Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 136

It’s painful.

It always hurt the moment he opened his eyes. The pangs of birth. The agony of blessing. As if resenting the sun that shines on the whole world but never on him, it has always been painful.

Of course, even now, he was the same.


Demian lowered his head.

He focused on his senses.

Pain surged from every pathway where mana flowed throughout his body. The lingering effects of a severe shock. The disrupted flow of mana as he blocked the strike of a Swordmaster. But he thought it didn’t matter. Now was not the time to worry about minor after-effects.


‘…I won’t go through the same ordeal this time.’

He clenched his teeth. He made a firm resolve. He would never again feel the powerlessness he had experienced in Cremo. He would never allow himself to fall into self-doubt and self-loathing.

That’s why.

It had been since the battle with the Minotaur in Cremo, since he returned to Star Palace as if nothing had happened. He spent days pushing his body to the limit, honing his swordsmanship skills to their absolute finest.

Of course, he didn’t reveal this on the outside, but every night he would vomit blood, pushing himself until his mana was completely drained, and then pushing himself even further.

Then, one day, an accident occurred. Due to extreme fatigue, he lost control of his mana, causing it to reverse. His heart sank, for mana reversal was an absolute taboo, basic knowledge for anyone learning sword and mana manipulation techniques. Reversed mana invoked uncontrollable power and could lead to death or a lifetime of dependency on others.

He had learned this the hard way.

When he first entered the arena, a veteran gladiator had taught him the rudimentary mana technique. Though that gladiator didn’t survive long, his teachings stayed with Demian.

Thanks to that, when he realized his mana had reversed unintentionally, he acted quickly to restore the flow, fortunately, just in time. Still, he worried about potential after-effects.

-You fool. I told you. If mana reverses even for a moment, you’ll be bedridden for days. Who will take care of you here in this kind of arena? So, get your act together. Don’t drop your guard and die like an idiot.

A rough voice from the past echoed in his mind. He worried about the after-effects—the loss of control over mana, the momentary reversal. These days, the Crown Prince was occupied with Princess Anbouaz’s gallstone treatment. If he were bedridden due to after-effects, there would be a gap in his protection. Should he rely on the other special-duty members?

But something unexpected happened.

There were no after-effects, not even a little. No days of being bedridden, no dizziness, not even minor muscle pain. It was entirely contrary to what he knew. Strange and marvelous.

It began then.

‘The reversal of mana…’


Demian focused on his mana heart, interfering slightly with its direction. He began to reverse it slowly and carefully, despite the excruciating pain. It was as if he tested it a bit every day since realizing he had no after-effects from reversing mana by mistake. This time, he pushed it further than ever before.

Demian took a step forward, as if walking, pushing the reversal of mana.

‘Is it okay?’

A bitter smile emerged.

His body, which had shown no after-effects even when mana reversed briefly, had an unknown reason. Moreover, there was uncharted territory ahead.

‘I’ve never fully reversed the flow of mana…’

Just for a moment.

Just for an instant.

The time it takes to blink once, exactly that much.

The amount of time spent was the longest he had ever attempted for mana reversal. He had never gone beyond this point, and fear and anxiety gripped him. He lacked the confidence to handle what might happen if he reversed his mana for an even longer period.

There was also no specific need to do so.

‘If it’s just a brief reversal of mana… I thought the surge in mana’s power during that short time was more than sufficient.’

Even with that, he could execute a sword strike with 1.5 times the original power. It was astonishing, and he wondered if this was his natural talent. So, he settled for that level of power. Until now, that had been the case, at least until he felt his limits once again when facing the Swordmaster.


1.5 times wasn’t enough.

A brief mana reversal fell far short of what was needed.

All he could do was barely struggle and endure in front of the Swordmaster. In the end, he would only faint in a pitiful heap.


Let’s push the boundaries.

Be more daring today.

Break through the limits.

Demian tightly clenched his fist, and strength surged through his entire body. The mana reversal became even more active. Every trace of mana in his body reversed its course, defying its original direction. He shattered the natural order and disregarded fate.

Soon, it turned into an unstoppable torrent.


It surged uncontrollably, breaking through the barriers like a torrent in a valley, a maelstrom swallowing a plain, or a tidal wave covering a mountain range. The arrogant flow of reversing mana became immense, growing distant and surging forward.

Towards the Manaheart.

He took the final step to complete the first full reversal.


There was no sound.

