Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 150

Beneath a brilliant chandelier, an even more radiant smile graced the scene. A lavish banquet unfolded within the opulent halls of the Second Prince’s Palace. The hearts of the many fortunate invitees throbbed with anticipation as they gathered in the grand hall. Princesses hailing from kingdoms, duchies, and small states across the continent had converged here, accompanied by ladies from noble lineages.

Each attendee had endured a rigorous selection process, embarking on journeys spanning hundreds to over a thousand kilometers. Their eyes gleamed with pride, having successfully secured a coveted spot among the fiercely competitive 50-person, first-come-first-served selection.

Yet, curiosity swirled within them.

“What manner of man is the Crown Prince of Magentano?”

These rumors had circulated for some time.

The Crown Prince, plagued by illness since birth and seemingly beyond hope, had garnered little attention until recently. This indifference extended to the young ladies assembled in the palace. He had been treated as though he were already deceased or nonexistent. That was the case until a startling rumor began to circulate.

“Is it true that he appeared on the battlefield and bested a swordmaster? Could those tales of his frailty be a façade? Might the Crown Prince be a humble soul who concealed his capabilities?”

“I heard he recently established a clinic in the Star Palace and tends to the infirm free of charge. He must possess great compassion.”

“Before arriving here, I found it peculiar that the banquet was hosted in the Second Prince’s Palace instead of the Star Palace. Now it becomes clear; the Crown Prince likely wished for the patients in the Star Palace to rest in comfort. How considerate he must be!”

…and so forth. A myriad of fantasies played out vividly in their minds, akin to 8K videos.

As they eagerly awaited the Crown Prince’s arrival, their imaginations had swiftly painted Raciel Adria Magentano as the embodiment of an ideal man, blending courage, compassion, and thoughtfulness.

Then, in that very moment, the melodious strains of the orchestra ceased.

“We extend our gratitude to all who have gathered today. It is our pleasure to announce the entrance of the Imperial Crown Prince, Raciel Adria Magentano.”

The formal proclamation by the master of ceremonies at the Second Prince’s Palace resounded in everyone’s ears. The orchestra resumed, flooding the main hall with a majestic, resonant, and splendid melody that stirred the hearts of the assembled ladies.

At last, the doors swung open.

The women’s eyes shone like ultra-bright spotlights, fixated on the open doorway. Finally, the day’s protagonist made his grand entrance.

Leaning upon a cane, with a pallid countenance and unsteady legs…



The moment a groan reminiscent of an elderly man escaped Raciel’s lips. The instant he took his initial shaky step upon the crimson carpet.

A hushed stillness descended upon the room.

Yet, Raciel remained undeterred.

“Ah, my legs, uh-uh.”

Tap, tap.

He advanced painstakingly, his frail frame quivering. His gait covered no more than about 10 centimeters. It consumed a significant amount of time to traverse even that short distance. His steps were unsteady, akin to a 90-year-old man on the brink of collapse, were it not for the cane.

On the contrary, the music that had been filling the main hall remained majestic. The melody, capturing the grandeur of a ruler and the daring charisma of a young influential figure, was on the verge of resonating in their hearts… but then, it abruptly dissipated.

It was all due to Raciel’s entrance.

“What is… that?”

Princesses from various countries, along with young ladies from noble families, collectively wondered. Something seemed amiss. There had to be some trickery orchestrated by the event organizers.

This was because Crown Prince Raciel’s appearance was shockingly different!

“A cane?”

“Does he require it for walking?”

“Why is he moving like that? What happened to him?”

“Is he… truly the Crown Prince?”


Question marks filled the minds of everyone present. The excitement that had initially filled the ladies’ hearts transformed into a full-blown shock.

They had no choice but to react this way.

“Ah, my legs… pant, pant.”

After covering a mere 3 meters on the red carpet, Raciel halted. He took deep breaths as he straightened his back, his actions resembling those of an elderly man taking a leisurely stroll to a mountain spring.

His appearance grew even more pitiable.

His silver hair lacked its usual luster. Both of his cheeks appeared sunken. His eyes were in an even worse state; they were completely overshadowed by dark circles, as if he were a skeletal figure. His complexion was so pallid that he could easily blend in at a funeral home. In fact, there was not a trace of vitality to be seen.

Furthermore, what about the wrist that barely peeked out from beneath his elaborately adorned attire? It consisted of nothing but bones and skin. Even his posture was hunched, and his knees trembled like a Chihuahua’s front legs placed on an eternal snow-covered mountain!

“What is this? Is this real?”

“Could this… not be a dream?”

“Did I endure all this trouble to come here just to encounter such an individual?”

“…Are you kidding me?”

The rosy illusions that had adorned the 50 ladies’ perceptions were instantly shattered. Everyone involuntarily shivered as if doused with icy water. How could they not? The Crown Prince’s appearance was utterly shocking, to the point of seeming deceptive.

As for Raciel?

He concealed a hidden smile of triumph.

‘Excellent. Operation accomplished!’

A subtle grin formed at the corners of Raciel’s lips as he intentionally feigned unsteady legs. The real-time looks of disdain directed at him confirmed his belief that today’s disguise had been incredibly effective(?).

‘Indeed. This is the handiwork of Court Magician Zanetis!’

Was it before the event commenced?

He had summoned Zanetis. He had been granted a one-day disguise spell as per his prior request. Thanks to this, he could assume a far frailer physique than his original one. The maids from the Second Prince’s Palace had applied dreadful makeup to him. And when combined with his earnest acting?

It resulted in a flawless portrayal of a “ailing” persona.

