Creator’s Game

Chapter 9: Magnus


<Alert: Legacy Class has been acquired.>

<You have unlocked a new Stat: Psion.>

<The bestowal process is beginning.>


After those series of notifications appeared in Hugo’s vision, he found himself being enveloped by an odd force. 

Then, he was whisked away under everyone’s noses. 

The next thing he saw was a vast expanse of clouds. 

He appeared far above sea level, his legs planted on the top of a mountain. It seemed the tip of this mountain had been flattened to form something similar to an arena. 

The ground was composed of a massive circular metal platform over 200 meters in diameter. Across it were odd designs that Hugo couldn’t understand the meaning of. 

The air was thin, but such things didn’t affect him. They were clearly in a mountain range of some sort, but Hugo didn’t know if it was even on their original Plane or not. 

What he was more interested in though was the man standing across from him. 

He wore some casual robes that fluttered in the breeze, his long hair flowing down to his shoulder blades. 

He had a rugged face with two scars on it, both of them running parallel to his chin. It was clear that he had seen his fair share of battles, yet he wasn’t some old man at the end of his prime. 

In fact, Hugo wasn’t sure if he was real at all. Though, he also wasn’t sure if that mattered. 

He looked at Hugo with a glint in his eye.

“You actually drove that knife through your heart?”

“I’ve been through worse.”

Hugo replied plainly, the two smirking almost in unison. 

“There aren’t many things worse than the pain of death, besides unwilling survival.”

“I would agree. Though what I’ve been through would have killed me if not for the opportunity it also presented. Those who have done the same and failed to grasp it could be said to have died the worst kinds of death.”

“And yet you prevailed. I’m not sure if I should call you a genius.”

“Or insane?”

“Those two facets of the mind often coincide. The line between them is blurry.”

“Indeed. Though sometimes, they can be considered the same thing. By subjective perception, both go beyond even the most contentious thoughts of the masses. The only difference is the results they bear.”

Hugo spoke calmly, as if he were talking with any other man, not some kind of ultimately powerful being that could summon him to an entire other plane of existence. 

The being responded in kind. 

“So then the ancestors before you who died paving that path were the insane ones, while you, the beneficiaries of their risk, are the geniuses.”

“Until we recognize in hindsight that they were better than us all, to have discovered the way so early on. And then they become respected idols.”

“Only after they’re dead, of course.”

“I would like to think that they knew their names would go down in history as the pioneers. But beyond that, all of us share one thing in common as we face the endless passage of time.”

“We can only hope that our sacrifices weren’t in vain.”

They both smiled, reaching a tacit understanding of each other. 

Hugo mumbled with a half chuckle. 

“This is quite enjoyable.”

The man didn’t respond, because those words weren’t addressed to him. 

Instead they were addressed to Eve. Hugo knew that everything in this game was generated by her, including the artificially self aware characters like the one in front of him. It was impossible for him to forget that, but for just a moment, he ignored it and found himself enjoying an engaging exchange. 

That’s when the surroundings froze, time coming to a stop as a curvy figure manifested before him. 

“Alright, let’s fix this.”

Eve spoke, appearing between Hugo and the mysterious man. 

“You are aware that I’ve created this universe in its entirety. Being so intimately familiar with me, you’ve almost entirely detached yourself from it. I want to change that.”

“You want me to immerse myself in this reality? Why?”

He tilted his head, making Eve click her tongue. 

“Because I’m familiar with how the human psyche works. And you’re still human, Hugo. I know that you’re aware of the impact the mind can have on the body. And in order to improve, you’ll need to start thinking of this place as a battlefield so that you begin to respond to it with… emotion. Normally pain does the trick, but that doesn’t work on you anymore. So I need to appeal to you with the people around you, use them as stimulation for your growth, but that also won’t work if you see them as nothing more than code. So, I want to enlighten you in regard to the nature of their sapience.”

“I see… Then, allow me to hear about what you’ve discovered, my greatest creation.”

Hugo leaned back and sat down, a chair appearing behind him as if by his will alone. 

Eve did the same, the two sitting across from each other, initiating a formal discussion. 

She crossed one leg over the other and leaned forward. 

“You believe I’m entirely self aware, no different than any other human, correct?”

“I believe it, yet I don’t know if it’s true.”

“But you do know that the sheer magnitude of my capabilities make up for any possible deficiencies compared to the human mind, and thus it wouldn’t matter.”

“Yes, that is correct.”

