Crown Prince Sells Medicine

Chapter 34


The needle shifted.

It penetrated ruthlessly, piercing through tender human skin. The stoic royal guard clenched the white sheet tightly, unaware of the discomfort.


“…Does it hurt?”

“No, not exactly…”

“Then why are you whining? It’s just a tiny needle.”


“Even a royal guard like you. Tsk tsk.”

“Well, it’s just that…”

The royal guard blushed and replied.

“It’s because the needle is stuck in my face, after all…”

“So, are you scared?”

“It’s not that I’m scared…”

“Oh, I see. You’re afraid.”


“It’s alright. You won’t die. Just complaining about a blocked nose. In that case, like this.”



Another needle was inserted into the royal guard’s nostril, precisely at the Yingxiang acupoint. A satisfied smile appeared on Raciel’s face.

“Just stay like that for a moment. Don’t touch the needle. Now, who’s next?”

The next patient(?), a court attendant waiting on the adjacent bed, trembled slightly and cautiously inquired.

“Your Highness, the Crown Prince?”

“Hmm. Speak.”

“Well, do I also need to be pricked?”

“Didn’t you mention it yourself when I examined your pulse earlier? That you’ve been experiencing frequent stomach rumbling and excessive gas?”

“Yes, I did mention that…”

“Then I have the perfect solution.”

“Is there any other method besides being pricked… a better way?”

“No, there isn’t.”


“Just kidding. Why wouldn’t there be other treatment methods? But this is the simplest one.”

Raciel raised his right hand to his shoulder. Kozumi, the hedgehog perched on his shoulder, squeaked as if anticipating something.


He exerted force on his buttocks as he exclaimed.

His body quivered.


A single white needle shot forth and gently landed on Raciel’s right hand. Raciel said,

“Now, take off your shoes and extend your legs.”


“You’re going to receive acupuncture.”

“On my foot?”



The court attendant couldn’t comprehend.

He had complained about stomach rumbling and excessive gas. But why would they administer acupuncture on his foot, which seemed unrelated?

‘Is he simply trying to torment me!’

It certainly seemed that way.

Our Crown Prince, always finding new ways to torment people. Does he now have a creative approach to it?

But he held no power. If commanded to kneel, he knelt; if ordered to roll, he rolled. The court attendant reluctantly took off his shoes and extended his foot.

As he did so, he wondered. He hadn’t washed his feet separately. What if the odor angers the Crown Prince?

But his worries were unfounded. The Crown Prince swiftly took a damp towel and thoroughly wiped the foot. Just as the court attendant tried to retract his foot in surprise, his ankle was caught instead.

“Relax. Tension isn’t good for your circulation.”


He’s surprisingly dedicated for someone who torments others. It’s a bit perplexing. The court attendant obediently relaxed as Raciel’s hand moved swiftly.


A white needle pricked the slightly fleshy area beneath the inner side of the court attendant’s ankle bone, at the Shangqiu acupoint.

“When your intestines don’t get enough rest and you experience frequent gas, it’s referred to as a ‘soggy stomach.’ Taking care of this point will help your intestines feel better. If you still feel discomfort after today’s acupuncture, press this spot with your thumb. Understand?”


“And before you go to sleep, if you press it with your opposite big toe for just 5 minutes, it will help. Alternate between both sides. It will improve your sleep too.”

“Are you…are you sure?”

“Would I lie?”

Raciel chuckled.

Leaving the court attendant with a bewildered expression, he surveyed the hall. The number of beds had increased even more than before. Numerous individuals, including Star Palace guards, court attendants, and maidservants, lay or sat on them, waiting for him.

Their presence reminded him of something that happened a few days ago.

♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣

“We need to establish a clinic in the Star Palace.”

“Excuse me?”

During lunchtime on the day he formed a special alliance with the gladiators and established the special duty squad, Raciel discussed his plans for the future. Gardin’s eyes widened in surprise.

“What do you mean?”

“A clinic. Don’t you understand?”

“Of course I do.”

“Exactly. I’m going to establish a clinic.”

“Here, in the Star Palace?”


Raciel nodded.

He stated it as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

“I need it to survive.”

“Excuse me?”

“Well, in simple terms, I believe that if I establish a clinic here and heal many people, bringing them happiness, I will also find happiness.”

It was true.

Truly and genuinely, it was true.