No flash of light.

Only darkness.

A tremendous shock and rupture.

An unimaginable scream that tore at the soul.

Whether it was the shock of the Manaheart breaking, the grim toll for reversing the natural order, or the agony of impending doom, he couldn’t discern.

However, Demian had to witness it for a moment.


In the darkness, on the edge of the beginning, something pulsed.

A heart?

He wasn’t sure.

It was red and dark red, pulsating slowly yet massively. That unfathomable wave seemed to peer at him. It appeared to smile. Whisper? Yes, it was a chilling whisper because it felt inevitable.

“You are the seed I cast into the world.”

“The seed will eventually grow into a flame.”

“It will consume all the creatures of this land.”

“And then, I will finally wield you and laugh brightly.”


What nonsense was this?

Demian regained consciousness. Simultaneously, he let out a painful laugh. The intensity of his first attempt at a complete mana reversal had been so overwhelming that he might have briefly lost consciousness. Perhaps that’s why he had a bizarre dream for a moment.

‘Regardless, this is…’

The pain was excruciating. Every mana vein in his body, and even the Manaheart itself, felt as though they were on the verge of tearing apart. But they didn’t. Instead, an unprecedented surge of raw energy enveloped his entire being.

It was a premonition of newfound power and an uncharted realm. Sensing the explosively amplified flow of mana coursing through him, Demian grinned fiercely. He opened his eyes and raised his head.

The world appeared different. The raging flames on the plains, the tangled battle between the royal guards and the rebel forces, the relentless assault of Javillon, and even the struggling figure of the Crown Prince—all of it.

The moment he beheld that scene.

A faint roar resounded within Demian’s chest. It was a cry heralding the birth of a new technique, brought to life by the daring and immense leap he had taken with his initial mana reversal attempt.


Javillon bellowed.

His sword moved with fury as it struck its target.


“At last!”

The target trembled, and the shield of Perennial Snow came close to breaking. Raciel, who was holding on behind it, staggered as well. His complexion had turned pale suddenly.

‘Demian, aren’t you ready yet?’

His eyes darted. Demian, still on the other side, remained crouched. There was no change. Was the blow he had received earlier causing that much pain? Was that why he couldn’t rise?

‘If this continues… I’ll be in trouble!’

Raciel grew desperate.

This situation differed from his calculations. He knew Demian had been struck and fallen, but he hadn’t expected the recovery to take this long. It was a dire situation, a significant problem. His anxiety mounted.

‘The activation time for the “Impenetrable” option… less than one minute remaining now.’

He cast a quick glance at the timer that appeared in his field of vision. It displayed 27 seconds— the remaining time for the exclusive “Impenetrable” option of Asrahan Core Technique.

So, when that time elapsed?

He wouldn’t be able to withstand Javillon’s assault. Even if he blocked the attack with Perennial Snow, he wouldn’t endure the shock and would lose consciousness. Then it would be all over. No matter how extraordinary Asrahan Core Technique was. No matter how well he predicted attacks with meridian scanning. Even if he persisted like a zombie with HP conversion.

‘If I lose consciousness… it’s over.’


His Adam’s apple quivered with anxiety. He glanced at Demian once more. Still the same. Dark clouds of worry filled his heart. This was not what he had envisioned. It was far removed from the scenario he had imagined when he boldly drew Javillon’s aggro and challenged him.

‘What should I do?’

Amidst the cold sweat trickling down.

In the suddenly labored breaths.

Raciel frantically searched for a way to reverse the situation. However, the circumstances were far from favorable, and Javillon wasn’t giving him the luxury of time to think.

“Attempting to find an escape, are you?”



Javillon’s sword strikes grew more forceful. The Perennial Snow shield was teetering on the edge, and Raciel realized why.

‘This damn Javillon, he’s already regaining his aura.’

It was evident.

The sword he swung and pulled back due to the recoil from hitting the Perennial Snow emitted a faint flash of light. That flash hadn’t been there moments ago. It was the precursor of his aura.


The skill that used to trigger his aura-inducing headache had been nullified. However, this guy appeared to be adapting to the absence of that customary headache, making him even more formidable.

‘Is he truly a genius, after all?’

Suddenly, he recalled a passage from the “Devil Sword Emperor.” It stated that all swordmasters were geniuses. Only geniuses could reach the realm of swordmasters.

This brought back the time when he read that part and somewhat admired it. So, even in the realm of swordsmanship, talent mattered.