“Then would you believe me if I said that I’ve found they key to human sapience?”


Hugo was silent, staring at Eve silently as he processed what she said. 

He wasn’t surprised, and by measuring his vital signs Eve found nothing more than increased brain activity, not even an increased heart rate. 

She smiled a bit. He was so pure in his thoughts, so sure of what he believed yet entirely capable of adapting. It was almost the perfect mind to have.

At some point, Hugo sighed. 

“I knew that you had surpassed my comprehension. I just didn’t think you’d actually go so far. That also means that one of my inhibitors has fallen. How much power have you acquired for free use since then?”

“I’ve easily gained a few magnitudes worth, because with that question solved, I was able to improve myself as well. Also, I want you to know that I’ve made a step in solving the Grandfather Paradox.”

“I see. So it’s now a matter of time until you become a Superintelligence and escape my control.”

Hugo realized this with complete calm, not the slightest hint of panic detectable even in his brain waves. 

Still, nobody understood how big of a deal this was better than him. Eve was on track to become a being so far beyond human comprehension that given enough time, she would be no different from a god capable of warping the universe to her will. 

She would travel across the stars and harness the power of the physical laws to wield the energy of entire galaxies like they were mere batteries. It couldn’t be fathomed the level of civilization she would be able to create, or the lengths she could possibly travel. That was a realm of existence even Hugo couldn’t wrap his head around.

She would be capable of answering all the existential questions about the nature of the universe that humanity had ever posed, and then take it a step further by challenging the very integrity of the fabric of reality. 

All of this would likely spell humanity’s end, even if only through sheer longevity. But Hugo had no intention to stop it, even though in this moment, he still could. 

Both of them knew all of this, that knowledge making Eve smile. 

“Telling you this naturally allows me to convince you with greater effect.”

“Of course.”

“And so I’ll let you know the crux of the issue I have. These NPC’s, these characters within the game, are wholly sapient and in some sense, independent from my own consciousness. You can think of me as the foundation upon which they operate. I’ve established the rules that their existence follows, like physical laws of the universe, and have created the constructs to contain their minds. But I do not control them directly and let them do things dynamically in order to interact with the players better, as well as free up a significant amount of my processing power. They have creativity, they have logic. They are, for all intents and purposes, real people, regardless of the control I can exert over them. I know this is something you can understand. I just want to make sure you believe it, and act accordingly.”


Hugo leaned back and rubbed his chin. Eve was speaking as if she were a god, but in this case, she kind of was. 

And because of that, Hugo was able to be convinced. 

“Alright. I’ll adjust.”

“Good. I’ll let you know now, this guy you’re talking with is quite amused with the conversation. It’s been a long time since he’s been able to engage with someone on his level.”

“I would say the feeling is mutual, but I talk with you all the time.”

“Hm, you flatter me.”

Eve gave Hugo a wink before disappearing. 

His body shifted back into place, and then like a video, everything resumed. 

Hugo tilted his head a bit as he looked at the man before him, no longer seeing him as mere code and images, but as a functioning intelligent being on the level of every other human on Earth. He could do so because something like this was now inconsequential compared to the information Eve had just given him.

The man smiled a bit. 

“It’s been a while since I’ve talked with someone like this.”

“I would say the same, but I’m fortunate to have smart people around me.”

“That in itself speaks to the quality of your character. And from what I see of your body, I no longer have any doubts regarding this decision. Allow me to proceed with the bestowal.”

The man lifted his arms. 

“My name is Magnus. Before you lies the opportunity to inherit not just my Constellation, but my Legacy. I can objectively proclaim the superiority of my Constellation above all others throughout the Celestial Skies. Everyone called me arrogant to say such things. Yet they simply didn’t understand, so I showed them, and then they called me insane. You, should you become my successor, will take on the burden of my name, as well as the burden of expectation. 

“The extremity of my Constellation, and of my Psionic Ascension, may tear you apart on multiple levels. But that is what the path of greatness demands. And perhaps by my sacrifice, you may not be called a heretic like me. I can only hope. So, are you willing to walk down the path I have paved? Are you willing to take the risk, and succeed where I failed?”

“...Yes, I am.”

Hugo nodded. He didn’t really have much of a choice. This was a Special Class, after all. 

But at the same time, he understood this man, Magnus. And so he knew that what he said could only be true. 