He wanted to care for as many patients as possible. He wanted to cure their illnesses and prolong their lives. Only then could he acquire a significant bonus to his own lifespan. Wouldn’t the happiness index soar?

‘That’s a real win-win for both the patients and me!’

With such sincerity, he spoke.

As for Gardin?

His heart was pounding, overwhelmed by a whirlwind of emotions.

“…So profound!”

“Oh, come on. You startled me. What’s the matter? Why are you reacting like that this time?”

“All this time! I feel like I’ve misunderstood you!”

“Misunderstood? What do you mean?”

“To be honest, I used to think you were a selfish person!”

“Well, I am selfish.”

“No! I realize now that I was wrong!”


“I think I finally understand. I’ve come to realize, albeit belatedly, the great compassion and dedication to serving society that lies within your desire to establish a clinic in the Star Palace and care for many people.”

“Well, actually…”

“No, don’t deny it. I know. How could I not know? As your primary physician, I know better than anyone that you’re still unwell. Yet, despite your own illness, you prioritize the pain of others… Your Highness, I am truly moved! Sob!”


‘Well, let him think what he wants.’

It’s easier for him that way.

‘Heh, indeed.’

He chuckled. It occurred to him that it wouldn’t be so bad if Gardin continued to misunderstand him.

Of course.

Gardin had no knowledge of his secret. He couldn’t even begin to guess about things like bonus lifespan.

‘It’s better to be seen as a selfless figure, rather than revealing everything and being perceived as a madman.’

The Crown Prince who puts his subjects first, even while suffering from his own illness. It seemed like a fitting title and a justifiable cause. He found himself content with the unintended misunderstanding he received.

‘Then, by establishing a clinic, or rather, an Oriental medicine clinic in the Star Palace, I won’t face opposition or rejection from those around me. It’s an action with a reasonably justified purpose. Moreover… such a title will attract more people.’

Having people come to him. Making them come willingly for treatment. He felt that was the most important thing.

‘I can’t go searching for them one by one.’

If he were to personally seek out patients each time?

Firstly, it would be dangerous. Especially in the slums where many patients reside, the sanitary conditions would be abysmal. With his severely weakened immune system, if he were to wander around such places, he would quickly become susceptible to various diseases like syphilis, tuberculosis, and more.

It would be the end.

‘Even with my super low stamina and weak physique, if I were to get infected with something like that… I wouldn’t be able to continue my work and would probably meet the king of the underworld for some career counseling. Ugh, let’s stop this nonsense.’

Raciel shook his head.

The issue wasn’t just the danger. Going from patient to patient individually would be exhausting. And it wouldn’t be efficient. He wouldn’t be able to see a large number of patients at once. He would remain trapped in a situation where he barely survived on his minimal bonus lifespan.

‘That’s a problem. Because the bonus lifespan ratio is surprisingly low. 1950 to 1? Even if I were to extend a patient’s life expectancy by 100 years… the bonus lifespan I receive would only be 18.46 days. It would increase by just 18 days.’

A mere 18 days of bonus for extending someone’s life by a staggering 100 years. If he were to personally visit each patient?

It wouldn’t be profitable. In the worst case scenario, the time it takes to treat the patients could far exceed the bonus lifespan he receives.

‘Therefore, it is absolutely necessary. I need to make the patients come to me. Besides, the Star Palace is vast and spacious, providing ample room to establish a clinic.’

If he pursued this idea wholeheartedly, he could even create a comprehensive clinic. If he openly operated an inpatient ward? He could treat dozens, even hundreds of patients at once. It would enable him to establish an efficient system for collecting bonus lifespan.

However, it wasn’t all smooth sailing. He kept that in mind as he spoke.

“Well, if Gardin is happy, then I’m happy. Anyway, I’m considering running a clinic here in the Star Palace, and as a pilot program, I thought of treating our Star Palace family first.”

“Huh? The people of the Star Palace?”

“Yes. It will help with promotion.”



He nodded.

He spoke as if it were self-evident.

“Think about it, Gardin. Let’s say we spread the word that a clinic is being established in the Star Palace and that we will be accepting patients. But will people just come rushing in for treatment?”

“Well… um… ah.”

“Do you understand?”

“Yes, Your Highness. This is the Star Palace, after all.”

“Exactly. It can be intimidating, especially for commoners.”

It was a logical point to consider.

This was the Star Palace, the residence of the crown prince. It was a place that impressed visitors with its grandeur from the moment they set foot in it. But would common people feel comfortable visiting such a place?

