Crimson Moon

Chapter 18:

Harry stood amidst the aftermath of the dueling practice, his breathing steady as students lay scattered across the floor, still recovering from the intensity of their matches. It was clear that Harry hadn't even broken a sweat.

"It's a shame Hogwarts doesn’t compete in international dueling tournaments anymore," Luka Brattleby said, beaming. "You’d be a champion!"

Harry smirked and shrugged off the praise. "Thanks. It was nice to blow off some steam." He then turned to Luna, his tone becoming more casual. "So, I went through that book you gave me while I was pretending to listen in Binns' class."

Luna's eyes gleamed with curiosity. "Oh? Find anything interesting?"

Harry’s expression grew serious, though tinged with disbelief. "Yeah. How did you lose?"

Luna blinked in confusion. "What?"

Harry crossed his arms, a frown forming on his face. "How could you possibly lose to your sister? Sure, she has the power of the sun, but the sun is just a star. And you control all the stars."

A stunned silence followed his words, interrupted only by the occasional groans of the defeated students around them. One particularly bewildered student managed to croak out, "What?!"

Luna sighed, rolling her eyes playfully. With a quick wave of her hand, she cast a wide-area memory charm she called the Neuralizer, ensuring that the nearby students would soon forget the conversation.

"Harry, you need to be more careful about what you say in public," Luna scolded with a pout, though there was a teasing glint in her eyes.

Harry scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Sorry. It just annoyed me. The book made it seem like the author forgot how powerful you are, like they weakened you just to make the plot work."

Luna paused for a moment, then muttered under her breath, "Damn it, Sandstorm..."

Harry glanced around at the students still stirring and slowly regaining consciousness. Leaning in closer to Luna, he lowered his voice. "Maybe we should continue this conversation somewhere more... private."

Luna chuckled softly, nodding in agreement. "Good idea, Harry. It wouldn't do to have the whole school questioning the strange things you say. I mean, how many times have I had to tell people I’m not the queen of the Fae?"

Harry smirked at her playful jab, realizing she was intentionally riling up the few conscious students. One of them sat up, rubbing his head with a confused expression, clearly trying to make sense of what he'd overheard.

"Alright, let’s get out of here before things get more complicated," Harry said, gently tugging on Luna’s sleeve.

She nodded, her eyes gleaming mischievously. "The Room of Requirement?" she suggested.

"I was thinking the Chamber of Secrets," Harry replied with a smirk. "You up for killing a basilisk?"

Luna’s grin widened as her eyes sparkled with excitement. "The Chamber of Secrets, huh?" she mused. "It’s been a while since I’ve visited a place full of ancient danger. Sounds fun."

"Luna, we did something like that literally on night one," Harry said, his tone deadpan.

"Lead the way," Luna replied with a dramatic sweep of her hand, choosing to ignore his comment.

Without further delay, the pair made their way through the winding corridors of Hogwarts, their footsteps echoing as they descended deeper into the castle. Soon, they reached the familiar entrance in Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom. Harry hissed in Parseltongue, and the sink shifted aside to reveal the dark tunnel leading to the Chamber below.

Luna, glancing at the steep drop, said with a grin, "Have you ever thought of asking for stairs, Harry?"

Harry facepalmed. "Why didn’t I think of that?" He hissed in Parseltongue again, and sure enough, a winding staircase emerged from the walls.

"Huh. Who would've known?" Harry said, impressed. "You ready?"

Luna flashed him a triumphant smile. "I knew, and I’ve been ready for a very long time."

Just as they prepared to descend, a voice rang out from behind them. "What’s this about killing snakes?"

Harry and Luna turned sharply, their playful expressions giving way to cautious ones as they faced Daphne Greengrass—or rather, Daphne Crocell, her true name.

"Daphne," Luna greeted her warmly. "Fancy seeing you here. I take it you’re not here for a basilisk hunt?"

Daphne tilted her head slightly, her eyes glinting with curiosity. "Not exactly, but I’m definitely interested in what you two are up to." She eyed the open entrance to the Chamber. "Killing Slytherins, Harry? I thought you were a hero, not a murderer."

Harry chuckled softly. "Not my style, Daphne. We’re after a basilisk much older than any Slytherin. Should be a walk in the park."

"A basilisk, really?" Daphne said, her tone skeptical. "In Hogwarts? You can’t be serious."

"Oh, I am," Harry said with a grin. "Slytherin’s ancient pet is a basilisk. I thought you knew that."

Daphne raised an eyebrow. "If it’s that old, it should be dead."

Luna stepped in, her eyes sparkling with a mix of excitement and certainty. "Oh, she’s very much alive. And we’re going to have a bit of jolly cooperation in dealing with her."

Daphne's amused demeanor faltered, her casual curiosity shifting into disbelief. "You’re telling me there’s still a giant, murderous snake down there? And you're just going to face it like it's no big deal?"

Luna nodded enthusiastically. "Exactly! But don’t worry, Harry’s done this before, and I’m more than prepared."

Harry and Daphne could only blink as Luna disappeared into the stairwell.

“Wow, she was fast… Wait she’s gonna steal my kill!” Harry shouts chasing after her.

“Satan Help us,” Daphne mutters

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