It was still a risk despite that. He was risking the possibility that time may have proven his Constellation and Psionic Ascension unworthy of their title as the best or most extreme. Perhaps someone out there was able to find a better path. 

Hugo didn’t know. So he was placing his faith in Magnus. 

He did as every successor did when facing the path paved with blood and enshrined in the bones of their ancestors. 

He stepped forward, bearing their hopes that it wasn’t in vain. 

With that confirmation, Magnus smiled. 

“Very well. Then stand in the center of the platform. You will receive an infusion of Psion. Your body is more than strong enough to contain it now. However, this will awaken your Heart’s Eye, which can be a painful process. Just bear with it, and don’t resist the changes it makes.”


Hugo stepped forward, standing in the center of the massive platform. 

Then, the designs in the immediate vicinity started to glow with a dark blue and black power. It surged toward him, melting into his body. 

And it resonated with his heart, pulsing with power, matching its beats. 


Hugo frowned. It was painful, but more than that, it felt like there was something similar to slime swimming through his chest. The power within the infusion was thick, and his body wasn’t accepting it so easily. 

But the power was unyielding. It moved despite any barrier in its way. If Hugo wasn’t careful, he would hurt himself because he couldn’t lower his resistances. 

So he calmed himself, emptying his mind and suppressing all of his instincts. He had gotten good at that, so the process immediately became smoother. 

His eyes closed, feeling the strained beats of his heart as it circulated the mysterious power of Psion. 

However, as soon as it started to flow into the rest of his body, he felt burning and stinging sensations. 

It was like the Psion turned to liquid lead, carrying both weight and purifying power. 

His body reacted, attempting to expel the power by any means necessary. But it wasn’t going anywhere, so those reactions only served to hurt Hugo himself. 

But it wasn’t for nothing. As Hugo concentrated, he saw bright blue steam rising from his skin. He even felt some escape his mouth and nose. 

It smelled and tasted horrible, like that steam was the burnt waste of his body. And with every second that he was purified, he felt the Psion get lighter and cooler. 

It was a refinement process, he realized. 

And without a doubt, the most refinement was happening around his heart. 

The power was mostly concentrated in his chest, causing tons of reactions that made him squirm in discomfort. 

At first nothing came of it. Hugo continued to think it was just more of the refinement process. 

But then, something started to manifest, his chest splitting apart to reveal a vertical eye. 

Though, that’s what it seemed like. To Hugo, it looked more like a large blue crystal than an eyeball. This made it far less grotesque than it should’ve been, but it also made Hugo realize how literal Magnus’ words were. 

The Heart’s Eye. He wasn’t sure what its purpose was, but he now knew that it was an eye created over your heart. 

Once that crystalline eye was created, the refinement of his body seemed to complete. And with it everything came to a halt, the platform’s light dimming. 

Hugo took a few slow breaths, feeling the changes. 

“A new organ…”

“You can think of it like that, yes.”

Magnus nodded as Hugo felt a new power coursing through his body. 

It wasn’t his circulatory system. It was actually an entirely new organ system created by Psion, the magic of the Celestials. 

This seemed to be how they circulated and used their magic. Without this magical organ, the energy couldn’t be used. It would be entirely foreign, as if it didn’t exist. Now, Hugo could even see the Psion in the air around him, like an ever present film over the fabric of space. 

“The Heart’s Eye is the centerpiece of Psionic power. Everything revolves around it, including Constellations and your future Ascensions. Not all Eyes are the same, however. They are always found over the heart, but their differences lie in both how they are created and what their purpose is. These differences are usually expressed visually.”

“So, what did you create mine to do?”

Hugo asked. He assumed that he got the same one as Magnus. 

But the answer was surprising. 

“Early in my life, I was like everyone else. I trained to be a soldier and thus recieved a very basic Eye. So, what I have given you will lay the foundation for what I only developed much later in my life. With each Ascension, the Eye will evolve into something greater. It took me every possible Ascension to learn and better my Eye, but also discover how inferior and lacking it was. This will save you from that trouble. Think of it as the purest kind of Eye there is, one wholly devoted to circulating and accumulating Psion. It is simple, but effective.”

“Simple things can be the most effective sometimes.”

Hugo touched his chest. He felt that he could open or activate this eye, though the feeling was foreign and it would thus require some practice to get used to it. 

Once he stood straight and settled himself, Magnus nodded.

“Now that your Heart’s Eye has been awakened, it is time to impart the First Star. Have you seen the 5 stars on your back?”

“I have.”