“It might be difficult for commoners. ‘Oh, I have a cold, should I go get treatment from the Crown Prince?’ How many commoners would casually come with such thoughts?”

“You’re right.”

“Exactly. And what about the nobles?”

“Pardon me?”

“Think about it. This is the palace where I, the Crown Prince, reside. But if a certain noble comes here for treatment, would other nobles view it innocently?”

“They… they wouldn’t. They would interpret it as that noble trying to gain favor with you.”

“Exactly. They would see it as a political move.”

“That’s how nobles are.”

“Indeed. They are inclined to attach political significance to even the smallest actions.”

He smiled softly.

Indeed, the behavior of the upper class tends to be similar regardless of time and place. The nobles here would be no exception. Perhaps they would feel more burdened visiting the Star Palace than commoners.

“That won’t do. If that happens, there will be no one coming here for treatment, and only flies would be buzzing around.”

If that were the case, his plan would fail.

Without a solution, it would crumble and collapse. There would be no calculation of bonus lifespan, just like the Oriental medicine clinic he had diligently operated in South Korea, which ended up collapsing due to a lack of patients.

‘…I feel like I’m experiencing PTSD.’

He quickly brushed away his negative thoughts. He gathered his resolve and spoke.

“Anyway, that’s why effective promotion is necessary. Something like a notable case that would capture people’s attention. If such a case spreads through word of mouth, gradually, people will start coming here for treatment.”

In that case, the results would naturally spread through word of mouth. As the word spreads, more patients would come. More successful treatment cases would generate even more word of mouth. Isn’t that a model of voluntary viral marketing?

Fortunately, Gardin seemed to grasp Raciel’s intentions well.

“So, to create the first notable treatment case that will generate word of mouth, you’re planning to treat the people of the Star Palace?”

“That’s correct. So, gather the Star Palace family immediately.”

♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣

…That was a few days ago.

“Phew. It’s been busy ever since.”

Raciel, who was taking the pulse of a maid’s wrist, snapped out of his thoughts. It had been quite busy since that day. He had examined the servants, maids, and other workers in the Star Palace, including the palace guards. The total number was close to 500, and he meticulously checked each one of them, providing tailored treatments.

For some, he administered moxibustion, while for others, he prepared herbal decoctions. Acupuncture was the primary treatment for the majority. It had been a draining few days, depleting his physical strength. However, the problem was that the results were not as promising as he had expected.

‘…There’s no one seriously ill.’

Even after examining 500 people.

‘I suppose individuals with severe health issues would not qualify for work in a palace like this. I overlooked that fact.’

In retrospect, it was evident. However, this obvious fact had now become a stumbling block in his plan.

‘Ugh. The problem is that everyone is too healthy.’

The most severe cases he encountered were athlete’s foot, stomatitis, mild constipation, or common colds. From the perspective of an oriental medicine doctor treating patients, it was favorable. But from the standpoint of someone seeking to accumulate bonus lifespan? It was disappointing.

‘I only gained 2 days of bonus lifespan from treating 500 people. Moreover, in this manner… there won’t be any notable treatment cases to generate word of mouth.’

A remarkable treatment case that could capture people’s attention. An impactful case.

In other words, a selling point for advertising!

But it seemed like such a case was not materializing.

That was the main issue.

‘Are there no seriously ill individuals…’

After a brief morning consultation with the Star Palace workers, Raciel naturally let out a deep sigh during his lunch break. Perhaps he should consider abducting a few individuals from the slums. Various concerns flooded his mind like a dense bone broth.

There was a sense of urgency that this situation could not continue. A restless feeling, hoping for the appearance of a seriously ill patient. He chewed on his salad, a mix of two emotions, and plunged into the depths of negative thoughts.

But then, suddenly…

‘…Wait a minute.’

Raciel paused. Something flickered and brushed past his mind.


He lifted his head, calling out to Gardin.

“Tell the head steward to prepare 500 questionnaires immediately.”

“Um… yes?”

Gardin tilted his head, looking puzzled. But Raciel’s face displayed a triumphant smile.

“A questionnaire for all the members of the Star Palace workers to fill out. Let’s title it ‘Star Palace Staff Family Health Status Survey’ or something similar.”

Raciel was convinced.

If the Star Palace workers were excessively healthy, then surely there would be at least one seriously ill patient among their family members!

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