‘Heh heh heh. Feel let down. Grow even more disillusioned as you gaze upon me!’

Raciel advanced with steps that seemed to cheer on(?) the ladies, then deliberately stumbled with his cane.

“Kk-eung… Eehee?”

He tumbled!

He tripped due to mishandling his cane!

Simultaneously, he discreetly cast quick glances to the side. Demian, who caught this signal, extended his hand at the right moment and caught him, providing support.

“Heh heh, th-thank you.”

From that point on, Demian practically carried and steadied him as they walked, all the while accompanied by the grand and majestic music. This made him appear even more feeble and wretched.

Consequently, the gazes from the ladies grew colder. As he observed their eyes filled with confusion, he experienced a mix of bitterness and satisfaction.

‘Well, I’ve received disappointed looks on blind dates before.’

It’s familiar.

It doesn’t hurt.



Raciel firmly suppressed his welling tear ducts. He then cleared his throat, surveying the main hall that had fallen into a profound silence of astonishment.

“Hmm, k-hmm!”

Having successfully stunned everyone into disappointment, was it time? Time to offer them a glimmer of hope.

He began to speak, pondering the plan.

“Nice to meet you. I am the host of today’s party… Cough, cough! Ahem, I am Raciel Adria Magentano.”


“Cough! First and foremost, I’d like to express my gratitude to all of you for gracing today’s gathering with your presence… Cough! I’d like to introduce someone who generously provided this venue.”

This is the real deal.

This is the crucial moment now.

Raciel moistened his lips.

“I’d like to introduce my esteemed brother, the Second Prince of the Magentano royal family, Theodor Palermo Magentano.”

He gestured toward the entrance of the banquet hall.

The orchestra began to play.

All eyes, which had previously grown somber, turned toward the entrance. In due course, the Second Prince made his entrance onto the red carpet. At that very moment, the sound of collective gasps resonated throughout the banquet hall.

Steadily, surely…

He stood at an imposing height of over 180 cm.

A robust physique sculpted through rigorous exercise.

Dazzling eyes and a handsome countenance.

Theodor, exuding charm with his appearance and aura, confidently strode down the red carpet. He naturally met the gaze of everyone in the hall. During this brief encounter, his eyes briefly conveyed an apology and gratitude before vanishing.


‘Hang in there, buddy.’

Raciel offered a discreet smile and surveyed the banquet hall. It didn’t take long to realize that every lady’s gaze, fixed on the Second Prince on the red carpet, had transformed into infatuation.

‘Heh heh. Heh heh heh.’

Operation accomplished.

Now, no one paid attention to him. All the passionate eyes were fixed on the Second Prince. It was only natural. Standing beside him made the Prince even more outstanding. They must be calculating it all in their minds.

‘Given the impression I presented today, they probably concluded that there’s no future with me.’

Who would believe I’m healthy, considering how frailly I behaved? They likely assumed that the rumors about my exploits in Anbouaz were exaggerated or false.

‘Furthermore, they probably surmised that I won’t live long.’

And naturally?

Interest shifted toward the Second Prince. That’s logical. They would calculate that if he ascended, the Second Prince would be next in line for the throne.

‘Excellent. Perfect.’

He intentionally set the stage for this reaction. He orchestrated the situation to make the Second Prince shine even brighter in comparison to himself. A successful strategy. He felt quite content.

‘Should I gracefully step aside now?’

Awkwardness had no place here. Just as a matchmaker must depart at the perfect moment, he needed to make way so that the ladies flocking to the Second Prince could do so without hesitation. History(?) could take its course.

“I’ll be back in a moment.”

Raciel glanced over at Demian, and Demian furrowed his brow slightly.

“Where are you headed?”

“Just taking a short break. Care to join?”


“Take a seat. I’ll order a drink for myself.”

“Understood. Go ahead.”

Leaving Demian behind, Raciel quietly vacated his seat. He didn’t go far, just out onto a terrace adjacent to the banquet hall.


After spending time in the noisy interior, the cool air on the terrace felt revitalizing. The brisk night breeze was oddly refreshing. When had he last enjoyed a peaceful moment like this alone?

‘I’ve been incredibly busy for the past three months.’

Since returning from Anbouaz, he had to reestablish the neglected Star Palace Clinic, oversee the Second Prince’s diet, and prepare for this banquet. It had been a hectic three months. He couldn’t even recall the last time he had gazed up at the night sky like this.

And speaking of which, when was the last time someone had held a dagger to his throat?

“Hush. Stay quiet.”


A sudden chill grazed his neck, accompanied by an even colder voice.

Raciel immediately froze. He shifted his eyes to the side to assess the situation. A pointy-eared woman he had never seen before held a dagger to his neck.

“What is this?”

Could she be an elf?

But why would an elf point a dagger at him? It was absurd.

Stepping out for a breather on the terrace during a banquet, and then an incident like this happening, in the heart of the Second Prince’s palace with its formidable security, seemed excessively clichéd.

Despite his reservations, the elf woman, poised to unsheathe her dagger, questioned him with emotionless eyes.

“Young human, answer me truthfully. Have you recently ignited a fire?”


“No rhetorical questions. Just answer.”


He swallowed nervously. It didn’t appear to be a joke, so he hesitated. Recently? Had he set a fire? After a brief reflection, his response emerged.

“Not recently?”

“A falsehood.”

Her gaze grew even colder.

“Recently, as in about six months ago, did you not ignite a fire in a forest where the Apfros nest was?”


That was considered recent?

Wasn’t that an incident from ages ago?

Perplexed, Raciel had to inquire further.

(To be Continued)

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