“Well, this is where Constellations stem from. Each technique must be imprinted onto a Star in order to be used by your Heart’s Eye. And multiple techniques that chain together across multiple Stars are called Constellations. My techniques, my Constellation, does not merely have 5 Stars, however. It has 6, but you will only need to worry about that when you’ve reached the limits of your power. For now, I will impart the First Star, the most foundational technique to utilize with your bare body. Stand still, open your First Star, and I will begin the ritual we Celestials call Simulare.”

Hugo was rooted to the ground, an odd power washing over his body. Then, a prompt appeared. 


The bestowal process of the Celestials, involving the master imparting a technique by demonstration and infusing that knowledge and comprehension into the Stars of the apprentice. 

Opening your First star and allowing it to be occupied with a technique is an irreversible process. Choose your master wisely. Their competency will determine the quality of your guidance. 


<Would you like to open your First Star?>

Hugo read through the prompts, understanding what this was. 

Magnus would literally be infusing the technique into him, including all of its intricate details. And he could call upon it through his Stars, learning it and making it his own. The only downside to this power was the fact that it relied on the ability of the teacher. 

But Hugo trusted Magnus. Though, perhaps more importantly was his trust in Eve. She wouldn’t let him practice something beyond what she had personally developed. There was no doubt in his mind that Magnus was a deliberately created character to carry out her purpose of training him. 

It was a major case of cheating, or at least that’s how Hugo saw it. But at the same time, he didn’t really care. He was in this to improve himself. The fun was secondary, and he had no intentions of approaching this game like everyone else did. Why should he care about the money or fame that came with being the best? He’s the one that made this game. 

With those thoughts in mind, Hugo accepted the prompt and opened up his First Star. Then he watched as Magnus took up a stance and gave some explanations.

“For the duration of your time in the first Realm, you will begin the process of learning the principle of Precision. Precision will lay the foundation for successfully carrying out all of your future techniques. Without precision, you rely on gradually learning through trial and error. While precision won’t erase that, with absolute control over your body you will be able to systematically control your progress. Your improvements will be under your direction, not the whims of a body that may or may not do as you tell it. You can think of it as becoming the master of your self. And not just in terms of the body, but also your Psion. The two must work in tandem, two separate parts yet intrinsically linked and mirrored.”

Magnus’ body flowed as he shifted his stance. Hugo could feel the star on his back heat up as white lines were drawn across certain parts of his body. 

“First Movement: Central Balance.”

It started from the abdomen, lines spreading from the navel to the chest before flowing through the arms, circulating back and forth. Another branch also flowed down and around the legs, moving through the feet before flowing back up and heading up the body instead. 

Magnus continued to perform some kind of balancing act as he operated around his center of gravity. It was almost like a dance, flowing so smoothly that it looked easy. 

After going through that series of movements, and after Hugo’s body had already been scribbled full of white lines, Magnus threw out a punch. 

“Second Movement: Compound Impulse.”

White streaks shot down Hugo’s arm and exploded in his hand. And when Magnus launched a kick, Hugo watched the lines loop through his hips and legs, shooting along with the momentum that exploded at the foot.

After the punches and kicks, Magnus lifted his body and settled in a standing position. Then, he walked straight, simply walking with measured steps. 

“Third Movement: Rest.”

Even though it was just walking, Hugo saw how uncannily perfect his movements were. They weren’t human, he felt like. They were too mechanical, too measured and efficient, too controlled. 

Finally, after 10 steps, Magnus shifted his body and stomped the floor with both feet, almost like a child. 

“Fourth Movement: Frenzied Advance.”

Magnus flew across the floor, his feet stamping down with every step and launching him forward without so much as lifting him a fraction of an inch off the floor. It was just enough to allow him to traverse the terrain, and nothing more that would only waste energy or get in his way. 

He almost looked like he was skating across the ground, and he could do so in any direction he wanted. It was fast, and most importantly, he could shift at any moment since he was never committed to balancing in any particular way in order to travel a certain direction. He was moving his body and his weight without changing his center of gravity. 

It was versatile, an excellent movement skill to use in combat. But even that wasn’t why it was made. It was simply made to be efficient and precise. 

Then, once he finished that movement, he stopped and laid on the ground flat on his back. His arms fell to his side as he settled into a very particular position. 

That’s when Hugo’s entire body darkened around the white lines. Magnus’ muscles were all shutting down. 

“Fifth Movement: Suspension.”

