Crystal Constellations

40: Elevator Music That Needs More Than Just Moral Support

Elevator music... 

How was it still bad in the cultivation world? 

The audio quality sounded like the speakers were being blown out every three seconds and the ‘smooth’ saxophone sounded more like.... Sounded more like a dead fish being dragged over jagged rocks. 

Putting aside the elevator music that needed more than just moral support, Lin Songmei leaned against the wall of the glass elevator as it ascended towards one of the higher floors. 

At least the receptionist had been welcoming, she had managed to sort everything out in only a few minutes, giving their terminals access to their rooms along with an access pendant. 

So fancy! 

The orphanage the Songmei used to stay at was probably a century behind this place! They still used keys and number pads! 

Living in the future, truly... 

Well, living in privilege might be a more accurate way to put it. 

The apartment building was, in Songmei’s eyes, the epitome of privilege. It was... U shaped? The main building had what Songmei felt was ten floors? But with a courtyard, or small park depending on how it was defined, in the center of the roof, and another ten stories worth of building surrounding it, the building seemed like a U when viewed from the front. 


Songmei had lucked out too! The apartment she was sharing with Yan Mingqing was on the corner of the building, the 19th and 20th floors. According to the receptionist, although all the apartments were all of similar-ish quality, the direct disciples did get better apartments. 

As all the apartments from Floor 15 onwards were two story apartments, the elevator ascended, smooth as a gentle stream, coming to a stop, its glass doors sliding open to the hallway of the 19th floor. 

The hallway was nice, it wasn’t much to write home about, not that Songmei really had someone or somewhere to write home to other than her master Liu Xueli.

Well, she could write to the orphanage but that’d be weird... the head lady pretty much shooed her away and didn’t want to hear from her again. 

Reading the sign posted on the wall of the hallway, Songmei called out to Mingqing who had gone to read the other sign, “We need to go this way, to the right, our apartment’s over here.” 

“Ahh, thanks,” Mingqing murmured, joining Songmei as the two walked down the hall, looking for the farthest door at the end. “Are you excited? The receptionist said that we came just in time. That this was the best apartment and had just been sitting there empty for a few months after the last owners returned to the sect.” 

“I am,” Songmei agreed with a smile, coming to a stop before the last door, checking its number to make sure it was the correct room. “There’s so much Starlight Lake stuff everywhere though! I saw a gift shop down there on the first floor. They were selling bags, hats... everything! Even the plaque here, the one that says the room number, has a little Starlight Lake emblem on it.” 


With that, Songmei pushed the door open, letting Mingqing in before closing the door, pushing her silver-white hair back before it got caught. 

The door closing behind her with a click, Songmei saw that the apartment... was nice, really nice. The far wall being a wall of windows, it let beams of golden sunlight into the apartment, illuminating the kitchen and the living room on the first floor. The kitchen, though constructed well, was still bare-bones, most disciples staying here would get takeout, eat in restaurants, or eat in the wilderness after all. 

On the other hand, the living room was furnished well, couches, cushions, tables, rugs, a nice view, it had it all. 

Taking off her shoes in the doorway, Songmei walked further into the apartment, chasing behind Mingqing who had already disappeared upstairs while Songmei was gawking at the first floor. 

Making her way upstairs, Songmei explored the second floor before freezing as she opened the door to the last room. 


Upstairs, although it wasn’t much, had two bedrooms, two closets and a bathroom, the second to the bathroom already downstairs. 

However, that wasn’t what grabbed Songmei’s attention. As Songmei entered the last room she hadn’t looked at yet, the second bedroom that was in the corner of the apartment, with two walls of windows facing the bed, she had frozen because of Mingqing.  

Girl was pretty! Pretty as hell! She panicked after seeing a hot person!! 

The sunlight had illuminated her usually dark-blue hair, brightening it to make it seem a much lighter shade of blue. Beyond that, with the beams of sunlight passing by Mingqing as she turned when Songmei entered, Mingqing’s golden, ruby-flecked eyes seemed much more pretty than usual too... 


Closing the door, Songmei leaned against the wall just next to the door, calming her heart as her face went red. 

She wasn’t used to seeing Mingqing like that... 

Unbeknownst to Songmei though, Mingqing, after seeing Songmei burst through the door and then close it again, was now resting her forehead against the window. 

A pink tinge on her cheeks as she pressed her fingertips against the cooling glass, Mingqing let out a long sigh, calming her own racing heart. 

In that last moment, where an uncountable number of emotions flitted across Songmei’s usually stoic face, Mingqing had been stunned for a second, not processing anything as Songmei’s hair seemed to glitter under the sunlight, her usual dull gray–ish eyes seemed... so silver and bright for just a moment... 





A few minutes passed as the two lovebir-... no... the two platonic best friends sorted out their feelings, with each person calming their hearts and pushing their thoughts aside. 

Mingqing, having gathered herself, went and pushed the door open, poking her head out, inviting Songmei in to take a look at the room. 

“It’s... it’s really nice.” Mingqing murmured, hoping that her awkwardness wouldn’t be noticed by Songmei. “A large bed, some cute lamps, nightstands, and large windows.” 

“I-It is... yeah,” Songmei agreed, walking over to the window and staring out at the sprawling view of the central district while hoping that her awkwardness wouldn’t be noticed by Mingqing. 

An awkward pause falling between them, Mingqing flailed for a second, searching her pockets before pulling out a half-wrinkled note. “So... so uhh... when I first came in here, this was taped onto the window...” 

Climbing over the bed to make her way back to Mingqing who was standing by the door, Songmei sat on the edge of the bed asking, “That’s... cool, that’s fancy, what does it say?” 

“Well,” Mingqing began, trailing off after a word, taking a breath to gather her thoughts before continuing, “Just that the sunset will come through this window, and that it's a really nice view... so... uhm... want to watch it together tonight?” 

honestly my proof reader, PO Box, had such a great comment while she was proof reading this chapter...
At the end she said ermm...
"Yes... the totally platonic two best friends no homo hanging out"
Sorry wanted to share that...

She actually has an acct on SH too... sooo yeyey yeah, go give her some love if you want or stalk her or smthn idk-

... maybe don't stalk her...
yeahhhh, i met her on my book discord tho, she's cool... yesyes

Po if you read this, yes this is just me lauding you

Also I didn't write today... big sadge...
woke up from my nap with a ton of throat pain which A. isn't good and B. got in the way of the whole... uhm... funcitoning part

Thanks for reading thoughh~!!
Take care reader friendss~!!

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