Creati Hero: All-Father[Completed]

Ch248- Aftermath

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The aftermath of Operation I-Island wasn't just a tempest in a teacup—it was a hurricane, ripping through the pro-hero community's defenses. Even with the extensive network of information that the hero society had built, the surprise assault on I-Island by the League was completely unexpected.

Gran Torino, the seasoned hero, had been one of the first to get wind of the possible assault from none other than "All for One." But there were complications. Disclosing such a tip, especially one originating from an archenemy, was fraught with potential hazards. The risk of inciting widespread panic was real, and the authenticity of such a tip was always questionable.

League's strategy had always been unpredictable. While most would have watched the skies, Torino was well aware that the League had the resources to teleport their members. Yet, he'd been caught off guard this time. Instead of acting independently, he took the information straight to All Might. The Symbol of Peace, however, had been intercepted by Mokami before he could raise an alarm.

What made things even trickier was Mokami's plan. Mokami's initial plan was that Gran Torino would quickly share the news. He wanted Gran Torino to be the one to spread the information. He believed that if the respected and trusted Gran Torino was the messenger, the impact would be stronger. Additionally, this approach would prevent I-Island's Council from growing suspicious since they were already cautious of Mokami.

But things didn't go as planned. Instead of passing on the information, Gran Torino went straight to All Might. This caused Mokami to step in and stop All Might before any action could be taken. Mokami's original plan was ruined, so he had to change his approach and adjust his strategy.

The "All for One" Gran Torino believed he had talked to in the forest was not the master villain himself. Instead, it was Genji, one of Mokami's creations. At the same time, Aiko, the double agent within the League of Villains, introduced a virus into the computer system that All for One used to communicate with Shigaraki. This digital Trojan horse allowed Genji to manipulate both sides, imitating Shigaraki when interacting with All for One and vice versa.

The League's headquarters soon witnessed the arrival of Gigantomachia. His presence was not entirely unexpected since Mokami had previously delivered a flash drive containing intel on the Meta Liberation Army to Shigaraki in that very same headquarters. And even if the League had relocated after his first visit, they couldn't escape Mokami's surveillance. Unbeknownst to them, a tracker had been discreetly embedded in Kurogiri's collar during their assault on USJ. This provided Mokami  with the ability to pinpoint Kurogiri's location at any given time.

In the well-organized chaos of I-Island, Fujiko stood out quietly, like a brewing storm. Working undercover in the Meta Liberation Army due to Mokami's plan, Fujiko had a crucial role. A week before Shigaraki's attack on I-Island, Fujiko alerted Re-Destro about it.

Fujiko's influence wasn't just about information. He managed to convince the MLA that attacking I-Island was a good idea. Given Re-Destro's dislike for Shigaraki, it wasn't hard. Fujiko simply had to inform Re-Destro, and he ordered a big battle.

Mokami's brilliance showed in how he manipulated things. He changed I-Island's course, putting it farthest from any land. By the time the League attacked, help was hours away. The Council found themselves trapped. First, they sent their best protectors, the Guardian-Level team, hoping to stop the attack. But it wasn't enough.

The island turned into a battlefield, the sky darkened by clashes and the land damaged by destruction. The Guardian-Level team was strong, but the League of Villains kept coming. With time, it was clear they needed more help. The Council members, who were usually in administrative roles, joined the fight. They fought fiercely out of desperation.

As they fought, another group arrived—Re-Destro and the Meta Liberation Army. Fujiko's info was right, and the MLA wanted to win. They attacked everyone, not just the League or I-Island's defenders. They believed chaos could lead to their victory.

It was a three-sided battle, each side wearing the others down. The Guardian-Level team and the Council struggled. The League had a hard time fending off attacks from two sides.

Amidst a chaotic three-sided battle, the situation took a sudden turn as Mokami's Creation Pantheon Agency appeared. They descended on the island like a powerful force, cutting through the battling factions with precision. Their unexpected arrival caused confusion as everyone was already overwhelmed.

The scene was a picture of chaos, matching the turbulent clouds above. Mokami’s agency didn't waste time and jumped into the fight, attacking from all sides. Each member displayed their unique abilities, both offensive and defensive.