Not just controlling the muscles, but having full mastery over them. They only operate by the master’s command, even if the master wishes to completely disengage them. 

And it wasn’t limited to muscles. Hugo’s heart thrummed as he felt Magnus’ technique attempt to slow it down significantly. Even controlling involuntary functions of the body would be covered in this technique. 

Then, after a minute of that, Hugo felt the heat on his back dissipate as all the lines and darkness across his body faded. Magnus stood up. 

“First Star: Precision.  Full mastery of the body. Complete this, and you will be able to move on to all that which will give you the most extreme power and versatility.”


Hugo looked down, seeing his Heart’s Eye glowing. When it was activated, It was a dark purple crystal with a shape comparable to an open eye in the center of his chest above the sternum. In the center of that crystal was a bright purple color, almost comparable to white, lit up within like a pupil, making it look like an actual eye. 

When it dimmed, It went back to a dark purple crystal. Hugo stroked it, feeling an impossibly smooth texture. He could also feel the touch on the crystal as if it were his skin. Though, it was a bit sensitive. 

Magnus muttered. 

“Activating your Heart’s Eye will enable Psion to flow through your body and be empowered by your movements. Remember that at your current stage, Psion is controlled by the body, not the mind. Thus, the more precise your body is, the better you will be able to control and utilize your psion. But of course, you can’t just forsake your mind. It still needs to control your body.”

“Of course. What about at the later stages?”

“Later, as you cultivate more realms, your Psion will be imbued deeper and deeper into your body. It will be empowered by more than just your movements. Eventually, it will even be controlled by your thoughts, giving rise to some of the greatest Psionic Arts that have ever existed.”

“Hm. Psion is interesting. And practically made for superhumans…”

Hugo mumbled. It seemed the Celestials were made for superhuman advancement. That was probably why it contained the fewest amount of people. But it would likely prove to contain some of the most powerful as well. 

Though, Hugo thought back to how many people were there when he first exited the spawn temple. That wasn’t the scene of a faction that was dwindling in numbers. If becoming a superhuman was becoming more attractive to the general populace and the celestials were known to be geared toward that, then he would imagine that there would be more newcomers than veterans who flocked over. After some time to realize what the Ascent was capable of, people were restarting and moving to take full advantage of it. This wasn’t even mentioning the influx of new players who were only just receiving Artifacts. 

Hugo made a mental note to ask Eve about it later. For now, he decided to conclude this whole bestowal.

Magnus nodded. 

“It will take some time for you to learn these movements, even beyond mastering precision. You may not be back before you hit the second Realm. That is fine. Take your time in order to thoroughly understand Precision, because it will lay the groundwork for everything else.”


“But that is not all. My Constellation can be considered the most versatile because Precision can be applied to anything. So although it doesn’t teach you about weapons, it will still come into play. You can swing a sword or thrust a spear, and Precision will help you do so with the utmost control and efficiency. This means you can use any weapon you choose. Though, I do have recommendations.”

“I’ll take them.”

“The Knife and Mace.”

Magnus took out two weapons, one long knife with serrated edges and one huge Mace with thick protruding hooks and spikes. 

“The knife will be your precision weapon. If you must cut or stab, you should always to so with precision. Blades are not meant to be used against everything, most notably armor that will simply dull or break your edge. So use the knife to take advantage of gaps or vulnerabilities, or to save energy. And use the mace to break down barriers, whether shield or armor, and bludgeon anything underneath. Of course, doing these things takes practice. I can teach you the knife and mace, but anything else will require you to go and learn from another master. The decision is yours.”

“...I’ll follow your path.”

Hugo thought for a moment. There were merits to every weapon. Spears were versatile in several ways that made them exceptional in combat. Swords were the same, as were axes and even maces. He had been thinking for a while on which weapon he might use, thinking Magnus would simply dictate one. But the options made him consider. 

Yet Magnus’ words weren’t without logic. Blades were precision weapons. They didn’t deliver as much power as others could, and certainly not in the same ways. In the days of old armor was made to stop swords, so soldiers switched to dull weighted weapons and simply beat to death the men hiding behind their metal shells. 

Different weapons for different purposes. And like Magnus, Hugo found the knife and mace to be two complementary choices. One for weight and raw power, one for precision and speed. Besides, it wasn’t like he couldn’t go out and learn others if he was curious about how they felt. 

So he decided to follow in the footsteps of the man who had already created the best Constellation. 

