Crimson Moon

Chapter 16:

Luna floated in the vast emptiness of the dream realm, a familiar yet surreal sensation of weightlessness holding her in place. Normally, she would be surrounded by the endless corridors of doors, each one leading to the dreams of countless beings. But tonight, there were no doors—no familiar passageways. Instead, there was only the eerie presence of a massive red moon, much closer than it had any right to be.


She stared at it, puzzled. "Huh, guess I’m not joining Harry tonight, then?" she mused aloud, her voice echoing in the empty space. The red moon seemed to pulse, casting an ominous glow over the landscape. Luna heard Meathook playing behind her signialing that Harry’s dream gate was there so she turned around. 




Dream Hogwarts, to be exact. The castle stood tall and shadowy, and with it, the endless rows of doors leading to the dreams of students once more. Turning back around the moon had returned to its place in the sky, still glowing red, but now distant, almost watching.


"That was weird," Luna muttered, glancing back at the moon before turning her attention to the doors. "I wonder what Daphne’s up to tonight. Which one’s her dream?"


With a casual stride, she headed toward the castle, her curiosity piqued. Something felt off, but Luna Lovegood always loved an adventure.



The morning light streamed through the windows of the Gryffindor dormitory, casting soft rays across the room. Luna rubbed her eyes, blinking at the soft golden light, realizing with a sigh that she had somehow managed to get lost in the dream realm the previous night. Unable to find Daphne’s dream door.


Luna sat up, swinging her legs over the side of her bed, her mind still lingering on the strange events in the dream realm. The red moon, the sudden reappearance of Hogwarts—it had all been unusual, which was fun. But the fact she hadn't found Daphne's dream was kinda weird 


"Perhaps she wasn't dreaming," Luna muttered to herself, pulling on her robes absentmindedly. "Or perhaps... she wasn't in the castle at all."


With a simple flick of her wrist, her robes flew effortlessly toward her, no wand needed. Luna smirked at the ease of it all—one of the many perks of being a talented witch. The best part, though, was that no one ever knew if you were still in your pajamas beneath all the layers of heavy school robes. It was a delightful secret to keep.


Now fully "dressed" for the day, Luna headed downstairs with her usual light step, the long folds of her robes swirling gently behind her. The castle felt different in the early morning, quieter but full of potential. She could hear the distant hum of voices coming from the Great Hall, the clinking of plates, and the low murmur of student early risers starting their day.


Luna entered the Great Hall, her eyes scanning the long tables filled with students eagerly eating breakfast. She spotted Harry sitting at the Gryffindor table, surrounded by a small group of friends, though he seemed somewhat lost in thought, poking absentmindedly at his food. With her usual light and almost ethereal grace, she made her way over to him.


“Good morning, Harry,” she said as she sat down beside him, her voice soft but filled with a gentle warmth.


Harry blinked out of his thoughts and smiled at her, though there was a touch of exhaustion in his expression. "Morning, Luna," he replied, setting his fork down and looking at her curiously. "How’d your night go?"


Luna smiled dreamily, pouring herself some pumpkin juice. "Oh, the usual. Got lost in the dream realm, tried to find Daphne's dream but no luck. Very strange, actually."


Harry raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Daphne's dream? Why were you looking for her?"


Before Luna could respond, a familiar voice cut through the morning chatter. "Looking for me in your dreams, Lovegood? I'm flattered."


Daphne Greengrass had approached the Gryffindor table, her cool gaze not so cool as it settled on Luna and Harry for a moment a slight smirk showed clearly on her face. Without waiting for an invitation, she sat down across from them, her usual confidence evident as she calmly reached for a piece of toast.


Luna, unfazed by Daphne's arrival, simply smiled and replied, "I was curious. Your dream wasn’t in the castle last night."


Daphne’s smirk widened, though there was something sharper in her eyes. "Perhaps I have better places to be than the castle, even in my sleep."


Luna pouted playfully. "I suppose. Or maybe you're using a Native American dreamcatcher," she added, her tone light, but there was an unspoken understanding between the two.


Daphne raised an eyebrow, offering a noncommittal shrug. "Who knows?" she replied, though that only caused Luna to pout and use her most deadly weapon… Puppy dog eyes.


After a pause, Daphne shifted uncomfortably . "Fine it was a dream catcher you caught me," she belayed tyring to act casual 


Luna instantly perked up, “Really I was kinda just guessing?” 


“Your sight is annoying Luna just imagine going up to Dumbledore and saying what is on your mind what chaos would you cause?” Harry states chuckling 


"anything exciting planned for today?" Daphne asks her eyes lingered on Harry, her smile a touch teasing.


Harry cleared his throat, an unusual awkwardness surfacing a brief moment this wasnt his daphne afterall "Uh, nothing too out of the ordinary," he mumbled, glancing at Luna in hopes she would shift the conversation.


Luna, as if reading his thoughts, smiled and tilted her head toward the enchanted ceiling. "Well besides fucking with Dumbles, I’m still thinking about how you owe Harry that book on Equestria."


Daphne's smirk softened into a knowing grin. "Of course, of course," she replied, standing up quickly and making her way toward the exit. "Luna, you and me—Three Broomsticks this weekend, meet me at the One-Eyed Witch passage. Don’t forget."


Before Harry could even register her sudden departure, Daphne reappeared, a book in hand. She dropped it on the table in front of Harry with a casual smile. "There you go, Potter. Your very own guide to Equestria."


With that, Daphne turned on her heel, leaving Harry to stare at the blonde walking away in confusion, “Luna did she just ask you out?”


Luna however, simply watched with amusement, her eyes sparkling as she shrugged a grin on her face.


So I am trying to get to a point where I can start time skipping because I feel that the world is set up enough... Also sorry for the lat chapter family emergency.

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