‘Of course, Javillon is also a genius. That’s why he’s recovering his aura much faster than I anticipated.’

It was crystal clear.

He felt a shiver down his spine.

If this guy fully restored his aura, it would spell disaster.

‘Aura can’t be blocked by Perennial Snow.’

It could only be countered with the same aura.

This knowledge intensified his desperation.

However, there was no way out.



This time, it was a thrust, and somehow he managed to reflexively block it. Cracks appeared in the Perennial Snow. His unwavering confidence also cracked. Simultaneously, a fierce smile, brimming with the certainty of victory, spread across Javillon’s face.

“What? Can’t you hold on any longer?”

Now he was launching attacks head-on. Whether Raciel’s previous successful defenses had wounded his pride or he simply aimed to overpower him through sheer force, he charged relentlessly.

But… Raciel was helpless.

Despair washed over him.


He didn’t want it to end like this.

He just wanted to live a good life.

How had he ended up in this predicament?

And then it happened.

Ding dong!

[Asrahan Core Technique Skill Option ②: The activation time for “Impenetrable” has expired.]


To make matters worse.

He couldn’t hold on any longer.

The realization hit him like a bucket of cold water. His heart sank. Suddenly, fear gripped him. He understood that he was in a duel with the Swordmaster. It felt as if he had been carelessly charging ahead only to be rudely awakened.

But… it was already too late.

Backing out was no longer an option!

‘Demian! Help!’

He gritted his teeth, raised his Perennial Snow, and saw Javillon charging toward him. His figure loomed larger, drawing closer. His eyes locked onto him. The smile tainted with madness. The ragged breath, all of it.

At that moment, he leaped forward instead.


If he couldn’t run, then he would counterattack.

‘Let it be!’

…That was the sentiment coursing through him as he went all out, and it led to an unexpected outcome.


Had it been because he had been entirely on the defensive, operating in a kind of turtle-like zombie mode? Had he failed to anticipate a daring counterattack?

It certainly seemed that way. Javillon, who had been sliding his sword down, paused for a moment. In that brief window, Raciel seized the opportunity and charged boldly, thrusting the Perennial Snow with all his might.



He made contact!

The cold shield of the Perennial Snow struck Javillon’s wrist, causing his sword to waver. He had done it. Courage surged within him. But that was the moment.

“Such a trivial trick!”

Javillon’s shout burst out angrily. Simultaneously, something flashed before his eyes. He instinctively looked up. He should have noticed it at that moment.


The aura was flickering. Javillon’s sword was shrouded in eerie lightning. It was a fully restored aura, and that lightning was descending from above his head. He couldn’t dodge it. It was too fast. Too close.


Is this the end?

A belated realization. The awareness that it was too late to turn back. The impending chill finally closed in. Instinctively, he raised the Perennial Snow in defense. Eyes tightly shut, despair gripped him with the premonition that he couldn’t defend himself.

Then it happened.


Suddenly, a powerful collision rang out in front of him. However, no shock was transferred to the Perennial Snow he was holding. It was odd. Could it be that he had perished before even feeling the impact?

With that thought, Raciel cautiously opened his eyes.

Thanks to that, he finally saw it.


There was a sword thrust out abruptly. A pathetically broken sword, with just about half of it remaining. That pitiful sword was blocking Javillon’s aura-infused longsword.


He also noticed the widened eyes of Javillon. Following his gaze, he looked over.

There stood Demian.

With an exceedingly calm expression, as if nothing had occurred. Demian held the half-broken sword in one hand.


Javillon muttered.

He appeared unable to comprehend that his aura was being blocked by a regular sword. After all, it was common knowledge that aura could only be countered by aura. It made sense.

But Raciel… he knew what this situation was.

He had no choice but to know.

‘Because this happened in the “Devil Sword Emperor.”‘

It flashed in his mind.

The contents he had securely locked away in the recesses of his memory surged forth and took center stage. That memory informed him.

‘Reversal… Core Technique.’

The most formidable and malevolent Core Technique in “Devil Sword Emperor.”

Its primary characteristic?

The utterly absurd ability to overpower a more skilled opponent, even when one’s own level was lower.

‘…How unbelievable.’

The moment that thought crossed his mind, an incomprehensibly distant sensation, far beyond any chill he had felt from Javillon thus far, engulfed Raciel.

(To be Continued)

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