Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 51 3 months pregnant! Olvia wants to be a great waitress for the husband

Chapter 51 3 months pregnant! Olvia wants to be a great waitress for the husband

Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal !

For more advanced chapters: /BlackStar_BH

(For those who wanted to support me to continue this great book and enjoy the advanced chapters)


"Let me hear a little, could it be that Little Robin is really starting to move?!"

Rob approached his wife Olvia's belly and placed his head on her stomach, which began to swell a little, showing signs of a pregnancy that had come out of its early stages.

Today when she was working in the great library, Olvia felt some kind of movement from the baby in her womb, and because she was so excited about it, she left everything in her hand and at once came home to wait for her husband like an obedient wife.

When Rob returned a little tired from his trip to Sky Island, this was the first news he heard.

Now reminded that he's going to be a dad, after another 6 months, he's going to be a dad!

Yes, it has been 3 full months of pregnancy.


"I guess it's just a normal baby-forming event, Little Robin hasn't reached full maturity to be able to move on her own my love, you excited me for nothing... No, No, I'm just kidding, this is our Robin, she sending her compliments to Mama and Papa for sure!"

When he raised his head and saw Olvia's weeping face, as she was surely going to burst into tears, he changed his words to what Olvia immediately wanted to hear.

(I'm sorry science, in this world of one-piece you have to be subjected to all kinds of torture and break your bones {The bones of science is the logic.})

Rob apologized internally to the science of medicine and all sciences in general.

"Yay! See, I said that! Dear, our little Robin knows there is Daddy and Mommy who really loves her and wants her to be born sooner!"

Olvia hugged Rob excitedly and they fell on the bed together.

Rob allowed himself for Olvia to hug him as she wanted.

If he has to regret one thing he's done so far, when he make her know about his system shop.

Since she got to know about it, in addition to the chaotic hormones of the pregnant woman, this formed an unknown chemical reaction, causing a huge change to Olvia's personality, perhaps even the Immortal blood affected her slightly.

She has become a quarrelsome woman and a naughty, of the first degree, if he doesn't give her what she wants, he will not sleep in his bed and in the cuddle of his wife for sure.

Pregnant woman, was a big headache, since she was introduced to the amazing female items he could pull out of nowhere, his art points became Olvia's property.

"Dear, are we going to have more kids after Robin?"

Olvia asked a question she had already asked dozens of times, and she was doing this because she loved hearing Rob's answer every time.

Rob moved as if he was already used to it, and kissed her cherry lips with unparalleled passion before slipping down her milky neck and giving her an addictive lick.


"We will definitely have more, in the future this father's children will conquer the entire seas world."

"We are immortal, my love. Babies-manufacture in the future will be our only entertainment."

"Hahahaha~! Don't tickle me in there Ah~ Hahaha…!"

Rob made her again know what it meant to laugh to death.

When Rob felt that was enough, he stopped tickling her.

"You are cruel, my dear~ This is just torture!"

"Well, don't you like it?"

"Not that... Well, I love it, stop looking at me with that disappointed look."

"You said, that you want to flood this world with children, I love your idea, but this I will decide after experiencing the pain of childbirth. If it is too painful to bear, you must cancel this great plan."

Olvia looked at Rob with a meaningful look, in fact, she would have liked to give Rob thousands of children if that was what he wished for, but when she was talking to her friend Matriarch and some other women who had already experienced the pain of childbirth, they told her that the worst pain in life, is the pain of childbirth!

Just thinking about experiencing the pain of childbirth a thousand times made her spine tremble.

Rob's eyebrow raised in surprise when he heard that, her answer this time was different.

"The pain of childbirth is really hard, but for someone with a semi-immortal body like you wouldn't cause you much pain, don't compare yourself to ordinary mortals, my sweet."

Rob was sure of this matter.

"Really?!… Hmm,I said I'd think about it after giving birth…"

"Hmm~ Ah~! Don't lick that place now, I haven't showered today at yet, It's disgusting, stop, Ah!"

Rob didn't wait for her answer and actually sank between her legs as his pink shaved treasure appeared in his sight, tasting this treasure daily was what made his life so rosy.

Since sex is temporarily unavailable there is nothing wrong with some necessary exercise.

"It doesn't matter, it's still clean for me~"

"Ah! Stop~! Don't lick there, Ahn!"




"Ah~ You always don't stop until you make me orgasm, don't you know I'm the most tormented person here? Living without him in the hole is hard as hell."

"Hmm, I know that, but where did you learn these dirty words, sweetie?" 𝙛𝒓𝒆𝒆𝙬𝒆𝒃𝓷𝙤𝙫𝒆𝓵.𝒄𝙤𝒎

"Of course, It's you! I only knew historical terms before getting to know you, no, before you knew the meaning of life because, before that, you were shyer than me!"

"Yes, yes, it the meaning of life is wrong, which is so nasty."



"I have something to say to you, husband, will you do it for me?"

Olvia looked with puppy eyes at Rob as if telling him that if he didn't achieve what she wanted she would really cry.

"I have already pampered you so much, no problem with more, tell me what do you want me to create for you this time?"

The system shopfront appeared in front of Rob, and he was already ready to buy a new type of cosmetics, or a new women's clothing, or a new iPhone.

His art points were: 2,400,450 Art Points!


Regarding the iPhone, Rob bought a whole Internet-reseau terminal(Small) and put it on the personal property he bought in Ohara.

Just because Olvia liked the look of the phone, she ordered one for herself and a set of phones for her friends.

When Rob turned on the network it allowed them to communicate with each other like "Den Den Mushi" but much better.

Rob has created a mini-community(Google) on the island of Ohara, but visitors to this online world are limited so far, only Olvia and her female friends and other archaeologists.

This was a long-term project that Rob wanted to create, well his content so far only talks about art stores, manga One Piece, and some women's chat rooms.

In the future, Rob will make the entire world use the Internet.

After all, he didn't forget his skills from his previous life, which was based on the Internet world.


"I want the same maid outfit that Bell-mère always wears."


Rob was dumbfounded for a moment, but out of nowhere an amazing picture of Olvia formed in his mind.

She wears a white and black maid's dress, has bunny ears on her head and a woolen ball above her butt as a rabbit's tail, and she wears long net socks above the knee, but the rest of her white thighs are completely exposed.

While wearing this seductive outfit, she looks at him with a cute bunny look and says:

"How's that, husband? Am I cute in that maid dress?!"

Rob felt a burning pain in his nose as if the blood in his head was already going to explode.

"Husband?! What are you thinking? Your face is all red!"


"Why do you want a maid's clothes?"

"Simply put, because I want to work in your art stores as the head waitress, not only I do, my group of female friends want to work in your store my dear, you don't need to ask, I want to enjoy working there as much as Bell-mère."

"I'm tired of just being an archaeologist, I'm a married woman now, archeology will be my secondary job that won't need my presence, looking after my husband's business is my main business from now on."

Olvia winked at Rob as if she already knew all about his fetish.

Rob's eyelashes twitched while staring at Olvia who looks serious, this was totally unexpected.


The titles of the next three chapters! (?Spoiler?)






Chapter 52: What a dilemma it is to have a pregnant wife! Dracule Mihawk interacted with the manga!

Chapter 53: The bravery of an immortal man is not for nothing...

Chapter 54: Eating Goro Goro no Mi and death in the most horrific way, but beware what? The abundant rewards loves the brave people!

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