Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 146

Initially, everything seemed fine. Theodor believed it would be fine, even after losing in that famous duel against his elder brother, the crown prince, at the Lloy-Javi Bridge. He genuinely felt okay.

Or so he thought.

At first.


The second prince, Theodor, shot a complex glance. However, Raciel couldn’t perceive that expression.

The reason was straightforward. Theodor’s eyes were concealed behind his swollen eyelids.

Nevertheless, Theodor released a deep sigh through his thickened lips.

‘I believed… it was fine.’

It wasn’t.

The initial three days were like any other. He rose in the morning to practice swordsmanship and dedicated the entire morning to attending various classes, including imperial studies.

During lunchtime, he strolled and immersed himself in books in the afternoon. As evening approached, he engaged in meetings with dignitaries and nobles.

It was a day that adhered to the typical routine expected of a prince. He was diligent and punctual at every moment, rigorously training, earnestly studying, and approaching every meeting with utmost seriousness.

Then, on the fourth day, a sudden realization struck him as he was washing his face, gazing at his reflection in the mirror. He discovered that he hadn’t smiled even once in the three days since losing to his brother.


It was a startling revelation.

He finally grasped it. He was not alright. He had merely been putting on a facade of being okay.

That’s when it all began. An overwhelming sense of loss consumed him. Because he had always been diligent, because laziness had never been part of his upbringing, because he had invested so much effort throughout his life… the feeling of loss was as vast as the dreams he had nurtured and the passion he had earnestly cultivated.

Everything felt hollow.

The dream he once believed attainable. The aspiration to become Emperor. All the daily toil and desperation now seemed in vain, futile. He grappled with a profound sense of defeat.

Perhaps that’s why.

Unconsciously, impulsively, he leaped out of bed in the middle of the night and made his way to the kitchen of the second prince’s palace. Clad in pajamas, he devoured fruits and bread.

‘The most delicious food I’ve ever tasted.’

He ate until he was almost sick. No, he overindulged. And astonishingly… he felt content!

That day, for the first time since losing to his brother, he slept soundly. And upon waking in the morning, he realized he had undergone a profound transformation.

Swordsmanship training? He had no interest.

Eating brought him comfort.

Various classes, including imperial studies? Tedious. Eating was comforting.

Walking? Reading? What was the point? Mingling with dignitaries and nobles? Socializing? It became bothersome, meaningless. Eating was far more comforting and joyful.

From that moment on.

In the morning, he sought out bread slathered with honey. Fruits, snacks with various creams, fried delicacies, more snacks, and even hearty late-night feasts.

From the moment he awoke to the moment he drifted off, he incessantly savored food. He filled his belly. No, he never emptied it.

He paid no heed to others’ opinions. He was content. So he continued this pattern for just under a year. Of course, even now, he was…

“I’m doing well, as you can see, Brother.”


“After all, isn’t there a saying that men should have a robust physique? In its own way, this isn’t too bad. Hahaha.”


The second prince, Theodor, chuckled merrily. His round cheeks jiggled like water balloons. Observing this, Raciel’s heart sounded a series of alarms.

‘What should I make of this situation?’

It was awkward.

It was perplexing.

He couldn’t have foreseen that in just a few months of not seeing him, or less than a year, the second prince would transform into this plump(?) figure.

On one hand, he could empathize with the man’s circumstances. It was thanks to the rough explanation he had just received from the Second Prince.

“Not too shabby, huh? Just eating all day long?”

“Yes, brother. It’s hard to explain, but my mind feels truly at ease.”

“Ah, you certainly appear that way.”

“Don’t I?”


That’s simply absurd.

He could discern it with a single glance.

‘This guy is dealing with stress-induced binge eating disorder.’

The immense disappointment he experienced from failing, despite his unwavering diligence, must have been overwhelming.

It was likely his first taste of failure in life, given that he was born as the son of the emperor and had never encountered failure before. He grew up under the weight of high expectations from those around him.

‘As diligent as he was, his mental fortitude resembled that of a delicate hothouse plant.’

In the end, he had crumbled under the weight of a single defeat. Or rather, he had become excessively lax.

In any case, Raciel recognized the gravity of the situation.

‘Ah, this won’t do.’

His brows furrowed.

He had been dealing with numerous matchmaking proposals that had come his way. With the cooperation of the Second Prince, he had devised a plan to host a banquet at the Second Prince’s palace.

His intention was to invite potential suitors to the banquet, aiming to foster romantic connections between the Second Prince and the eligible ladies.

He had been confident that it would be a success.

After all, the Second Prince possessed outstanding qualifications, and his appearance was exceptionally handsome.

