioned, her eyes narrowed.

Fujiko chuckled at her question, his smug grin never leaving his face. "My dear Curious, it's not luck; it's my keen ability to read the fortunes of investments and ventures," he said, tapping his fingers against his temple. "With just a touch, I can unveil the hidden value and secrets of the world. How fortunate I am to possess such a gift."

Rising from his chair, Fujiko strode over to Chitose. His movements were graceful, reminiscent of a predator on the prowl. His lips curled into a predatory smirk as he extended a hand and gently touched the gold earrings that adorned her ears.

“Interesting choice of accessory, Curious," he mused, his voice filled with an inscrutable amusement. His warm breath caressed her ear, causing a shiver to run down her spine. “You wore these last night too.”

Chitose's cheeks flared a delightful shade of pink at the intimate invasion of her personal space. She tried to maintain a stern expression, but her eyes betrayed her intrigue. "And how would you know that?" she challenged, trying to sound dismissive.

"Oh, the fortune bestowed upon me allows for such...insights," he replied. His voice was a whisper now, and his hot breath on her ear made her heart skip a beat.

He leaned in closer, his lips nearly brushing her ear. "Just like how I know that you spent the last night grinding the pillow,” he murmured, his voice laced with a teasing chuckle.

Chitose swallowed hard, her eyes wide with surprise. "How...?" she began, but her voice trailed off as Fujiko straightened and moved away, leaving a lingering warmth in his wake. He was the epitome of cockiness, flaunting his wealth, his lack of modesty, and now, even his knowledge. It was infuriating and yet, undeniably intriguing.

Fujiko simply smirked at her stunned silence, clearly enjoying the reaction he had elicited. "Now that I have your undivided attention," he said, his voice commanding once again, "Shall we proceed with discussing the strategy?"

Re-Destro nodded, his deep-set eyes reflecting his intense concentration. "Go on," he said, his voice stern and authoritative.

Fujiko returned to his seat, reclining leisurely. "The League will be on high alert during their attack. We need to play our cards right and wait for the perfect moment to strike." He paused, glancing at Skeptic. "I believe you could manipulate the information flow, making them believe they're successful until the last moment."

Skeptic nodded thoughtfully, his dark eyes gleaming with interest. "Indeed. With the right resources, I could create convincing enough illusions. They won't know what hit them."

"And I," Trumpet chimed in, adjusting his glasses, "can coordinate our troops effectively, to ensure maximum damage to the League, while minimizing our casualties."

The night found Fujiko and Chitose back in her suite. As they stepped through the door, Fujiko pressed her against the wall, his fingers tangling in her lilac hair. He claimed her lips with a fiery kiss, passion seeping from his every pore. Chitose responded with equal fervor, her arms wrapping around his neck, her fingers tracing the contours of his muscles through his expensive suit.

He led her to the bed, his lips never leaving hers. With expert ease, he began to undress her, his touch gentle yet demanding. Each touch, each kiss, was calculated, carrying a potent mixture of passion and intrigue. His fingers danced over her skin, tracing an invisible path that left her trembling with anticipation.

With a soft sigh, Chitose surrendered to his advances. She closed her eyes, allowing the sensations to wash over her. His lips explored her, setting her senses ablaze. Their bodies moved in a rhythmic dance, each beat escalating their shared desire.

As their bodies entwined, Fujiko's mind was hard at work. Every touch, every caress, was a carefully calculated move. His mission was clear: To coax Chitose to his side, to make her his unwitting ally against Re-Destro. And he knew just how to make that happen.

The hours slipped away, lost in the haze of their shared passion. When they finally lay spent in each other's arms, Chitose was in a state of blissful aftertaste, her body still humming with the remnants of their intimate exchange.

Wrapped in Fujiko's warm embrace, she felt a sense of safety, of belonging. As he held her, his fingers lazily drawing patterns on her bare skin, she couldn't help but melt further into his hold. Little did she know that these sweet moments were only a prelude to his true agenda.

"I need you to use your quirk, Chitose," Fujiko murmured into her ear. His tone was casual, as if they were discussing the weather, and not a plan that could drastically alter the course of their lives.

" quirk?" she stammered, her drowsy mind struggling to comprehend his words.

Fujiko nodded, his fingers tracing the line of her jaw. "Landmine. It could be our trump card, in case things go south."

"What do you mean?" Chitose questioned, her brow furrowing in confusion.

Fujiko turned to face her, his smoky eyes gleaming with a strange intensity. "In case our plan against the League fails. I need you to use your quirk on our equipment."

His words hung in the air like an impending storm. She blinked at him, her mind racing to make sense of his words.

"Why?" she finally managed to ask, her voice barely a whisper.

Fujiko smiled, his fingers tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Think of it as a safety measure, Chitose. If the League manages to overpower us, your quirk could give us a fighting chance."

"But…that would mean betraying Re-Destro," she protested, her eyes wide with disbelief.

Fujiko's smile didn't falter. "No, my dear Curious," he corrected her, his voice dripping with sweetness. "It's about giving the Meta Liberation Army a fighting chance, even if we don't make it. It's about ensuring that our efforts, our sacrifices, don't go in vain."

Chitose swallowed hard, her heart pounding in her chest. His words were rational, his arguments convincing. But the implications were terrifying.

"Are you sure?" she asked, her voice barely audible. Her fingers traced his cheek, her heart aching at the thought of what they were contemplating.

Fujiko captured her hand, pressing a soft kiss to her knuckles. "Trust me, Chitose," he said, his gaze piercing into hers. "I won't let anything happen to you. But we need to be prepared for all possibilities."

She stared at him, torn between her loyalty to Re-Destro and her newfound feelings for Fujiko. His words echoed in her mind, making sense in a terrifying way.

"Promise me," she whispered, her eyes searching his. "Promise me that you're not leading me astray."

Fujiko pulled her close, cradling her against his chest. "I promise, Chitose," he murmured, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. "I would never put you in harm's way."

As Chitose surrendered to the comforting rhythm of Fujiko's heartbeat, she had no way of knowing the depth of the deception that she had just agreed to. All she knew was the warmth of his embrace, the sincerity in his voice, and the undeniable attraction that bound them together.

Fujiko lay awake, holding Chitose close as she drifted off to sleep. His mission was underway. The first step had been taken, and now it was only a matter of time before the next phase could commence. As he watched Chitose sleep, a bitter-sweet smile graced his lips. The game had begun, and he was determined to win, at any cost.


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