Cultivating Chai

45: Surprise Test


Arrayed before Lianhua and Xiao Feng were seven different ingredients, some contained in sealed glass vials while others were kept out in the open.

“Now,” Lianhua began, before her lips curled up into a mischievous smile. “It is time for a surprise test.”

Xiao Feng blinked, requiring a moment to take in the declaration before he replied, “Bring it on.”

Lianhua seemed to have all intention to, as she reached for a vial that was full of a thick, silver fluid that seemed to be on the verge of coagulation.

“Identify this,” Lianhua commanded.

“Bone marrow of the Stoneback Ursine,” Xiao Feng replied.

“Why are we using this ingredient first?”

Xiao Feng surreptitiously activated his essence cultivation art, to confirm an answer that he was already certain of. It was a great learning exercise and another way to make sure he wouldn’t forget what he had already memorized.

“Due to its Qi Density,” He replied. “The bone marrow of the Stoneback Ursine serves as a great base for the pill because a newly hatched beast needs nourishment and the ingredient in question contains no shortage of unattuned Qi.

“If that is the case, then why not feed the bone marrow to the beast directly?” Lianhua countered.

“Because a newly hatched beast would not be able to process such a vast reserve of Qi on its own. In fact, such quantities of unattuned Qi may even lead to Qi deviation if the newly hatched beast is not able to expel it. That is why we need to refine it in the first place, even if it means that a large reserve of Qi contained within the base ingredients are lost.”

“Good,” Lianhua complimented, accepting his answer. “What is the second ingredient we refine together with the first?” She asked, gesturing to the six remaining ingredients that had been placed to the side of the pill furnace.

Xiao Feng pointed to a second vial, full of a pinkish-red liquid that was resting inert in its glass casing, before answering, “Blood extract of a lesser shadow wyrm.”

“Correct. Why?”

“Beasts that cultivate Shadow Qi from birth develop a strong resistance to most natural toxins. The hope is that the newly hatched beast adapts some of that resistance for itself.”

Lianhua nodded, before continuing her onslaught of questions, “Name the eighth ingredient.”

Oh, a trick question, Xiao Feng thought, his lips curling in amusement.

“My Qi,” He replied.

“That is why the beast-bonding pill is so difficult to refine,” Lianhua explained. “You need to imbue your Qi while you are refining the pill, which is a challenge in and of its own. The control required for it is not something even I can successfully replicate in every attempt.”

“Wait,” Xiao Feng muttered aloud, as eyes widened in realization. “What is your success rate?” He asked, alluding to the beast-bonding pill

“Will you promise not to tell anyone else?” Lianhua asked through pursed lips, her expression looking hesitant as she gazed into his eyes.

Xiao Feng gulped and then nodded, before saying, “Yes.”

“One in three.”

“I… see,” Xiao Feng replied, as the gears in his mind whirred.

A regular alchemist designate has about a one in fifteen chance. Lianhua, on the other hand, can refine a pill as complex as the beast-bonding pill once in three chances. Is that the gulf between alchemists and senior alchemists or is Lianhua particularly talented even among her ilk?

Before Lianhua could move onto the next question, Xiao Feng addressed her, “Lianhua.”


“There’s one thing that I don’t understand.”

“What is it?”

“The burner. That crystal is different from the one I used in the alchemy vaults. But I’m more confused about why you need it. Don’t you have an alchemist’s flame?” Xiao Feng asked, clearly confused about the matter.

“Oh. Did I not tell you?” She asked.

Xiao Feng shook his head.

“The alchemist’s flame isn’t meant to be a replacement for the amethyst dragonstone burner. Which is just a more potent variant of regular dragonstone. I don’t use it as a heat source, because that would just be too wasteful. Instead, I imbue the properties of the alchemist’s flame directly onto the refining materials, loosening their old bonds as the flame makes the melange come together as one and adding new medicinal properties,” Lianhua patiently explained.

An idea sparked in Xiao Feng’s mind as he listened to Lianhua’s words, but he reluctantly shelved it away for now.

After class, I’ll ask her. It shouldn’t need much of her flame, even a thimbleful would work, Xiao Feng thought.

“So, you essentially use your alchemist’s flame to speed up the refining process while also enriching the end result?” He asked, his tone thoughtful.

“Yes, indeed. I am a wind refinement alchemist, after all. If I was like my father, who could endlessly regenerate his alchemist’s flame, I would not be so sparse with its use. Though you must understand, most alchemist flames are not even a quarter as useful as my father’s. To cultivate it requires time, effort and most importantly, patience, as you try to force your body to adapt and naturally recreate it.”

“So, even if you were a flame cultivator, there’s no guarantee you’d be able to learn it?” Xiao Feng asked.

“No, but having it stored within your dantian would make the process easier by several degrees. Many flame alchemists covet my father’s alchemist flame, even though they do not voice their jealousy out loud.”

Xiao Feng blinked and then took a deep breath.

“Is Alchemist Zhi a flame cultivator?” He asked.

Lianhua blinked as well, as she paused to consider the question.

“Yes,” She replied.

“Huh,” He muttered. “Could that have anything to do with him going after me?”

“I… don’t see what the connection could be,” Lianhua’s right palm cupped her chin as she thought the allegation through. “But, it is possible.”

Man, now I really need to take the gloves off. Alchemist Zhi is making this personal, Xiao Feng thought, as annoyance flared in his heart.

“Well, let us not digress any further. Tell me, Xiao Feng, what do the five remaining ingredients do?”

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