But now?

‘…Handsome my foot! Right now, he could probably barbecue 50 servings of meat, seriously!’

The plan he had advanced with the hope that the Second Prince’s good looks would be a significant asset was now on shaky ground. No, it was akin to a direct blow to the very core of the plan.

‘Ah, life can be quite something.’

Raciel let out a long sigh. Should he abandon the plan? He was reluctant to give up so easily.

“Hey, you.”

“Yes, brother.”

“Have you ever considered going on a diet?”


The Second Prince, whose eyes had narrowed due to puffiness, blinked. From his expression, it seemed like the term ‘diet’ was foreign to him.

Raciel adjusted his suggestion.

“I mean losing weight. Have you ever thought about shedding a few pounds?”

“Shedding pounds…?”


Raciel nodded. He had to do it. He absolutely had to help this guy shed those extra pounds to fit him into the matchmaking plan!

With unwavering determination, he continued his persuasive argument.

“I’m a bit hesitant to bring this up because you seem content with your current state, but I’m genuinely concerned.”

“But brother, I am content with my current state.”

“I understand. I get it. However, your current condition isn’t conducive to your well-being, and that’s why I’m mentioning this.”



He nodded resolutely, using his confident gaze to convince him.

“If you persist with obesity, you’re at risk for various health issues. Like high cholesterol or diabetes. And due to the excess weight, your ankle and knee joints could deteriorate.”


“And that’s not all. From hypertension to various endocrine disorders. You could develop a fatty liver or experience narrowing of the blood vessels. There are many more potential health risks associated with obesity.”


“So, you’re willing to continue living like this?”



He nearly shouted in frustration. The Second Prince stiffened as he spoke.

“I really am okay. Truly.”


“I know, too. Living like this has its drawbacks in many ways. But I’m genuinely fine with it. My mind is at ease. Plus, living this way won’t harm anyone, so it’s okay.”


“So, I understand your sentiments, brother. But I genuinely don’t see the reason why I should go through the trouble of losing weight… I simply don’t want to.”


No words came to mind in response. What can you do when the other person is unwilling? You can’t force someone to lose weight.

‘What a predicament.’

Raciel bit his lower lip. He had attempted to persuade him, but it had proven futile.

It was awkward. Above all, the fact that the second prince displayed absolutely no inclination to embark on a diet was the most exasperating aspect.

‘The most critical element in dieting is one’s own determination, motivation, and self-encouragement.’

And none of that seemed to exist.

This couldn’t continue.

‘Of course. A diet imposed by others has its limits. It’s destined to fail.’

That’s an undeniable truth. Even if one succeeds in shedding some weight, the likelihood of regaining it (yo-yo effect) is 99.9%.

Therefore, the motivation to lose weight must come from within. That’s how fragile the process of dieting is.

“Ugh. What should we do?”

Raciel cast a troubled glance at the second prince. He didn’t have a solution.

How could he compel this individual, who was not only overweight but morbidly obese and utterly lacking in willpower, to embark on a rigorous weight loss journey? How could he instill that motivation?

It was a conundrum.

But he refused to give up.

‘Think, Lee Han, think.’

He pondered deeply, engaging his brainpower. He mentally folded origami. He delved into the recesses of his memory.

Then, slowly, an idea began to take shape.

‘Right… at his core, this guy is exceedingly diligent. He possesses a strong sense of responsibility.’

That’s how he was portrayed in the ‘Devil Sword Emperor.’ Despite his downfall due to indecision, Second Prince Theodor fundamentally possessed a diligent character. Raciel seized upon that insight.

‘This might work.’

He had found a piece of the puzzle. He collected his thoughts. He arranged, assembled, and merged them.

He formulated the magical words that could ignite the second prince’s determination to lose weight. He encapsulated them in a sentence. He moistened his tongue in readiness for the forthcoming revelation.

“Whew. I understand. I spoke without fully comprehending your perspective.”

“It’s alright, brother.”

It’s not alright.

‘I’m not alright, you rascal. But soon, you won’t be alright either.’

Raciel concealed his sly smile and began to speak.

“But, whew. I feel obligated to share this with you.”

“What… are you talking about?”

“Actually, you see.”

He nonchalantly paused for a beat, piquing his curiosity. Then he continued with a gentle delivery.

“Actually, I have reason to believe that I might not live another year.”


The second prince reacted with surprise.

But Raciel didn’t flinch.

In fact, because it was only partially true, he began weaving a brazen, flagrant lie that was galaxies away from reality, as if placing it on a revolving sushi conveyor belt.

(To be Continued)

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