In the midst of the chaos, a powerful villain named All for One emerged from the clouds. His presence cast a dark shadow over the island.

All Might confronted his archenemy. Mokami had other plans to deal with All for One, but All Might exceed Mokami's expectations by defeating the villain. With this, the battle in the sky ended. The League of Villains, Meta Liberation Army, and Council of I-Island all fell defeated. During the battle, some Council members were killed by exploding Meta Liberation Army members.  The villains blew up their equipment, taking some League and I-Island members with them. In the midst of this turmoil, the surviving Council members sustained severe injuries. All for One killed Shigaraki Tomura when he defied him. Stain was captured, while Dabi and Kurogiri were killed.

However, the main surface battle was a distraction. The battle diverted the major players' attention while Aiko, Daichi, and Fujiko stealthily headed for the island's secure bunkers. These strongholds housed the corrupt core of I-Island, the members that Mokami aimed to eliminate.

As Mokami held Momo from her waist, they both observed the night city, its once vibrant glow now marred by remnants of the catastrophic battle. The room's quiet ambiance was pierced only by the voice of the news anchor on the television.

"The unexpected battle on I-Island..." began the anchor, her voice heavy with the gravity of recent events, "...revealed darker secrets than any could have imagined."

Images of the destruction, interspersed with mug shots of villains, played in the background.

"All for One, the legendary villain behind the League, aimed his sights on I-Island. But what no one saw coming was the interference of the Meta Liberation Army, led by none other than philanthropist Rikiya Yotsubashi, or as the underworld knows him, Re-Destro."

"Yet, it is not just the battles and the villains that have caught our attention today. The pristine reputation of I-Island has been irrevocably tarnished. Investigations have now linked the ruling Council of I-Island to heinous acts. Human trafficking, child abuse, and unethical Quirk experiments are just the tip of the iceberg."

The news continued. "Perhaps the most shocking revelation comes in the form of the recently exposed organization Equity. Long suspected of illegal activities, they've now been conclusively tied to the Council."

A photo of young children, eyes wide with fear, their bodies marked with scars and fresh wounds, was displayed. It reminded Momo the League's attack, she was just outside of the building at the time. "These are some of the innocent victims of Equity's experiments, all sanctioned by the Council."

"Amidst all the revelations and attacks, a group of heroes played a paramount role. The newly formed Hero Agency, The Creation Pantheon, acting on a vague tip, made significant captures during the attack. All for One, Re-Destro, half of the Council members, Hero Killer Stain, and many other criminals were detained and handed over to the International Police. The evidence of their heinous acts was presented to the authorities, leaving no doubt about their malevolence. Yet, amidst the victory, tragedy struck. Three villains—Aiko, Daichi, and Fujiko—broke through the island's defenses during the commotion and assassinated some of the most prominent members of society. One of them was the renowned businessman, Yozo Yaoyorozu."

The anchor's voice started to fade into the background as Mokami and Momo stared out of the window, the city's vast expanse spread out before them. The announcement of Yozo's death either went unheard or didn’t matter. Mokami knew of his father's evil deeds. Yet, to protect Momo's reputation and that of their mother, he had eliminated all incriminating evidence against Yozo. But, he didn't spare him from the final retribution for his involvement in child abuse.

Momo turned to face him, her eyes hard and unyielding. "After what you told me about him, my grief turned to rage. No child should ever endure what those kids went through because of him."  Momo's voice held a sharp edge, "he deserved what he got."

For a moment, the room was filled only with the hushed hum of the city below.

The news continued, "This event cemented All Might's leading position in the Hero Ranking, with many from The Creation Pantheon Agency either breaking into the list or climbing rapidly. Mirko is now ranked third, Sahar fourth, Ryukyu sixth. And in a surprising twist, Provisional Heroes, still young students of UA High—Nejire, Mokami, and Momo—have secured the 23rd spot. Some critics questioned their addition, but leaked footage silenced the doubters. High-quality videos emerged on the dark web, showcasing battles of these Provisional Heroes against hardened villains. Their capabilities certainly defy their age."

Mokami tightened his hold on Momo. She gripped his arm, her voice laced with determination, "We're almost there."

He gently kissed the top of her head, echoing her sentiments, "Almost there."

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