Crystal Constellations

173: Unique Sleeping Arrangements

Waking up, Lin Songmei stared at the ceiling as a blush climbed her face. Having gotten some express treatment from the hospital, she and Yan Mingqing had managed to get released a couple hours after their usual dinner time. 

Too tired to eat... or to move in general, Songmei and Mingqing had gotten a free ride back to their place by Liu Xueli. In Xueli’s everlasting kindness, she had delivered the two to their room and tucked them into bed. 

In their half-haze of awakeness though, Songmei and Mingqing, while getting shepherded upstairs by Xueli, had revealed their unique ‘only one bedroom’ sleeping arrangements by complete accident. Getting a couple eyebrow wriggles from Xueli which didn’t register at the time, Songmei now realized how she might’ve interpreted it... 

Well, Songmei was still thankful to Xueli for tucking her and Mingqing in the night before. Taking the train to dreamland without a second thought, Songmei had woken up before the sun rose. 

With only faint light peeking in through the windows as the sun sent its earliest beams over the mountains, Songmei checked the time real quick. Giving a squeeze to her little stuffed cat Plum, Songmei lifted it in the air above her. 

Ignoring the soreness and pain in her arms, Songmei took a second to stare at it, remembering all the moments, nights, and hours she used to share with Plum. Having been one of her few comforts, Songmei almost began tearing up as she squeezed it a few times in her hands. 

Moving Plum’s little arms like she used to in the past, Songmei had a conversation with it like the old days. 

Well, unlike the old days, Songmei kept the conversation to a whisper. Feeling the waves of nostalgia begin to crash against her like a rock on a beach, Songmei could only give a faint smile as her tiredness began to creep back up, arms began to hurt more, and eyes began to close. 

Hugging Plum close to her chest, Songmei cuddled back up to a very asleep Mingqing, relaxing into the waves of fatigue and dozing back off. 


Blinking her eyes open, Songmei was greeted with a tired “Oh you’re awake too?” from Mingqing. Giving Mingqing a hug in response, Songmei laid there as a huge yawn meandered its way out of her mouth. “Morning...” 

Laying there without much conversation, the two did a mix of dozing off and cuddling as the sun rose higher into the sky. Having a light conversation about their favorite foods and why they liked them, Songmei’s stomach rumbling pushed them out of bed. 

“What time is it?” Songmei yawned as she pulled on some random comfortable clothes to keep her warm. Sitting beside the bed, Songmei blinked her eyes as she stared out the window. It felt so weird having a mixture of sleepiness and hunger whirling around in her mind. 

Getting pulled up by Mingqing, who Songmei could tell was feeling something similar, Songmei gave her a hug as Mingqing answered with “nine in the morning.” 

“We really slept for twelve hours huh...” Songmei shook her head as they made their way downstairs. “Also, I almost had a heart attack. I was like... what if Xueli’s just chilling on the couch waiting for us when we go downstairs.” 

“Oh, then you saw the pile of blankets we left here?” Mingqing laughed, picking up the blankets they had left on the couch the day before as they walked by. Dropping the blankets on a different couch, Mingqing followed Songmei into the kitchen. 

Coming to a stop right in front of their counter, Songmei waited for Mingqing to join her as they were greeted by a hand-written note. 

“Xueli’s?” Mingqing asked as she looked around. 

“Xueli’s.” Songmei nodded, pointing to the bottom where it was signed. “Okay give me a second I can read it if you want?” 

Getting a nod and a hug from Mingqing, Songmei squeezed her back as she picked up the note to read it. Staying in the embrace, Songmei rested her chin on Mingqing’s shoulder as she cleared her throat. 

[My lovely disciples, I hope this note finds you well.

I’m sure when you’re reading this, you two will be very tired, very hungry, and still in pain. The soreness will fade in a couple days, don’t worry. But the other pain will last a fair bit longer as you two heal from the multitude of wounds you sustained. 

Just like last time, make sure to take proper care of your wounds so they heal well! Otherwise, a stern talking to will be in both of your futures. 

As for me, I will be taking care of some business back at the sect (I’ll be getting cleaners for your rooms to dust everything off and preparing for both of you two to come back). You two, make sure to rest and finish up sorting everything out over there. 

I believe some of the masters will be staying over there to help you all with the more political aspect of things. Running a new election, publishing the results you all found, and more. For the most part, I’d recommend you two just... stay out of it. Feel free to join, of course, but I’d like you two to rest and heal up. Hurt people should be staying in bed, not running around fixing the political order of a city. 

Just leave it up to your friends, they’re all very capable and responsible!]

Pausing, Songmei leaned back a little to make eye contact with Mingqing. “I feel like she’s giving us some... not great advice...” 

“You know? Don’t worry about it, I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Mingqing chuckled, squeezing Songmei before letting her continue. 

[As you may have gleaned earlier in the letter, you two will be returning from Westriver soon. From how scheduling has been working out, I’d say you two have about another week. 

I know you two will be sad to hear this, but don’t worry. You two will have ample opportunities in the future to hang out with your friends. Plus, with your terminals, you two can have video calls, the future is now, you two!

Now... what else?

I don’t have much to say. I’m just so proud of you two! Having watched your battle in its entirety yesterday, I really saw your tangible growth from the last time you two fought seriously.

You two are lovely, so take care!

With warm regards, 

Your lovely, amazing, super-awesome, super-wise master, 

Liu Xueli.

P.S. There’s going to be a huge event back at Starlight Lake when you two return to celebrate your achievement of breaking Yan Mingliang’s record. I heard Yan Mingliang will be showing up because it's his dear baby sister too!]

Finishing the letter, Songmei heard a long sigh escape Mingqing’s lips. Giving Mingqing a few pats on the back as she untangled herself from the hug, Songmei opened the fridge to grab some food to cook for breakfast. “Everything alright?” 

“I’m just getting tired already from all the ceremony that’s going to go on.” Mingqing groaned, facepalming as she followed Songmei. “I’m happy to see Mingliang again... but... you know. I’d rather see him in a more informal way... Well, it doesn't matter. Let’s just make some breakfast for now. What are you having?” 

Hey friends~!! wooo this is a big week for so many reasonssss
uhh... well... one is that Songmei is finishing this week on SH and WN woot woot
Another is that i'm starting to post my new book on patreon! wooo It's called Leaves of Dawn so you all can look forward to itttt
other than that though... it's the last week before thanksgiving break T~T I'm so excited for break... I need the sleep... my daily 9.5 hours just isn't enough yk yk? I need the solid 13 hours a day- lmfaooo
Anyway, on a more serious note, my weekend's been chill ig... Been in kinda a bweh state but I think it's just because I have a lot of work to do lmfao- 

Thanks for reading though as always reader friends <3 your support means the world to me...
Take care~!! <3<3
and don't forget to smile :)

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