Cultivating Chai

15: To learn, sir

As Xiao Feng approached the pathway that led to the botanical storage, he noticed that the complexity of the melange of aromas assailing his senses only increased instead of decreasing as he distanced himself from the seedbed and the Verdant Harmony Tree.

I guess an alchemist can’t really rely on his sense of smell. It’s too easily disoriented, Xiao Feng thought as he strode into the passageway, his expression thoughtful. As a Foundation Establishment Cultivator, each and every one of Xiao Feng’s senses far surpassed a mortal. Breathing was not only a biological requirement for him, but it was also a way to interact with his environment, take in what information it was willing to offer.

However, Xiao Feng’s sense of smell was attuned to danger. The pungent smell of coagulating blood. Or perhaps, the oppressive stench of certain spiritual beasts that lurked within the Mistveil Bamboo Grove, a heavily forested region that blocked the Frontier Sect from retreating westward.

Of course, such a threat would not be able to stand within the territory of the Azure Lotus Sect unless the benefits it offered far outweighed the risks of keeping it around. The Mistveil Bamboo Grove served as a training ground for cultivators that were either approaching or at the pinnacle of the Qi Gathering realm. Exposing Martial Cultivators to the very real threat of spiritual beasts under conditions of poor visibility meant that they had to rely on their other senses to supplement their sight.

Oh, Xiao Feng thought, as realization struck him. It’s not an alchemist problem. My predecessor was trained to ignore the myriad scents and smells of the forest in favor of aberrations and irregularities. It’s a me problem, damn it.

It made too much sense to ignore. As a cultivator of the Martial Division, he had instinctively learned to pick up on scents he associated with danger. It was only natural that an Alchemist trained from birth would receive a completely different style of education and training.

Well, not much I can do about it. For now, Xiao Feng thought, as he took the second right down the passageway. Gently pushing open the door, he found himself taken aback by the scene unfolding before him.

The first thing that stood out to him was the fact that The Alchemist’s Haven was far larger, almost three times larger than Daoist Jian’s Pill Furnace shop.

The shelves lining the wall were a sight to behold, as Xiao Feng noticed the sheer variety of stocked vials that contained various liquid plant extracts, dried plants that were tied in tied in sheafs of five to ten and sealed jars that seemed to contain desiccated spiritual beast parts— each and every item within the store meticulously labeled.

Before he dove into the treasure hoard, Xiao Feng’s gaze turned to the far corner of the room, where he had noticed a bored looking Alchemist Designate half-heartedly flipping through the pages of a book. It was the paraphernalia arrayed behind him, hanging from hooks on the wall. From a variety of sharp knives that ranged from very small to almost a sword to mortars and pestles, cutting boards and metal rulers.

There was also a weighing scale placed on the table the alchemist designate was seated behind, one of those old school ones that used a variety of actual weights. There was no pill furnace in sight, which Xiao Feng shouldn’t have been surprised about— using fire near a hoard of valuable materials was a bad idea.

Xiao Feng allowed his gaze to sweep over the entire shop, noticing three more alchemist designates that seemed to be employees of the store along with a dozen or so regular customers.

Well, it’s about time I get this show started, Xiao Feng thought, as he walked over to one of the many shelves housing sheafs of spiritual plants.

He activated the Essence Cultivation Art.

Holy crap, Xiao Feng thought, as he took in the sheaf of silver-leaved ferns, seeing right through their physical structure. Their structure appeared to him in the form of a tiny, branching tree, its stem resembling a tree trunk. He noticed the tiny core bobbing up and down its stem, observing it with curiosity.

However, Xiao Feng’s fascination originated from an entirely different aspect.

I can tell, He thought. The one that shines the brightest, possesses the greatest amount of Qi, Xiao Feng’s expression was focused as he picked out one silver-leafed fern from the sheaf, holding it before him with fascination in his gaze.

One of the reasons why Alchemists fail a pill refinement is because it’s difficult to keep their materials’ potency consistent across attempts. On the other hand, I can simply pick out the most potent materials each time while making sure they’re consistent, He concluded, before putting the silver-leafed fern back.

As he walked towards the alchemist designate that was manning the weighing scale, he cut off the Essence Cultivation Art. There was no backlash to his cultivation base, but Xiao Feng found it too disorienting to take in that much visual input at one time, especially when there was no need for it.

He came to a stop before the alchemist designate, just as he flipped to the next page of the book he was reading.

Then, the next.

After realizing that the alchemist designate was entirely content to ignore him if he did not make a request, Xiao Feng spoke up, “Excuse me.”

“Yes?” The alchemist designate tersely replied.

“I want these items, please,” Xiao Feng said, as he offered him a slip of paper he had written his request onto.

Thankfully, the alchemist designate was not boorish enough to ignore his request entirely. The slip of paper was plucked away from his hands, even as the alchemist designate continued reading his book with the other.

“Hm,” He hummed in thought. Then he closed the book was reading and kept on the desk, as he considered Xiao Feng’s note again. “Uh, you’re a new recruit, right?” He asked.

“Yes, sir,” Xiao Feng replied with humility in his tone.

“What’s your name?” He asked.

“Xiao Feng, sir.”

“Well Xiao Feng,” He addressed him with bafflement in his tone. “Is this your idea of playing a joke on me?”

“No, sir.”

“Xiao Feng, pray tell me what you require two sets of every edible, non-toxic spiritual herb in the entire shop for?” He asked, as annoyance seeped into his tone.

“To learn, sir.”

“Look recruit,” The Alchemist Designate snapped. “Can you even pay for a tenth of all this?”

Xiao Feng chose to reply with his actions, as he pulled a gold tael out of his pocket and placed it on the counter.

“I would also require any spices you have, along with as many vials of edible spiritual beast milk you have on hand. Well, as long as it lasts at least a month before expiring,” Xiao Feng decided to strike while he had the upper hand and his metaphorical opponent was too dazed to protest.

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