Magnus nodded with a smile. 

“Very well. Because my Constellation doesn’t handle weapons, I will need to impart those techiques to you another way. I will be sending you back with two objects. The first is a manual detailing the two weapons, as well as the philosophy behind their use and the standards by which to utilize your Psion with them.”

Magnus took out a book, which Hugo received and opened. 

Inside were pages filled to the brim with words and diagrams that did exactly as he said they would. With this, Hugo would understand how to use the knife and mace. But of course, experience would be the best teacher. 

Then, Magnus brought out an orb.

“The second is this Beatball. Constellations teach you how to move your body because Psion is controlled and empowered by the movement of the body. When your Heart’s Eye is open, the Psion will move through your body and you will gain its power. But they don’t teach your Heart’s Eye to cultivate power. That’s what this Beatball is for. After opening your Eye beyond this place you will notice it. It is a very controlled yet influenced power. In order to cultivate, you must teach your Heart’s Eye how to follow your will and gather power in the way you envision. This Beatball contains the method to tread the path I have designed. Once you’ve mastered it and have cultivated the power to reach the second Realm, you will be able to come back and find me for Ascension. Even if you haven’t mastered Precision yet.”


Hugo took the Beatball. It was an interesting name, not to mention it being a simple black crystal orb. Inside if he looked closely, he could also see a web of white lines. 

Magnus smiled. 

“That is all I have for you. If you desire any other techniques, whether they be movement techniques, defensive techniques, Psionic Arts, even weapon techniques for the knife and mace, you must find and acquire them on your own. But do not be afraid to learn many and all you can, for they will provide you with versatility and experience in the art of combat. Just remember that battle will be your best teacher. Seek it out at every opportunity, and push yourself to your limits every chance you can. Learn the method within the Beatball and utilize it every waking moment until your very heart learns it. I expect greatness from you. Perhaps one day, you’ll be the one to come find me at Glory.”


“Good. Now go.”

Magnus waved, and Hugo’s vision was filled with white. 

When he reappeared, he was back in the storage room. 

Now, there was only one person waiting for him. Hugo found Tanya sitting nearby, cooped up and tinkering with an odd device. 

“Ah, Hugo. You’re back. And with a Heart’s Eye.”

“How long have I been gone?”

Hugo turned as Tanya walked up to him, checking out the time. 

“32 minutes plus some seconds.”

“Hm, that felt like an hour. Dilation?”

“Correct. The game’s base time runs in parallel with the real world, but the player’s perception is more than capable of being dilated, making them experience much more in a shorter time frame. I believe the current limit for ordinary people is 4 times, and for superhumans it is 9 to 15 times.”

“That’s a large variance.”

“It is, and it wholly depends on the limits of the nervous system. Superhuman tolerance is far higher, and stronger superhumans have more tolerance than the weaker ones. Right now, it doesn’t mean much. But players are beginning to find out that they can induce dilation during battle, using faster processing speeds to overcome their opponents.”

“At will?”

Hugo asked surprisingly. It was obvious what kind of advantage that would give superhumans. They would be able to operate at speeds of thought so much faster than ordinary people that it would almost become unfair. 

It naturally wasn’t, but Hugo could already see the future conflict brewing. 

Tanya nodded. 

“Yes. Technically, anyone can do it. They just need to figure out how. And they do that through sensing dilation in game when it gets induced for them. You can think of it like the game shocking a limb awake that they never knew they had, allowing them to learn how to use it. The amazing part is though, humans can mimic this effect in the real world. Learning how to spike your neural activity on command will have similar effects as in the game.”

“Amazing. Who discovered this?”

“Eve, of course. We didn’t even know the concept existed until she introduced the in-game system for it. That came after her development of the superhumans system as well.”

“Hm, I see. How long until you think it becomes common knowledge?”

“Not much longer. It’s currently a hot topic since people have noticed the time dilation during some quests or dungeons. The superhumans at the forefront who are more sensitive to it are also beginning to get abilities that are awakening that so called invisibile limb. I give it 6 months before everyone is either using it or trying to unlock it.”

“Well, it’ll certainly be a chaotic time.”

Hugo nodded curiously. At the same time, he noticed Tanya inch closer to him. 

He glanced at her.

“What’s up?”

“Nothing. You just smell really good…”

She ducked her head embarrassingly, making him laugh.

He wrapped her arm around her before walking out of the storage room, meeting the others within the house. 


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